Categories: LesbianPreTeenVirgin

Hanna’s Story: Sucking Milk out of My Friend’s Tits Sex Story 2024 – Y2Stories.Com

After being away all summer, Hanna finds her friend Vicky has “developed” a lot. She finds out why, and things led down a path an emotional path.

“Wow, Vicky! Your boobs sure have gotten big over the summer!” I told my friend after our first day of school. We were both eleven and just starting junior high. When I last saw her she was almost as flat as me, but now it looked like she damn near a C-cup, if not actually one.

I wasn’t the only one to noticed either, almost all the guys, and a few of the girls, some of who gave her jealous stares, noticed as well. Hell, even some of the teachers noticed, but didn’t say anything. My grandmother would have said she was a “early bloomer”, but she looked more embarrassed than anything. Embarrassed, and a bit more reluctant to say anything. I wonder if all the stares were getting to her.

I only thought it was natural that she would have big breasts, even if she was a bit small and petite. Hell, her mom had big breasts, and that was before she got pregnant, and she herself is small and petite.

“Umm, thanks, Hanna,” she said, embarrassed at the fact that I noticed her huge breasts. Now I wasn’t gay or even bi… I think. I mean I do like guys, but even I have to admire when a girl has big breasts, especially when they are one of your friends that one has known for years.

Something was going on, and I was afraid to ask what was happening, but I felt I needed to know what was going on so I could help her if I could. So I asked her in a whisper like voice, “is something wrong?”

Vicky took a deep breath and said, “yeah…but I don’t want to talk about it here. Can we talk about it when there are less people around?”

I nodded my and said, “okay. We will talk about it later, okay?”

Vicky smile and said, “thank you.” And then she gave me a hug, which shocked me because she never hugged me before. Hell, I don’t think I’ve even seen her give anyone a hug. Not even her parents. My own parents had even asked her’s if she was mildly autistic, but they assured them she wasn’t.

I didn’t know why Vicky, and honestly it left me confused. We hadn’t seen each other since the being of summer break, despite living only a block or so away from each other. The reason why is because me and my family went to Belgium three days after me and my brother got out of school due to my dad’s job. We didn’t get back until about three days ago, and we all had to adjust to the time difference, plus get basic school supplies at the last minute, so none of us had a chance to chat with our neighbors.

We got out of school around 2:30 PM, and it was the first time we had a chance to talk alone. We also lived close enough to the school that we didn’t need a ride or to take the bus.

So we walked and talked, although until we got a bit aways I was the one doing most of the talking. Vicky however was walking a little bit faster than she normally did, and finally I asked after we got a bit away from everyone, “why are you walking so fast?”

“Umm…” she responded, not sure what to say, “I have to get home to watch my little bother.”

I gave her a curious look, and asked her, “why isn’t your mom doing that?”

Vicky just looked at me confused for a second, then she just broke down and started crying. I gave her a hug, not really knowing what to do, but feeling it was the best thing to do at the moment. Finally, after a ew seconds she admitted to me, “my mom’s dead.”

“What!?” I asked in shock, as I broke our hug, and look her in her still tear filled face.

It took her a moment to compose herself, but finally she she told me. “A couple of days after you went went to Belgium, she gave birth to Danny, and five days later she made a quick run to the store to pick up something she forgot, and a drunk driver hit her head on.”

“My God,” I whispered, and held her tight. I felt awful, not only for what my friend had gone through while I was gone, but also for the fact that I had just made her relive it, and all because I was curious about her big tits.

God, I was an awful friend.

She cried into my shoulder for atleast a minute if not longer. A couple of students walked by and watched us, but I gave them a look that told them, “fuck off and mind your own fucking business.”

Finally, she got her crying done, lifting her head from my shoulder, and telling me, “okay, I feel better now.”

I gave her a smile, glad she was doing better, but she still looked a bit of a wreck.

“So it’s just been you and your dad?” I asked, wondering if she had any help.

Vicky, wiping away a few tears, nodded her, and told me, “yeah. Mrs. Jackson, Sally’s mom, I babysitting Danny while I’m at school and dad’s at work, plus this summer me and Danny would stay at her house when dad was at work.”

I smiled at hearing this, although Sally was a “highly energetic” eight-year-old child, as my grandmother would say. My parents on the other hand thinks she has ADHD, but her parents have assured them that she doesn’t.

We began walking again, this time in a little more of a hurry, but if Mrs. Jackson was baby sitting Danny, why was Vicky in such a rush.

“Vicky, why are you walking so fast, I’m sure your brother is fine,” I assured her, but then she stopped, took a deep breath, turned to me, and said, “you know how my breasts got so much bigger over the summer?”

“Well, yeah. It’s the first I noticed,” I replied, stating the obvious.

Vicky made another deep sigh, and after a long pause, she began to confess, “after my mom… you know… I thought Danny was going to have to be formula feed, but my dad told me he was born with a bit of an immune deficiency, and he would need to drink breast milk inorder to help build it up.”

“Okay, that makes sense,” I thought to myself, because I knew that breast had stuff in it that can help babies build up their immune systems, but without Vicky’s mom around to breast feed Danny, how can he get breast milk? So I asked her, “how were you able to get breast milk for him?”

“Dad tried to have ship it shipped in from organizations that got it from mothers that either over produced it, or their own babies wouldn’t drink their breast milk, but it was hard to get,” she told me with a disappointed sigh.

“Well that sucks,” I said, as we now walked at a normal pace back to our houses.

“Tell me about me about it,” Vicky replied, getting a bit of an uncomfortable look on her face before tell me, “which is why… I looked online for some drugs that would help me produce breast milk.”

I stopped, shocked at what she just told me. I wasn’t even sure what to say, so all I said was, “what? When?”

“A couple of days after… after my mother’s funeral. My dad had said something about having trouble getting breast milk for Danny, so I looked online and found some drugs that would let me make breast milk so I could feed Danny myself.” She confessed, which shocked the hell out of me.

Once I got over my shock somewhat I had to ask, “and your dad agreed to this?”

“Yeah,” she said, admitting to me, “he was still out of it when I brought the idea to him. Hell, I was still out of it to, but I wanted to do something to help, so a couple of days later we went to my doctor, and while he didn’t want to, he wrote a prescription for me, and we ordered the meds online, even paid the extra money for the stuff to get in a couple of days.”

“And you… just started making breast milk?” I asked, curious as to how this stuff work.

Vicky nodded her head, and told me, “it took a couple of weeks, but I did, but my breasts start to grow within a few days, and have kept growing ever since.”

I looked at her chest, then back to her face. At first I thought my friend was just lucky. Natural blond hair, cute petite body, a face of a model, and what I thought were naturally large boobs, but now I found out her boobs weren’t natural, and she was “enhancing” them just to feed her brother because her mother wasn’t alive anymore.

Myself on the other hand I was a natural redhead, with freckles. I wasn’t petite like Vicky was, and I was slightly taller, but I was still slender, or “lanky” as my grandmother would say. I was still pretty, as I had been assured many times when I was feeling down. I didn’t have the model good looks that Vicky had however.

We kept walking towards our street, this a little bit slower, not really saying much either, because I didn’t want to risk her having another breakdown here.

We finally came to the Jackson’s home about fifteen minutes later, which was a couple of houses down from Vicky’s home. Vicky knocked on the door, and a minute later Mrs. Jackson, a pretty dark haired woman in her early thirties greeted us.

“Hi, Vicky,” the smiling woman said before she noticed me and said, “and hello Hanna! How was Belgium?”

I shrugged and told her, “exciting at first, and then it just got boring.”

Mrs. Jackson chuckled a little, “that can had when you spend to much time in one place. Well, you two want to come in, or do you just want to take Little Danny. He did just wake up from a nap and is a bit fussy.”

Vicky shook her head, and told the neighbor, “no. I’ll just take him home and feed him. Besides, Sally will be home soon anyways, won’t she?”

Mrs. Jackson’s smile changed at the mentioning of her daughter. She still had a smile but it looked more ‘forced’ than genuine. She gave a little laugh that also sounded a bit forced, got Danny, still in his baby carrier being fussy and all, and said, “well, I guess it’s best for you three to get going now.”

“Bye Mrs. Jackson,” we said almost in unison, with Vicky adding in, “thank you for watching Little Danny.”

“No problem,” she called out, “see you tomorrow.”

“What was that about?” I asked Vicky as we walked towards her house. “Mrs. Jackson looks like she got… uncomfortable when you mentioned Sally, but tried to hide it.”

“I’ll.. tell you after I feed Danny,” Vicky said, sounding a little bit unsure what to tell me.

We got to her house a couple of minutes later, went inside, and dropped our backpacks on the floor next to the front door, with Vicky being a little more careful as she shifted the baby carrier around while she put her backpack down.

We went into the living room. I sat on the recliner, while Vicky sat on the couch. She to Danny out of his carrier, and held him for a few seconds while he pawed at her breasts.

“Excuse me,” she said as she walked I into her bedroom to feed him I presumed.

She came out a few minutes later, placed Danny into what had been the guest bedroom, and sat back down on the couch.

“Don’t like people watching you breast feed?” I asked my friend in a calm, flat voice.

Vicky shook her head, and told me, “no. I get embarrassed when someone sees me do it?”

“Who has seen you do it?” I asked, curious who was on this list.

Vicky took a deep breath before telling me, “my dad has a few times, but only to make sure I was doing it right. My doctor, but only to make sure everything was okay. Mrs. Jackson, but only a couple of times, and by accident. A couple of girls from our school found out. And Sally.”

“So Sally saw you feeding Danny by accident?” I asked, wanting to clarify some things.

Vicky took another deep breath before answering me, “the first time was an accident, but the next few times wasn’t. She wanted to watch me breast feed my brother.”

“Well, she was a curious girl after all, and that behavior may have been the reason why her mom suddenly got tense, especially if she knew about it,” I thought to myself, but then Vicky, after a pause, continued, “after watching me breastfeeding my brother a few times, she asked if she could… suck my breasts.”

Now this shocked the hell out of me, and while I admit I kind of wanted to have a taste of her milk, I had to ask, “Why? And did you let her?”

“Not… at first…” Vicky stammered, “but after a couple of days, I let her. I was going to just squirt it into her mouth, but she just latched on and sucked on them for a few minute.”

“Holy shit! She let an eight-year-old girl suck her tits and breastfeed from her!” I thought to myself before I asked, “did her mom ever catch you? Is that why she’s acting the way she is when you mentioned Sally?”

Vicky nodded head, confirming something that was in the back of my mind, “she did once. She didn’t try to stop her, but when I talked to her and explained what was going on. She said as long as we didn’t have sex, she wouldn’t try to stop Sally unless I wanted it to stop.”

“Did you two ever have sex?” I asked, wanting to know just how far this went.

Vicky shook her head, and told me, “no. Not with… I mean, we never had sex, but she would sometimes kiss the rest of my body above the waist when she was feeling extra frisky, and she would sometimes get me to suck her own boobs.”

That last part shocked me, even after a day full of them, so I could only ask, “why?”

“She wanted to know how it felt,” she answered, “and said it was only fair if I did it, although I think she was just horny.”

I sat there for a moment, wondering if I should ask my friend this question or not, but decided to just go ahead and ask, “has anyone else sucked your tits?”

Vicky took a deep breath and answered, “Jennifer Lucas did once when she found out I was breast feeding my brother.”

“How did she find out?” I asked. Hell, I was surprised she would even do something like that even if she did find out, because she was one of those ‘good, Christian girls”, as my grandmother would call them, who was always going to and doing stuff at her church, along with her family, who were known to be anti-LGBTQ.

“Me, Mrs. Jackson, Danny, and Sally were at the mall,” Vicky began, “Danny got fussy, and needed to be fed. I thought I had found a place where no one would see us, but she found us. She asked what I was doing, I told her pretty much much everything, and when I put Danny back in his stroller, she asked if she could try some of my milk for herself, and promised not to tell anyone at school if she could.”

“So she blackmailed you to let her suck your tits?” I asked her already knowing the answer.

Vicky nodded her head, “yeah, but Sally had already been sucking on them for a couple of weeks, so I was kinda use to having another girl suck on them.”

“Was that the only time she did that?” I asked a little jealous Jennifer got to suck on my friend’s, although I shouldn’t be, because I was straight… I think.

Vicky nodded her head again, and told me, “yeah. I think she’s kinda avoiding me. She’s even avoided me today, and we have two classes together.”

“She’s probably ashamed she did something her family, and she claims she’s against,” I thought to myself before asking, “anyone else?”

“Umm…” She thought for a moment, not sure how to answer, but after narrowing my eyes she finally answered, “Mary Chang.”

I blinked a couple of times before bursting out in laughter, “ofcourse the only girl in our class who would find out you’re breastfeeding your little brother and ask to suck your tits is the one who told everyone she was a lesbian last year. So how did it happen this time? She catch you breastfeeding Danny at the mall to?”

Vicky looked a little annoyed by my question, which almost caused me to laugh even more, but I held it in while she answered, “that’s exactly what happened, and it was in the same spot too. Although she asked if she could suck my breasts somewhere else but there, because there were security cameras all around. And by the way, she’s bi, not a lesbian. She just prefers girls.”

I shrugged and was about to say, ‘same thing’ but held my tongue and asked, “and she only sucked on your boobs once?”

Vicky shook her head, and admited to me, “no, she’s sucked them several times. She does it whenever we meet up. Sometimes we even…”

She didn’t finish her statement, but I think I knew where she was going, so I added the rest for her, “have sex?”

“At first she just rubbed my pussy and fingered me, then she asked me one day if she could… eat me out, and I let her. The last four times… I also licked her pussy after she licked mine.” Vicky admitted to me, which shocked the hell out of me. I never thought she was into girls. Hell, I thought she was into guys, she even told me herself after Mary came out!

“So… I guess Mary is your girlfriend?” I asked, not sure what the response would be, and she wasn’t.

“No… yes… I don’t know anymore,” Vicky admitted, not sure what her feelings should be. “It’s just been rough on me since…”

She started crying again, so I sat next to her, hugged her, and told her, “I’m sorry. You can don’t have to know what your feelings are towards Mary. You can figure that out later. You just need to focus on yourself.”

“Thank you,” she said with a tear filled smile, and to my shock kissed me, right on the lips.

I was shocked. I didn’t push her away, because I honestly didn’t know what to do. Maybe she just needed someone to kiss.

She held the kiss for several seconds, and if I were being honest, I was starting to enjoy it, when she broke the kiss, and in a panic got off and slowly start backing up into her bedroom while stammering out, “oh my gosh, I’m sorry.”

It took me several seconds to process what had just happened. I just had my first kiss, but it was with a girl. Finally I just stood up and said, “it’s okay. It’s okay.”

I tried calming my friend down as I followed her into her bedroom, but she was breathing rapidly, still panicked over what she just did. I didn’t really know what to do, so I did the only thing I could think of at the moment. I kissed her.

This seemed to work because her arms just fell to her side, and I could feel her loosen up as I wrapped my arms around her waist. After a few seconds she wrapped her arms around my shoulders, and pressed closer to me, her breasts pressing against pathetic excuses for breasts.

We kiss for several more seconds, and I don’t know what caused me to do it, but I guided her over to the bed, helping lay her down, and briefly breaking our kiss to lay down next to her.

We looked into each other’s eyes, and only giggled as we continued to kiss. While we kissed I put my hand on Vicky’s shirt, and began to slowly pull it up.

“Why are you doing this, Hanna? You are not a lesbian!” I kept thinking to myself as I pulled Vicky’s breasts, revealing a pink, satin bra. I then pushed the bra up to reveal her huge breasts, one of which had a tiny amount of milk still on it.

I broke our kiss, moved my head over that one breast, and humorously told her, “looks like you have a bit of milk coming out. I’ll fix it.”

Vicky grasped as I took her right breast into my mouth, and began to suck on it. “I shouldn’t be doing this, I’m not a lesbian,” I thought to myself as I happily sucked on my friend’s breast, getting milk to come out.

Her milk… my God, it tasted good! I thought it would just taste like milk, and it kind of did, but it was also sweet!

I sucked on her breast for atleast a minute or two before moving over to the left one, and began to suck on it as well. During this time my left hand had moved down her body, and had unbuttoned and unzipped her shorts. After a few seconds I slipped my down her panties, and began to finger and rub my friend’s pussy while I continued to extract milk from her breasts with my mouth, switching from one to the other while I fingered her.

It took a few minutes, I think, because I had lost track of the time, but she finally orgasmed, almost screaming as she came from the combination of me fingering her and sucking her boobs.

I sucked on her boobs for a few more seconds before removing my mouth from her chest, and my hand from her privates.

I laid next to her for a few minutes, letting her recover while I looked at my finger, the I used to fuck her with. “I shouldn’t have watched all that porn, otherwise I might not have done this.” I thought to myself as I examined my finger that was now covered in her juices.

This was bad enough, but what made it even worse was when I stuck my finger into my mouth to clean it off, and to taste what Vicky tasted like ‘down there’, which wasn’t to bad at all.

Vicky watched me doing this, and took off her pants and underwear, getting naked to me from the waist down, and revealing that there was some hair starting to grow on her pubic area. This made me a little jealous, because I was still bald down there.

I looked at her and asked, “what are you doing?” She replied, “umm… aren’t we going to have sex now? That’s why you sucked my boobs and fingered me, because you want to have sex have sex?”

I wasn’t sure what to say. I mean I kind of didn’t, what I did with her was just a spare of the moment sort of thing, yet I kind of did. I didn’t really know what to do, so I just took off my own shorts and panties, and asked, “so, how do you want to do this?”

“Umm… we could do the sixty-nine position?” Vicky suggested, “me and Mary did that a couple of times. Do you know what that is?”

I slowly nodded my head, and got over top of her, my face at her pussy while her face was at mine.

“You need to stop this, Hanna, you are not a lesbian,” I thought to myself as I felt Vicky’s tongue begin to touch my hole.

After a few seconds of utter bliss I realized I needed do something, otherwise she might stop, so I began licking her as she began licking mine.

We moaned as we licked and finger each other’s pussies for several minutes. Vicky was the first to come, which I briefly put my whole mouth over her pussy to get the full taste of her, followed by myself shortly after, once she recovered from her orgasm she continued to lick and finger me until I came too, causing me to almost scream. I’ve had orgasms before when I began masterbaiting last year, but they were nothing like this. This left me… fulfill, I think is the word to use.

Anyways, I rolled off of Vicky, and we just laid there for a while, all the time I just kept thinking to myself, “I’m not a lesbian. I’m not a lesbian.”

If anyone would like to send a personal comment to me about this or any of my other stories, please email me at [email protected]


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