Watching friends and strangers cum on and in my wife turns me on Sex Stories free 2024 – Y2 Stories

My wife and I got into the swinger lifestyle soon after getting married at 18 years old. It was the late 70s so it was before computers so we had to meet other swinger couples through swinger magazines like one called select. So it took several months before we hooked up with another couple. That opened up a whole new world when we learned that the wife of the other couple was bi and to my surprise she and my wife were soon sucking each others tits and before they were through were in a hot 69 eating each others pussy. All of this was a first for my young wife, but after that night we specifically looked for couples with bisexual wives. But to our surprise it looked like most of them were. And a few who like my wife before that first experience had never been with another woman before, when they saw my sexy 18 yo 5-8, 120 lb, 34DD-24-35 redhead wife they had no problem giving it a try. And once they started to suck on her big tits and run their hands over her beautiful, firm young body they couldn’t stop and were soon between her legs eating pussy for their first time.

It usually began with the wives going at it first as the other husband and I watched and usually took some pictures. Then we’d join in and fuck each others wife. That was hot and some of those wives were smoking hot and were fantastic at sucking cock and really good fucks, and I enjoyed seeing the other husbands banging my sexy wife. But honestly when it came to swapping with other couples I was of course turned on watching my wife with another sexy woman and usually enjoyed fucking them. But their husbands were usually older guys who were not in that great shape so I knew Lynn wasn’t that into having them fuck her. Not to brag but where they were usually guys who were older and drew in other couples with pictures of their hot much younger wives. Like my wife I was only 18 when we started and at 6’5″ athletic with a thick 9+” cock I was offering their wife a much better time. So though I loved to see my wife with these hot trophy wives when it came to seeing her with other guys I enjoyed seeing her with guys that could really get her going. This usually meant 2-3 and at times more guys at once. That was kind of where we’d began while waiting to find couples to swap with..

It started with our first threesome with my best friend, and it was clear my shy, preachers daughter wife who’d never been with another guy loved having a cock in both her mouth and pussy at the same time. I knew she loved sucking dick, and being able to suck one cock while having another in her cunt or ass was obviously getting her off big time. And it turned out I was enjoying it too. If it was just me and one or 2 other guys I’d always join in. But if there were several guys I loved to sometimes just sit back and watch my sweet innocent wife letting her inner slut out, taking one dick after another in all her holes at once. And it really turned me on watching her take load after load of hot cum. And it they were shooting off on those big tits and beautiful face it was even hotter. I’d usually be jerking off watching and go over and add my own load to the mess they were making. And with it being several guys doing her at once it didn’t matter how long they could last because there was another hard dick there to take their place. In fact sometimes she got off seducing much older guys just to see the look on their faces as she strip slowly for them watching the excitement in their eyes. And some of these guys who’d been married for 40 years to women who would only have sex in one position and had never had a blowjob and there she is telling them to fuck her in the ass or to fuck her tits & cum on them and sucking their cocks for them really turned her on.

She also got off on much younger guys as she got into her late 20 & 30’s. Seducing guys in their early to mid teens who probably hadn’t done more than kiss a girl or maybe squeeze their boobs, and there she was letting them explore every inch of her sexy body then suck their cock which usually didn’t last long before they’d cum in her mouth. But with their youth would be rock hard again in no time. And she for some reason wanted to make them do something they’d probably never done on their own, by after letting them see her naked say they could fuck her but to be sure they wouldn’t tell anyone they had to suck my cock first. They usually hesitated but after letting them feel of her tits they’d get on their knees and give their first blowjob. And it was funny because I’d run into them a few years later and a few would ask if they sucked my dick could they fuck my wife again. But a couple just asked if they could suck my dick. She loved to seduce young girls too, but found that easier if I wasn’t there, or at least the girls she was going to seduce didn’t know I was there. We had a pool and lots of the teen girls liked laying out with her and it usually started by rubbing lotion on each other and gradually reaching more private areas. But she’d invite them inside and she could tell if they were interested in going further. It usually began by them taking a shower together lathering each other up and then drying each other off and she’d kiss them as she led them to the bed and they laid their naked bodies on the cool silk sheets.

The young girls had no idea I was in the next room watching and stroking my cock. She’d move down and suck on their budding tits, some quite large for their young age, and buy the time she’d moved between their legs and giving them their first real orgasm no caused by themselves they couldn’t get enough and would come back on their own wanting more. A few who she thought might be ready she’d show nude pictures we’d taken over the years and ( accidentally ) run into some of me naked and of her sucking my cock. Then start telling them how young girls should know how to give guys good head, that if a guy was pressuring them for sex, that they’d usually be happy with a blowjob, and especially if she was good at it. Then would tell them she’d taught her little sister how and it worked out great for her. Then say she taught her by her sucking me off. She wouldn’t push them but a couple jumped right at it and were surprisingly relaxed letting me see them naked and sucking my cock as my wife coached them along. And we were surprised when one of the older ones ( 17-yo ) after sucking me off a couple of times asked my wife if she’d be ok with me fucking her? When she told me I was surprised, but of course thrilled and we ended up having a couple of threesomes with her over the next few months.

But most of the young girls though very easy for Lynn to get to have sex with her were more reluctant about thinking I knew anything about it. But I must say I was surprised at the bodies some of those 14-15 yo girls had. And how ready they were to have sex with my wife. We got one real surprise when one of the girls mothers came over one day for something and found Lynn by the pool topless and as Lynn went to put her top on she told her she didn’t have to, then started commenting on what a sexy body she had and how she’d caught her husband checking her out a couple of times but didn’t mind because it made him wild in bed afterwards. Then said that she couldn’t blame him for watching her, and Lynn could tell the pretty hot 30 something woman was turned on and recognized that look. She boldly stood up with her top already off and untied the bottom letting it fall off. Then jokingly said maybe she could tell him she’d accidently seen her naked and describe how she looked in detail. Then knowing the look on her face stepped closer and took one of her hands and placed it on her naked breast and said or tell him how it felt. As expected the woman began to squeeze both my wife’s tits and as Lynn leaned in kissed her. In no time she’d led her to our bedroom and undressed her and was having sex with her where only days before she’d been having sex with her teenage daughter.

I didn’t get to see that first encounter but did get to secretly watch them a couple of times later and one day I walked in on them not knowing she was there. But when Lynn suggested I join them there was no hesitation on our neighbors part and soon I was fucking her while she ate my wife’s wet cunt. There were a few guys she seduced in the neighborhood as well, knowing she was the topic of conversation among most of the guys in the neighborhood about how much they’d like to fuck her. So she gave them their fantasy come true. They had no idea I was in the next room watching. And one night during a poker game a few of us had weekly where we took turns having at each other’s house. And the nights at our house Lynn always wore something low cut and no bra and as she’d bring snacks etc and lean over to set them down she knew they could see her big tits, nipples and all. One night there were only 3 of us and we said it seemed weird not having at least 4 players. One guy asked Lynn if she wanted to play just joking, and Lynn said very seriously that she only knew how to play strip poker. The room went silent and she sat down and said but she was game if they were. She slipped off her heels and put them in the middle of the table so I did the same with my shoes. The other 2 guys nervously did the same, I think still thinking it was a joke. One of them one and without hesitation Lynn undid her skirt and laid it on the table still sitting down.

I put my socks on the table and they did the same. I won that hand and Lynn slipped off her panties and put them in the table, the aroma of her wet cunt filling the air. The guys put their shirts in. Once she lost again she stood up her bushy red cunt in full view she slipped off her thigh high stocking’s. Everyone knew all she had left was her low cut top that even as she was sitting was showing lots of cleavage. It shocked them when she said if she didn’t win the next hand she was going to start having to give blowjobs to the winners until she won some clothes back. Of course she lost so the next hand she put her top in and sat there naked. I knew they were watching to see my reaction and I just smiled and told them this had to stay between the 4 of us. Then looked at Lynn and said I hoped she’d put some chapstick on so her lips would be soft. She gave the guys a sexy grin and said she’d never gotten any complaints. She ended up sucking all 3 of us off and at my suggestion we all shot off on her face. She got us all hard again and they sucked her tits & ate her pussy and then took turns fucking her and shot off on her big tits at her suggestion. It surprised them when she said she’d enjoyed that and that it had been a while since she’d had several cocks at once and got covered in cum. Then said but they sucked at poker because she’d had a winning hand almost every hand. So letting them know she’d intentionally lost so they could fuck her. We knew the guy who didn’t show up would have never gone for that. So they prayed he’d miss more games when we were at our house. But he didn’t so I just invited them over a few times to fuck my sexy wife.

So we seemed to have more fun without hooking up with swingers we met through the magazine. Seeing her with other women and getting fucked by groups of guys. We still met up with some couples with hot wives and started finding some where the husbands just wanted to watch.One whose wife was a nurse but looked familiar and it turned out she’d been a professional model and was a Penthouse centerfold. He liked seeing her with other women but didn’t want the husbands to be with her. But she got off pissing him off by after she and Lynn had their fun She’d come over and start sucking me off. She had Lynn go suck him off because he had his cock out stroking it watching them. While she sucked him he got mad as hell watching his wife Charlotte riding my hard cock and shooting my cum inside her. He’d eventually shoot off on my wife’s tits and she’d come over and eat my cum out of her pussy while she sucked my cock hard again and got me to cum in her mouth and on her tits. He got mad as hell but kept hooking up with us until she had me fuck her in the ass one night. Something she never let him do. She ended up leaving him but unfortunately moved away.

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