Meeting my daddy and big brother Sex erotica stories – Y2Stories.Com

Callie has always known her mom thinks her daddy is a bastard, but she’s just a cold-hearted bitch. Callie wants to see for herself; she wants to meet

Biting my lip nervously I ring the bell. Ten years and all I’ve heard from mom was “asshole this” and “fucker that” but I’m finally going to meet him. It’s not like my mom is a trustworthy source, she bitches about me every day of the week.
The man who opens the door has my eyes. Or I guess I have his. And the smile rounding his cheeks is so similar to the one I’ve seen on those few photographs I have of my smaller self. He really is my father!

“Callie, baby,” his smile is big and within a second I’m enveloped in his big warm arms, right there on the doorstep. The warm embrace feels so good after the harsh coldness I’m used to from mom.
“Hi daddy,” I say a bit shyly.
His laugh becomes a smirk and yes, that’s going to take a while to get used to, I guess.
“Come on in,” he says while stepping aside.

The door opens into his living room. It’s a real man’s house, with a big TV screen and lazy couches around a low table. The room is separated by a counter from the kitchen and I see schoolwork laying around on it.
After toeing off my shoes I spin to ask daddy when Theo comes home from school, but a rough hand encircles my throat and pushes me up against the wall.

My rug sack lands on the floor with a thud. What is he doing? Daddy scans my body up and down and then smiles a lecherous smile. Fear sends adrenaline coursing through my body.
“W-what-?” His fingers tighten around my throat and the little air I still had, disappears.
“What did you have in mind when you wanted a daddy and half-brother, baby?” he asks grinning. Flabbergasted I shake my head, regretting it when his fingers tighten even more. Is he- is he going to kill me?

Kicking my feet apart, his lighten up a bit, but as I suck in the little sliver of air he grants me, his hand disappears beneath my sundress and slips to the apex between my thighs. Fingers push past my cotton panties and one roughly sinks into my pussy. A sob leaves my tight throat.
“I can feel you’re not ready yet baby, but you will, I’ll make sure of it.”
With those ominous words a door somewhere in the house opens and a boy yells, “She here yet?”

After yelling back at his son to “come say fucking hi to your baby sister,” daddy pulls me from the wall and pushes me on a couch. The leather touching my bare arms and shoulders feels cold, but daddy flipping up my sundress and pulling off my panties make me clammy.
“Fucking hi, baby sister,” a voice tauntingly says from behind me.
Looking up my eyes land on a beautiful boy, who I know is 17 years old. His bright blue eyes sparkle and he looks down at me with a smirking smile.

Before I can say anything, daddy pushes my knees up to my sides.
“Goddamnit this is good pussy,” he breathes.
“Yea she still a tight little virgin?” my half-brother sneers.
“Oh yea, I felt it myself but damn, look at this closed up slit,” my father says.
I stiffen and his gaze finds mine. “Did you expect a loving family reunion or some shit, when you messaged me?”
All I can do is stare.
“Take her hands.”

Those words bring me out of my stupor. I kick my legs and throw myself to the side, trying to dislodge the grip my daddy has on the back of my thighs. I grab everything in my vicinity to hold on to, clawing my nails in the arm of the couch while the strong hands on my body don’t waver. My choppy breathing comes to a complete stop when a hand slaps my pussy. Hard.

In shocked pain I look back at daddy and that’s when Theo grabs my hands and pushes me back down. Not a second later daddy spears my virgin pussy with his tongue. A yelp escapes me at the sudden feel of that thick appendage but the wetness actually soothes the sting. With my hips bucking to get away from him, it only results in feeling daddy’s tongue sink in deeper. I cannot fight against their overwhelming strength.

“She better not lose her virginity on your giant tongue dad, you promised!”
My half-brother’s gaze is riveted to where our daddy now licks my slit. Sliding his tongue around my hole and over my clit has me squirming for a whole different reason. Daddy’s tongue ignites a much stronger feeling than my fingers have done for the past few months in the dark.
Without me wanting to my hips follow him when daddy’s tongue leaves my skin.

“You saw that baby boy? That’s her body telling us she’s a little slut and we all know what little sluts want, don’t we?” he smirks.
Baby boy? Why’s he calling Theo ‘baby boy’? I look up at Theo but his eyes fling away. The grimace on his face tells me he hates our daddy calling him that. At least in front of me.
“Why don’t you come here boy and see for yourself how eager for cock your baby sister is?”

As Theo’s lets go of my hands, my eyes fling to the front door and back to my father’s. He laughs. “You could try, but don’t think you’d get far. Do you see a key anywhere?” A feeling of defeat rushes over me.
Daddy scoots back a bit and Theo kneels before me. Then daddy plasters his chest to Theo’s back. “Do I need to tell you what to do baby boy?”
Theo scoffs. “You might call me baby, but you know this isn’t my first pussy, dad. I know how to treat little pussy sluts.”
“Great, then push your sweats down and show me that slutty little boypussy.”
Theo’s cheeks flush and his eyes briefly meet mine before doing what our daddy says.

Though it shouldn’t have, the depravity of our father shocks me. How long has he been doing this to Theo?
Daddy pulls his big hard cock out of his pants and spits on it. After rubbing it in, he spreads Theo’s ass cheeks and spits there too. A throb pulses my pussy unwillingly.
Theo refuses to look at me but his hands slide up and down my inner thighs when our daddy scoots in close, lines up and pushes in harshly. I suck in a sharp breath.
My half-brother’s blunt fingernails bite into my flesh, but he doesn’t make a sound. Daddy pulls back, spits some more and pushes his cock in again, grunting.
When I pry my gaze from Theo’s round ass cheeks, my eyes find his. He’s got a defiant look in them, but then he sees something in my face and a smirk crosses his lips. At the next push of our daddy’s cock in his ass, he moans deeply while looking at me. Then his tongue flits over his full lips and his eyes glide to my slit.

“Why aren’t you getting her ready boy?” our father demands.
Theo looks at me again and says, “Don’t need to.”
“What?” Daddy looks at me. “What do you mean you don’t need to, get her fucking ready!”
I swallow, already knowing what Theo’s going to say.
“I. Don’t. Fucking. Need to, dad! She’s already dripping.”

Theo’s head is pushed aside and I close my eyes. I don’t want to see their expressions. The smugness. No thank you, I’ll just act like I don’t know what they’re talki–
“Fuck, the little slut is enjoying this!” daddy breathes.
“She likes your big cock in my ass,” Theo smirks.
Fingers glide from my inner thighs to my groin and when they touch my slit, my hips buck. A whimper escapes.

“She smells so good.”
A second later a tongue slides through my slit and my eyes fly open. A harsh breath rushes out of me, followed by a deep moan when daddy slides a thick finger deep inside my wet pussy and Theo latches onto my clit, sucking the nub and flicking his tongue.
Daddy pulls back from Theo’s ass and stands. “You want it, baby boy, than take it now. Or I will.”
Before the meaning of those words sink in Theo crawls over me, nudges the tip of his cock against my virgin pussy and says, “Sorry, not sorry baby sister.”

With one mighty shove he rips my hymen with his hard cock. A hot burning painful sensation ignites in my lower body. My back arches and my hands push Theo’s shoulders, chest, head. Off. Get off! It’s only when I hear sobbing, that I feel the tears running down my cheeks.
Theo kisses me lightly on my lips, like some part of him cares a little bit for taking my virginity like that, but then he licks a tear of my cheek and sits up. When I open my eyes, I see him blurry – watching where we’re connected. He pulls out a bit and I suck in a pained breath. The sting ebbs away quickly, though.

“It looks so pretty with the blood, dad,” he says.
My gaze swings to our daddy, who I’d momentarily forgotten. Daddy’s watching where Theo and I are connected too, slowly jerking his big cock.
“I know baby boy, why do you think I pay for those virgins when I can?”
I … I don’t want to know. Fuck, I really really don’t want to know. But really daddy, what the f?

That’s when Theo pulls back out until only the tip is inside. Bracing myself for pain, I’m stunned when his cock sinks in slowly. After a few more of these movement my body relaxes a bit. The push and pull starts to feel good and when Theo’s thumb brushes over my clit a pulse of pleasure rocks my body.
As I moan my half-brother pounds into me hard. My body’s not sure to feel pain or pleasure but when he shifts slightly and pounds in again something sparks inside. He pushes harder and every time his cock punches that spot inside, more tingles rush through my body. My breathing is all over the place and something inside me is building.
“You gonna come for me baby sister?” my brother says out of breath.

I’m not sure what he means by that but then daddy crouches next to us, forces his hand between our bodies and after some feeling around, pushes two fingers inside my pussy alongside my brother’s cock. I cry out at the fullness, the new burn of stretching muscles.
His fingers crook and start moving inside me rapidly, increasing the feeling of tension in my belly. My brother keeps fucking me at a rapid pace. Daddy’s thumb rubs my clit and my body tenses completely for a few seconds and then something snaps. My head flings back and a long cry leaves me “Daddyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!”, the best tingles I’ve ever felt rush up my limbs that are spasming out of my control. Electricity sparkles through me and centers in my pussy as Theo fucks me through it all.

When the feelings become too overwhelming and a bit painful I push against daddy’s hand, but he doesn’t stop. Though the speed and harshness of their penetration slows down, daddy wiggles around and manages to insert more fingers alongside Theo’s cock. I’m too weak to really care about what’s happening.
“Fuck she’s wet,” daddy says with awe in his voice. “I think she’s ready.” Daddy’s fingers disappear.
Theo rolls us over on the couch with me, while keeping his cock inside and then I’m on top of him. His arms band around my back. It’s the heat of daddy’s body behind me that has me stirring. Trying to sit up and finding the words to ask what’s going to happen.
I should’ve known by now.
Theo starts a slow fucking, brushing the sensitive flesh inside and grinding his lower body against my clit. Then I feel the blunt tip of another cock. Daddy’s cock.

“D-daddy?” I croak.
“You begging for it baby girl? After this you’ll be a full member of our little family baby, we won’t ever let you go. I’ll take such good care of you.”
I whimper. I’m not sure if I’d rather have my cold mother or my too loving brother and father, but apparently I took the matter out of my own hands when I came here.

Daddy’s cock slips between my wet and sticky ass cheeks. Feeling it’s warmth there, brushing my asshole, makes me think of daddy and Theo and my pussy spasms around my big brother’s cock.
“Fuck dad, I don’t know what you did but she likes that!” he exclaims.
Daddy slips his cock through my crease again and then a thick finger circles my asshole. Massaging the wetness into the muscle. Pushing against it slightly he asks, “Did you ever play with your tight little ass baby girl?”
Another spasm has Theo groaning and I shake my head in reply.
“She wants to though,” Theo chokes out.
“Hmm,” daddy says, “I can see that, her little eye is beckoning me.” Daddy pushes harder and I feel my asshole give a little. Then he says, “I will fuck you here you little slut. But not now, we have other plans.”

Daddy’s cock slides down and a painful pressure against my pussyhole starts. I struggle to get away from whatever is going to happen.
“Hold her down,” daddy barks and the loosened arms around my back tighten to keep me in place.
Panic rushes over me but the pressure is unrelenting and within seconds I feel daddy’s cock slip inside my little pussy alongside Theo’s. The burning is too much. The pain too great. A floaty feeling enters my mind. Not sure that whatever’s happening, really is happening. But when daddy starts fucking me and Theo hard, I feel the same coiling tension as before start to rise inside my pussy.

My body shakes on top of my big brother. Theo kisses and licks my shoulder, my neck and when daddy pulls my head back with a fist in my hair, Theo plunges right into my mouth. Sucking my tongue and biting my lips. My brother starts moving his cock inside my little pussy too and when the tip of daddy’s finger slips inside my asshole, I fall again. My pussy pulses around the girth buried there and my body shakes to expel the pleasure.
Through a haze I feel Theo fucking me harder and faster and then he moans loudly, yelling, “I’m cumming!” He grips me tightly while his hips stutter uncontrollably.

Daddy’s finger sinks fully inside my slippery virgin asshole and fucks both my holes roughly when my brother and I are cumming. Grunting and slapping. Pushing my body higher onto Theo’s limp form, before a mighty roar sounds and I feel his cock pulse deep inside me.
After a few more slaps of his hips against my lower body, Daddy pulls back and his cock plops out of my pussy. A rush of wetness slides from my abused hole and drips onto Theo’s groin. Daddy’s finger leaves my ass, running through our combined cum and pushes his finger roughly inside my still stuffed and loose pussy.
A moment after his finger leaves me, a grunt and jolt from Theo has me thinking the finger entered him. My pussy gives a sad throb before my brother’s cock slides free of my no longer virgin pussyhole.

Daddy rolls me onto my back next to Theo and stands over us. His still half-hard cock swings proudly between his legs. My brother’s cock lazily rests on his thigh, smears of red and white all over it.
“Well baby girl, I sure hope your mom won’t be a pain in the ass when you tell her you’re going to live with us come tomorrow. But either way, I’m not giving you up.”

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