After work adventure Sex stories – Y2Stories.Com

I m a twenty five yr old woman who works in a office all week I have a firm body with 32d tits after work on friday I decided to go tp a bar on the way home to have a couple of drinksand unwind,I m single and shortly after I arrived and sat down I ordered a drink I was wearing a short skirt and top with thigh highs, as I was enjoying my drink a young black man sat next to me and started a conversation, soon we were laughing and having a nice time as we had another drink ,he asked me if I wanted to go back to his place for a nitcap and I agreed ,after we arrived he made me a drink and we chatted some more ,he smiled as we put our drinks down and he took me into a kiss I enjoyed it as we kissed again I felt his hand caress my thigh ,I moaned and then we heard a lite knock on the door,he answered it and soon he was coming ack with a friend of hisand introduced us as they sat on either side of me ,soon they both were caressing my thigh and taking turns kissing me ,then I felt a hand slide up and stroke my pussy it felt nice I hadn t had sex in a week and soon we went to the bedroom and we undressed, they both had 9″ dicks and I was taking turns sucking them hard,after I did I laid back on the bedand spread one of them started eating my pussy while the sucked my tits and kissed me,it felt wonderful,then one of them laid down next to me and had me get on top so I slowly slid down his cock til he was all inside of me and then I felt the other guy start lubing my ass,at first I wasn t sure about it until he started pushing slowly into me it hurt a littleas he went deeperand then he was in me and they worked me until they both cum inside of me,it was hot and I loved it soon they took turns fucking me , I staued the weekend with them fucking them bothand now we have sex often

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