Our introduction into sex with a dog 17 hot sex erotica stories – Y2Stories

Ejoying life. Living it and doing the same things I’m sure everyone else was. Peeing down your own legs, a nice dog’s dick to cum on and a little ass.

She said I’ll hurry and wobbled around trying to stand on one foot then the other and get her shoes off and the wadded up pants off each leg. She got them struggled off and said how do you want me. I think with hearing how her voice was that she really had to go and fast. I said just like that, just pee it’ll be fine. She shifted again stepping one foot then the other out to widen her stance. Her butt was amazing when it wiggled so I pressed my dick up against it. I was ready to get some. She tried to steady herself leaning forwards enough to put both hands on her legs. By then our boy had gotten curious and made his way to us trotting straight up and shoving his nose into her crotch.
She half hollered damn it guys I’m trying to pee here. Well pee then I said back. She struggled to get it to flow but it started coming out. It didn’t stop him either as he lapped at her even with the piss flowing. It took her a minute and several times to finish. It’d stop then go again. Who knew a snout against your twat and a hard cock dry humping your ass while you stood off balanced would make peeing so difficult? By the time she quit dribbling it out we all had it on us but he was eagerly cleaning it off as fast as he could. I pushed at her back so she’d bend over more. I bent my knees and pushed and guided my dick until I found her pussy. Moving my dick slightly up and down I got her lips to open up and then I felt my head at her hole. I pushed and as I felt it was going in I got both hips and started pulling her against me as I pushed forwards. Despite him being all up into her crotch and his tongue waving all over I got all in and started pumping into her. She started moaning and I could feel he was trying to get under her and his tongue all over her pussy now that it was widened. He licked us both as we fucked. I continued fucking her and her moans got more intense and the more they did the harder I’d started going. I didn’t set no record times that day and didn’t last as long as I’d had liked but I did last way more then a minute and I had given her a real hard fuck. I did get off really good and I felt like him for a second there because I shot about six or seven spurts before being empty. I didn’t just pull out and let it spill out like he does though. I eased out until I was just out enough to be able to see her gaped hole. I watched until my cum made its way to her exit and to the head of my dick and when I felt his tongue on me I pulled back letting it come right to him. I spread her ass cheeks so he could get up inside her as far as he could. I was suprised she was still staying on her feet after the fuck she just had and now him tickling her insides.
When he let up I asked her if she wanted to try with him and she said yes let’s see if he wants to. When she started bending her knees and reaching her arms out to get down on her hands and knees he ran around behind her and as she got lower his tongue followed. She got to her knees and I think before she got her hands firmly on the ground he was up on her and thrusting. Already being opened up must have made an easier target because by the time I even realized he was on her and going he lunged forward hard, rocking her good and she let a loud moan that made me think he hurt her. He wasn’t stopping though as I asked if she was OK. Trying to talk through the moaning she said ya, it just suprised me and felt pretty big when his knot went in. He pummeled her with his thrusts. Two hard fuckings in a row. She was gonna be feeling that at least throughout the day.
He kept fucking and she kept moaning but it had lessened and she was trying to talk instead. She got a couple words out and idk what she was gonna say but she quickly changed it to, I’m gonna cum. I said oh yes baby cum hard. She said I am, I’m cumming. I said what are you doing? I’m cumming, she said. I asked what are cumming on? She said, I’m cumming on our dog’s dick. I said tell me again. She said, I’m cumming all over our dog’s dick that is inside my pussy. I asked does you’re pussy like our dog’s dick? She said yes it does like our dog’s dick it likes it alot. Then I said them me more, tell me all about it. She kept going telling me about his knot feeling big, about her feeling stretched, about his cum filling her and feeling so warm. She continued on well past the time he had stopped humping and was just draped over her.
She had finally properly came while he was fucking her. I was hard and ready to go again but figured her pussy might have had enough for now so I asked if she would use her mouth on me or if I should jerk off and cum on her. She said you don’t need to do it yourself I’ll use my mouth and when you’re ready you can cum anywhere or everywhere on me. I got on me knees in front of her and she worked to give me her best blow job. She sucked and stroked me at the same time.
We didn’t hold him and he hadn’t turned around this time so that’s probably why but I think he was done a little sooner this time. He hopped off and his knot took a little bit to come free and it pulled on her wobbling her ass end sideways and she let out an oomph noise when it came out. Other then that she never missed a stroke until I pulled out and shot on her face.
Still playing regularly but spring had us busy. We did end up letting our dog get some side pussy and didn’t have to make the decision on money or pick of the litter yet. She said we should wait until they were born and see what she had first unless we needed or wanted cash asap. We agreed to wait.
His upcoming date had us not doing anything for a bit before. We wanted him to go in with a full sperm count. We ended up taking him to visit 3 out of 4 days in a row and they bred a few times but no breeding the bitch’s owner. Of course my girl thought there was a definite possibility. Didn’t you see her putting her tits in your face several times? Giggling at everything you said? Giving hints? She was sure at the least she wanted me. Idk if that was wishful thinking or I’m an idiot at picking up on signs. I was fine with the outcome but she might have been a little disappointed. She started playing the same game we’d played before when seeing a girl with a dog. Every woman in the right age group was analyzed. She’d often ask what about her? Would you fuck her? Those were awkward times but I played along the best I could.
It was weird but if she was OK with it who was I to complain. She was fun.
We had also almost picked up a mini pony as a companion for our mini donkey. It was a mare so I got to deal with that. Lots of she’s a she, wink wink. The deal was quickly getting to be a pain in the ass though and it seemed like they really wasn’t wanting to get rid of her. I figured it was probably for the best. Being another female our donkey would of probably been a bitch to her. Then we started thinking about getting another mini donkey. Hadn’t really got into the discussion too deep but I was thinking a male would be the only option. I wasn’t thinking anything except for a compatible friend for ours. I few days later I decided to check into it a little bit. See if there would be many available or if it would be a long hunt. See what kind of prices people were charging. I’d still have to figure out transport. I had access to a two horse trailer but hadn’t even asked about using it.
I got on CL and searched mini donkey and a few came up. I scrolled through and was seeing most were $300 maybe $400 with a few ridiculous $700 or $800 ads. Then an ad that started with looking for a home for our mini jack donkey. No price but sounded like it might be more about finding a suitable home then selling to make cash. I started reading and he was a chocolate color. I hadn’t even heard of one that color so that was cool. He was 4 years old so pretty young for a donkey. And almost the same age as ours. Still good so far. He was an intact male. Male was good. Intact I wasn’t sure about. Having a baby donkey at some point would be cool but having an asshole ass because he was intact didn’t sound fun. Already had one that was a pita. Ad said super gentle. That was a huge plus if it was true.
I decided to go outside and call and get more info. Sounded like it might be a good one so he might not last long. I called and talked to a lady and everything sounded good. She assured me he was gentle and very easy to work with. They had just had a farrier out and that even went as easy as could be. She was excited that I had livestock experience and actually owed a mini myself. It was sounding good for both of us but she had dodged the how much question a couple times. I needed to know that and then I told her I’d have to check into borrowing a trailer. She asked where I lived and we were about 45 minutes apart. I asked again about what she wanted for him. She said it wasn’t really about the money. Ok maybe not but you’re still gonna have to give me a number. She said how about if we deliver him for you on Saturday and we ask $50 to cover gas and time?
Fucking deal. I said yes that would work. I didn’t even tell my girl. Hell I hadn’t even told her I had began looking. Saturday was only a few days away. I kept my mouth shut figured to suprise her. Since we had the one there wasn’t much to do to get things ready beyond coming up with a plan if they didn’t get along. We had a divided pasture and two paddocks so that wouldn’t be a big deal.
We went through the rest of the week and finally Saturday came. I sometimes sold things here and there or bought stuff so I told her to keep her pants on when outside till after lunch that someone might be dropping something off. I had tried to work out a white lie excuse in my head but then she never asked anything about what or why.
We went through the morning doing chores and getting some stuff done. I figured get everything for the day out of the way and the work would make the time go by quicker. I was inside and she’d been outside when she came in and said there’s someone in a minivan outside the gate. I thought minivan? I said hold on a minute and I’ll go see. I walked out and sure enough a minivan and no trailer or anything. I walked out to them and a woman got out and there was a kid in the passenger seat. She said you the one expecting a donkey. I looked confused and said ya do you have him? She said ya, he’s in the back. I was like huh? But I didn’t say anything except let me open the gate and if you would pull down there by that barn. I let her in shutting the gate behind us. I had to walk a little ways and my girl was standing on the porch watching. I motioned for her to come on so she headed towards the barn as I did.
When we got there the lady opened the hatchback door on the back and there he was. The van had all the seats removed from the back and it was wall to wall wood shavings about a foot deep and I could see the edges of a plastic sheet going a little ways up the sides. A little girl sat in the passenger seat holding a lead rope. That was the craziest deliver I had ever seen. Hell I had an SUV guess I wouldn’t of even needed a trailer but it never dawned on me to haul a donkey in my vehicle.
He was chocolate colored and he was small. She told the kid to get him out and he came right out of the van for her and did act well behaved and was easy to handle. I was still a bit dazed and confused by this whole deal when my girl lite up and said you bought a donkey? Oh ya I did and I needed to pay for him so I got the money out and gave it to the woman as my girl was talking to the little girl and admiring our new addition. Our donkey was in the side pasture and luckily a distance away and I saw my girl pointing towards her. The lady said oh there’s your donkey. Thanked me and her and the kid piled back in and I walked back to the gate and let them out. We put him in the paddock that shared a fence with that pasture and it’s stall was inside the big stall area ours could go into. He led right in no problem.
My girl loved our new guy.

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