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Met my wife, 4 years older, as 5th guy in a gangbang Sex Story for free – Y2 Stories

My now wife was 20, I was 16. Her boyfriend set up gangbangs for her. He took pity on me being a virgin and let me come to one of them.

First thing I want to say that my wife is beautiful. Brunette, perfect skin, perfect body, beautiful face. I remember than so much because that was my thought when I first met her. That and the thought – why is a beautiful woman, so perfect as you, letting your boyfriend do all these things to you, like the gangbang. He was 25 and married to another woman. Del was his girlfriend at 20 and had been for a year. From hearing him talk about her she did anything he told her to do sexually. He told me she’d been fucked at age 12 for the first time, and that was three guys behind a church playground wall. Since she’d been fucked by 114 cocks, he made her count them all out. He abused her, made her take gangbangs, got her knocked up twice and made her get an abortion each time. He said he even sold her for sex when he needed more money, mainly to pay for his wifes shopping. He was talking about the next gangbang that Saturday night, he told me I could come over and he’d let me lose my virginity in her used up cunt.

I jumped at the chance. I’d seen pictures of her, I knew I liked what I saw. He even showed me naked pictures and sex pictures, even a few gangbang videos. One of the gangbangs went on from Friday afternoon till Sunday evening. 32 guys and it was all anal, no oral (except to get cocks hard) and no pussy sex, only anal. He had pictures of her blown out asshole taken that last night. He arranged for me to go after the first few guys. I found out she’d been fucked by four guys before me, and some went twice. I was her 8th fuck, 5th guy. Dan her BF on this occasion didn’t let her clean up, he wanted her all sloppy and whorish after everyone was done. He usually made her stay that way and in the big wet spot till the next morning. I went in, and took off my pants and underpants. I kept staring at her she was so damn beautiful in person, more so than her pictures. Her body was total perfection too, even with her pussy leaking cum, and some splatters on her perfect orbs making up her breasts, she was literally a vision. “Well, come on if you’re next” she said. She spread her legs out more, bending at the knees and bringing them up. I got between her legs and put my cock in. I leaned forward and started moving. I tried to kiss her, and she told me no kissing, just fuck me and go. I was missing strokes, pulling out all the way sometimes instead of partially. “Is this your first time?” she asked. I said it wasn’t, and she pushed me off her. “Don’t lie to me, I take a lot of shit from guys but I hate being lied to” she almost yelled. “Yes it is my first time, please don’t tell anyone” I begged. “Does Dan know?” “YES” I said. She wiped the cum off her tits and wiped her fingers on the bedsheet. Then pulled me back in and reached down and inserted my cock into her pussy. “Go slow, no need to rush baby” she whispered. “Suck on my tits” as I was doing that she kissed the side of my face. I knew better than to try to kiss her back. “If it’s your first it’s not going to take a long time, just go ahead and do it” she again whispered in my ear, kissing it lightly and scraping it with her tongue. “Oh shit” I said and I pushed into her and added my cum to the rest inside her used pussy.

I was embarrassed about cumming too quick and she again whispered for me to sit on the bed, and she started moving up and down bouncing the bed, and moaning, after about 10 more minutes, no making a total of 20, she yelled out “I’m coming, I’m coming, fuck me with that cock baby, ooooh God yes, yes yes, that’s it, just there, do it baby do it” Then she went quiet and pulled me back over on top of her. The door opened and Dan and two other guys were looking in at us. “Holy shit, that kids must be good” one of them said. “He is” answered Del. “Go on now baby, let others have a turn, but come back anytime” she said so they all could hear.

I stood up, the other two guys came in and were going to tag team her, I took my clothes into the outer room. I got dressed, Dan gave me a beer. After that I came back around 11pm and was the last one before Dan kicked everyone out. Dan apologized that my first time had to be in a “whore like her” I told him it was fine, it was good. Then he mentioned that I should come by in a few days and he’d let me fuck her alone, just her and I not after a bunch of guys had fucked her already before me. He said he’d not even fuck her himself that day. It would have to be a couple of days though because her pussy and ass would be too sore to do it for a few days.

I made arrangements, when to his apartment and was met with Del, alone. She was dressed in bluejeans, and a white tee shirt. Her nipples were dark enough to be seen through the shirt. She sat me on the couch, and said she was sorry that I had to have my first time like that, in a gangbang. “So let’s start over OK?” she said. We were kissing, french kissing, taking our clothes off, she had on no panties. She gave me a blowjob and swallowed my load saying that now I could last a longer time when we had sex. I was rubbing on her pussy, sucking on her tits, and she pushed my head down to her pussy. “You ever eaten a girl?” she asked and I told her that I hadn’t done anything with a girl, in fact the only females I ever saw naked were my 13 year old sister and my 34 year old mother. She taught me what to do to please a woman orally, and she said she came twice. Then we went to the bedroom, and she sucked me hard, and then we fucked. It was much longer, she came once during. I got personal with her asking why she was doing all this when she was so beautiful and had such an incredible body. She explained that the three guys who fucked her when she was 12 told everyone in the neighborhood and at her school and in the high school (they were 17 and 18, and friends of her brothers) about her and that she let all three of them fuck her. In fact she didn’t LET them, they paid her $10 to see her tits which were already a pretty hefty B cup, then $5 to touch and feel them, the 18 year old just started sucking on them. Then they paid her another $10 to take down her pants and panties. They were touching and playing with her by then already hairy pussy, and her butt. They told her how much she looked like a real grown woman, not a little girl and she fell for it. Then the 18 year old laid her down on her clothes, and got between her legs. Not asking not anything, her pussy was wet from them rubbing on it he put his cock into her and fucked her. His friends went next. The other two left after, the older one gave her a ride home and set up to meet her the next day. He buttfucked her in the back of her car on the movie theater parking lot, then took her in to a movie. It was there that he moved her head down to his cock in the back row and she got her first load in her mouth.

After that it was all the talk and guys coming around all the time taking her out in their cars, and fucking her. I asked about Dan. I liked him, he was cool but married with 2 kids. She knew and said that she liked him, he was cute, and he gave her pot and booze, and sometimes coke. About a month later, I’d heard there were two more gangbangs during that time, he dumped her. His wife had enough, he had her knocked up again and she was going to divorce him if he didn’t dump Del. Something must have turned around in her after a year. During that year I fucked her once but I wanted to date her and she wouldn’t due to the age difference.

At 18 I was away at college, and in the student union I see Del. I went up and got her attention. She was a bit standoffish but I soon overcame that with her. We met the next morning at the coffee shop and we talked a lot. I was in advance programs and in my third year, she in her 1st. We had some great talks, even were in Spanish together. In talking she said that she wasn’t like she used to be, she wasn’t a slut or whore anymore she’d put all that behind her and wanted to get a good education and make something of herself. I told her I was glad, and that I wasn’t expecting anything from her sexually, I just liked being with her, the real her not that other girl. She corrected me saying “woman”. Indeed she was. I took it slow, but I knew I wanted to marry this beautiful, hard body woman. I took my time, I finally got her out on evening dates, concerts, meals, movies, theater etc. Then one evening in my car after the theater she said
“You really date me for ME don’t you? Not because we’ve had sex before, or because you know what I was like before?”

“That’s right. I like you, you’re beautiful, gorgeous, and smart. I really like being with you”

“I really didn’t want to meet anyone from back home because of everyone knowing what I was like, or worse, so many guys having had sex with me”

“I don’t care about that, YES don’t get me wrong, I’d LOVE to have sex with you, but because it’s you, not because of your past”

“what if we did have sex? I don’t want to do the things I did before, or for other boyfriends like Dan”

“I’d want sex to be between us, and ONLY when and IF you are comfortable with that. I’m not pushing you to it, nor do I expect it”

That night she stayed with me, we did oral, anal and vaginal sex. After I graduated which was two years before her, I did some grad work, got a great job. We stayed together, even moving in together as I was doing my grad work. I asked her to marry me and she refused. Her words “You deserve someone better than me, someone who wasn’t passed around like me”

I told her I wanted her, and in a few months I asked again, and she accepted. In fact I asked her to go off the pill immediately, and we got pregnant within two months of us being married. We flew family and friends to the west coast for a seaside resort wedding. She didn’t want to go back to our home town and I knew why. I am grateful for having a beautiful sexy wife, who not only does anything we want has brought some really interesting things up on her own (or from her past who gives a fuck).


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