Categories: GayPreTeenZoophilia

My uncle and his farm Sex erotica stories – Y2Stories.Com

This is a story about my at my uncles barn. It’s a story how I developed a relationship with my uncle.

My name is Noar and I am 14 years of age, and i was on a summer holiday at my uncles. His name is Mark and he is older than my dad, around 48. He lives in a farm and has a big house and land with a little farm consisting of a horse, cows and calfs, chickens, a dog and cat. My uncle is not married and has no kids. So my father thought it would be best if I go to his to learn how to farm and get away from the city. Pluss my parents are working full time.

It was so boring in the farm. My uncle had no WiFi and the closest town was like an hour away. So I usually read a book, watched a movie or just masturbated, which I did lot of that.

Having no access to porn I had to improvise and use my imagination. My cock was around 7 inch when hard. For my age it was a decent size. I would mainly use my hand but would get a bit creative and use an old teddy bear that was in the room or sometimes tomatoes. I’d cut a hole and it would feel like a girls mouth was sucking my tip. I have had sex, and been with a few girls. But they werent as experienced as the girls I see on porn.

My uncle is a quiet guy, he wouldn’t really start any conversation with me, just kept to himself. He was really into looking after his animals like everyday he would clean the barn, and go out and work in the fields. So I was left alone most of the time.
His dog Barney was a young dog I think around 2 years old. He was an anatolian shepherd he was a silly horny dog always humping stuff, especially me and my uncle. I noticed those two had a weird relationship. My uncle who’s a very closed guy would show so much affection to Barney.

I think a few days In, I was getting really bored and I thought let me snoop around a little. My uncle had an loft. I remember I use to be very scared to go up there when I was young, my uncle use to say there were ghosts up there. But I know they don’t exist so curiousity took over me. My uncle was out in the fields and I knew he would be there all day.
I remember going up there and it being really dark. I saw a switch which I turned on, and I saw old furniture like a rocking chair and a lot of brown boxes. I almost fell over one which was by my feet. I grab the box and I see written on top was “Bruno”.
Bruno was my uncles last dog before Barney, which was a German shepherd. I remember that dog and I thought let me have a look. I see an album book and some casset tapes (for those of you who don’t know this is what was recorded on to before CDs came).

I grab one of the albums and I open up the first cover and it was of a big picture of Bruno. I smile because I remember what a friendly dog he was. I turn the next page and it was of a picture of Bruno with his red rocket. His cock was huge!!!
I get taken back, what kind of album is this and why does my uncle have pictures of this? I turn the next page and it was of Bruno’s anus all wet and white fluid dripping out of it. I turn the next and this time there was a side view picture of someone’s cock inside of Bruno’s mouth. Bruno was doing a good job keeping it in this mouth. I kept turning page after pages, and it was more pictures of Bruno laying in different positions, and some with the persons cock in his anus. In the pictures Bruno seemed to be smiling.

I closed the album and I put it back into the box. I was shocked, I knew it was my uncle in these pics. I was so surprised it like I didn’t even know who he was, did my parents know who he really was? I wanted to see what else was hiding up here.
I start moving around the loft and I see other normal boxes with old shoes and his belongings. And then is see another box labels “Farm”. I had a feeling this had something to do with him fucking animals again.
I opened the box and this time there was a number of albums. I grab one and the first page I turn was of my uncle laying on his lazy boy chair naked, with a chicken on top of him and his cock entering it’s hole. The chicken looked frightened. It’s mouth was open and it’s feet were tied together. My uncles cock was huge, the chickens pussy was just gripping on his cock tight. I feel my own cock get hard. I was already roasting before I went on my snoop and now this was intriguing me more. I turn the pages and it was of a picture of my uncle fucking the chickens in all positions, some were bleeding. Some looked small young and some bigger and older.

I put that album down and I grab the next. It was a picture of him getting a blow job by a calf (baby cow). There was so much saliva drooling down my uncles cock. That calf looked like it was trying to suck milk out of my uncle. I was so horny at the point. I grabbed my cock in my hands and I was masturbating as I was viewing the pictures. Page after page of him fucking the calfs and the cows. And giving blow jobs to horses. I wonder if he has been fucked by any.
I was so amazed I didn’t even know humans can have sex with animals. To be honest it looked kinda nice. Girls usually complain a lot. I wonder if animals are easier since they can’t talk.

I felt myself about to cum but I suddenly hear my uncles car drive in the drive way. There was a window in the loft and I look outside and I hear him call my name. I put my dick back in my shorts.
Obviously I don’t answer back.I then see him call Barney. He grabs him by the collar and leads him to the empty shed opposite the house. He was looking back to see if I was in sight. I smiled as I knew what his perverted self had in mind. I ran out of the back and out from the side window, and I made my way to the back of the shed. I hope I didn’t miss anything.

I creaped up behind the shed. It had one small window in the back and I had to climb a pile of logs. I tried to be careful so I don’t make any noise. I can hear my uncles voice talking to benny, saying stuff like is benny happy to see daddy. I peak through the window and I tried not too move so my uncle doesn’t notice my movements. I see him look outside to see if I will step out from the house.
I notice his shorts were down and his hand was giving his cock a hard on. I look at barney and he was just looking up and uncle waiting for an order. When my uncle thought the coast was clear he grabs barneys mouths and opens it with his fingers and shoves his cock inside barneys mouth. Barney didn’t fight him or bite him. He just stood there and let my uncles cock go inside of his mouth. My uncle was thrusting his hips, I see his butt cheeks cleanched at the feeling. His whole cock was fully in, where Barney’s nose was touching his belly.

After what seemed like 2 minutes he grabs Barney by the collar and leads him to some hay that was on the left. Again looks if the coast is clear. He positions Barney where his top part is on the hay and his bottom half off. My uncle lowers his head and starts to lick Barney’s ass hole! Barney’s tails was up in the air just letting him. I see my uncles head just giving his all on Barney’s asshole. My cock was still hard. I take it out and I masturbate at the view I was seeing.

My uncle stops licking Barney and gets up from his knees and positions his cock into Barney’s ass entrance. He thrusts his cock inside Barney’s ass and I hear Barney yelp a little. My uncle is stroking Barney’s head to calm him. I guess they hadn’t fucked in a while. The yelp got me more excited and I start to move my hand more. My uncle starts to move in and out, I hear him try to quieten his moan. My god I wonder how it was feeling better than my tomatoes or teddy idea. I see my uncle pick up his pace and with one had he reaches under and is giving Barney a hand job. Barney starts to thrust to the movement and my uncle stops moving and Barney is moving in and out of his cock.

I see my uncles head go back. His butt cheeks were clenching again I knew he was about to cum and so was I. I start to move my hand faster and imagine my place in my uncles place. I was loving this. I knew this orgasm was going to be big for me. I look back at my uncle and I see him lean forward and moan. His body was shaking. Barney has stopped moving as well but his cock was huge. I see my uncle pull his cock out of Barney asshole, everything was in slow motion, that’s how tight his asshole seemed. That detachment made me cum hard. I got my cum all over my top and shorts.
I lowered my head and headed back to the house. My uncle came in all natural and said he was heading for a shower. I was thinking about the other times where i witnessed him entering the same way and run up to get a shower. I nod my head and I knew he would take like 30 minutes in the shower. I see Barney come in after him. His cock had gone back to normal.

My uncles house was big. It had big halls and big rooms. I guess there was enough room to make a big house. So it was hard to look for people or hear noises. I looked at Barney and thought let me see if he will suck me off. I wait till I knew my uncle was showering and I took benny by the collar and took him to my room. I locked the door and I quickly turned to Barney. He was just sniffing around my room. I call him over and I start to grab onto my cock. It was slowly getting hard again. But I was kinda scared. What if he bites me or doesn’t do what I say. But I thought let me try it.

I lower my shorts and barney is looking at my cock. It like he knew what the movement was. He comes closer and licks my semi hard cock. His tongue was so powerful it just sent shocks to my cock. My cock hardened so quick. I grab my cock and I bring it closer to Barney mouth and he licks it again, but this time he doesn’t stop. The mouth noises he was making was making me even harder. His tongue hitting my dick and his saliva running against my cock.

I grabbed Barney’s mouth and I opened it and I inserted my cock. And omg what a feeling. Barney’s tongue was just moving around the bottom half, whilst the back of his mouth was trying to get air in to breath. I started to move my cock in and out whilst being wary of Barney’s mouth. He had sharp teeth so I had to be careful. Now I know why my uncle loves doing this I have never had a girl suck me off like this. It was amazing.

I look at Barney’s tail and I had noticed it has gone up like it did for my uncle. I took my cock out and I went behind Barney. His butt hole looked like it had been fucked a lot. I don’t know how I never noticed this. I see it gaping like it wanted my cock inside. I wonder if it will tighten like that around my cock. I grab two of my fingers and I insert them in his ass. I spat at the hole to get it more wet. I grabbed my cock and positioned it on the entrance of his hole and I grabbed his hips and just rammed my cock inside of him. He didn’t cry or anything I guess my uncles cock is bigger than mine.

The feeling of me inside is him was amazing. It was the tightness hole I have ever put my cock in. It was warm and every time Barney was breathing in it was tightening in my cock even more. I knew I wanted to cum so I sped up my movements and I swear to god it felt like I lost my virginity again because not even 30 seconds passed and I had already cum Inside of him. I pulled my cock out and I just see Barney lay down and lick his hole. What a slut he knew what he was doing.
That evening I kept looking at my uncle. Such a quiet man with big secrets I wonder what else he was hiding.
The next day after he had left to work on the fields. I got a hard on the minute he had left. During the night time I kept thinking about the picture with his cock inside the calf’s mouth. So I left for the barn which was next door to the house. I was in the barn where we keep the cows and I saw a little calf. The stable next door was empty so I directed one calf to the next room. I have to be quick as it’s mother kept crying for her back.

I pull my cock out and the calf immediately went for it. I think she thought it was bottle because she was sucking it like she was hungry. Her powerful tongue squeezing on my cock like it was begging for the milk to be released. I tried not to move as I wanted to cherish this moment and not cum as fast as yesterday with Barney.
She sucked me off like that for 5 minutes before I couldn’t hold it in any more and I just busted inside of her mouth. I had to fight her of me a little, because she kept sucking after I finished and my cock was extremely sensitive, I guess she loved the taste of my cum.

In the evening I got horny again. This exploring I was doing was making me be thankful for getting sent to the country side. All I kept thinking about is sex and fucking. I wanted to try and fuck a chicken. Maybe I’ll go for a young one so I get the tight feeling of their hole. It took a while for me to catch one. Which was making me even more exited, I loved the tease.

I caught a young one, she kept trying to fight and get away from me. I had some rope with me to tie her legs up, which I did. She was so small the size of a melon. I dont know if this was going to work. But why not try not like she will tell anyone.

I turn her upside down and I see her hole. It was so tight and small. It kept moving like it was talking to me. I lowered my mouth and I gave her a lick. I didn’t want to concentrate about the taste I just wanted to pretend like I was licking a girl from school. I was working my tongue around and in her cunt. It was getting me so hard.

I lay her down on some hay. I grab my cock and I get it super wet with my saliva. I climb over her and position my cock by her hole. She wasn’t moving I don’t think she knew what was coming. I start to enter her slowly. Now the pressure entering her hole was making her try to get away from me. There was no going back now I had to force it inside of her, which I did. She kept screaming. I felt sorry for her but I was too horny to stop.

I started to move my hips in and out whilst holding her down. It was like fucking my teddy but better of course. I think I was so in the mood I forgot I was laying on top of her. I look down to see if she was okay and I noticed some blood on my cock. She was still moving but I had to continue. If I take it out I won’t be able to finish. I’m thrusting harder and deeper. The deeper I was going the more she was screaming. It was so fucking tight and warm. I look back down and I see more blood. I start to panic and I take my cock out of her and I look down and see she was bleeding. Blood was dripping out of her. I think I damaged her insides.

I put my shorts on and with my hard cock I run in the fields with her in my hands and I release her in the woods so my uncle doesn’t see what I did. I see her run away and she kept falling and she ran.
I ran back home and I was kinda pissed of I couldn’t finish. But I did know who was going to help. I call for Barney and he comes running to me. I pull my cock out and he sniffs around it. He starts to lick my cock slowly curious about the new smell and taste. I felt kinda bad, I raped a chick and now Barney is licking her rape. I couldn’t hold it in I knew I needed to finish. I was frustrated and I knew I wanted to be rough. That stupid chick couldn’t handle it so I had to take it out on something.

I ask barney to get on the sofa and I get him to lay on his back. I sit by his ass and I look down at his cock. The tip of his red rocket was sticking out. I was curious what would happen if i fucked his ass and played with his cock. I inserted my cock in his ass without any struggles. I guess my uncle fucked him.
I start to fuck his ass hard and fast. I grab onto his cock and he starts to hump on my hand. I see his rocket stick out so I grab it tight. Barney started to thrust a little faster. My cock was loving this. I push in a little deeper and his grinding on my cock was driving me insane. His warm hole tightening on my cock whilst he moved his ass just made my head go back and my eyes roll at the back of my head.

I was cumming hard, I couldn’t controll the noise coming out of my mouth. I felt Barney’s fluid squirt in my hand. His cock was just growing whilst mine was getting smaller. I pull out of him and I just watch him as he licks his cock. It was still squirt doggy cum. And he was licking it all up. I look down at his ass and my cum was just dripping out. What a beautiful holiday this is.
I have a warm shower that evening. And my cock was getting hard once again. I don’t think I have ever gotten this much boners in a day. I look down at my cock I see it all veiny. I started picturing the chick I had fucked earlier. And I loved the feeling of over powering.

And then I remembered seeing a picture of my uncle getting fucked by a horse. And how it would feel to have a big beast overpower me. I have never thought about having anything up my arse. I guide my hand to my hole and I have a feeling at it. My cock was hardening even more. I put one finger in and I begging to move it in and out whilst moving my cock up and down. This was feeling amazing.

Once I adjusted to my finger I started to insert another. The pain was pleasure and it was making me wank my cock harder. I was loving this my body was jumping up and down and hips moving in and out. I couldn’t help but moan a little this was a feeling I have never thought I would have. I tried to put my fingers in deeper and I think I touched a spot because my cock began to release my oragsm. And this time I was feeling the orgasm more intense. I couldn’t help moan loud.
I started to feel a little light headed so I turned off the shower and I suddenly hear the bath room door closed. I stand there in shock as I see my uncle naked standing in the bathroom. I didn’t know what to do… I just waited for him to say something. But the look my uncle was giving and the erection of his cock. It was bigger than the pictures and when I had seen him fuck the dog.

He steps in the shower with me. Turns on the water and stands behind me. He leans his body against mine and starts to heavy breath against my ear. This was sending shiver down my body. He starts to stroke my arms with both hands. And brings himself closer where his cock was in-between my butt cheeks. He starts to kiss on my neck. I felt so small and useless. I was scared to talk to him. Although the kissing was helping me relax. His hands felt so rough especially going alongside my body.
My cock is begging to react to all of this and is slowly getting hard. He lowers his hand to my cock and grabs it in his hands and starts to jerk me to get hard. At the same time he is touching my butt check and trying to get to my hole. I didn’t resist. I was horny and I wanted to experience something bigger than my fingers in my ass. My uncle shoves his rough big index finger in my ass. I moan at the feeling. The tightness excited him and he turns my head and kissed me. I kiss him back. I turn my body around so we have a better position to kiss in. He was so experienced his over powering of my mouth.
I couldn’t believe we was doing this. My eyes couldn’t open it was like I was in a day dream. My uncle gets on his knees and he takes my cock into his mouth. “Ohhhh fuck” I couldn’t help but say that. He is sucking on me so gently and hard at the same time. His big powerful tongue running along side my shaft. I grabbed his head and bounced him on my cock. After 3 minutes he asked me to turn around. And go to the bed room.

We were both running along the hall naked. This caught Barney’s attention. All 3 of us are in the room. He grabs some vaseline and dips his two fingers in it. He insters two fingers to widen me up. It kinda hurt a bit. But I was too horny to care. Barney started crying I think he wanted to get fucked. My uncle positions me next to his bed. He brings the entrance of his cock near my hole. I was scared and excited.

Without warning my uncle forces his way inside of me. I scream so loud and begged him to remove himself. But he held my mouth shut. “Shhhhh keep quiet it will pass!” But it wasn’t passing. My eyes were shut and I feel Barney lick on my cock. I open my eyes and he was on the bed licking my cock! My uncle didn’t move him. He just watched in the reflection of the mirror. I see his sick smile on his face.
My uncle kept his cock in me for a good 1 minutes without moving. He then starts to slowly thrust his hips. I was better than the begging it did hurt a bit but with Barney licking my cock and a cock in my ass I was super horny. I start to moan causing my uncle to thirst faster. He starts to moan. I wonder if my uncle knew I fucked Barney.

I tell my uncle to stop for a bit. Get Barney to turn around and I begging to massage his ass hole. My uncles mouth was open in suprise.i start to insert my cock in Barney and tell my uncle to continue. My uncle was moving my body into Barney’s. Barney was a horny dog he was loving every bit of this.
I starts to put my head on my uncles shoulders. This feeling was amazing. I didn’t even have to do anything. My uncle pick up his speed. And I feel him hit my spot in my ass. My cock was deep inside Barney’s ass. My uncle pounded me harder and whispers in my ear “I’m going to cum” he pushes me down top of Barney and starts to bang me even harder. I start to feel myself about to come as well. Barney starts whining as well I think I was pushed in deeper inside of him. My uncle lays on top of me aswell all of us was whining and moaning. I couldn’t help it anymore, I came inside of Barney and my uncles cock was cuming intensely inside of my ass. I felt it moved.

He pulls out of me, I felt his cum drip down to my legs. My asshole burnt like hell. I pull out of Barney and he runns off the bed and starts to lick his ass hole. My legs were shaking. I was so tired but I wanted that again.
I joined my uncle in the bathroom. And we ended up kissing again. We washed off and didn’t say much to eachother. I slept with him that night. And since then I have always slept with my uncle.

Every holiday I get, I go to see him. I didn’t really need to fuck any of the animals. Barney me and my uncle were like a trio. It was mainly the three of us. To be honest It was like a long distance relationship. For some reason it brought us closer to eachother. We continue fucking every moment we get. And sex has just gotten better and better


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