How I went to prison hot sex erotica stories – Y2Stories.Com

This is how I went to prison at 20I’m 28 now

When I was 20 I was at a old friend’s house I was sitting on the couch under some covers playing a game on my tablet when his little sister shes 10 sat next to me under her own covers and asked if she could watch
Sure I replied
After 10 minutes I ran out of stamina in the game
Do you want to see something fun? I asked
Yes she replied.
I looked around to see who’s in the living room. There’s no one around at the moment so I asked
Whats your favorite cartoon?
My little pony!!! She exclaimed
I got on the internet and showed her my little pony porn for a minute before I show her live porn. I waited a few minutes before I reached under her covers and began to massage her little pussy through her panties.
Does that feel good? I asked
She just nodded her head yes
I can make it feel better do you want me to? I asked
She nods yes again
I move my hands and wet 2 fingers and slide them into her panties and I start rubbing her pussy and her clit
Do you like it? I ask
She just nods her head yes transfixed on the video as the girl sucks the guys dick.
That would make me feel good. Would you do that for me? I ask in her ear
Yes she whispers
After a couple minutes of me rubbing her pussy the guy in the video started to eat the girl out
That feels even better than what I’m doing now. Do you want me to do that to you? I ask
Please she replied with glossy eyes
Let’s go somewhere no one will walk in on us by accident. I stated
I withdrew my fingers as we got up from the couch and I followed her to the bathroom where I looked around to make sure no one sees me follow her. I walked in closed and locked the bathroom and I took my clothes off and pulled her shirt off revealing her flat chest then I pulled her panties down revealing a beautiful bald black pussy. She couldn’t stop staring at my dick as it hot hard.
You can touch it dont be scared sweetie I told her
She reached and grabbed it and I put my hand around hers and showed her how to stroke it. After a few seconds I removed my hand from hers and she continued to stroke my dick. After about a minute she moved her head closer and licked my tip then she opened her mouth and put the tip of my dick into her mouth and sucked on it for a minute before she started to Bob her head up and down my dick taking a little bit more in her little mouth as she sucked until it reached the back of her throat and she gagged she stopped
Just suck what you can sweetie I told her in a lusty way
She continued to suck for about 15 minutes when I told her I was about to cum. I came in her mouth and I held her head still with just the tip in her mouth still. When I stopped cumming I looked at her and she swallowed.
It tastes a little weird but I like it she told me
I picked her up and put her on the edge of the sink and pulled her legs apart and I leaned down and I licked her for about 30 minutes when she said I think I need to pee. I continued my onslaught on her little clit until she tried to push my head away and I doubled my efforts and was soon rewarded with her juices running into my mouth directly
Can we do that again? She asked
Tomorrow sweetie get dressed I replied
To be continued…?
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