daddy’s little sex slave hot sex erotica stories – Y2-Stories

this is the story of how i made my daughter my sex slave . every girl should submit but if they dont that what makes it fun

it was lily’s 18th birthday and i had a little surprise for her . my wife had divorced me so it was just me and lily at home . i had made dinner and we were eating Dinner was perfect, if not outright indulgent. My fingers skimmed the tender flesh of the asparagus, catching a drop of butter at its tip before savoring it thoroughly. I had wanted to spoil my angel Lily for her 13th birthday . Once everything was cleared away, and the sun had dipped low enough to lend the room a soft, ambient glow, I rose from my chair and stepped away from the table. Her curiosity piqued, Lily followed me with her gaze, anxiously nibbling on her lower lip.She watched as I approached the bar cart in the corner, carefully selecting a bottle of rare French wine. I poured two glasses, fiddling with the labels and letting the silence grow thick between us. Finally, I turned back to Lily with a slight, confident smile, my eyes flicking up and down her perfect figure.”Lily,” I whispered, my voice dripping with dark promise. “Come here.Her cheeks flushed, her eyes darted downward, but she never took her gaze away from mine.Her thighs clenched beneath the table; I could see the slightest tremble in her fingers as she reached for her wineglass. Her confidence, enchanting as it were, couldn’t hide her curiosity and inevitable anticipation.

“There’s something I want to give you,” I said casually, trying to sound as nonchalant as possible. I noticed her breath hitch in response, the fine hairs on her arms stand on end. With shaky fingers, she brushed a stray blonde lock from her face and allowed her eyes to meet mine once more.

“Daddy, I-” she started, then hesitantly took a few steps closer. Her bare feet whispered against the plush rug, and I savored the way her slender figure moved with a barely contained grace.Her thighs clenched beneath the table; I could see the slightest tremble in her fingers as she reached for her wineglass. Her confidence, enchanting as it were, couldn’t hide her curiosity and inevitable anticipation.

“You thought I forgot about your present, didn’t you?” I asked with a low chuckle. Lily smiled bashfully and shook her head. “I never forget my little girl’s special day.”

Her breasts rose and fell as she took in a quick breath, the soft curve of her cleavage teasing me.

I slid my hand from her hip and gently pushed her towards the large, four-poster bed that had served as my own personal haven for years. Her legs wobbled as she moved, a mix of fear and excitement coursing through her veins. I could already tell this was a night neither of us would ever forget.

As she stumbled onto the bed, her hands grasping for the cool, soft sheets, I took a step back and admired the vision that was my Lily.

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