Keep it in the family Sex Story for free – Y2-Stories

This is a true story that happened when I was 12 years old, my name is James and my sister Charlotte who is 17 years old we have always been a close family, but dad he got up for work one morning and never came home my sister would walk around the house in just her bra and panties then one day I started to notice her and my cock grew stiff and my sister noticed my hard cock and gave it a gentle squeeze let’s have a look at it then, I was to shy so my sister pulled down my jogging and boxers in one go then all of a sudden my cock was in my sisters mouth as she began suck my cock I might have lasted just over a minute before I shot my load down her throat then my sister up put her hands behind her back and undone her bra then put her fingers in the tiny waistband of her panties and pulled them down then we got on the bed and she pulled me on top of her she put my cock in place then told me too fuck her which I did over the next few weeks I fucked my sister whenever I could then one morning in half term our mother went to work at her usual time and my sister came into my bedroom and took off her nighty and got into bed with me I soon had my buried deep inside her cunt then all of a sudden my bedroom door opened as we both looked standing in the doorway was our mother I thought something was going on between you two so I booked the day off work what surprised us that mom wasn’t mad at us and started rubbing her hands over her body mother hasn’t been with anyone since dad left she is good looking nice body and is only 36 years old then mother started to undress once naked she joined me and my sister on the bed then most of the day I was fucking my mother and sister after I fucked them both they both started sucking my cock making sure it was clean ready for next time then the following month mom and my sister took a pregnancy test and now the two of them are pregnant with my babies and our sex life is fantastic


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