Jessica’s horror story Day 1 Sex erotica stories – Y2-Stories

An aspiring gymnast gets tricked and betrayed by her coach, with brutal results

*Important Note*
The following story is 100% fiction with zero real world relevance, non-consensual sex/sexual assault or underage sex of any kind is wrong and should never be accepted. If you are considering or have committed such an offence I suggest you get serious psychiatric help.

M+/g, nc, group sex, bondage, dp, triple pen

Jessica had dreams of being an Olympic gymnast. Ever since she watched the Olympic Games as a 6yo and seeing those girls so gracefully perform in front of the world and claim medals for their country she wanted to be a gymnastics champion. 5 years on the only thing that had changed for the 11yo girl was her body, she was still as determined as ever. Lately she’s undergone a bit of a growth spurt, her legs were longer and skinny, while her bottom stayed a tiny cute little thing. She had noticed that whenever she went to the swimming pool and wore her bikini she would get a lot more looks from boys and even men! She didn’t mind, in fact she kind of enjoyed the extra attention. Jessica was an only child and her father had been out of the picture for all her life so it was just her and her mom.

Earlier in the year her gymnastics club had got a new coach, Nikolai, a Russian born 31yo who had competed for his country at a high international level. He had even been picked in the squad to represent Russia at the Olympic’s but had to pull out with a neck injury that ultimately ended his competitive career. That was the story that the gymnastics club, Jessica and her mother, and all the parents had been told. The truth was he was involved with a group out young men who gang raped multiple young female gymnasts, the authorities didn’t really care too much about it as they were all promising athletes, but the last girl the brutally gang raped happened to be the daughter of a prominent politician. The other members of his group were rounded up and executed, the only reason he got away was his family had connections that told him to flee from Russia. He left immediately and has never returned home, he knows the moment he sets foot on Russian soil he’s a dead man.

So escaped and managed to forge a career as a coach in the western world, knowing he had to keep his desires in check more. All that went out the window went he met Jessica though; her slender body, her cute innocent face, her flexibility, he was absolutely obsessed with her. He shared photos and videos of her to a group of perverts he’d managed to meet, they all became intensely focused on her and everyone shared their fantasies of what they wanted to do her. One night, over drinks with inhibitions a little lower Nikolai yelled, “fuck it! Let’s rape this little bitch, and not just us! Let’s get hundreds of sexually frustrated perverts to turn her into a fucktoy! Let’s ruin the little bitch!” He’d held his desires back long enough, he wanted to destroy little Jessica.

Such a thing to organise would take time, so over that time Nikolai set about gaining Jessica and her mom’s trust. He told them that she could be one of the greatest of all time, that he could make it happen. He became her personal trainer, he pushed the little girl to limits she never knew she could get to. He stretched her legs out, improved her stamina, he got her in prime physical shape. Jessica and her mom just thought he was being pushed to get better and gymnastics, and it actually it, but in reality Nikolai was preparing her to be as flexible as possible for her upcoming gang rape.

Finally the day had come, Jessica’s mom was working all day on a Sunday and Nikolai would be taking her for a private session. He had managed to get full and exclusive access to the gymnasium for 10 hrs ensuring it would just be him, Jessica, and 103 other horny perverts. Jessica’s mum said he could drop her back home after they were done (“fat chance of that happening” Nikolai thought, “the only way you’ll ever see your daughter again is if you watch video of her gang rape!”). She arrived at the gymnasium, Nikolai had set up the equipment including the rings (Jessica thought it was a little weird as she’d never done it before, but shrugged it off). She arrived in her tracksuit with her silver gymnastics uniform underneath and carrying a bag of a change of clothes that Nikolai told her to bring. As she walked in Nikolai looked at her and almost barked at her, “get your tracksuit off and start stretching!” Jessica was taken aback by his demeanour, it felt like an order rather than an instruction but she did as she told.

After about 10min of stretching Nikolai worked her harder than she’d ever experienced; she did a floor routine, balancing beam, the horizontal poles, and he had her dangle from the rings from as long as she could. Finally he told her to take a break, she was sweaty and breathing in heavily, she couldn’t imagine what else they could do for the rest of their training. He handed her a blindfold and some industrial noise cancelling earmuffs, she put them on obediently as they’d done this before. Sensory deprivation to focus on breathing, at least that’s what he’d told her in the past. He had tested them out before, pulling his pants down right in front of her, and calling her “whore” and “slut”, she’d never seen or heard a thing to worry her.

Her naivety was a turn on for him, so innocent and so dumb. She was about to learn a hard lesson. While they’d been training, men had been arriving to the gymnasium and waited patiently, Nikolai’s three companions had been controlling their movements to make sure Jessica knew nothing. They directed them to a table where they were numbers people could pick up, this would be the order they got to fuck her in. When Jessica put on the earmuffs and blindfold Nikolai gave his friends the signal to let them in. He gestured them all over, “Jessica can’t hear a thing my friends! Everyone form a circle around her, when I tell you all go silent. I want her to be surrounded by all us perverts and when I tell her, “welcome to your gang rape” I want you all to cheer loudly! By all means get your cocks out and start jerking!” The all chuckled and exchanged evil glances at each other.
Jessica had no idea what was waiting for her, although the hairs on her neck stood up to sense something was strange. She just assumed it was the air conditioning. Nikolai motioned to everyone to go quiet, the 100 men all went silent in anticipation. He gently took the earmuffs of her ears, “Ok Jessica…..welcome to your gang rape!” With that he roughly pulled off the blindfold to reveal the group of men, some of them with their cocks out. They all cheered loudly, some of them yelling comments like “you’re ours whore!” “you’re gonna get fucked!” “Slut!” “Cunt!” “Rapetoy!”

Jessica was frozen in shock, “wha….what? What’s going on???” Suddenly the hands of Nikolai’s three friends grabbed her and picked her up so her arms were around two of the guys shoulders and her legs were spread wide. “Ahhhh stop, let me gooooo!!!” One of the men covered her mouth roughly with his hand muffling her cries, Nikolai walked over to her brandishing a pair of scissors, “For months you’ve been teasing me with your sweet little body but I realised such a beautiful piece of rape meat needs to be shared. We’re all going to fuck you today Jessica, you’re going to be our rapetoy, you’ll be taking more loads of cum in one session than some women get in years!!! And the best part is….today is just the start of your journey!!!”

He seductively ran the scissors over her body, rolling over nipples and down her chest, ending up at her pussy. He poked her pussy through her gym tights, she closed her eyes and whimpered. “Open your eyes Jessica, I SAID OPEN THEM!!!” He yelled it with such anger and ferocity, “KEEP THEM OPEN!!!! I WANT YOU TO SEE EVERYTHING THAT’S HAPPENING TO YOU!!!! WATCH ME REVEAL YOUR DELICIOUS PUSSY TO ALL THESE PERVERTS!!!” With that comment he sliced the bottom of her tights from one thigh to another and cut off her panties sweaty panties.

There was almost a gasp of anticipation from the rapists as he revealed her fresh, untouched pussy. He started poking his finger into her

”Enough teasing! Time to fuck you!!!!” Hi cock was harder than ever, he rubbed it against her tween pussy before entering inside her. Nikolai couldn’t believe how tight she was, he was in heaven. He grabbed her hips and with all his might pushed in as far as he could go ripping her hymen. With her virginity conquered he didn’t want to waste any more time, he started furiously pumping into her thinking about all the times she’d teased him with her sexy body. “You are going to make the best rapetoy every for these men, you’re going to take all their cum!! BUT FIRST YOU’RE GOING TO TAKE MY CUM!!!!! YOU’RE GOING TO BE RAPED BY 100’S MAYBE 1000’S OF MEN BUT I’LL ALWAYS BE YOUR FIRST!!!!!” His cock burst inside of the tweens fertile pussy, sending a torrent of cum in her the likes of Nikolai had never experienced. Each time his cock twitched sending more cum inside her he would thrust it again inside her, Jessica’s little snatch seemed to be milking his cock dry clutching against his rod. Finally after what seemed like a lifetime for Jessica Nikolai’s cock went soft and he pulled out.

Cum dribbled out of the young girls pussy, Nikolai watched it come out, to him it looked like his biggest load ever. She’d been held up by the other three men the whole time, with one of them keeping a hand over her mouth. After Nikolai had properly examined her he looked at his friends and spoke, “wow, she is the best fuck I’ve ever had! Put her down guys while I explain what’s next for her.” They put her down onto one of the soft mats where they were, Jessica curled up into a ball and sobbed. “My three friends here have next round, then you all get your turn! The next part is important, each guy gets a maximum of 5min with her, if you don’t blow your load in her, you’re out. But don’t worry you can always blow your load on her pretty face or body! Stick to your number, if you cut, your out. Oh and no beating; choking, slapping, and spanking are all good just don’t leave her too damaged. We want this bitch to last!” Each man was eying Jessica off like a lion looking at prey, they wanted to tear her apart. “Ok, she’s all your comrades!”

That signal initiated Nikolai’s “comrades” turned their attention to Jessica. Jeff had first go at her as he was Nikolai’s oldest jerk buddy, he pulled her up so she was in doggy style position. He rubbed his cock on her pussy, rubbing the tip so it was getting smothered in Nikolai’s cum, “Nikki got to take your pussy cherry” he moved his cock up onto her ass “but I get to pop your anal cherry!” And I with that comment he started pushing his cock into her tight little asshole. Jessica screamed in pain, “ahhhhhh, it’s too big! Take it out!!!! I want my mommy!!!” Jeff laughed cruelly, “you’re mommy can’t save you girly! I’m you’re daddy now, NOW TAKE DADDIES COCK IN YOUR ASS!!!!” Jeff pushed his cock into her as hard as he possibly could. Jessica just screamed at the top of her lungs which prompted Ted, one of the other three to crouch right in front of her pumping his cock furiously.

“Alright time to show this little fucktoy what her mouth is really for. Open your mouth wide slut! Take my cock deep in your mouth, and if there is any hint of biting I don’t give a shit what Nikolai says, I’m kicking your teeth down your through and you’ll shit them out of your soon to be gaping ass!!!” Jessica had never heard such awful and violent language, it petrified her so much that she opened as wide as she possibly could to stop any possibility of being mistaken for biting. Ted shoved his big cock deep into her mouth, hitting the top of her mouth viciously. Straight away her screams were muffled, with tears streaming down her cheek.

Jeff continued to try to get his cock deeper into her tiny ass, it was clenching around his cock every time Ted shoved his cock in her mouth. It kept spitting on his cock to give it live to get deeper causing Jessica enormous pain. Finally he was satisfied he was as deep as her could get it to allow him to pump into her. He started moving in and out each time trying to get in deeper, he pulled her cheeks out as wide as she could get. The clenching on his cock was becoming too much for him and he could feel a massive orgasm coming. He decided to go for broke and kept ramming in as hard as he could when finally he shot his massive load deep in her little ass. “FUUUUUCK TAKE MY CUM IN YOUR ASS YOU LITTLE SLUT!!!!!” For Jessica it felt like he was filling her with gallons of cum, she could feel it splashing inside of her. He kept his cock in her ass as her ass kept clenching it almost like it was milking him dry. Ted kept shoving his cock in her mouth ensuring she was getting a sensation overload.

Finally he was done and his cock had gone soft, as he pulled out it almost felt like Jessica’s ass didn’t want to let go but event it came out with a bit of a “pop”. Jessica had no idea of what he body was doing and couldn’t help but expel the invading cum out of her ass causing it to dribble out and down her pussy. Almost as a final little humiliation Jeff used his index finger to push that dribbling cum into her pussy, he chuckled as he said, “how does it feel to have my cum in your ass AND your pussy?! You little slut you can’t get enough!!!” When he pulled his finger out and stepped away Ted wasn’t wasting any time.

Ted pulled his cock out of her mouth and laid next to her, “pick this little slut up and drop her on my cock. It’s time I fucked her little pussy!” There were plenty of volunteers to help out, hands were all over her taking the chance to not only help in her humiliation but also a chance to grope her body. They helped to pick her limp body up, stretched her legs out and dropped her onto Teds cock. Immediately Jessica felt the feeling of an invading body that was clearly too big for her. The others didn’t let her ease onto it, they pushed her down, and coupled with Teds pulling down and thrusts she felt it go so much deeper than Nikolai had got. The guys spanked her ass, groped her, pinched her, a few slapped her face and spat at her calling all sorts of names she didn’t even know existed. Ted was in ecstasy, he was doing his best to fuck her like the young prostitute he and his buddy paid to practice on the other night. Obviously this girl was way tighter, but he slammed his cock into her getting deeper with every thrust. Suddenly he yelled, “hey Dan” Dan was the final guy in the three friends “let’s take this to the next level, get your cock in her little ass!!!” Dan didn’t need another invitation, he’d been pumping his cock at the ready, knowing this was the plan all along.

With Jessica crouched over taking Ted’s cock in her pussy, she was barely aware of the fact it was possible for her to take two cocks at the same time. She felt the awful but familiar pressure of Dan’s mushroom tip invading into her ass. “Nooooooo, stooooop!!! You’re killing me!!! I can’t take it!!!!!” Ted pulled her down so he could speak straight into her ear, almost cruelly whispering he said to her, “slut you’re not dying today, we’re only the warm up act. You’re going to take me and my friends cocks here, and then 100 men are going to do the same thing to you for hours! You are going to be a broken mess when we’re done with you!”

Dan was able to get more more of his cock inside her thanks to the work of Jeff but she was still insanely tight. His spit and her sweat was the only lube her had available. Dan and Ted alternated moments of pounding her hard, her tiny tight body not being able to accept constant and regular thrusts from both of them. Every so often though they would just get that moment of magic where her body accepts both of them and she felt both cocks going deep inside her. Ted was absolutely loving life but he and Dan had rehearsed this, and it as time for the switch up. “Hey Dan, let’s swap! My cock is aching for a turn on her ass!!”

Dan laughed and had an evil grin on his face, they’d tried this with the tight little underage prostitute they’d fucked the other day and she’d screamed for mercy. Dan pulled his hard cock out of her ass leaving her hole gaping, he and a few others lifted her up and turned her around so her back was facing Ted. Jessica stumbled, her body beyond exhaustion, the men surrounding her essentially picked her up, spread her legs wide so they were doing the splits and dropped her light tiny frame onto Ted’s rock hard cock, her ass was impaled on it. Her hole now starting to gape open she could feel it sliding inside her, as soon as Dan was satisfied he was properly inside her he stepped up and pushed his cock inside her pussy. Something happened to her in this position though, somehow they’d hit a spot for Jessica’s body and a flood of almost electricity seemed to burst from both holes. Her face got a hot flush and without any ability to stop it she let out a moan. “Hey Dan! I think this slut is enjoying out raping both her holes, let’s pound her hard and give her her first orgasm!!!”

Ted and Dan got a rhythm going and seemed to hit the spots for poor Jessica, she couldn’t understand what her body was doing, she again let out a moan but it was quickly muffled by another man’s cock, meanwhile guys were using her free hands and feet to jerk them off or just groping her body to get themselves rock hard. It was sensation overload for Jessica and her body continued to betray her. “C’mon Ted let’s cum inside this little whore together while she has her first orgasm!!!!” They pounded her brutally as they heard the little gymnast turned fucktoy moan in pain and ecstasy, and they both unleashed torrents of cum into both her holes. Jessica could barely think, the pain and her body doing strange things made her almost pass out from pure exhaustion. “FUCK YEAH YOU LITTLE SLUT, CUMMING WHILE GETTING RAPED BY TWO MEN AT THE SAME TIME!!!!! YOU’RE A WHORE NOW!!! OUR WHORE!!!” Dan screamed that as he continued to shoot cum into her young pussy.

Men still continued to use all parts of her body; hands, feet, hair to get them hard while the two men finally finished cumming. Eventually they pulled out of her with cum dribbling out of her two holes. Any hope of a respite were very short lived for the little girl, immediately the guy that was using her mouth shoved her onto her back. Number 1 of 100. He wasted little time and thrusted his cock into her pussy wet with the cum of her previous rapists and her first orgasm. Scissors were passed to some of the men and little holes put into her silver gymnastics uniform where her budding nipples were. Men sucked on them and even bit them, someone pulled out clothes pegs and squeezed onto them causing her to scream once again. She realised that the previous men were right, they were the warm up act for the main show. Her 100 man gang rape.

Over the course of 8hrs these men subjected her to so much brutal sexual violence. Of course they fucked her holes viciously, they put her in all manner of positions that stretched the limits of her mailable frame, they subjected her to being fucked airtight more times than she could count, they even put her in handcuffs at one stage (why she thought, she didn’t have any energy to fight back).

The worst was when they took her over to the rings, forced her to grab hold and then proceeded to tape her hands to them so she had no choice but to dangle there helplessly. They DP’d her lots of times in that position enjoying letting her hang there between men with cum dribbling down her. The men were mostly obedient to their instructions although one man almost choked her out, but a bucket of cold water revived her to get the party going again, he had to bust his nut on her face. Her ass was spanked raw and her nipples got twisted and abused to the point she was afraid they’d cut them off. While hanging on the rings they attached nipple clamps with weights on them, while they cut spaces in her costume (told to leave it on but slowly disintegrated it over time) and dripped hot wax onto her.

By the end of it of the 100 other rapists 48 of them had cum in her pussy, 33 in her ass while 19 couldn’t finish in the allotted so they shot their load on her face and body. When the last guy finally finished (cumming in her pussy) she was a mess and completely broken. She lay on the mat covered in sweat, cum, and spit, with cum dribbling out of her holes. They had destroyed her. Nikolai approached her, “well done men! When have turned this little fucktoy into a whore!!!” All the men cheered, they could all go again but they also knew their time here was over. “That concludes Jessica’s first gang rape! You all have the details of the secure cloud server to see the video, watch it all over again and enjoy her torment! For those of you who will be getting round two on Jessica, await further details as they come!” The men clapped and whooped as they started to file out.

The little gymnast stank of sex, the stench of men’s sweat and cum prevalent in the air. Jessica was almost catatonic but she was still aware, Nikolai had one last job for her before they left. He got a container and scooped up any still wet cum on the ground, he then did the same off her body before moving down to her holes and cruelly pushing onto her stomach forcing her to expel the cum from her ass and pussy. “C’mon little slut, push it all out for daddy!” Finally he was happy he’d got most out and used his fingers to scoop more out. “Sit her up”, he instructed the other men, “open up and swallow our cum little whore.” Jessica had no fight in her, she knew she had to do it, he dribbled the dozens of loads of cum that were in the container into her mouth. It had a mixture of colours of red, white, and brown, it tasted foul to Jessica but she took it obediently in her mouth.” She swallowed it bit by bit, it felt awful sliding down her throat but she just did it to avoid any further punishment. Finally the container was empty. “Thank me for giving you that cum, THANK ME!!!!” “Tha…thank you for…for the cum.” “Hehe you’re a real cum guzzler!”

Nikolai turned to the men, the time had come for the next phase. He nodded at them and they dropped her to the ground, a little cum still remained in her mouth and dribbled out the side. First off they used the scissors to cut away what was left of her gymnastics uniform leaving her naked. Her silver torn and soiled uniform was placed in a plastic bag for posterity, a memento of her first gang rape. They then pulled out a large duffel bag, and proceeded to bind her ankles, knees, and wrists in tape. He put a gag on her mouth, and then put noise cancelling earmuffs and the eye mask on her and then further put a black bag over her head. They compressed her into fitting in the duffel bag, and zipped it up. In the darkness she finally passed out from exhaustion, she was ready for transport to her next destination….


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