Preteen Uber Passenger (Willow 8) Sex Stories free 2024 – Y2Stories.Com

11 year old Willows world takes a shocking turn once home fron the gymnastics meet

Willow was home from the gymnastics meet, worn out fron a weekend of competition and also the amazing sex she had with Dillon. She didn’t know what love was until she had met him, now she always felt like she was walking on air.

She had finished showering and shaving her petite legs, one step closer to trying put the toy that coach Elizabeth had bought her. Just putting on a tshirt, she went about her nightly routine of skin care and rubbed lotion on her skin. Daddy had told her goodnight before her shower as he had to leave. Willow was laying on her bed holding the vibrator, examining it, wondering how good it would feel, her pussy already starting to get wet. Before she could react, her mom opened her door to say goodnight. Willow tried to hide the toy but it had been spotted

“What is that?” Mom entered, dressed in her scrubs for work

“Nothing” Willow replied

“It’s not nothing” she walked toward the bed and sat on the edge “let me see it” holding out her hand

Willow held her breath as she pulled it from under her blanket and handed it to her mom

“Where did you get this?”

“Coach Elizabeth gave it to me for Valentines day”

“I see” she looked at it “and ypu were intending to use it”

Willow nodded, feeling slightly embarrassed for some reason. The silence lasted for a few long minutes as her mom looked at it and looked at her

“Well then, go ahead and use it” she handed it back and pulled Willows blanket off of her “I want to see”

Willow hadn’t had an encounter with her mom in a few weeks, and she didn’t know what was about to happen. Lifting her ass, she pulled her tshirt up to her stomach then turned on the vibrator. She watched as her mom lowered her fingers to Willows thigh and started to caress up to her pussy.

“I’ve missed touching my little girl” mom said as she started to rub Willows pussy, Willow closed her eyes and let out a soft moan. Lowering the vibrator to her pussy. The feel of it on her clit and her mom’s fingers made Willow moan louder in ecstasy

“Do you like how mommy touches you?” Mkm asked between kisses up Willows thigh

“Yes mommy” Willows reply was higher pitch as her legs fell all the way open

“Do you like when mommy licks your pussy” her lips almost there

“Yes mommy” Willow moaned louder

“Should mommy get naked?”

“Yes mommy yes”

Mom’s tongue lightly licked Willows pussy, Willow moaned on pleasure, it all felt so good. Then mom stopped and stood up. Willow kept rubbing her pussy with the vibrator as her mom pulled off her scrub top and then slid the bottoms off, she had no bra or panties on, her body looked so good, mom was perfect.

She watched as her mom moved onto the bed over her. She held a breast and moved it to Willows mouth. Willow began to kiss the soft mound, moving her lips to the hard nipple. Her tongue circled it and she started to suck it “good girl” mom moaned.

Mom took the nipple from Willows mouth and lowered her lips to Willows, mom and daughter locked in a loving French kiss. Mom kissed her a little more intense than usual. Her tongue moving fast around Willows. Then she pulled from the kiss and rose to her knees. Instead of lifting the shirt off, Willow watched her mom grip the neckline with both hands and pull hard, ripping the tshirt down the front. Willow saw lust in her mom’s eyes.

Mom’s hands began caressing Willows chest, to her tiny breasts. Willow smiled up at her mom, the soft hands felt good on her skin. Mom lowered her face to Willows chest, kissing and exploring every inch. Willow had dropped the vibrator and it was vibrating against her ass. Mom’s kisses moved down her belly, closer to her pussy. Willows legs were spread wide for her mom.

Mom picked up the vibrator as she started to lick Willows pussy. The moans of pleasure grew louder as the toy rubbed her clit while mom licked her pussy.

“Mommy yes mommy yes” Willow started to moan louder, her hormones raging put of control. Mom’s tongue moved faster, the vibrator moved from her clit to her opening. Mom’s lips moved to her clit as mom slid the toy inside of her.

Willow didn’t hold back, her cries of passion were loud, they were alone, no one could hear them Willow started humping her hips against the toy, mom fucked her pussy with it faster and sucked her clit harder. Willows orgasm overtook her and she screamed happily as the juices flowed fron her pussy.

Mom wasn’t done. After pulling the toy put of her, she watched her mom move to her knees and straddled her, placing her pussy against Willows, mom looked down at her and smiled as she started to grind her hips, rubbing her pussy against Willows. This was new and felt so good. Willows moans were joined by her mom’s as mom humped her pussy slowly at first, then started to increase the intensity. Mom ans daughters moans were a duet of passion. A second orgasm quickly overtook Willows body just before her mom came. Her juices flowing onto Willows pussy mom leaned over and kissed Willow lovingly then stood

“Did you get it all?” Mom looked to the open door

“I did, and it was so hot” Uncle Brad entered, holding the cell phone

“Then take your reward baby” mom said and Willow watched as mom and Uncle Brad kissed.

“I’ve wanted this reward for years” he said as he smiled toward Willow.

She didn’t know what to say ot do as Brad handed the phone to mom and started to undress. Willow quickly realized what was about to happen. Brads cock was slightly bigger than Dillon’s, she had never seen her uncle in a sexual way, but she knew she wouldn’t be allowed to say no

Brad walked toward the bed. Leaning over it, his hands on either side of her head, he lowered his face to hers and kissed her. Willow didn’t line this kiss, didn’t like kissing her uncle. His tongue swirled in her mouth and she pretended to enjoy it when all she wanted was for him to stop.

His hands moved to her small body, started to caress her soft skin. Her feelings were mixed, she liked being touched. But not by him. When his lips left hers they moved to her body. Willow looked at mom, who was naked and holding the phone, recording everything. She closed her eyes and tried to imagine anyone but him as his lips neared her 11 year old pussy. She managed to imagine it was Dillon there with her and started to moan. Her uncle wasn’t very good at licking her pussy, but she faked moans of enjoyment.

Then the licking stopped, Willow opened her eyes ans saw him rise up a little. His hand on his cock. Willow watched as he guided the tip to her pussy and started to rub up and down between the slits it then rested against her opening and she braced herself for what was coming. He moved over her. Holding his weight up with one hand as he pushed.

He wasn’t gentle about how he entered her young pussy, pushing in hard and fast. Willow cried out in pain as his thick cock stretched her pussy.. Her uncle was really going to fuck her Willow realized. Uncle Brad stayed on his knees, grabbed Wiliows knees and pushed them to her chest. His cock plunging in deeper than anyone had been before. Willow gripped her sheets, closed her eyes tight and hoped it would be over soon

“I’ve wanted this pussy since you were little” he groaned as he thrusted steadily into her pussy “it’s so tight, so perfect, my perfect little niece” his groans continued “do you like my big cock?”

“Yes uncle Brad yes” Willow was starting to halfway enjoy it, she liked the feel of the big cock, just not that it was his

His thrusts grew faster and harder, Willows head nearly hitting the headboard. Willow gripped the sheets harder, she was about to cum for the third time. When she did, her pussy tightened on the cock ramming her pussy hard and fast. Uncle Brad let put a long groan as he slammed into her one more time and she felt the sensation of him cumming inside of her, his cock twitching against her pussy walls

Uncle Brad pulled put of her and stood. Willow watched as mom lowered the phone and moved to him, dropping to her knees, she watched her mom suck her brothers cock clean

“Do ypu have buyers lined up? Mom handed him the phone as they got dressed

“Oh yes, they’ve seen the shower pics you took of her”

“Good, send me a copy and tell them if they like this, we can make more” mom said and kissed him again. Uncle Brad smiled at Willow and left the room. Mom walked over to sit on the edge of the bed

“Now, if you tell anyone about this, I will tell your daddy about what is really going on with you and Dillon. If you’re a good girl and keep quiet, you’ll make a very good allowance”

Mom leaned over and kissed her again before getting up to leave for work. In the distance she heard the beeps of mom setting the alarm. Willow just laid there in her ripped tshirt, her pussy still feeling lime Brad was in her as she drifted off to sleep

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