Testing his sister’s limits. Part: 1 Sex Stories for free – Y2Stories.Com

Andy finds out a secret about his 14-year-old sister, leading to a seriesof increasingly daring favours.This will be a 4 part series.

Andy was a fairly average 16-year-old guy. His grades were slightly above average and his physique slightly below. In his free time, he mostly played online games with his friends, sometimes staying up very late at night. The story begins during one such night.

It was the middle of summer and the temperature was murderously high outside even though it was 3 a.m. Andy had his window open as far as it would go and was still soaking in sweat. The computer didn’t exactly help the situation, as it was spewing out heat into the room.

He decided to call it quits for the night and went downstairs to get a cold drink. When he came up to his room again, he looked out the window for a while and noticed someone walking in the yard towards the house. Upon closer inspection, he realized that it was his 14-year-old sister Elsa. She was supposed to be sound asleep in her room many hours ago, so Andy decided he would ask her a bit. He went into her room and waited there.

After a few minutes, he heard her sneaking up the stairs and coming into the room. When she came through the door she almost screamed from surprise when she saw him. Then she took on that cocky look she so often had nowadays, arms crossed, head slightly tilted and eyes squinting a bit. Elsa was by no means an ugly girl, with her long and thick blonde hair, blue eyes and a cute hint of freckles. She had no fat
on her body whatsoever and an unusually well-shaped ass for a girl her age. The only thing left to develop was her so far fairly small but perky breasts. And overall she was extremely petite in size, being a mere 142 cm tall (4″8).

“What the fuck are you doing in my room?”, she said.
“Well a more interesting question would be what you were doing outside this late at night”, Andy replied. “None of your business, now get the hell out!”, she said.
“Oh but it is”, he said.
“I’m very interested to know what you were doing because if you don’t tell me, I will tell Mom you were out.”, he added.

Elsa was silent for a while, looking like she was about to say something nasty, but finally opened her mouth to tell him she was at a party with some friends. Andy wasn’t exactly shocked to hear this but was glad she had admitted. This meant he had some really good material for blackmailing her.

“Well I’m going to bed now”, he said.
“That’s it? No great speech about responsibility and that shit”, She said
“Nope… Only I’d like some breakfast in bed tomorrow, thought maybe you could fix that for me.”, he said.
“Go to hell”, she replied.
“Well”, he said, walking towards the door. “It’s that or I tell Mom that you came home drunk as fuck”.
“But I’ve barely been dri…”, she began saying, but Andy had already closed the door and left before she could finish.

The next day he woke up to the smell of toast. Lo and behold next to his bed was indeed a tray with breakfast. A pretty lousy one, as it consisted only of a toast with cheese and a glass of juice, but it was breakfast. He dug in and couldn’t help but laugh for himself, as he had never in a million years expected her to go through with it. It wasn’t like a was going to tell their mom if she didn’t. But Elsa must have taken the threat more seriously than he had meant.

A few days later, Andy realized his phone charger was broken. So he went to his sister’s room to borrow hers. When he opened the door Elsa was dressing. She was standing there in only panties when she saw him. They stared at each other for about a second until they realized what had happened. “GET OUT!”, she screamed, while Andy hastily closed the door and walked away.

He was very confused by what he had seen, as she on the one hand was his sister, but on the other hand, a very hot girl that he had just seen topless. He decided it was not a good time to get aroused and tried to think of something else. When he couldn’t stop thinking about her, he decided to play some computer games to get his mind onto
something else. After a while, it worked.

Later that night, after a lot of computer gaming, Andy went to brush his teeth. When he came out into the hallway, he saw that Elsa had fallen asleep in front of the TV.
She had brought out her pillow and covers to watch a movie, but had fallen asleep. Because of how warm it was, she had kicked away the covers in her sleep. As Andy approached he could see that she was wearing only a large t-shirt and panties. He wanted to go brush his teeth, but couldn’t help walking closer to his sister. She was breathing softly, lying flat on her back.

He went closer until he was next to her. Her panties had gotten sucked in slightly where her mound was, revealing the contours of her pussy. A sight a brother shouldn’t be seeing. Nonetheless, he saw it, and it started getting him aroused, whether he wanted it or not. He felt his penis grow a bit and then suddenly got an extreme urge to squeeze her ass. It was so round and nicely shaped that he just couldn’t resist.
As he wasn’t fully sure how deep she was sleeping, he slid one of his hands under her neck, and the other under her bum. This way he could pretend he was going to carry her to her bed if she would wake up.

He slowly cupped one of her butt cheeks and gave it a gentle squeeze. It felt so nice. He did it a bit more, gently caressing her butt as well, but only dared to do it on the outside of her panties.

When he was done, he lifted her, as she was so small that she weighed
nothing. He then carried her to her bed without even waking her. He watched her there for a while before deciding to give a goodnight kiss. He had never kissed her before as they weren’t exactly the type of siblings that were close like that. He kissed her on the mouth, very very gently as to not wake her up. She smelled great. He decided to go to bed after that.

It was Saturday again and Andy had been gaming all night. It was about 2 a.m. when he started thinking about whether his sister was out or not. He shut off his computer and snuck into her room. Sure enough, her bed was empty. He decided he would wait til she came home, maybe earn another breakfast in bed.

While waiting he poked around in her room a bit. He found the shirt she had used when she fell asleep on the couch. He put it to his face and inhaled. It smelled great. Then he started feeling guilty. What was he even doing, fantasizing about his sister? He put the shirt back and lay down on her bed.

He awoke the next morning alone in Elsa’s bed. “Had she not gotten back yet?”, he thought. Then he got up and walked into his room. There she was, lying in his bed, sound asleep. She must have come back when he had fallen asleep in her bed, then decided to take his bed instead of going through the hassle of waking him and explaining herself.

He was still tired, so he crept up in his bed, next to her. She was lying on her side, back facing towards him, sleeping heavily. He moved closer so he could spoon her. He wrapped one arm around her and pressed his body tightly against her. She was so warm and nice and cuddly. Nothing like the mean bitch she was when she was awake.

Andy wasn’t sure why this felt so good. He had never had a girlfriend but had always dreamt of doing things like these if he ever got one. So perhaps it was just repressed sexuality. Or perhaps he did indeed find his sister attractive. Whichever way, he started getting aroused from spooning her.

His penis slowly grew, until it was rock hard. Since Elsa was so short, her ass was at the same height as his belly button. This meant that his penis was poking down between her thighs. Again she was only wearing a t-shirt and panties, so his dick was touching her skin, apart from his boxers being between them.

He played like that for a long time, penis between her legs, until suddenly her breathing changed. She was waking up.
“Why are you holding me freak?”, she said angrily.
“To make sure you don’t try to escape from making me breakfast again”, he replied.
She tried to wriggle free, but Andy grabbed her hard around the chest.
While wriggling, her thighs performed a sort of involuntary massage of his cock, as it was resting between them. Elsa didn’t seem to notice though.
“Let me go”, she said, wriggling even more.
“Not until you promise to make me breakfast”, he said.
“Okay okay”, she said, but wriggled even more.
“And it better be more than just a toast this time”, he said.
“Okay I will”, she said.

The rubbing started getting intense now and he started to feel a great sensation in his dick. It was almost as if he was fucking her, only his dick was between her thighs instead of inside her pussy. He realized he was about to come. She had already promised to make him breakfast, but somehow he just couldn’t stop himself. Not when he was so close. She struggled for another 10 seconds or so until finally, his load started
coming. He became almost spastic, pressing his hips hard against her. His load was filling up his underwear as his humping motion slowly subsided.

Elsa had stopped struggling. She lay completely still and quiet. She must have realized what was going on, he thought. They lay still like that for a long time while Andy tried to think of something to say.
“I’m sorry…”, he finally said. Elsa didn’t respond.
“You don’t have to make me breakfast anymore, I won’t tell Mom about your late nights”, he said.
“Thank you”, she finally said, with a low voice. Then she sat up slowly and walked out
of the room without facing him.

*** END OF PART I ***

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