College girls courtney and britney get fucked by their college classmate Sex Stories Cool – Y2Stories

College girls Courtney and Britney study more than math .

I just got laid off from my job as a book binder from my company that I worked at for 15 years so after
thinking about what I’m going to do now , I decided to be certified public accountant but I need a degree in accountant math .

So I enrolled at Boston University for the math course . I was sitting behind Britney and Courtney , the
three of us spoke often and we became friends . Britney is 26 and has dark brown hair that she wears
in a ponytail , and her eyes are brown . While Courtney is about 31 with long sandy brown hair .

They are neighbors and decided to take this course together so they could work toward their college
degree’s together . With the first test approaching they asked if the three of us could study together .

So they decided to study at my place , as we were studying the two of them are flirting with me , so I
extended my right leg so it was touching Courtney’s thigh while Britney’s leg laid on mine .

I decided to see if these two girls were really aroused or just having fun and being flirtatious .

I kissed Britney on the lips for a moment , then I leaned down and kissed Courtney on the lips .
Shortly after that , the three of us were all on my sofa kissing and touching .

Britney and I kissed as the both of us slid our hands into Courtney’s spandex leggings .

“Your wearing panties”? Britney laughed . “You never wear panties”!

“It’s just a fluke”! Courtney snickered . Our fingers ran along her thighs as I pressed my thumb against
her pussy with my palm of my hand on her pussy . She leaned down and bit my shoulder and neck
softly . Courtney and I then attacked Britney kissing her lips and neck and massaging her body .

“Okay”! Britney spoke up . “Everyone has way to much clothing on”!

I took of my T-shirt . I’m in good shape , but hell if the challenge is stripping and the two girls are participating I’ll take the dare . Britney lost her shirt next and Courtney took off hers , I did the same with my jeans and in a few moments the three of us were less covered .

Britney and I returned to our touching of Courtney we both kissed her lips and then her tits .

I lowered my lips to Courtney’s panties as her fingers quickly moved against Britney’s pussy .
I pulled her panties to the side and sucked hard on Courtney’s pussy , looking up to the two lover’s as
they touched and kissed . I love giving oral sex and I felt Courtney’s body shake with the sensations
against her pussy and from kissing her erect nipples .

“I want sex”! Courtney squeaked out . Spreading her legs .

I ran my cock along Courtney’s soaking pussy and began pushing slowly inside as Britney watched .
Britney continued to play with her lover and me , leaning over and kissing my mouth and chest while
Courtney and I fucked .

We enjoyed missionary for about ten minutes with Britney’s hand squeezing her tits .
She enjoyed her orgasm .

“I want doggystyle”! Courtney said . “And I want to taste you”! she said to Britney .

I pulled Courtney off the couch while Britney opened her legs in front of her lover . I pushed into her
pussy as Courtney moved from Britney’s tits to her pussy , pressing her face hard into Britney’s pussy.

I slammed my cock harder into Courtney’s pussy causing a second much louder orgasm which I felt
through my cock .

Courtney screamed out .

I pulled my still hard cock out of Courtney’s pussy as she pushed Britney’s legs open so my waist
can fit between Britney’s legs as her hand traced the sweat to the middle of my chest as I sank my
big cock into her pussy slowly , “Oh my god your huge”!!! she said .

“I’m average size”! “I’m like seven or eight inches hard , pretty average”!! I grinned .

“Your way bigger than I’m use to and your bigger than average”!!

I slowed down so Britney could get use to my size , we fucked each other for awhile enjoying the
sensations .

Britney came twice as I fucked her and Courtney showed her voyeuristic side as she watched the two of us . She leaned over to me biting along my shoulder and neck .

“You like that , huh Brian”? “Fucking her nice tight pussy”!

I nodded my head enjoying the feeling . “Yeah Brian , fuck her , fuck her pussy , you like that”! she
whispered in my ear .
I began fucking Britney even harder pulling my cock out and then thrusting it all the way into her
pussy as far as I can go , she suddenly exploded and orgasmed all over my cock as she screamed
in ecstasy so loud that my neighbors heard her and I blew my entire sperm load deep into Britney’s
womb and now she’s worried that she’s pregnant because I didn’t wear a condom I told her not to
worry that I will take care of her if she is pregnant .
I pulled my cock out from her pussy and sat back looking at the two lovers and I said that I’m all
spent and totally exhausted and they also agreed that they are tired .

The three of us fell asleep and when we woke up the next morning before they left we agreed to get
together again like this for the duration of the college school year , then the three of us hugged each
other and went out for breakfast .



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