Categories: ExhibitionistPreTeen

The Young Nudist’s Sexual Awakening Part 2 Sex Story for free 2024 – Y2Stories

Sophia reveals her morning streak to her parents and does some self discovery

I said my goodbye, leaving him with the sight of my bare back and butt shaking as I ran my way to school, rummaging through my bag for my gym clothes that I had taken home to wash the day before. I subconsciously slowed to a jog, my body was desperately begging for something, it felt like an empty space that needed to be filled, a burning desire to be wrapped in someone’s warm arms, the way I’d wrap myself like a human burrito only entirely different…

My shoes were in my locker and I didn’t have any panties, which I rarely wore anyways, I didn’t own any bras so it wasn’t that much different from my usual outfit of choice. I hopped on one leg clumsily trying to push my legs through my shorts on one hole at a time as I made it on to school grounds and quickly pulled the shirt over my bare chest right as I walked through the door seconds after the last bell rang.

I had a hard time concentrating in school today. I was replaying what happened this morning it and almost didn’t believe I ran 7 whole blocks naked to school. I was feeling very frisky, my pussy was beating like a drum a, like there was something inside of it thirsting to come out. The last bell rang and I raced back home. I got home and pulled off my shirt, wiggled my butt out of shorts and kicked off my shoes to much relief. Now that there weren’t any distractions, I could leisurely think about my little adventure this morning and look into school dress code and laws, but first a pee break.
Sitting down for family dinner we just talked about our day’s, of course I mentioned to them about how I ran naked all the way to school that morning.

“Oh, wow sounds like you quite a morning,” said my mom amused as she twirled her fork

“I knew you could forgetful and distracted, but this really takes the cake!” My dad said stifling a laugh as he dug his fork into his cake

“Ha-ha yeah well about that, I ran into our neighbor and during our quick talk he mentioned how clothes aren’t something you have to wear, well at least not everywhere. I was wondering if that was true, dad, like since I know I was seen by at least 2 other people and they just smiled at me, could someone really just go around naked!?” I exclaimed eagerly, no longer able to hold in my curiosity.

“Well as far as I’ve studied yes that would appear to be correct. The laws don’t say anything about not being naked in public places, of course the rules are different for privately owned businesses like supermarkets and restaurants that can make their own rules. And you’re thinking ‘wow so this means I don’t have to actually wear anything again!’”

“You’re a pretty smart dad,” I said shyly giggling.

“ha-ha well sorry to burst your bubble but of course the rules are different for privately owned businesses like supermarkets and restaurants that can make their own rules. Each place will have their own dress codes, some more strict than others.”

I looked at him with a bit of a disappointment, “Oh really, Why’s that?”

“Yeah it’s kind of like how we let you stay naked here in our house, but there are lot’s of people who don’t have the same freedom you do, so they have to stay dressed at home. It’s their house their rules type of thing. But for the most part naked means exposing genitals, buttholes, and in the case of females that ridiculously includes nipples.

“Buttholes?” I wondered

My face lit up and my legs started swinging with excitement as he talked and started to imagine myself going about a normal day naked, at least outside naked. Of course, there was the small issue of going inside places and and having my coochie and nipples covered. I could wear underwear and start wearing a training bra but wearing more constricting clothes wasn’t ideal.

“Well honey it seems like you’re really thinking about opening yourself up just like your legs. Just know that not everyone feels about nudity the same way you do” I said with motherly concern behind my kind smile

As I sat there watching her, I started thinking that my daughter wasn’t going to stay a prepubescent forever. It was hard not to see that especially at her age, although her exterior had yet to go through any changes it was apparent when I started seeing that she would sometimes leave wet spots behind. With our glass table her crotch was strangely accentuated as she sat there with her legs spread and kicking the air.

I came from a very conservative family and there was no way in heaven or hell that my family would’ve tolerated me going around naked, we didn’t even see each other in our underwear. I remember running out of my room once naked when I was around my daughters age. There was a terrifying sound coming from my window when I returned from the bath. I remember the first thing I was told was to cover up. The fact that they cared more about not seeing me naked then investigating the sound was deplorable, which turned out just turned out to be two cats having a passionate night beneath my window. I didn’t want my kids to grown up feeling ashamed of something so innocent that the world has baselessly deemed dirty. Luckily, I fell in love with a smart open-minded man that was raised in a less conservative home.

“Maybe a little” I jumped up from my seat and gave them both kisses and great big hugs! I made my way up to my room there was a full body mirror behind my door, I shut it so I could take a good look at myself. I’d seen myself countless times before in the mirror, but I’d never actually looked at myself with more than just my eyes. I stared at my chocolate-colored nipples as I combed my hand through my hair, my hands glided down my face to my neck, where they crossed to touch my thin shoulders. They parted as they slid down to my chest where I was overtaken by a slight shock and a flashback of my naked streak that morning. That mysterious feeling was back, it very nice, a very pleasing feeling and so far, only happened twice. This time the feeling lingered in my chest and made its way across my body, I didn’t want the feeling to leave so I closed my eyes to focus and just kept thinking about that moment as I moved my hands down my tummy, where they went around to my back and glided their way down my tiny ass. Out of instinct I grabbed my tiny cheeks, spread them apart, released them and spread them again feeling a little rush of air between them each time I spread them.

I turned around so my back was facing the mirror, I tried to turn my head around as best I could while my hands spread my butt cheeks, I saw I tight little brown hole between them. It surprised me that I didn’t know this about my body. I never thought there was more beyond my butt crack. It caved in like a belly button but looked a lot tighter, it was magnetic drawing my hand closer to it, my other hand keeping my cheek separate, I circled around it with my finger almost scared that getting too close it would suck it in and not let go. It was actually the opposite, with my finger on top of my butthole it didn’t seem that it would go in so easily, still the feeling was very pleasing. My butt hole puckered like a pair of lips teasing a kiss.

My breathing was getting fast and heavy, with every touch a soft groans escaped from between my little lips. I moved my hand further down to my pussy, it was coated warm and wet to the touch, my fingers slid across my puffy pussy lips without resistance, as I was letting out a louder moan. The feeling of build up was finally starting to subside. I was laying sideways on the carpet catching my breath and trying to process what happened. My moist pussy looked like a flower in bloom with long pink flaps peaking out it. My fingers and thighs were wet, but it wasn’t water or pea, it was thick, stringy and mostly clear. There was an unfamiliar scent around me, it was quite pleasing to smell. I wanted to keep doing it, but I felt too sensitive down there to continue.

There was a ringing at the door. I kept lying on the floor to hoping one of my parents would get it. There was a second ring, then a third. I irritably got up and looked out my window thinking my parents were probably outside where they couldn’t here the bell ring. It was the UPS guy


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