How I got into the school football team Sex stories – Y2-Stories

It’s the beginning of my gay experiences and it have not much sex in it.

My name is Lyam and I’m 13 years old. I moved to this new school this year to my 8th standard. In previous school I was in the football team and here the first thing I did was checking if there is an official school football team and luckily there is. So after a couple of days in school I build the courage to go and ask the school coach to join the team. He wasn’t much of a help all he did is said me to go and meat the team captain who have the authority to decide.

The football team captain is Kevin who is 16 and in 10th standard. He is so popular in school and from what I’ve seen he is the perfect senior anyone could hope. Most of the girls in school have crush on him and I think he have a gf in his class. He was the guy who saved me from bullying the very first day and he lives around 600 meters from my house. So I was happy when I heard he is the captain. So that evening after school I decided to go and talk with him.

We were walking home and I asked about football team. He said it will be difficult since I’m only 13 that they are only taking students older than 13. I was sad so he talked with me all the way home. He said let’s see what he can do about it. I thought it was just to make me feel happy

Even though I was replying to his questions and talking with him I was really sad that I have to wait one more year to play in the team so when we reached his house he asked me if I want to come in and play on ps5 and I agreed. We went to his room and I sat on the bed he was standing there and starts to remove his shirt.
He asked me if I really wanted to join the football team. I said yes. He continued to undress while talking with me.
He got into his underwear and I didn’t felt anything wrong at that point since we both are boys. So I was sitting there and talking.

If I remember correctly he said this coming close to me.

“Don’t be sad Lyam, how about you come to the training session tomorrow and if you are really good at playing maybe…maybe I could talk with the coach and take you to the team”

Finishing his sentance he was standing infront of me his bulge almost touching my lips and his left hand resting on my shoulder. I was not gay or I never thought about it but at that instance I don’t know what I was thinking I’m sure he doesn’t forced me or even asked me but I pulled his underwear and started to suck on it.

He was 7 inches and thick It was streaching my mouth completely and he started to move slowly in my mouth. It was my first time seeing someone else’s cock it was completely different from mine. He started to take control and started to push into my mouth slowly. It didn’t take long with in 2 minutes his full 7 inch was inside my mouth. I steeached my mouth completely trying not to choke. I felt his cock pulsing inside my mouth and I tired to pull back but he was holding to my head and started to move faster with few more thrusts he cum directly into my throat. I tried to spit it but with the force and all I drank most of it. It was really a bad taste but I couldn’t do anything but drink it. He released my head and I fell to the bed breathing heavily thinking what just happened. I layed there closing my eyes for a second and when I opened my eyes he was already got dressed and sitting next to me.

He said once again to come to the training session next day before I left his house. I left his house confused. I was not gay and I really hated being gay but what I did in his house I have enjoyed it and for my surprise I was already cum in my pants.

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