Spoiled for life Sex Stories for free – Y2Stories

In High School I was 17 and was having a good time with this girl I met waiting for a bus. Went on for a month or so. Had some good afternoon times at her mother’s apartment. She was WILD. By far the wildest sex of my life EVER. Never in bed. Always on the living room & bedroom floors. It was during a 3 hour break in my school day. Twice a week I had study hall before and after my lunch. She told mw she was cutting to meet me. She was a good bit under 5ft. She was petite maybe under 100 pounds. Was not a virgin for sure. As I recall a well trimmed fuzzy triangle bush. Long dark hair. Not flat chested but real small pointing tits. She was so much fun.

A girl from school pulled me aside. She told me she saw me walking with this girl and knew her. Their families are close fiends. Asked how old the girl told me was is. When I said 16 she pushed me to the wall and shook me by the arms. Went face to face with me. She said its not my fault and to stay away from that girl. That she is trouble. Then BANG she said the girl just turned 13. I did the math and realized we started when she was 12. My friend said to not worry keep quite and she will get her to stay away. Said that I was not the first one she tricked.

Truth is in many ways she was the best screw in my life. I now love a women on top. It is because the way she rode me. She jumped up and down like trying to kick start a motorcycle over and over. It was a miracle my didn’t snap a stone hard cock off. She was so small bouncing up and down. I never noticed anything to not think she was 16. 45 years later and it still haunts me. By far the best lay in my life. She lives in my dreams as I sleep next to my wife. Spoiled for life

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