My wife wants to suck my cock Sex Story for free 2024 – Y2Stories

I had just been married a few weeks, when suddenly my sexual appetite decreased. My newlywed wife thought the blame is on her as she couldn’t make me rise properly thus making her and myself frustrated. In the few occasions when I popped up, I had to rush through the motion, leaving behind a unsatisfied woman.
It must be said that while we were still courting, our lovemaking was so intense but always stopped short of sex. Citing becoming pregnant before marriage was our main motivation, but for what it was worth, we introduced “heavy petting” with our sexual organs always doing tricks with strokes across various areas, but short of penetration.
The marriage came and as mentioned the initial phase of copulation was exciting. Then the limp set it and both of us almost called it a day.
However just as we were to part, my wife suggested something of which I always found offensive.”Can’t I suck your cock ? “ she suggested. “what NO!, that’s not what sensible people do” I replied. She just said it’s ok and we have to part ways. As we were busy getting ready to part ways, she asked one more time “ Please let me suck you”. A small spark tickled my brain as I said “OK”. Without thinking she quickly untied my pants, dropped it down and without any regrets, she knelt down and swallowed my penis. It jumped into life and suddenly she was bobbing her head up and down. She seemed to be an expert at it as she did technics which saw my cock rise up to a superb level of hardness. This was beautiful and just then she stopped laid backwards and removing her undies, guided my hardness into her wet cunt. I pumped with force and a new vigour seem to have overcome me.After weeks of frustration a new zest sprang to life. We were over the moon and suddenly I felt an urge to suck her. Retracting for a moment, I engulfed her pussy and this set her on fire. I felt as she guided me to lick her clit and move my tongue up and down her cleft. She suddenly screamed “IM CUMMING! and at that point I let go and pumped my cock back into her shuddering body. I offloaded spurt after spurt and finally came to a standstill. She was so exhausted as I retracted with some ooze still dripping. She sat up, took my manhood in her mouth and cleaned off all remaining juices. We sat for a while before she said “ I am not leaving anymore, I know what makes you tick” I felt all frustration disappear and we resumed to being husband and wife again. In time our. Sex life started blossoming and in due course it expanded into other areas with no strings attached as we would always open up if we ( and plenty time) indulged in

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