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After the weekend at the cabin Maggie wouldn’t worry about running to change when Mark or Bill dropped by. Now that everyone knew how our relationship was.
And if the mood or sex drive flared up. One or two and sometimes all three of us would have a night of raw sex with her. So basically Maggie had three men to fuck her. But she liked to play out side of the circle as well. One night we ordered a pizza pretty late,almost to the cutt off deadline for deliveries. It was late like I said. So Maggie of course had very little on. She was feeling ornery. Asking if she should answer the door like this. Now let me explain her wardrobe it was a t- shirt. No arm sleeves with each side cut open. So no matter what you was seeing her tits at the very least. And very short,stopping just below her pussy. So any movement you was definitely seeing her shaved pussy. About 15 minutes later the knock on the came, and off she went to retrieve our pizza. It was a younger boy probably a virgin still. Maggie had him all flustered. Giving him about a 5 minute show. Maggie could see that the boy was completely hard as a rock and very embarrassed trying so hard to hide his erection. After he left I’m sure, happy and stroking his cock to the images of her burnt into his memory. Maggie began to feel bad about teasing the boy like that. I told her to order something small an quick and to make sure they have him deliver it because of his politeness and his timely delivery also that you’d like to give him a bigger tip. Maggie wasted no time making that call and the order should be here directly. Maggie changed into just her robe I made myself scarce not to scare the boy. He was here. Knocking on the door Maggie opened it to his smiling face. She motioned for him to come in. Taking the food Maggie told him that she was so happy to have caught him because she wanted to give him a bigger tip. The poor boy already was rock hard. He stuttered telling her that she didn’t have to and her compliments to his boss was thanks enough. Maggie slowly walked to him undoing the belt that held her robe closed. Telling him that she just wanted to thank him personally. Then dropping the robe to the floor. Reaching for the elastic waistband of his shorts pulling them to his ankles as she knelt infront of him. Softly took his cock in hand. Right before she took him into her mouth Maggie looked up at him and told him thank you then slowly took him completely into her mouth. The boy had to set down from the pleasure he felt. He began to breath short and deep thrusting up to meet her mouth he yelled that if you don’t stop I’ll cum. Maggie told him that she is a real woman and they never stop. Then quickly returned his cock to her mouth. He jerked. Or more like spasmed in her mouth as he shot long hard gushes of cum into her throat. Using her throat muscles to milk the head of his cock. After letting loose 6 hard shots of his thick cream into her. He had to calm down before leaving. And now we have a personal pizza delivery every other Friday now

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