Sucking of my games teacher Sex stories – Y2-Stories

I always wanted to suck of a teacher…and after cross country one day I made my fantasy come true

In middle school at the age of 13 I’d already tried cock as a younger boy .But I’d really always wanted to either be fucked by one of my teachers or have the pleasure of sucking them off. I was lucky in my school I had a good choice of male teachers to fantasise over . But on this fateful day it was the games teacher who I actually and finally had the pleasure of sucking off. MR ANDREWS Was a hairy hunk of a man I didn’t know his age but I’m guessing by his body and looks he was mid to late 30s back then…I felt so lucky to be left on my own with him at the end of the school day on Thursdays Games was my last lesson of the day , I didn’t enjoy cross country hence being last and also the last one still showering…as I came out of the boys showers there he was, Mr Andrews in all his glory wrapped in a small white towel..He hadn’t realised I was still there, he seemed surprised to see me…he said my name and commented on the fact my time was the slowest in the class, and I was now late leaving school and to hurry up as he had to shower and get home himself. I don’t know where the bravery came from ,but I found myself saying ” sir if you need to get on I’m not stopping you, take off your towel and get your shower sir as I’ve only got to dry off and get dressed sir” Now I don’t know if it was just me, but everytime I called him sir in my suggestive voice his cock twitched underneath his towel. Then without thinking I just walked upto him and got on my knees and lifted his towel I felt his big hairy Bush tingle against my face ,and I then heard him scold me and shout ” what the hell do you think your doing boy” I looked up at him stared him in the eye and simply said il suck your cock sir, no one needs to know…His hesitation was fleeting like he thought about it for a flick of a few seconds only .At this point I felt hid hand on the back of my head pushing my face into his groin. He said ” well suck it then ” . I couldn’t believe my luck .. he was massive and I don’t know how I managed it but that cock was down my throat before he had time to change his mind. I slurped and sucked on his length, using my tongue to excite his piss slit on the helmet..he started to leak precum which of course I licked up. I stared up at him , I remember saying ” sir do you like it ” to which he looked down at me and grinned and said ” yes boy” He added you might be useless at games but you can definitely suck cock boy…This delighted me , I loved the fact he was enjoying me giving him a blow job. To be able to service Mr Andrews was a dream come true…I continued to worship his thick vieny cock until suddenly he became tense and shot the biggest thick creamy cumload deep in my throat I swallowed the lot . He pulled me tomy feet and smacked my bum cheek hard-shell and said right get dressed and get yourself home boy before we get caught .which would of happened had I taken longer sucking him off as the caretaker shouted ” Anyone in there still ? As I ve gotta lock up. It was a very close call almost getting caught but I loved it. Unfortunately I never got to suck him off again as he left to take another job at a different school ..but he wasn’t the last teacher I managed to have some sort of sex with…

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