My Priest Uncle Made Me His Slave (p2) hot sex erotica stories – Y2Stories.Com

The next morning after uncle k took my virginity

Uncle K’s alarm went off at 6:30am. My eyes burned from exhaustion and from crying, u could sleep all night. Uncle k woke up 3 times in the middle of the night to start fucking me. He would suddenly stop snoring, grab my boobs and start thrusting inside me, hard. He wouldn’t stop until he came deep inside me, then would fall back asleep still lodged inside me, then do it all over again the next time he woke up. My pussy was pulsing and sore, and I couldn’t wait for him to get out of me.
Once uncle k was fully awake, he rolled ontop of me and pinned me on my stomach and started thrusting hard and deep. I whined and tried to scooch away, but he smacked my ass hard and grabbed my hair. He yanked me back until my back was bent like a C and I could see his hairy chest.
“You’re gonna learn not to do that little girl,” uncle k growled and started slamming into me harder that ever. I groaned and tried to stay still until he was done with me.
After a minute or 2, uncle k suddenly let go of my hair and I flopped hard onto the bed. He plunged himself deep inside me and leaned over to his bedside table. I turned my head to see what he was doing but he shoved my head into the mattress. I heard a drawer open and him dig around before slamming the drawer back shut. He laughed quietly and started to reach under me. I felt him place something hard and rubbery on my clit before clicking a button making it vibrate hard. I gasped and whined and tried to lift my hips up but uncle k held me down.
My pussy started getting really wet, and he went back to thrusting in and out of me as hard as he could. I moaned and whined into the mattress, and I felt myself start grinding against the toy and uncle k’s dick. He laughed and changed his rhythm. I felt my pussy start to squeeze around him and I tried to stop myself from cumming, but my body needed it. I screamed into the mattress as I came hard, and uncle k moaned loudly.
“Good slave, I knew you’d love this,”
Uncle K let go of my head and grabbed my ass. He spanked me as he slammed in and out of me. Then he spread my ass cheeks apart with 1 hand and groaned. After a few seconds, he took his other hand and ran his finger up and down my ass crack. I jumped each time he touched my asshole and he laughed. Then he took his thumb and started rubbing my asshole in circles as he thrust deeper and deeper inside me. I whined and shook my head, making him laugh again.
After what felt like hours, he finally removed his hands from my ass and grabbed my hips. He ground himself deep inside me and pulled me hard against him. I groaned and whined as I felt him bury himself in my stomach and cum deep inside me. I grabbed the sheets tightly and waited for him to finish.
Once he emptied himself inside me, he stayed inside me until he went soft. While he waited, he took the toy off my clit and held it against my asshole. I flinched and jumped away from it, but he kept it on me the whole time. When he finally went soft, he spread my ass apart and laughed as he watched my asshole twitch before turning the toy off and pulling himself out hard and fast. I jumped to my knees and crawled to the corner of the bed. Uncle k laughed and walked to his bathroom and turned on the shower. He left the door open so he could see me the whole time.
After 20 minutes, I was still in the same spot. Uncle k stepped out of the shower and wrapped himself in a towel before walking over to me and grabbing my wrist. He dragged me across the bed and flipped me onto my back and crouched down face to face with my pussy. He threw my legs on my shoulders before spreading me open and shoving 3 of his fingers inside me. I gasped and groaned at the sudden entrance and felt him feeling around inside me.
“Just wanna make sure your little pussy drank up all my cum, don’t wanna waste any!” Uncle k laughed as he spoke.
A tear ran down my face before he suddenly pulled his fingers out and showed them into my mouth.
“Suck them clean.”
I tried to grab his wrist to pull his hand out of my mouth but he grabbed my nipple and twisted it hard making me scream and he shoved his hand deeper into my mouth. Once he was done, he yanked his hand out and pulled me to my feet. I tripped and stumbled forward and he roughly grabbed me by the shoulder and pulled me against him. He walked me to the bathroom and grabbed a towel before turning the shower on.
“Clean yourself up, then come down for breakfast,” he pointed at the shower with a stern look on his face.
“Yes sir,” I whimpered as I shuffled forward into the shower. I flinched at the hot water but didn’t complain so I didn’t get in trouble.
Uncle k slid the shower door shut and left the bathroom. Once he was out of eyesight I turned the water down and let it run over my body. It felt great going over all the sore spots on my body, I was sure I was covered in bruises. I moaned when the water ran over my raw nipples and beaten pussy, and stood there for a while.
Eventually I realized I’d been in there for a while so I quickly washed my hair and gingerly washed my body. I rinsed and turned off the shower before stepping out. I wrapped myself in the towel uncle k had left me and walked to the mirror. I wiped the steam off and stared at my reflection.
My wrists were bruised, both my nipples were bright red, my ass had handprints on it, and there were fingerprints bruised into my thighs and shoulders. I felt my eyes burn with tears and I blinked fast to get rid of them.
I walked out of the bathroom and went into the dresser in uncle K’s room. He hadn’t gotten me any clothes yet, so u just grabbed one of his tshirts and a pair of sweatpants. I wanted panties or something but all his boxers would’ve fallen right off. I pulled the clothes on quickly and wrapped my hair in the towel before running downstairs. I saw uncle k sitting at the kitchen table with a coffee in hand as he was reading the newspaper. His plate was empty, but the food was set on the table, so I assumed he had already eaten. I awkwardly sat at the table across from him where a plate and drink were set for me. I looked at my plate as I felt him stare at me over his paper. I reached forward and started scooping some eggs onto my plate and grabbed a piece of toast. I could still feel him staring at me as I slowly took a bite.
“Who told you to put on clothes?” He asked, anger in his voice.
“I… I’m sorry I just… I assumed-” i started,
Uncle k raises his hand and growls, “The only time you should be wearing clothes in this house is when I tell you to, understand?”
“Y-yes sir, I’m sorry” I whispered
He stared at me silent for a few minutes before stating “eat your food.”
I nodded and shoveled a few scoops of eggs into my mouth to appease him. He kept glaring at me so I ate some toast and took a big gulp of my drink. He looked back at his paper and I continued to eat.
After a few minutes, I had finished my eggs and drink and my head was feeling heavy again. I groaned quietly and tried to finish my toast. As I took a bite I placed my head on my hand and slowly chewed. My eyelids were so heavy, and when I finally swallowed my toast, I felt myself fall asleep.
When I woke up, my head was pounding. I opened my eyes a little and was blinded by a bright light.
“Not again” I thought to myself.
I kept my eyes closed and pulled my arms. They didn’t move. I sighed. I could tell I was naked, and laying on something hard, just like when I was punished yesterday. This time, my arms were straight out to the sides and my legs were folded under me holding my ass up. I felt the gag in my mouth again and groaned.
What felt like hours went by, then suddenly I felt something slap my ass and I yelped. Uncle k laughed and smacked my ass again, harder this time, making me yelp again.
“Already back in this room, tsk tsk tsk,” uncle k scolded me. “I thought you’d be easier.”
He trailed his hand up to my boobs and started pulling in them and squeezing them. I groaned and whined as he continued. After a few minutes, he let go of one of my boobs and reached down and started undoing his pants. I cringed as I heard his belt smack the concrete floor.
He pinched my nipple hard one more time before walking around behind me and climbing up between my legs. I held my breath and tried to brace myself as he started rubbing his dick up and down my pussy. Just when it felt like he was gonna push in, he suddenly moved up and started shoving himself into my asshole. I gasped and started pulling on my restraints as he spread my ass apart trying to allow himself easier access. I started screaming as I felt his tip wedge inside me.
“This is what naughty girls get! You did this to yourself!” He yelled as he started to shove himself inside me deeper and deeper. I felt like I was being ripped in half and he wasn’t even close to halfway in. I tried to beg him to stop but the gag made it impossible, not that it would’ve helped. He laughed and grabbed my hips and started pulling me onto him. I tried to grab the sheets and pull myself off but he was too strong.
“You’re sooo tight little girl, I’m almost halfway!”
I screamed again as he thrust himself forward hard.
After 20 or so minutes, I head a ‘pop’ and felt his balls smack against me as he groaned.
“Ffffuck finally, I didn’t think I’d ever fit!”
Before giving me time to get adjusted, he started thrusting in and out of me.
I groaned, exhausted and sore, and hoped he would finish soon. He picked up his pace and I swear I could feel him coming up out my throat. He changed his rythym and started doing long strokes in and out, coming almost all the way out before slamming deep inside me, over and over again. Uncle K reached under me and started playing with my clit, making me moan loudly. He laughed and said, “That’s right, cum while I fuck that tight ass,” and started rubbing me harder and faster. I moaned louder and felt my stomach tighten. I shook my head and tried to make it stop, but the wave of pleasure overtook me and I started shaking on his dick. He moaned and started pumping in and out of me even faster. I started to scream as I felt him start to cum deep inside my bowels.
He finished filling my ass with cum and slipped himself out. I sighed, relieved, but then he came back with something in his hand. I felt him place the hard rubbery thing against my ass before shoving it inside me. I gasped as I felt it fill me up, before uncle k shoved it all the way in and smacked it lightly making me yelp.
“That should keep everything in,” he said laughing.
Uncle k grabbed his pants and clumsily pulled them on before walking out of my sight again. He came back with the same toy he had used on me this morning, and placed it back on my clit before turning it on. I groaned loudly and my pussy immediately started to get wet.
“You look so nice this way, I gotta get a picture,”
I froze and stared at him as he pulled out his phone, turned it to the side, moved around for an angle that showed my filled ass and my gagged face, and snapped a picture with the flash on. My face got bright red as he showed me the picture. My pussy and ass were inflamed and swollen, and my face was covered in sweat and drool. Uncle k laughed and put his phone in his pocket before shoving a few fingers inside my pussy. I moaned loudly as he pumped in and out of me a few times before stopping and walking away.
“I’ll come get you when I feel you’ve learned your lesson, or when I need to cum,” he laughed again, then I listened to him walk ul the stairs, unlock the door and leave me down there. Then the lights shut off and I was left there, cold, naked, wet, and sore, and tried to ignore the feelings in my pussy and ass.

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