Collage slut pt 2 hot Sex Stories – Y2Stories.Com

When I got back to my dorm room I met my room mate, she was a very attactive blonde with 32 c tits and a very sexy body, we chatted for a while and I found out she akso loved sex alot also. That night we both slept well and the next day she showed me around, we stopped to talk to a couple of guys and they invited us over to there dorm room that evening and we said yes. That evening we both showed up and we chatted with some more we were both wearing shorts and tshirts we both liked them and soon they were kising us and caressing our thighs they both had a bed of there own and as I went over to the bedi smiled at my guy and got on my knees in front of him and he slid his 8″Dick out and I sucked him hard and then we undressed I could see my rom mate doing the same he asked me to lay back and idid and spread wide for him, he was soon eating my pussy and it felt great I heard her moan also soon he was postionong himself and I felt him sliding into mei wanted it badly as he started fuckingg me I smiled up at him and moaned I wrapped my legs around him as he fucked me harder each time he filled me soon I felt his dick swell and then I felt the hot rush of his hot sperm deep inside my pussy I cum hard on himand then he slid out.Then I noticed my room mate she was riding her guy on top of him and then he grabbed her hips and pulled her down on his dick as he cum inside of herfilling her up as she laid down on top of him.Agter I rested I rolled over and started sucking my guys dick soon he was hard I noticed his balls were still full he smiled as I got on top and slid down on his hard dick I slowly rode him until he cum again then we slept awhile and we both went back to our dorm and showered

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