Five shades of Nike – Chapter 1 Sex erotica stories – Y2-Stories

These set of stories are a work of fiction although much is based on some stories told in later life to me by a mate “Paul” as real experiences.

Rachel meets Steve – the story.

My brother Steve is a typical white estate chav, out of work and living on a council estate with our single parent mum. Our mum works several part time cleaning jobs to help pay her way, for him, me and my sister. Although Steve was straight it had been known for him to have let some rich guy on the other side of town suck him off for cash (I found out later). The dole (unemployment pay) and a bit of robbing/stealing didn’t always pay for the finer things in life, like booze, weed, cigs, sportswear and trainers. He sat at home on the sofa watching the TV, his younger sister comes in and asks if he’s going out tonight. I would but I ain’t got any dosh (cash). Mums done extra this week, so she’s bound to let you have some. Oh great, I will call Sam she’s been a bit pissed off at me lately as I haven’t been taking her out because I’ve had no money. He calls Sam and at first things are a bit frosty but she’s soon all nice as he can charm the socks off any bird. They agree to meet later and with that Steve hangs up to go charm his mum into “borrowing ” some cash. However, she is in no mood for lending money, and tells him he needs to get a job! He says that he has applied for a couple and ‘is hoping’. As the argument continues, it is disturbed by the buzz of his phone.

Just as he thinks his chances are blown, he gets a text message. It’s Gary, he is in town for work and is in a hotel all alone. There’s the usual waiting for you, the ‘usual’ being £80. He says to his mum, well just so happens they want to see me now so no matter, I’m off out and heads for the door grabbing his coat. He had been flicking through porn on his laptop 18 months ago when he came across a porn scene of a guy paying another guy who was’ straight’ to wank him off and suck him. Normally he would flick past such stuff, but it did get him thinking about getting money and he ended up with an advert on an online Ads site for someone who was willing to pay, which normally would be Gay, Bi or curious. That’s how he ended up meeting Gary, someone who normally would not give him the time of day, as a wealthy businessman. He rides his mountain bike to the hotel and locks it to a bike loop. He strolls in like he is already staying in the hotel and presses the call button on the lift. The doors open and its floor two. Out of the lift and then to room 218. A deep breath of nervousness, he knocks on the door and after a short wait the door opens and standing there is Gary. He is a fit looking guy in his 30s. Why he has to suck off a straight guy is anyone’s wonder. You would think he could pick up any guy rather than pay for it, but it seems he likes Steve. A short bit of small talk and the cash is handed to Steve. Steve goes and sits in a big comfortable chair and Gary comes over and drops to his knees and pulls down his trackies to expose his cock. He places a small towel at the base of Steve’s feet to catch anything from going onto the hotel carpet. His cock is thick and long but is laying there soft. This sort of thing won’t turn Steve on as it is. Or that is what Gary thinks. In truth, it doesn’t take much to get Steve hard and ready for action. A mouth is a mouth, and a hole is a hole.

So, Gary grabs Steve’s cock, strokes it a couple of times and then he takes it into his mouth and starts to suck on the head of his cock. The cock starts to harden, and Steve slightly moans. His eyes are closed tight so he cannot see what Gary is doing. Gary starts to suck deeper now. Slow up and down sucks, with the occasional oral exploration of a certain spot. Gary is hard himself now and reaches down and releases his cock. He grabs it with one hand and starts to stroke it. Both hands now are gripping a cock. Gary starts to pick up pace and there is an occasional noise as a sign of pleasure from Steve. This encourages Gary to speed up. After a few minutes more, Gary takes Steve’s cock out of his mouth and starts to stroke it with his hand. He is now stroking fast with both cocks. He can Steve is now much more stimulated, and he must be getting close. Steve suddenly says he is going to cum, and Gary replaces the hand with his mouth again and sucks quickly up and down as he can see Steve’s lower chest contract, then a groan and then a flood of cum into the mouth. Gary is swallowing some, but keeping some in his mouth too, to taste the salty chav liquid. After a few seconds, Steve has come back down to earth, and his cock has become a bit sensitive to the pleasures being put on it. He says, wow, that was a good one and Gary takes the hint and releases his cock.

He is not done yet and suddenly he is cumming from his cock. Cum is shooting out and although Gary is pointing downwards, one shot ends up on the front of Steve’s Nikes. Gary is panting and Steve is also recovered. Steve looks around the room to get his bearings, then at Gary and smiles and then looks down at the mess Gary has made and then spots the cum on his footwear. He says to Gary, look what you have done to your master, boy. And grabs Gary’s head and forces it down onto his Nikes. Lick it clean he orders. Gary obeys and licks up his own cum from his sneakers. Gary knows that this is all part of the game and if Gary did not want to do it, Steve would not have made him. Gary gets up and goes to the bathroom with the cum sprayed towel and brings one back for Steve to clean any mess on his cock. Steve then says, I better get going and from his wallet Gary hands over £100. Steve says, sweet, and smiles and says, till next time and heads out the door. Gary lays on the bed feeling totally satisfied.

It’s now 8pm and Steve is in the local nightclub. This place isn’t the best place in town, it’s quite big though, on 2 floors, cheap drinks and they let you in wearing trackies and trainers which isn’t the same for most clubs in the town. With money in hand and some vouchers he’d got from some student mates he gets going with the drinks. Sam is also drinking now and suddenly looks over and shouts, Hey Rachel’, and over skips a tall slender girl with a well-defined body and big well-developed chest. She’s a bit older in age to Steve and Sam. They start chatting as Steve returns with more drinks. Steve gets introduced to Rachel, who is an old friend from school. The two girls chat away talking about nothing and now and again Steve chips in with the same level of non-chat. As the night progresses, drinks are downed and Steve starts to notice Rachel almost flirting with him though Sam seems unaware, maybe as she never holds her drink. Sam is feeling the worst for wear by this stage and says she’s going to go out upstairs to sit outside onto the smoking area to get some air. Rachel follows, and for short time Steve is left alone. Suddenly Rachel is there behind him, he turns and sees her. Sam, ok he asks? Yea, she’s just getting some fresh air and having a seat in the smoking area Rachel says. Oh ok, I guess I’ll have to take her home later Steve replies. Rachel says, you’re not going yet are you though? And she smiles at him. No, not yet and he smiles back. Suddenly they are now close together and before Steve takes account of what he’s doing he’s snogging Rachel. She reaches down and starts rubbing his cock through his trackies. Things are now heating up and Steve’s hands are all over her. He is snogging her deeply and then pulls back and says follow me.

They head for the toilets, and Steve drags Rachel into one of the gents’ cubicles and closes the door. They continue to snog each other with pairs of arms exploring their others bodies. Rachel reaches down and starts to pull down his trackies. Steve gets the signal and takes over and pulls his Nike trackies and boxers down. His cock springs out and upwards, fully erect, Rachel crouches down and takes his cock into her mouth. Despite his earlier servicing, his balls and cock are reset and ready to go, as all horny teenagers are. Her tongue explores the cut end of his nice thick rod. She starts to suck and uses her hand to pump up and down while she does it. After a minute of this, Steve pulls her up to standing reaches under her short black skirt and pulls down some silk lace panties. Rachel steps out of them, and then Steve bends her over and starts to lick on her exposed gash. Then he inserts a finger and starts pushing in and out of it. Before long he has 2 to 3 fingers going in and out and fingering upwards to hit her g spot. She’s getting very excited and says, put it in me, with that he shuffles forwards trackies round his ankles resting on his Nike 95s and slides his cock into her pussy with a full forwards motion until he’s deep inside her and the hairs round each other’s sex glands are touching. He savers the intensity of the feeling of his cock deep in her vagina, then starts to fuck her with in and out movements. After a short time, she straightens up and his cock pops out. Sit on the loo she says. He moves over and sits down, she climes on top of him and impale herself on his cock. She starts to ride his cock while facing him and they begin to kiss, tongues exploring each other’s mouth cavity. Soon Steve feels himself getting ready to cum, he pulls his head back slightly, enough to say, “I’m close babe”. She takes that as a signal to speed up and Steve takes it as a signal, he’s not going to pull out now but cum in her. His legs are lifting slightly off the pan now as his legs flex upwards to drive into her deep, his feet flexing in his Nikes. He starts to groan, and this gets Rachel to a point where suddenly she is shaking all over and Steve feels her contracting round his cock. This is enough to push him over the edge and causes his cock to expand and throb. The vein in his cock expands and a jettison of cum floods into her cunt. He groans as he shoots, and Rachel’s movements continue to stimulate the flow of cum until he is spent, and both their bodies go limp for a moment, and they smile and snog for a further few moments until she rises off him. As she does, cum starts to flow back down her pussy and she reaches over and takes some toilet tissue to soak up some of the leak.

She continues to wipe her pussy for a few moments longer until she reaches down picks up her panties and starts to replace them. Meanwhile Steve’s hand reaches down and strokes his semi hard glistening cut cock, wet from cum and pussy juice. She stands up, reaches down and pulls up his boxers and trackies. They both compose themselves and then carefully open the door and exit the cubical. As they exit the toilet a lad is coming in, who looks a bit surprised to see a girl coming out. Wrong door Steve laughs as they head back over to the bar area. Sam comes over, where have the two of you been she says? Rachel needed the loo; I went looking for you but couldn’t find you so went to ask Rachel where you were, cos I saw her in the queue. Then we were chatting, and I waited for her to come out so we could both come and finds you babe. Ok Steve, think I wanna go home Sam says, still feeling shit. Ok babe, take you home, he looks over and winks at Rachel, she smiles back, and Steve and Sam say bye to Rachel and head off towards the exit door. He leads her back home and decides to leave her at her house and continue on home. He’s now feeling rather pissed from the drink himself and he knows Sam’s not going to put out tonight, as he could easily fuck again. As he walks home, he sees Nick crossing the square next to the parade of shops at the edge of the estate. Hey mate, wot you up to? Nothing Nick replies, was going to head home but found I aren’t got my key so going to have to try and clime in the window, as my brothers out with mates. Come to mine instead Steve says, you can crash at mine, mums at work. Ok, and with that they head off to the house. When Steve enters the house, he goes into the kitchen and opens the fridge to find some tins of beer, he walks back into the living room and they both continue to drink. Nick hasn’t had as much to drink that evening but they both get drinking until Steve passes out on the sofa.


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