Vacation in Turkey my wife and granddaughter Sex Story for free – Y2Stories

Made friends at a hotel with a differents

We were on holiday in Turkey for three weeks martin that’s me 58 June the wife 55 we had taken our granddaughter elsa 12 we had been to Turkey but not to this part very nice hotel we were on the top floor overlooking the beach and pool.
The room had one bed room with one double bed and a single,living room TV tea and coffee machine
We unpack got our swimming costume on and want to try out the two pools elsa got straight into the children pool we found some sunbeds
Elsa found a boy to play with after some time they got out of the pool came over elsa said this is Paul j the j stood for Junior we are the same age she told him our name’s he asked if he could take elsa to get a ice-cream as it had just opened .
We asked where was it he pointed over to the main pool we could see it they both ran off when they came back they had a ice-cream for us so we sat talking to Paul j he told us he was with his parents pual and may and pointed over to the main pool he waved to them and they waved back he said dad was 42 mum was 39 and they were staying for 4 weeks .
We finished our ice-cream then went for a swim it was time to get out and get changed for dinner elsa said good bye could we play tomorrow Paul said he would like that .
We were in the dining room when Paul J and his mum and dad come inas soon as elsa saw Paul j she ran over to him and they started talking while they were walking they came passed our table and stopped Paul said hi Martin June we have heard so much about you from Paul j so have we from elsa and we all laughed .
May asked would like to sit with us Paul j said come on elsa we find a table for all of us moments later elsa was back come on we have one .
We all laughed
After dinner both the children asked to go the kids disco we all agree elsa said she needed to change so we all said we meet at the disco first there would get a table.
Elsa got changed we got down to the disco they were already there at a table the kids disco all the time we got to know all about each other by 11 o’clock it was time for bed said we would meet by the pool about 10.30
We went down for breakfast then went to the pool we got the sun beds for all of us.
May came down said boys won’t be long June and May got on like a house on fire when the boys come down Paul j and elsa went straight into the pool
Us adults were talking about our work then Paul and myself join the kids in pool we were picking the kids up I’m throwing them up high end so they come down with Big Splash .Elsa seemed to go to Paul a lot of the time
When we got back to the girls May said is it ok for me to take June shopping tomorrow as a market’s out I looked at June if you want to go she said yes so go May said shopping day tomorrow you two can look after the kids.
When we got to our room I asked June was she ok with going shopping she said that we had always gone together so l said OK we will all go I tell May when we go to dinner.
June said as long as its OK with you I’ll go sure you go and enjoy your self.
We went to dinner then the kids disco me and Paul discussed what to do with the kids there was morning kids activities so we asked the children would they like to go there they jumped to the chance and it into the pool day sorted.
Girls left at 930 kids club 1015 back at 1230 just in time for lunch Paul said bring your swim wear to there room as there’s was on the ground floor so it easier to get change and go straight to the wall so that what I did I go to Paul’s room the kids went off Paul room was the same as ours.
We went for a walk round the complex Paul was pointing out different things like family club members only private beach fence off members only Paul not not elaborate on these.
We got back to the room 1130 sat and had a drink kids came back they had eaten find I was not hungry Paul said go and get ready Paul j grabbed elsa hand and they ran to the bedroom I not think about elsa changing with Paul j .
Paul got my swimming costume handed to me and I went into the bathroom and changed I come out just as my phone was ringing it was June she said that May had asked her to go for a massage with her I look at Paul told him what had been said he said that May always go’s for one it was a reptable one it was ok so I told June that put her mind rest put the phone down.
I noticed that elsa and Paul j had not come out of the bedroom Paul said he check he knocked on the door Paul j said come in he went in closing the door after a few minutes he come out said they had been playing on Paul play station and was now getting charged Paul got us a beer give it to me then sat down I noticed that there was a wet patch in front of his swimming costume and his cock seemed to be semi harded just then the kids come running out come to the pool so off we went found some sunbeds.
Put the towels down then went to the main pool we were playing with the kids Paul was sitting on the steps elsa was sitting on his lap and had his arm round her middle Paul j was on my back trying to duck me Paul had got up and was carrying elsa round the pool when he got near to me he threw her up and to me Paul j grabbed my legs and pulled me under the water I came up Paul j was grabbing elsa and trying to throw her up but could not do it .
I needed a pee and a number 2 so I got out and went to the toilet I was in a cubicle Paul j called me said elsa had broken the strap on her swimming costume and his dad was taking her to the shop to get a new one and could I meet them there
I finished made my way to the shop Paul was there he said that while throwing elsa the strap broke she was with the lady that owned the shop Paul said he knew her and they would get a good discount
There was seating away from the changing rooms I could not see Paul j
Paul said he’s about elsa was ages the lady had come out pick up new swimming costume then went back
Elsa came out in a bikini which was a bit old for her I said not that one she looked at me with daggers then went back she was age’s then reappeared still a bikini but for her age yes that’s fine she went back in after some time come back out still wearing it the lady was find I noticed that her skirt was twisted so that the zipper was more a the front Paul told the owner his room number and said put it on my account Paul j appeared from nowhere
We got back to the sunbeds Paul said he will get the ice-cream elsa and Paul j sat down facing my on the sunbed
Paul came back handed out the ice-cream then sat down with me facing the kids we were talking I look across at elsa there was a bit of ice-cream just above her bikini bottom she had her legs open as kids do we had not been in the water but the crutch of her bikini was very much wet we finished our ice-cream then Paul said come on into the pool I took elsa hand and instead of jumping in we walked to the steps.
I told elsa to stand on the fourth step the water was just by her knees I said when I get to three jump to me

While tell you more very soon


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