little girl tries to jerk me off and we almost get caught while my cocks in her lustful pussy “ Sex Stories free 2024 – Y2 Stories

girl(10) me(13) i go to cottage and find myself having a lot of fun

so when i was around 13 i went up north to a little airbnb cottage but there was a mother, father and a 10 year old daughter who lived in a different place probably around 20 metres away. and so i went to their house to check it out and see what they were like, i knocked on their door and i was greeted by the mother who was awe-fully nice to me. so i went in and the little girl ran up to me and told me to go play with her in her room, and so i went and i got in; there was a fairly small room with a loft sort of vibe and under the bed of the loft there was a snuggling corner with lots of blankets and all sorts. and so i went in and she kept showing me her doals and such while i was sitting on the seat for her desk. i looked away for a second and then she jumped and reached for my cock… i was stunned but i quickly put her hand away and asked “what are you doing?!” and she said “whats that thing in your pants?” i didn’t realise but i had a massive boner sticking up… i was silent, but she gradually edged her hand more and more towards my dick… this time i didnt stop her and i wanted to see how far she would go.. and so she started rubbing my dick over my shorts and it felt AMAZING. and so i said calmly “do you like it?”, she said ” my dad has a massive one which i saw when he came out the shower and i was wondering if yours was as big” so i thought to myself whats the worst that could happen and so i went over to the door to lock and shut it and as soon as i turned around she was butt naked and she ran up to me and jumped in my arms and onto my cock, after 20 minutes i realise as im about to cum im about to impregnate this girl with my warm sloppy cum THEN BOOM i cum inside of her as she gives out the biggest moan 😩 ” ahhhhhhhghhghhh ” she screams and i hear her parents run up to her room and i know im in trouble… and so with my quick thinking i pull both of us up to the bed and myself under the covers while she is shown as it looks like shes normally lying down in bed and im underneath her with my dick still inside her… her parents storm through asking ” whats wrong?! are you okay?!! ” ” hehe yes all good im just reading” she can’t control her laughter as my pulsing dick is still feeling around her tight sensitive insides….. ” okay well enjoy” her parents said confusingly and left. as we got town she said it was the time for her life as i started snogging and fingering her i felt her went juices combined with my cum on my finger and i enter those sloppy juices into her mouth aswell which she then proceded to kneel down and suck me off. after i went home and it was the end of it

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