Swimming lesson 4 hot Sex Stories – Y2 Stories

Vicki’s 11th birthday is fast approaching

Vicki’s 11th birthday was fast approaching , and grandpa and grandma were getting very excited and horny thinking about what was going to happen on that day . Grandpa was paying more attention to Vicki through the week , the weather was really good with plenty of sunshine , so there was a lot of sunbathing being done in the secluded garden . Halfway through the week it was decided by grandma that they would start sunbathing in the nude . Vicki was a bit apprehensive to begin with , but after seeing her grandma naked she soon joined her .
When grandpa came out naked , Vicki stared in amazement at the size of his cock hanging there , and he was still flaccid . He walked across to where Vicki and grandma were sitting and gave them both a kiss and told them that he was very lucky to have 2 beautiful ladies to keep him company .
Time for sun lotion to be rubbed in said grandma as she squeezed a big dollop into her hand and started rubbing it into Vicki’s young smooth skin , working up and down her young body and paying a lot of attention between her thighs and her nipple area . She told Vicki to hold out her hands and squeezed some lotion into her hands and got grandpa to sit in front of her so she could rub it into grandpa’s body . Soon after she started rubbing it in she noticed that grandpa’s cock was starting to twitch and grow . Grandma whispered into her ear and told her to start rubbing the lotion into grandpa’s growing cock . Grandpa let out a little moan of appreciation as Vicki was slowly rubbing up and down his cock , it was now fully hard and her little hand wouldn’t reach all round his girth . But he was still smiling and enjoying the feel of the little hand on his cock . He had to use all his willpower to stop himself cummin from the administrations from Vicki .
Grandma sat back and watched the proceedings between Vicki and her grandpa . She was playing with her hard nipples and playing with her hard clit and fingering her very wet pussy .
Grandpa reaches down and started rubbing his fingertips up and down Vicki’s thighs , going higher each time , he told her to open her legs a bit to allow him to play with her tight virgin slit . Vicki done as she was told and grandpa’s fingers were working up and down her slit and he could feel her lips opening and could feel wetness in there . By this time Vicki had stopped rubbing her grandpa’s cock and was breathing a bit heavier than usual . Her legs started shaking and she called for grandma , she came across and held her into her bosom and slowly rubbed her young flat chest and nipples . Grandma looked across to grandpa and told him that she thought it was time .
Grandpa picked up Vicki and carried her through the house to their bedroom , grandma was also holding her hand and telling her everything would be alright and that grandpa and grandma both lived her very much , Vicki told her that she loved both of them .
When they got to the bedroom grandpa laid Vicki down on her back and told her that what was about to happen was never to be told to anyone , or they would all be in big trouble . Vicki promised that she wouldn’t tell anyone .
Grandma got between her young sexy smooth thighs and started to lightly kiss her bare smooth mound and started to spread her lips with his tongue . Meanwhile grandma was bother side holding her hand and gently kissing her on the lips . Vicki felt grandpa’s tongue parting her lips and working up inside her tight virgin smooth pussy . She was also starting to get wet and was letting out little moans of pleasure and held onto grandpa’s head , keeping him tight against her smooth pussy , and grandma was now kissing her fully on the lips .
Grandpa pulled away from her and moved up the bed between her young sexy thighs , grandma looked down and saw his hard cock with foreskin pulled right back , she took hold of his cock and started to slowly rub it up and down between Vicki’s young smooth pussy lips , they opened just a bit more each time she rubbed it up and down between them .
Time now grandma said to him and lay down beside Vicki , took hold of her hand and told her that grandpa was now going to fuck her , it will hurt to start with but the pain will soon disappear and she would soon start to enjoy the feeling of grandpa’s cock in her young pussy .
Grandpa started pushing his cock into her , even though she was wet he still had to use some lube as well . His cock suddenly broke into her pussy , he held it there as Vicki winced in a bit of pain . He held it there and asked if she was ok , Vicki looked up at him with her big puppy eyes and told him she was ok . Grandpa then started to slowly work in and out of her very tight still virgin young pussy , then he felt her barrier . He looked into Vicki’s eyes and told her that he loved her very much , but this will hurt to start with , then get better . Grandma had a tight hold of Vicki’s hand and told her that she was a beautiful young girl and needs to be brave for all of them . Grandma looked and grandpa and nodded her head indicating to him that it was time . He looked and Vicki and told her he loved her and was sorry for this pain that would happen .
He pulled back just a little bit then gave a hard push and he broke through her hymen , Vicki screamed in pain and grandma held her hand telling her she was a very good brave girl for her and grandpa . Tears were rolling down the sides of her face as she felt the pain of grandpa taking her virginity , grandma was wiping her tears away and kissing her all over her face telling her she was proud of her .
Grandpa started to slowly work his hard cock slowly in and out of Vicki’s tight , but no longer virgin pussy , as it went on the pain in Vicki’s young smooth pussy was easing and she was starting to like the feeling of grandpa’s hard cock inside her . She started working her hips back up against him . Oh grandma and grandpa , this is starting to feel so good she said . They both said they were happy she started to feel good with grandpa’s cock inside her . Grandpa looked at grandma and told her that he was close to cummin , she told him to cum inside her and fill her young pussy with his grandpa juices .
He pulled back and with one last push he was right in up to his balls and was filling his granddaughters young pussy with his cum . Vicki started moaning in pleasure as he filled her , and grandma was rubbing her flat chest and nipples .
After grandpa was spent he raised himself on his hands and looked down to see his cock in Vicki’s tight pussy . There was a mixture of cum and blood on his cock as he pulled out . He looked at grandma and told her that he was going for a quick shower , grandma told him to use the bathroom down the hallway as she was going to take Vicki into their en-suite to help her shower and clean up . As they went into the shower , grandma held Vicki close and told her she was very proud of her for what she went through tonight , Vicki looked up at her , put her arms round her neck and kissed her on the lips as the water cascaded down on them . They lathered each other and gave each other a good wash and got dried off .
They went back into the bedroom and frandpa was laid on the bed naked , grandma and Vicki joined him , Vicki was in the middle , grandma told her that as of tonight she could sleep in their extra king sized bed if she wanted to . Vicki gave a little shriek of delight and said she would love to . Grandma.looked at her , kissed her on the lips and said it was time for sleep now and see what happens tomorrow . Vicki leaned over grandpa and kissed him on the lips , thank you grandpa , I loved tonight and hope we can do it again sometime . Both grandma and grandpa said that there will be loads of time to have fun with each other . Vicki turned on her side and laid her hand on grandma’s boob , and grandpa cuddled into her from behind and they all fell asleep .

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