Hot for 12 year old boys part 1 Sex Stories Cool – Y2-Stories

I have been turned on by smooth 12 year old boys.This my story of introducing boys in my boys camping club the pleasure sex.

My Ben. I am a 35 bisexual with leaning towards boys. I formed a mainly for boys.12 to about.14. May as young as 11 if they were.special. One week end I took Andy 12 and Adam 11 on a trip to the.lake.. We got to the cabin and unpacked. and decided to take a quick swim before supper. We all changed. In to our swim suits..Both boys.were wearing.tight swim team suits. It.showed off their young packages.I was instantly.hard. I.did.not try to hide my.boner..I noticed them checking me out. We spent.about 1/2 jour swimming. I got behind Adam and put my arms around him
I held him tightly rubbing my hard on against his small but solid ass. I started to play with his.nipples making them hard. He groaned softly and started to move against my cock. I let go and swam for a while. I then came up between Andy’s legs.he.smiled and wrapped his arms around me. We were cock to cock. Andy started to thrust against me. I could.feel his small cock get hard.I reached back and grabbed his ass. We humped like this.for a short time. I stopped because.I thought he was going to cum. We ran back to the cabin. As soon as we got the door I took off my trunks. My.6″ cock sprang up and bounced. Both both boys gasped. They were rubbing their packages and squesed. I said what are you waiting for strip .They quicklime stripped revealing their little boy cocks and.balls I noticed a little bit of.light.brown hair.above Adams 3 inch hard cut cock..Andy was about 4.5 inches also cut.No hair with big balls . I told.Adam to lay down.on his back..I started to lick his nipples until.they were hard… I then moved down to his cock. I smelled a slight boy sex oder. I.started to lick his hot 3 inch boy cock and then took it all in mouth.It was hot and leaking precum.I sucked and licked. Moving.up and down. It only.took a short time before he he shot his thin watery cum. It was a lot for one so young. It was his first wet cum.


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