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I was on holiday and I ended up having sex with this much older guy Sex Story for free 2024 – Y2Stories

I was on holiday and I got so drunk I ended up getting fucked with this guy in his late fifty’s.

I’m away on holiday with my parents we were at this caravan park.
It was busy as it was the summer holiday’s.
My parents were going out for the day I was just going to stay here
I was going to sunbathe as it was so warm
I put my bikini on and I’m lying on the blanket which I put on the grass.
I’m just lying there on my back for ages I’ve got my headphones on and listening to music,
Ok what I didn’t mention was my bikini bottoms were really high up on my thighs
Didn’t leave much to the imagination if you know what I mean.
It was white
I’m lying there not realising that I had someone watching me from the caravan opposite ours.
I turned around so I’m lying on my stomach now
I also feel as if my bikini bottoms were up between my bum cheeks I’m putting my hand down and fixing it.
After a while I was feeling like I was roasting so I got up and went back into the caravan
I was in the toilet having a shower it feels good
I’ve got out and I just put a towel around I usually do.
I’m walking around the caravan with just the towel on
Didn’t think anything about it
Im sitting next to the door just listening to music on my earphones
Reading this book
Minding my own business
I didn’t realise that the towel has went away from my legs in the way I was sitting on the chair.
It was away from me you could basically see right up between my legs.
I actually realised it happened and left the chair and went into the room and got knickers on bra top and shorts
I’m sitting back down knowing that it ok now.
It was so warm outside right now
Our caravan was overlooking the beach so I decided to go for a walk along the beach I looked the caravan and went for the walk along the beach.
I was walking for ages I was a got distance away from where I had came from.
I’m sitting down on the sand just looking into the water.
I was enjoying myself just being so peaceful.
Listening to the seagulls the water.
I’m was sitting there for a while nobody else was around I hadn’t seen anyone for a very long time.
I’m sitting there with my legs open wide as I was putting my hand down inside my knickers I was rubbing my clit then I was lying down trying to finger myself I went back to rubbing my clit I was really getting turned on so much
I was actually cuming I was going to stop but I didn’t I carried on
It was pouring out of me I eventually stopped I’ve got a very big wet patch down between my legs
I’m getting up nobody else was anywhere to be seen I started running back to the caravan I opened the door and went into the caravan closed the door behind me and I’m in the toilet having a shower again
I’ve washed myself putting on another pair of knickers, shorts
My knickers were absolutely soaking wet along with my shorts.
I’m sitting in the living room thinking about doing it again as I was all flustered excited turned on so much my body was still tingling all over.
It felt so good.
I’m sitting at the door on the steps when I can see this guy watching me from his window he’s sitting on the steps off his caravan.
I went back inside my room took my knickers and shorts off putting my bikini bottoms on
And going back to sit down
This guy is still sitting there looking as if he wasn’t looking at me
I’ve got my legs crossed then I’ve opened them sitting with them open I’ve pulled my bikini bottoms away fixing them they have been going up me
I’m actually sitting here flashing him my pussy in the way I’ve pulled my bikini bottoms.
I’m just sitting there trying not to look over at him
But he’s got his phone in his hand and it’s pointing this way I’m pretending I never seen it as I’m just sitting here.
I’ve pulled it away again letting him get a real better view than before.
It’s actually getting me excited in the fact that he was still sitting there looking over.
I could be wrong maybe he’s not even noticed what I was doing.
I’ll never know.
I’m standing up and going back down sitting on the blanket on the grass.
I’ve lying there with my feet on the blanket with my knees up I’ve pulled my bikini bottoms away I’m holding it to the side letting him see it.
I’m make it look as if I was just fixing my bottom in the way that I did it.
I’m getting up and going into the caravan I’ve got my purse and I was locking the caravan door I’m away up to the shop just wearing my bikini bottoms and top
I had sandals on
I’m walking past him he’s saying hi there it’s great weather isn’t it
Yeah it’s good.
As I’m walking past
I’m in the shop I’ve got a four pack of cider and cigarettes and m having one as I walked back to the caravan
I’m back at the caravan I’ve opened the door and I’m getting my phone
Missed call from mum I phoned her back they have booked to go and see this show so they have booked into a hotel they’ll be back tomorrow ok that’s fine enjoy your show
I’m sitting on the stairs having a pint of cider out of the can.
Just enjoying myself.
I’ve finished that can having another
Been sitting there for a while I’m on another can
Having a cigarette listening to music on my earphones.
I’ve finished my ciders I feel really tipsy now
I’ve drank them far too fast,
I’m in the fridge opening up my mum’s bottle of wine now
It’s a french wine
I’ve poured a glass and I’m sitting back down on the steps
I don’t know if I actually like it but I’m drinking it all the same.
I’m thinking about going up to the restaurant on the site tonight yeah that’s what I’m doing,
I’m getting the blanket from the grass putting it into the cupboard.
I’m closing the door behind me
I’m in my room trying to figure out what to wear if I could I probably just wear what I’ve got on just now.
But I better not.
I’m looking at my tops this one will do
Looking at different shorts I’ve decided just to wear leggings
I’m putting on some lipstick.
I’m listening to music on my phone while I’m having a other glass of wine.
I’ve got my purse taking out the other money and putting it inside my other jacket in the cupboard in my room
I’ve taken 40 pounds out with me.
I’ve finished the glass of wine and I’m going out off the caravan locking it up
And going up to the restaurant
I’m in the restaurant I’ve been shown to a table
I’ve ordered a pint of cider
I’ve just got a pizza and chips
I’m sitting there drinking my cider waiting for my pizza and chips
When the guy from the caravan opposite ours is sitting at the table next to mine
I’ve got my pizza I’ve got another cider
I’ve finished my dinner I’m just sitting there finishing my drink.
This guy is still looking at me eyeing me up and down if you know what I mean.
I didn’t think anything else about it.
I finish my drink pay the bill
I’m going next door into the other room where they put shows on
I’m at the bar getting a cider
Sitting down
Music playing people on the stage doing a show it’s not very busy.
I’m sitting here drinking enjoying myself
If I’m being honest with myself I’m feeling rather tipsy maybe drunk.
I’ve been sitting here for ages I’m deciding whether to go back to the caravan with more drinks from the shop before it closes or stay here.
I’m away I’ve finished my drink and I’m going to the shop I’m in the shop getting a 10 pack of cider and cigarettes again
I’m going back to the caravan
I’m back I’m knackered I’ve opened the door and went inside.
I’ve put the pack of cider on the table I’m getting changed into shorts I’m roasting it’s still very warm.
I’m sitting on the steps having a cider and a cigarette.
I’m actually really enjoying myself
I’m putting my earphones on listening to music when I look up that guy opposite us in sitting on the stairs
I’m just trying to ignore him having my drink and a cigarette while listening to music.
I can see that he’s watching me again or I think he was.
I don’t know and I don’t actually care.
I’m just sitting there enjoying myself having my cans of cider and listening to the music minding my own business.
I’m having another can already I’m going to regret it tomorrow but I was enjoying myself.
Its not often I get to be on my own.
I’m looking over towards this guy he’s much older than me for starters.
I’ve only seen him on his own.
I’m looking away again I’m just sitting there on the stairs.
I’m rather drunk I’ve drank far too much to quickly over the day.
I’m feeling it now alright.
It’s just kinda hit me really quickly
I’m getting up and trying to get to the toilet I’m starting to stagger around the place.
But I made it into the toilet Ive finished and I’ve got myself back out I’ve made it to the stairs
I’m thinking that I should probably go to my bed I’m this drunk.
But instead I’ve managed to get another can of cider and made it to the stairs
I’m sitting there just looking down at the ground.
When all off a sudden I’m hearing hi there are you ok
I’m looking up saying hi
Yeah I’m fine thanks
I’m rather drunk but that’s it.
He’s standing there talking to me with his hand on his handrail to the stairs to the caravan.
I’m looking at him saying did you enjoy your dinner what did you have.
He’s saying toad in the hole.
Oh right did you enjoy it
Yeah it was ok thanks
I think he was flirting with me if I was thinking like that.
He’s standing there having a can of beer
Hes saying that he seen me going for a walk earlier on the beach, asking me if I enjoyed it,
Yeah it was good thanks especially when it was that quiet.
He’s saying that it’s a nice beach.
Yeah it is.
I’ve having another can
He’s just opened a can that he brought over with him.
He’s standing up the stairs now as I’m sitting down
It’s getting really dark here now there’s no lights so you can hardly see.
He’s moved up another step,.
I’m just sitting there thinking what is going on with him.
But I don’t care as I was drunk.
He’s standing with his hand on the handrail just the step below me drinking his can using his other hand.
I’m drinking this can I’m falling about sitting on the stairs,
I’m rather drunk pissed if I’m being honest with myself.
He’s just standing there on the stair below me I’m leaning forward I can’t stop swaying about as I’m sitting here.
That’s when I was getting held on the head and I was getting my head pushed forward towards him.
He’s got his knob , cock, dick, what ever you want to call it my head was getting pushed towards it my mouth was on it as he’s pushing and pulling my head backwards and forwards on it he’s fucking my mouth my mouth was going right down on it and then back up as he’s using his hand on my head.
I could actually feel it hitting against my throat as he’s pushing my head down on it.
He’s really pushing me up and down on it.
Then he was holding my head down as he’s just pushing himself further deeper as he’s coming inside my mouth it was literally going down my throat.
I’m trying not to gag on his cum he’s finished he’s pulling my head away taking my mouth off his cock,
He’s put it back into his shorts.
I’m taking a drink his cum tastes disgusting
I’ve got a pubic hair in my mouth which I’m trying to pull out.
I’ve got it
He’s still standing there saying that I was fucking great at that.
I’m just shocked in what happened
I don’t know why I didn’t just go but I just sat there drinking cider out of the can.
I’m trying to light my cigarette I got it I’m having my cigarette
He’s still standing there
I’m swaying about on the step my eyes are starting to close I feel so drunk.
I finish my cigarette finish the can
He’s asking me if he can use the toilet it’s nearer.
He’s helping me up getting me into the caravan as he’s pulling the door closed behind us.
He’s taken me up the hall he’s opened the door and noticed that it’s my room with the clothes on the other single bed he’s taken me in and sitting me down on the bed I’m just hanging there swaying about trying to sit up as he’s in front of me again he’s taking his shorts down along with his pants.
He’s put my hand on his cock as I’m just sitting there I’m trying to wank him off
I don’t think I managed it to well.
I’m using my two hands on his cock I’m putting my tongue on the tip as I’m pulling his foreskin backwards I’m licking around on it sucking on it licking kissing up on it
I’ve got my mouth down around on it
I’ve got my mouth really tight around on it as I’m wanking him off I’ve got my tongue licking on the hole on the tip of it putting it inside it licking around inside it as I’m just wanking him off
He’s coming I’m sucking on the hole as he’s coming I’m swallowing it as he’s coming
I’m still sucking on it even when he’s finished coming.
I’m pulling my mouth away I’m swaying about sitting on the bed he’s pushing me back I’m lying down on the bed he’s pulled my leggings I’m pulling my knickers down as he’s pulling them right down on my legs taken my sandals off and pulling my leggings and knickers off over my feet throwing them onto the other bed
He’s lying down on top of me.
His weight was so heavy I felt like I couldn’t move I literally couldn’t move he’s got his cock ramming it up inside me
Oh jesus he’s really fucking me.
This bed was making so much noise it was squeaking so much the mattress was making a racket.
I thought it was going to fall apart
But he’s still fucking me so hard
The bed was banging against the wall making so much noise.
Along with the mattress squeaking really loudly as he’s fucking me
It felt sore I couldn’t move with his weight on me
I honestly don’t know how long I have been lying there with him fucking me but he eventually stopped just pushing himself deeper up inside me
He’s just holding me tight against him as he’s pushing himself up inside me
He’s just lying down on top of me breathing very quickly fast hard now.
He’s got off me he’s pulled me up saying taste yourself as he’s pushing himself back into my mouth I was tasting myself off his cock.
I was just licking around on it
Then I pulled my mouth away
I’m saying that I need to sleep could you please go now.
I couldn’t take anymore I was in agony down there it was painful, hurting so much.
He’s going out of the room I’m trying to follow him up the corridor in the caravan he’s away out the door I’ve locked the door after him.
I was so drunk I actually feel trying to get back up to my room I’m lying on the floor half naked with nothing on my bottom half.
I got back up and went into the room lying on the bed I was just lying there
I must have fallen asleep as I woke up next morning with the sun shining through the window I’m still lying there half naked on the bed my curtains were open.
I was so ill really I’ll I’m trying to get to the toilet as I was going to throw up I was throwing up as I was needing a pee
It was horrible feeling.
I started remembering last night and I was feeling sick again
I could remember trying to give him a blowjob I couldn’t remember if I finished it.
I kinda remember him fucking me on my bed and the mattress squeaking really loudly as the bed was hitting against the wall.
Oh I was feeling sick again
I went and had a shower got dressed tidy up the caravan.
Sat drinking water I hadn’t been out of the caravan yet I was too embarrassed.
It was a holiday I don’t forget in a hurry.


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