Big brother johnny and his sister britney Sex Story for free – Y2Stories

My name is Britney and I’m 5’2 and weigh about 119 pounds ,I have long black hair and some older guys tell me that I resemble Betty Paige ,the pin-up lady from the 1950’s but I don’t think so .


I live with my mom (Courtney) and my two older brothers’ Dave who is (30) and my oldest brother and John who is (27) is my second oldest brother but he likes to be called Big John and soon I will be finding out why he likes to be called big John ,and I’m Britney and I’m (16) and the only girl and the baby of the family .Our dad walked out when I was just born and mommy Courtney had to bring up all three of us by herself , plus work a fulltime job as a nurse .

It was early Saturday morning and I have ballerina training class at 10:am so I’m putting on my Ballerina outfit on which consists of my white tights and satin blue leotard and my white lace tutu .

It’s only 7:30am and my mom Courtney is going to drive me to my classes but I dressed up too early and mom is still in bed so I’m in my bedroom which is decorated in pink and white, my pillows are pink and very soft and fluffy so I’m laying down on my bed wearing my ballerina outfit watching Netflix .

Suddenly my brother John is at my doorway checking how comfortable and sexy I looked lying on my bed ,

“Hey Britney !! “where’s my breakfast”?? My brother John asked me .

“Your a big boy !! oh ! I mean big John !!! I’m sure you can find something to eat”!!! I sarcastically said to John with a bitchy smirk on my face .

Without any word John crawled into bed with me to watch Netflix .He was laying up on my pillows with me , when our older brother called out from downstairs in the kitchen, where is breakfast so I yelled out the same answer that I told John, who is now laying beside me in my bed getting really fresh with me by slowly putting his hands on my ass and legs and feeling me up through my white nylon fabric of my tights and I keep slapping and pulling his hands off me but he just keeps being fresh with me .In the mean time Dave our older brother yelled out to us that he’s going food shopping ,we heard the front door open then close and Dave driving away .

I turned towards John and pushed myself up against him with my 32-DD tit’s pressed up tight against his side .My older brother being the perverted guy he is, turned and faced me as well .I playfully bit my lip and licked my lips with my tongue in a swirling motion and I stared at him with my brown seductive eyes daring him to make a dirty move towards me .

John reached around and grabbed my ass and he felt my ass through my ballerina tights and the lower part of my satin blue leotard, and when he had a hold of my ass he gently started massaging and feeling my ass up, he was pushing his fingers through the bottom part of my leotard and had them up against the white nylon fabric of my tights covering my pussy .He even pulled me closer towards him while he was also squeezing and feeling up my ass .

I put my sexy white nylon covered leg up over his side so he has more access to my ass and pussy and I let out a little moan , “Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!!!! Johnny”!!!!!!!!!!!

I then playfully pushed John on his back and laid on top of him as my big tits are pushing through the top section of my satin blue leotard and against his hairy chest. I have both of my white nylon covered legs spread out on either side of him ,he kept squeezing and feeling my ass while pulling me towards his crotch ,as I leaned over and kissed him .

My pussy was getting wet and aching to cum and my older brother couldn’t believe what was happening ,then he suddenly didn’t give a fuck if anyone found out what he’s going to do to me .

“Mmmmm”!!!!!! Britney !! my little sexy fuck slut sister !! you really like that don’t ya”???

I was moaning while grinding my white nylon covered pussy against John’s dick ,he then reached up and grabbed the back of my ponytail and pulled me face down to kiss him hard while he slapped my pouty ass covered tights hard with his other hand making me yelp out ,”Owhhhhhhhh”!!!!

My white ballerina tights are now tightly crammed up in between my ass cheeks and after he was done smacking my ass he reached further behind my ass ,in between the fabric of my leotard he touched my slippery wet pussy through the white nylon fabric of my tights .John pushed me off him for a second while he took his pants off then he pushed me back against my fluffy pink pillows with him on top of me .

My brother John started squeezing both of my big tit’s together and eagerly started sucking one of my nipples while I reached down fingerbanging my wet pussy through my ballerina tights and moaning out , “Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh”!!!!!! “Ohhhhhhhhhhhh”!!!!!!! “OHhhhhhhhhhh”!!!! Johnny”!!!!!

While I’m listening to him suck my big tits ,he replaced my hand with his and he pushed my lower leotard fabric that’s covering my pussy to the side and he ripped a tiny hole in my white tights then he started fingerbanging my pussy through the hole that he just made through them and at the same he’s continuing to suck both of my big tit’s .I couldn’t help it as I started bucking underneath him, while I reached down and grabbed his hard dick , “OHhhhhhhh”!!! John !! I want you to fuck me with this”???

I moaned while I was enjoying the finger fucking my older brother was giving me .

Without any hesitation my big brother John slid his cockhead between my tight, pink, wet pussy lips ,teasing me as I moaned out , “Ohhhh !!! please Johnny !! don’t tease me”!! “Please fuck me”!!!

“How bad do you want my big dick ! my little slutty sister Britney”!!!??

I leaned up into his face and kissed him roughly and then licked his cheeks and face as I stared at him with my seductive eyes and licking my lips while he pushed his dick straight through the hole in my tights and right into my pussy ,then he grabbed both of my hands and pinned them back against my pillows .

“Your one horny slut Britney”!!!!! My big brother said to me .

My brother grabbed the both of my white nylon covered legs and he put them over his upper muscular arms and started screwing and pounding the hell out of me, all that I can see is both of my white nylon covered legs are freely rocking and swaying roughly back and fourth causing me to squeal out ,

“Ohhhhhh”!!!! “Ohhhhhhh”!!!!! “OHhhhhh”!!!!!!! J….Johnny y…your so r….rough with me”!!!!!!!

“OHhhhhh”!!!! “god”!! “OHhhhhh”!!!! “no”!!! “OHhhh !!! my god Johnny”!!!!! your dick is so big”!!!!!!!!!!!

John let go of my arms and told me to squeeze and fondle my tit’s for him while he grabbed hold of my headboard and started piledriving his 9 inch dick into my pussy and womb, harder and faster while my white nylon cover legs are now violently rocking back and fourth with every hard thrusting fuck my brother is giving me. while he’s pulling himself hard against my headboard trying to fuck me as deep as he can and my bed is smacking hard against my bedroom wall loudly as I’m yelping and squealing out ,”OH JOHNNY”!! OH JOHNNY”!! OH BIG BROTHER !! FUCK YOUR BABY SISTER”!! “OHH”!

Suddenly while my big brother is screwing and fucking the daylights out of me ,we heard a car drive up .Oh NO ! our older brother Dave is home .

“OH FUCK”!!! I need you to make me cum Johnny !! I moaned out from underneath him .I reached down and started rubbing my pussy while my brother kept fucking me as he reached down with his head and kept sucking my tits, while he’s screwing and pounding me into the headboard ,

“OH ! OH !! “OH MY GOD !! THAT’S IT”!!!! I screamed and moaned out as I came hard all over John’s dick !

While I’m orgasming all over John’s 9 inch dick ,he kept on non-stop, screwing and pounding my pussy harder and faster while I can hear his low hanging balls slapping against my white ass covered ripped tights. while he’s still holding on to the headboard pulling himself harder and deeper into me, as his knees started to buckle .Then finally I heard him grunting out loud ,



Oh my god ! my big brother John completely flooded my young tight pink pussy with his baby making sauce , then soon after he was done emptying his balls into me ,we heard the front door open downstairs and it was Dave our older brother .Johnny jumped out of my bed and quietly ran down to his bedroom and closing my bedroom door .

I laid back on my pink pillows and reached down and touched my sloppy pussy that is full of Johnny’s sperm and it’s leaking all his love juice down into my ballerina tights .

I quickly washed my pussy out and put on a new pair of white dancing tights ,then I opened my mommy Courtney’s bedroom door and woke her up to take me to ballerina class . She looked at me and gave me a kiss and told me that I’m so pretty and to wait for her to get dressed to drive me to dancing class .


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