Jimmy’s New Fetish 12 Sex Story for free – Y2Stories

A weekend of pussy of various ages comes to an end. Jimmy needs rest. April wants to fuck in the morning. The afternoon brings something different…

After having breakfast with his mom Lisa and sister Brit, Jimmy climbs into bed for some much needed rest. He lied in bed contemplating the last few weeks of his life especially the last couple days. He had gone from 13 year old virgin to a guy fucking 5 different females ranging in age from 7 to 40. Two of them were family, his sister and mother. The 30 year old mother next door and her 2 young daughters. And in the morning, his sister’s best friend, and lover, April was coming over to fuck him and add to his count. Six. Six pussies, six mouths, six assholes. He was living every straight teenage boy’s dream. He drifted off to sleep.

When he woke up, Jimmy found the house was empty. Lisa texted him to tell him that she would be back in time for dinner. He had no idea where Brit was. He decided to get out into the world. He hadn’t seen any of his friends in what seemed like ages. He hopped on his bike and set out. He figured he’d just go by the park first to see if any of his friends were there.

He found his buddy Max there. He was sitting on a picnic table, looking kind of lost. Jimmy coasted his bike to a stop and joined his friend on the table.

“Hi, Max!”

“Hey, Jimmy! Where have you been? Where has everybody been? I haven’t seen George, Ollie, Brayden, or you in like… ages!”

“Sorry, bro. I’ve been busy. I haven’t seen the others either. No idea what’s up with them. What have you been up to?”

“Nothin’, really. My dad had to go out of town for work and my mom is visiting him, so I’ve been staying with my Uncle Chris. Not real uncle, you know, family friend, neighbor too. He’s cool. We’ve been… having fun.”

Jimmy wondered what the pause was for, but brushed it off. He told Max that his dad was out of town for work too.

“My mom, sister, and I have been having as much fun as we can while he’s been gone.”

He almost let slip what kind of fun. Max wondered what he meant by that statement. Jimmy had an odd smirk on his face when he said it. He shrugged it off and suggested that they go back to his house to play video games. When they got there, Max explained that his parents and “Uncle” Chris trusted him enough to leave him home alone during the day, he just slept at Chris’s house after having dinner with him.

They spent the afternoon playing games and catching up. Max had been doing yard work jobs like Jimmy had, so they both had their own money. Jimmy really wanted to tell somebody what else he had been doing, but he kept his secret to himself.

He had always thought that Max was almost pretty enough to be a girl. Max, being Hispanic, had dark hair and eyes, and smooth, brown skin. His features were delicate, high cheekbones and perfect eyebrows. Despite getting all the pussy he could ever hope for, Jimmy still wondered what it would be like to be with another guy. He didn’t want to freak Max out by making a pass at him, ruining their friendship. So he just concentrated on the game they were playing. They wrapped up when Lisa texted to say dinner was ready. Max said that he had to head over to Uncle Chris’s anyway.

Jimmy and Lisa ate alone; Brit was sleeping at April’s and they would be over in the morning. The mother/son duo snuggled on the couch and watched TV after dinner, acting mostly like a parent and child would. There was a lot more kissing and fondling, and a lot less clothing than most normal mothers and sons would have though. Lisa knew Jimmy was resting up for his morning fun with April, so she didn’t try to get him aroused.

They went to their separate bedrooms, and both had a good night’s sleep. Jimmy was dreaming that one of his beauties was sucking his cock. The face kept changing between all of them, first one, then another. Finally the face became April’s. It took Jimmy a few minutes to realize that he wasn’t dreaming; it was morning, and April was sucking his cock!

“Good morning, Jimmy! Hope you don’t mind that I helped myself. You were already hard, and it’s a shame to waste morning wood, I always say!”

She was grinning as she licked his 6″ cock from base to head and back, her green eyes sparkling with devilish glee. The dimples in her cheeks gave her an air of girlish innocence. Her shoulder length, light brown hair fell over her face. Jimmy brushed it back, tucking it behind her ear so he could watch her fellate him. She was so fucking good at it, too! He thought that she might have been even better than Britney, or his mother, or even Sandi.

“Ummm… no. Nope. I don’t mind at all, but I need that ass up this way so I can smack it like I’ve been wanting to for years!”

April grinned her impish grin, and swung her plump ass around for Jimmy to smack. He was mesmerized by its jiggle as he gave it several playful swats. She squealed and giggled every time his hand made contact. He left some red handprints on her pale cheeks. She was pale over, but those pale asscheeks were just so damn delicious!

He signaled for her to move and swing her leg over his head so he could get at her pink pussy and asshole. Her pussy was bare; Brit had told him that she and April waxed each other’s pussy. Her lips were beautifully pink and pouty, young and fresh like Brit, but way more grown up than Lizzy and Sadie. Her asshole was just as inviting, pink but not as shockingly so as Sandi. Jimmy lapped at her cunt and tongued her pucker, going back and forth, pulling the lips into his mouth, sucking her clit. She came on his face, but he didn’t cum yet. She climbed off him and swung around. With that impish grin on her face, she said, “I know what you want!”

She got down on the bed with her head down and her plump ass in the air. She was absolutely right about that! He jumped up behind her and guided his cock into her creamy pussy. If he ever had a sexual bucket list, this had been on it for probably the longest! He dug his fingers into the doughy flesh of the ass he had coveted for so long! How many times had he masturbated with this exact scene in his head? Now here he was! He smacked and pounded, smacked and pounded, right cheek, left cheek, pump, thrust, smack.

He had had a crush on her since he was a kid. As he grew up and became sexually aware, that crush became lust. She was like one of those farmgirl fantasy porn stars. He could imagine her in some cheesy costume with a plaid shirt tied up under her prodigious tits, Daisy Duke cutoffs, her hair in pigtails, sitting in a seductive pose on a haybale. He had started his masturbatory fantasies with that scenario, finishing it with this position in his head.

Jimmy reached under April and started playing with her bulbous tits, pinching and pulling her nipples, squeezing the fleshy milk bags. She squealed and squirmed. She was so damn cute! Smack! That ass jiggled like jello every time he smacked it!

She came again, and still he hadn’t. He couldn’t believe he was lasting this long. April then said something that made him practically swoon.

“Fuck my ass, Jimmy! Cum in my asshole! Pound my shitter!”

His cock was slick enough from her pussy juice, and she was definitely no anal virgin, so his cock entered the tight hole easy enough. He thrust into her ass even harder than he had her pussy. After a few minutes of relentless pounding, he finally shot his load deep in her bowels. He fell forward onto her back, trembling. She collapsed onto the bed. He laid there for several moments, his cheek against the soft skin of her back.

“Well, sweetie, was it everything you hoped for? I know you’ve been crushing on me for a long time, so I hope I didn’t disappoint.”

“Disappoint?! I could die happy right now!”

That made her giggle. Damn, she was so fucking cute! He slipped his semi-hard cock out of her ass and flopped back onto the bed. She snuggled up to him, kissed him, slipped her tongue into his mouth. This was starting to get him worked up again. He was pawing at her tits. It briefly occurred to him that he had just fucked all three of her holes, yet hadn’t gotten a good look at them. He did when she shoved him onto his back and straddled him.

His cock was fully erect again as April grabbed it and guided it into her hairless twat. She impaled herself on it and started grinding. He finally got a good look at those meaty tits as they hung in his face. The big nipples and large areolas were light tan in color. Jimmy sucked and bit them as he squeezed the mounds of flesh together. He continued his assault on those beautiful tits he had lusted over as April picked up her pace, going from grinding to riding and bouncing. They both climaxed together this time.

This time, April fell forward. That’s the position they were in when Brit came in the room. She announced, “Breakfast is ready if you two are done. I’m sure you’ve worked up an appetite.”

April said, with that impish grin, “Be right there, sweet cheeks! I did work up an appetite!” Turning back to Jimmy, she said, ” See you downstairs, lover,” then kissed him sweetly.

After a shower, Jimmy headed downstairs. Brit and April had already left, and his mom was grabbing her purse and keys. She smiled and said, “Waffles and sausage in the microwave, sweetie. She was everything you hoped for, wasn’t she?”

“And then some, Mom! And then some!”

Lisa winked at her son and left. He got a message on his phone. It was from April.

A: Thanks, loverboy! You were great! Hope we can do it again soon! And often!

J: 😋🥰

Just then he got another message, this one from Sandi’s phone.

S: Hi! It’s Lizzy! Missing you! Back in a couple days!

J: Missing you too! ❤❤

After he finished breakfast and cleaned up his dishes, Jimmy headed out for a day of yard work, a pretty hot day. He was sweaty and ready for another shower when he got home. He had stashed his gear in the shed when he saw Sean in his backyard. Jimmy had spent the weekend fucking his wife and daughters. Sean had eagerly given his blessing to this erotic event, yet Jimmy still felt odd when they made eye contact. Sean beckoned him over.

“Hi, Jim.”

“Ummm… Hi, Sean.”

Sean chuckled at Jimmy’s obvious unease. He said, “No need to be nervous around me, Jimmy. I know it’s weird talking to me, given everything that’s gone on lately, but I wanted it to happen. I know Sandi told you about my particular kink, being a cuck. I didn’t realize that would extend to my daughters too, not until I found out about you and Lizzy. I think it’s goddamn hot! If I can’t fuck her myself, which, believe me, I want to, I’m glad it was you! Sandi showed me the pictures she took and the ones you sent to her. I almost shot my load before I got my pants off! And you even fucked Sadie! It gets me so hot when Sandi fucks other guys, but now the girls!”

Sean was shaking his head and grabbing at his hard cock through his pants. He was obviously very worked up when he asked, “Can I see it? Your cock? I want to see the cock that fucked all my girls!”

Jimmy looked around to see if anyone was looking. He wasn’t worried about his mother seeing, but she wasn’t home yet anyway; he just didn’t want any other neighbors to see. He pulled his shorts down and showed Sean his now hard boy cock. Sean’s breath caught in his throat. Jimmy thought to himself that the man acted like his member was a foot long, not the 6″ he carried.

“Can I touch it? Can you come over and let me touch it in the house?”

“I’m pretty sweaty…”

“I don’t care! That’s even better! Please come over!”

In response, Jimmy hopped the fence and hurriedly followed the frantic man into his house, the same house Jimmy had been fucking in all weekend. It felt odd without its female residents there, or little Joey for that matter.

They got in the living room, and Sean dropped to his knees as he pulled Jimmy’s shorts and underwear down to let his boy cock spring out. He again gasped like he had seen some monstrous horse cock, not an average boy cock. He took hold of it and started stroking. He looked Jimmy in the eye and said, “May I?”

Jimmy just nodded and the man took his dick all the way down to its root. He gasped himself at that. It occurred to him that the first person to suck his cock had been this man’s 8 year old daughter, and now Sean was the first man to suck his dick. They kept eye contact as Sean fellated him. Jimmy found this incredibly erotic. He felt the sudden urge to kiss the man. He pulled his cock from Sean’s mouth and led him to the couch, pulling him down to sit next to him.

Jimmy started kissing Sean the same way he had kissed the man’s wife and daughters, passionately, with lots of tongue. He grabbed at Sean’s cock, urging him to shed his clothing. Sean stood and stripped. Jimmy took his own shirt off, his pants already on the floor. Sean sat back down and they resumed their kissing. Hands on cocks, stroking, grabbing. Jimmy felt the overwhelming urge to take Sean’s cock in his mouth.

“I want to suck you, Sean! I want you to cum in my mouth! I’ve never sucked a dick! I want to suck your dick!”

Sean leaned back and put his hand on Jimmy’s head. Jimmy got on the floor between his knees and started licking Sean’s 7 inches. He rubbed all over his face, sucked and licked his shaved balls. He inhaled that masculine scent of sweat, piss, and pheromones. He ran his tongue around the crown of Sean’s cock, poking the tip of his tongue in the piss slit. He thought of all the tricks Brit, his mom, and Sandi had used on him. They were all expert cocksuckers, so it only stood to reason that he should emulate them.

Like Sean had done, he kept eye contact with the man. Oh man, he was enjoying this! He had been curious about it, now he knew that he loved sucking cock! He wanted to everything two men could do together! He wanted cock in his mouth, his ass! He wanted his cock in the man’s mouth and ass too! He was caught up in what he was doing when he heard a deep voice from behind him say, “Looks like you’re enjoying that, son.”

Jimmy stopped what he was doing and turned his head. He didn’t know what was more shocking, the fact that his father Frank was standing there, or the fact that he was nude with a raging 8″ hard-on. He was speechless but still holding Sean’s cock in his hand. Finally he was able to blurt, “Dad?!”

“We all have our secrets, Jimmy. We’ll talk about them later. Right now, I’m going to fuck your ass while you keep sucking that dick.”

Jimmy could only smile. The missing piece from their family fucking circle was finally in place. He didn’t expect that it would be fitting up his ass though. He shifted position, getting up so his left foot was on the floor as he kneeled on the couch with his right. He felt his dad spread his ass open, a greased finger invading his puckered hole. Soon that finger was replaced with Frank’s cock. It was fairly thick as well as being 8 inches. Jimmy bore down like his mother taught. How funny was that? His mother taught him how to get ass fucked, and now here his father was fucking him. What a family he had!

Frank went slowly, and his turgid member slid in his boy’s asshole easily. Jimmy loved the feel of it in there! His mother’s dildo felt great but it lacked that… heat of the real thing. He was ecstatic that his father’s cock was the first one in his hole. Frank started thrusting. And thrusting. And thrusting.

Jimmy took Sean’s cock back in his mouth, trying to concentrate on sucking it while he was being relentlessly pounded by his own father. He seemed to be doing a good job of it from the way Sean was reacting. Jimmy felt a hand stroking his cock, not sure of who it belonged to. It didn’t matter. He was about to cum. Sean shot his load first though.

Jimmy had tasted his own cum, but tasting someone else’s was entirely different. Not that the taste was all that different; it wasn’t. It was just the fact that he was tasting someone else’s, sucking his first cock. That made so much better! It was delicious! The excitement of it plus getting fucked by his father, the stimulation of his prostate by that steely rod, all of that drove him over the edge. He shot his load all over the hand stroking him and the couch. Frank continued fucking him.

Several more minutes of ass pounding went on, the sounds of flesh slapping against flesh and Frank’s heavy breathing filled the room. Eventually he started grunting loudly, trembling. He grabbed Jimmy by the hips and roughly pulled him onto his cock as he emptied his balls into his very own son’s tight, tight hole. He held the boy there as his climax subsided, occasionally spasming and moaning. Finally he pulled out of Jimmy’s wrecked, gaping asshole with a pop. He flopped back on the couch, panting.

Sean moved Jimmy around so the boy’s ass was in his face. He cleaned the up the cum leaking from it. Jimmy was now staring at his father’s deflating dick. He grasped it and cleaned the cum from it. His father pushed him away from his too sensitive cock.

“Give me a few, son, then you can suck it all you want. In the meantime, I’m sure you have some questions, as do I.”

After Sean had finished licking his ass clean, Jimmy sat on the couch between him and his father. He was astounded at the enormity of it all, everything that had happened to him this summer. He had fucked six different females! Six! Now here was having his first gay experience, or bi, or whatever! And it was a threesome! With his father as one of the participants!

“Uhh… yeah! Do you want to go first, Dad?”

“No, go ahead, son. I’m sure you want to know how this particular situation came to be.”


“Well, I never told your mom that I was bi. I started fucking other guys before I ever fucked a girl. I was about your age. My friends and I fooled around. First jacking off together, then jacking each other off. That led to cocksucking, and inevitably, ass fucking. I love pussy, prefer it, but I never lost my taste for cock. So I’ve played around on the side without your mother’s knowledge. I should feel bad about it, I suppose, but I never did because I knew your mother fucked her brothers.”

“You knew that?”

“Yeah, they told me the whole story one drunken night, then the three of us all fucked. I’m sure that’s a surprise too.”

“Yep.” Frank laughed at that response, then continued.

“Yep, indeed. So I was cruising at an adult bookstore when I ran into Sean here. Instead of freaking out, we figured that we could take care of each other’s needs. I haven’t fucked Sandi though. I haven’t scratched that cuck itch for him. Not yet, anyway. I will be doing that soon though. Believe me. I’ll fuck those girls eventually too. And your sister. But I digress.”

He went on, “After what went on with you and Lizzy, and the decision for you to fuck Sadie and Sandi too, Sean clued me in on what’s been going on around here while I was away. I came back earlier than expected but I wanted to surprise everyone, in my own special way.” He said that last with grin Jimmy could only describe as evil. He laughed this time.

Frank continued, ” I called Sean when I got into town. After Sandi left with the kids, he came and picked me up. I left my car in a lot downtown. He sneaked me into the house last night, and now, here we are.”

Jimmy felt it was his turn to speak. “First, I want to say I’m sorry, Dad. We’re all sorry.”

“Sorry for what, Jimmy?”

“Sorry for not including you. It… it just… happened. The whole thing with Lizzy, then Brit and Mom. We wanted you with us. Honestly. We were… well, afraid of how you’d react.”

“I’m not mad, Jimmy. I’m sorry myself. We, meaning your mother and I, should have been more open with our sexuality. We could have had a family like Sandi and Sean.”

Sean popped in then with, ” Like Sandi’s family. Our family is only like this because of them. I wasn’t raised like that either.”

When Sean finished, Frank went on, “Like Sandi’s family then. I regret that. I regret that I haven’t been fucking your hot ass sister all these years, even though I knew she wanted it.”

“You knew?”

“I’m not blind or deaf. The girl has been trying for years. And I wanted you too. I was afraid of how your mother would react. So, like I said, if your mother and I had been more open and honest with each other, we could’ve been having this kind of fun, this kind of relationship for years.”

Frank was a little surprised and confused at the huge grin on Jimmy’s face.

“What are you grinning about, son?”

“Brit is going to be so pissed that you fucked me before you did her! Can I suck your dick now?”

Frank grinned back at him, stroked his stiffening cock, and said, “Have at it, my boy!”

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