Grandpa do you know how to make babies 3 Sex Story for free 2024 – Y2-Stories

My 11 year old granddaughter gets her wish and I have her again when her mother catches us

“What do you mean your mother wants one too?” I was standing in the shower with my 11 year old granddaughter after taking her virginity and depositing a healthy load of baby batter into what I am being told was a very fertile womb. “Grandpa you sound surprised … mom was the one that encouraged me to come to you to do what we did … I told her I wanted a baby but didn’t know who to have help me … when she understood I was gonna do it one way or another she mentioned that I had the same sex drive as you and we would be a perfect match…. I think she was kidding until we talked about it and she really did think you are the right one.” “I will have to talk to her about this …. I find it hard to believe …” I told her I had seen you naked and really liked what I saw … you know she admitted she also found you attractive … she masturbates thinking about you you know … she even calls one of her dildos “DADDY”

During all this conversation Jackie had been playing and stroking my dick while the shower ran … the thought of her and now her mother both wanting my dick had me hard in the little hands holding me…. “Ohhhh , grandpa … can we do it again” she asked as she rinsed the soap from my dick and began sucking on the head …. she moved to her knees and began pushing my dick into her little mouth ….

I may be her grand dad but I am still not too old to enjoy the feeling of a willing pair of hands and lips on my dick …. I took her little head in my hands and began pushing and pulling into and out of her mouth … when she thought I was getting close to cumming she pushed me away and stood … looking up at me with a big smile she said ” you know where I want this … where is will do the most good ” as she started to exit the shower I took her hand and turned her around facing the wall of the shower … “Sorry dear … you got me too close … we’re gonna do this right here” I bent my knees and stepped up behind her little ass. She was so short I had to lift her by her hips to get my dick into place … first rubbing along the crack of her ass … humping her little preteen butt … I touched my dick to her tiny asshole and she flinched … she didn’t pull away but tried to move me on down to her honey pot….

She was so small and light I had no problem lifting her but I wanted my hands free to hold her … to feel her young body as I pushed my dick into her pussy … setting her feet on the edge of the tub I was now able to stand up behind her while my dick was aligned with her wet little pussy … she had only lost her virginity a short time ago so she was still very tight but once I got my head between her lips I was able to push in … a little at a time …

“Go slow grandpa I’m kinda sore..” “Sorry dear but you wanted this ..” and I began to pickup speed and depth in pushing my dick into her little preteen pussy …. her little moans of pain soon changed to pure pleasure and she was soon pushing back to meet me … “That’s it dear .. give me your pussy … squeeze your little pussy around my dick” I could feel every little bump and ridge inside her grip me and work to milk my dick of my seed … “So good .. so tight … I love your tiny cunt …” my hands reached around from her hips and grasped her tiny breasts … not much more then just a swelling around her tiny nipples … I squeezed them and caressed them … pinching her nipples and twisting them as she moaned … with my hands no longer holding her hips she held onto the shower bars to keep herself up as I worked my dick deeper and harder into her … I could feel my dick head pushing against her cervix as I bottomed out into her depth … I still was not entirely into her…

She again began moaning and crying out in pain as I pushed harder trying to get completely buried inside … I held myself deep rubbing against her cervix and pushing without success …. I knew if I was to get inside her I would have to force myself into her … and I was determined to bury this load where I would do the most good for her goal of having a baby …. I took both her nipples in my hands and twisting the hard while at the same time I leaned down and kissed her neck then bit her shoulder … as she screamed out in pain I pulled my dick back then slammed hard into her cunt and pushed into her womb …

Her entire body went ridged as all her muscles contracted holding my dick tight into her while she screamed in pain … as her pussy squeezed my dick hard it brought me over the edge and I felt my cum push up and into her tiny womb … she screamed again as she felt my seed fill her then she too had her climax … moaning almost as loud as she screamed … “Yes… Yes … again .. do it again.. fill me .. give me a baby”

She may have been in pain but she knew what she wanted as she pushed hard against me … her hands came up and held mine to her breast … lifting her feet from the side of the tub she was being held up my my dick buried into the young cunt. She withered and moved her ass against me moaning and begging for more as I pumped all I had into her womb … if she was actually in her fertile stage then she most assuredly was getting knocked up now…

I leaned forward and rested my head and a hand against the shower wall as we both moaned and pledged our undying love for each other and the joy we were sharing …. as tight as her cervix held my dick I could not have pulled out if I wanted and just moved against her little butt …

Then … the shower curtain was opened … neither of us could pause in out pleasure but both of us looked to see her mother standing in the bathroom looking at her preteen daughter being fucked by her grandfather…. I had expected her to scream and begin hitting me but she just stood there looking … her eyes moved up and down our bodies taking in all the details of her own father violating her little girl… her own cheeks were flushed as her breathing was deep … then she finally spoke … “I see she finally got what she wanted …. you have always spoiled her…”

Jackie and I had stopped grinding against each other but I held her close to me … my dick beginning to deflate allowed our mutual juices to run out of her pussy and down my legs … her mother then looked sad and said… “why wouldn’t you do that for me when I was younger …” I could hear the tears in her voice … she then turned and as she left the room she called back…. “we should all talk about this and what it will mean to our family … when you get cleaned up come find me in the living room”

I kissed my granddaughter tenderly on her shoulder where I had left teeth marks then lifted her young pussy from my softening dick and stood her up …. we slowly and tenderly cleaned each other and exchanged kisses as we did then we wrapped ourselves in towels and headed down to talk to my daughter … her mother ..

As we reached the bottom of the stairs we could hear her mother moaning … “Why not me daddy?… I wanted you so bad … I wanted your dick in me … ” I could tell she was masturbating as she called out for her daddy to love her.. Jackie held my hand and pulled me into the living room and we watched her mother cum with my name on her lips …

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