Categories: ReluctanceTeenVirgin

A previous conquest Sex stories – Y2 Stories

I (then 35) meet up with a teenager who was younger than she originally said she was and I use her

So this is a followup to my previous entry “finally fucked the girl I’ve been grooming” but this one was about a decade ago. God I still jerk off thinking about this little girl when I had her. I actually looked her up online fairly recently and discovered that she is engaged now, which is good that she was able to move on after I used her. I honestly thought I might have wrecked this poor girl, I have a habit of checking in on my previous conquests from time to time just to make sure they didn’t end up offing themselves or something, lol. Little girls can be so sensitive.

The one I’m writing about today wasn’t my first by any means, But she was definitely one of my favorites. She even became a semi-regular when usually I would block them or just delete all my associated accounts so they wouldn’t be able to find me after I got what I wanted. And it was extremely risky of course, but I just couldn’t get enough of this girl. She checked all my pedophile boxes to absolute perfection.

We’ll call her Debra, I met her through a local buy-trade-sell group for my area. Not my exact town, but close enough to it that traveling wouldn’t be a problem and she was definitely worth the trips. She had been commenting on a couple people’s posts which caught my initial interest, she was devastatingly beautiful. Big blue eyes that fit her miniature stature that made her still look a little younger than she was advertising herself as being, shortly cropped dyed black hair in a vertical bob style, a little chubby, Like she had baby fat She had never been able to get rid of, which caused her to have huge titties that she wasn’t shy about showing the cleavage off for in her pictures. I would say for anyone familiar with porn, she had this cute girl next door looked to her like Remi Jones, look her up for reference. I only bring this up because the first time I saw that young actress, for a moment I thought it might have been Debra, they’re not exactly twins but they could definitely pass for sisters and I thought maybe what I had done to her warped her little mind and caused her to get into adult films. But it was not her, She did have really big teeth though and actually was wearing braces when I first saw her online which she had only recently gotten off.

Anyway, she had been advertising herself as 18 and wanting to sell some things, nothing of which were a particular interest to me, but it gave me the perfect opportunity to message her to feign interest. I was using a real picture of myself, but with a fake name that looked authentic enough. So I took the chance and messaged her just like any other potential customer would. Asked her about up bicycle helmet she was selling and it took her two days to get back to me, but eventually she did and we got talking a little bit. I didn’t even have a bike but I pretended like I did and said that I was just getting back into writing and wanted to take the necessary precautions. She said that was smart and that now that she had a car she had no use for her bike or any of the accessories so that’s why she was selling it. I told her that sounded like a plan, and we eventually got comfortable to arrange meeting up. I had originally intended to suggest meeting somewhere public sort of in the middle of where we both lived, but she just willingly gave me her address and told me that I could come by whenever. A fatal mistake any naive little girl would make, hehehe…

She did say that she would prefer I come by at a time when her parents would be home, which I said I understood and asked when such a time would be good for her. She gave me their schedule and I made up an excuse for why I couldn’t come then, But she had basically giving me information of when she would be alone which is when I intended to show up. I would play it off like this was the only available time I could make it to the area. It wouldn’t be for another week but we gradually began talking in the meantime and getting to know each other as any good predator gets to know his prey.

Eventually our talks got more intimate, and I assured her time and time again that I wasn’t some kind of creep Even though I was older. I made some stuff up when she asked me personal questions that seems authentic enough. She accidentally let her real age slip when we had been talking about habits, still too young to drink but she said she liked to smoke cigarettes when she could steal them. I asked why she would need to steal them if she was old enough to buy them, and she got all nervous and giggly and admitted that she was actually 16. She was so worried that would cause me to back off but I assured her we were just talking as friends and a potential customer, nothing more. She said that was true and the conversation slowly turned to me asking about other things that she did that she wasn’t supposed to be doing that her age.

I thought this might scare her off but it turned out that she was rather turned on by this older guy asking her about naughty stuff, soon I got her to admit that along with smoking cigarettes that she had been sneaking alcohol and watching porn and masturbating for the last couple of years and absolute secret, and I played it off like Hey we only have one light to live and we should be able to enjoy it right? She happily agreed.

Then came the time when I knew she would be alone and messaged her saying I could finally swing by to look at the helmet. She took a while to get back to me even though she has seen the message and finally said her parents weren’t there then. I told her I understood but I might not be able to make it back this way for a while, so she could just bring the helmet outside and I wouldn’t try anything funny. She was obviously nervous but eventually she said okay but you would have to be quick because she wasn’t sure when her parents were coming home, which was an outright lie, she and I both knew they wouldn’t be back for a few hours. It had also crossed my mind that the reasons for her deliberate availability was because she was still in school. Which honestly just turned me on even more.

So I drove over really early that morning, making sure there were no cars in her driveway and for sure knowing that she would be there home alone. I even saw her little face with the big eyes peeking out the window at my truck before I texted to let her know I had arrived. She said okay and as I got out of my truck and was approaching her house the door opened and there she was in all her little girl Glory. She was so much smaller than I had originally thought, this girl was like a baby, barely even coming to my shoulders. I gave a really friendly smile and said Hey there, she shyly nodded and said hi back. I made a joke about saying, at last we meet, and now you can see I’m real. She said yeah for sure. I extended my hand and introduced myself by the fake name she knew me as, she did the same and I held onto her hand a little longer than I should have, her skin felt so smooth and her fingers were so little compared to mine. I noticed that she didn’t make the effort to pull her hand away, in fact she looked nervous and excited to be face to face with the grown man she had been talking to all month long, the same man who knew a couple secrets that she had never told anyone before. And I think we both knew I was thinking about those secrets as I was looking down at her in that moment.

“So I’m.. did you want to see the helmet?” She asked biting her lip nervously.
“Sure,” I said smiling as our grips finally broke.
She moved to a little table just beside the door and held it up. It was a very basic bicycle helmet that I could tell just by looking at wouldn’t have fit me. I let out a “oh..” And she looked a little scared, she handed it to me and I said, all this time I thought it was my size, but now that I’m looking at it it seems a little small for me.
She said “Yeah I was going to let you know that, but I wanted you to see it in person just to make sure.”
I smiled, “You wanted to see me in person?”
Her big eyes bulged even larger and she started stammering
“That’s so cute, I have to admit something to you as well. I’ve been wanting to meet with you for a while now, whether or not I was going to buy this or not.” I said handing it back to her.
“Oh really?” She giggled.
I said if course, you’re such a an attractive young girl and I love the friendship we’ve made through talking all this time.
“Really?” She asked again.
“Oh absolutely, sweetie. As long as you don’t care about my age, why would I care about yours?”
“Well about that…” She fidgeted a little, remember This was a girl who had originally said she was 18 before letting on that she was only 16. “You know how I said I was going to be 17 soon? Well I am, just not for a couple years…”
Looking back at this moment I honestly wonder if my jaw was actually dropped or if I just felt like it was.
“So wait, how many years are we talking?”
And then she said it, and I felt my cock grow instantly rock hard.
“I’m fourteen okay? Sorry ”

She looked so upset and Like she expected me to call her a liar and storm off. But as she started to explain herself I very calmly shushed her and told her “honey it’s totally okay. I promise I don’t hold that against you at all.”
She looked so nervous and again asked “really?”
I told her of course, and I looked around to make sure that were no onlookers spying on us. I then told her she looked so scared and asked if a cigarette might calm her nerves a little bit. She perked up and again said really??? I chuckled and pulled one from the pack in my jacket, handing it to her. I was about to light it for her when she said hang on, we should move away from my house a little bit. She took me around the back in this little area that was covered by plants and said this was her secret smoking spot. I said very clever! I offered her a light and she took it smiling, moaning as she dragged on it and exhaled the smoke and looked so beautiful, like a corrupted little girl.

“Damn” I said. “You smoke like a professional, usually kids just take the smoke in their mouth to make it look like they are doing it right. But you really do it!” I acted impressed.
“Mhmm, I love it. Sometimes I want one so bad but I can’t steal them all the time.”
“I hear ya, I would like to say life gets better as you get older but honestly, it just gets more stressful. You know, anytime you want one you can always message me and I will happily supply you with one, or two, or more” I chuckled.
“Really???” She seemed so happy.
“Sure, if you let me watch you smoke them.”
She looked a little confused by that, but I just smiled and said, “What can I say? You look so sexy with a cigarette.”
“I do?” She sort of purposely posed with it and sucked on it in a seductive way like a grown woman would have.
“Oh you absolutely do… I would be lying if I said I wasn’t a little turned on right now.”
Those big eyes bulged once more. I kept feeling like I was walking on thin ice and one wrong word might have scared her off, but this girl was nothing but trouble and everything was going according to plan, she was hooked in reeled in by this point.
Her eyes starting to drift down towards my crotch and she made no effort to hide it. I smile at her and put my hand against my crotch a little, illuminating the shape of my growing cock. She smiled a little as smoke flowed out of her little lips.

“No pressure or anything at all, but if you’re curious, I’ll stand here totally still and let you feel that if you want to. Only if you want to,” It was always important to let them feel like they were the ones in control, even if I was absolutely manipulating her little innocent mind.

“Well you gave me a cigarette so I guess I could do a little something like that for you…” She said nervously but like it was a fair trade. I assured her it was only if she wanted to, and she said she did. Without any more encouragement her little hand reached forward and she’s started feeling my hard on through my jeans. 14 would be the youngest I would have had yet, and I was looking so forward to it. I noticed her smiling as her eyes remained locked on my crotch, smoking with her other hand. I gave a quick look around, but this area around your house was totally isolated from anybody, and then brushing my hand against hers a little, I decided to go ahead and start undoing the buttons of my jeans. She audibly gasped when my cock fell out and she accidentally touched it before pulling her hand away a little, looking up at me for reassurance before I nodded and she felt extra naughty and decided to continue rubbing it. I moaned that she was a good girl.

It was so risky and hot having this little smoking slut rub my cock out in the open like this, and I found myself getting really turned on. I asked if maybe she wanted to try tasting it, and she immediately looked worried. I eased her into it by saying what about this, maybe try rubbing the butt of the cigarette on it and sucking on that, see if you like it. She giggled and nodded and after taking a puff she rubbed the cigarette against my cock. It felt weird but good, and I told her to try getting some of the precum I was leaking out on it. She obied liked a good girl and when she put it back in her mouth she smiled, licking and sucking on it. “Wow.”
“You like that?”
“Yeah” she said bashfully. She finished her cigarette as she continued stroking me and after she put it out i constructed her to try actually tasting it. She was hesitant, but temptation gave them and she got down on her knees in the grass and got by the eye with my very much older erection and gave the tip a quick kiss, following some licks, before opening her mouth wide. I was glad to see her braces had come off before she put the tip of my fat cock on her tongue and started sucking on it. I barely fit in her mouth.

I moaned and stretched my legs, arching my back as I reached down and pet her hair, telling her how good she was and asking if she was sure she’d never done this before. She giggled and started stroking me as she took my cock into her warm wet little mouth as best.she could, and gave me an underage blowjob that was fucking heaven.

I couldn’t believe how fast I came, my legs twitching as I took a hold of her shoulder firmly and grunted, filling her mouth up with a huge load, without warning even. Poor girl never saw it cumming… Debra gagged and cum was spat all over her mouth and shirt. She gasped for air as she choked down my old seed and I recovered from the orgasm, not being able to hold back a little giggle as I apologized and told her If it made her feel any better, she looked beautiful with cum all over her.
“Really?” She asked kind of shocked but flattered.
“Oh yeah, you look like a proper slut now”
She smiled and tried wiping it off, even licking her hand, but her shirt couldn’t be saved.
“You might want to just change and throw that in the wash, I suggested. She nodded and began walking back towards her house as I buttoned my pants and followed.

At first she thought I was going to leave it at that but I made sure to stay close behind her as she entered her house, and she looked back at me kind of surprised, only for me to smile and say, “oh would you mind if I came in and used the bathroom real quick? Just to clean up a little.” She again gave me that wide eyes look of hesitation, The I smiled and assured her it was just to use the bathroom before I leave, because I didn’t want either of us to get caught. She relented and said okay, and let me inside. Never knowing that I was the man of her parents had probably warned her about a million times.

She began walking down the hallway to her room when she pointed to her left and said the bathroom is there. I said Great thanks honey. I walked in and pretended to use the sink for a moment but made sure not to close the door, her bedroom is right across the hall and I could see her in the mirror. I waited until she got her shirt off and then turn the sink off and made my way into her room. She kind of jumped when she turned and saw me standing there without a shirt on, before she could give a new one on. Now I got to see her cleavage in real life and smiled saying wow, those are really something. You’re beautiful You know that? Very stacked for your age!

She went to cover up but I said No no don’t cover up, they look so good. In fact I’m kind of curious what they look like without the bra on. She hesitated but ended up saying if I just wanted to look I could do that but then I would have to leave. I agreed with my hands up as if she was a cop pointing a gun at me, smiling. She nodded and reached around to undo her bra, and her tits fell out and for being only 14 she looked in amazing. I told her as much. She had the most perky little nipples I’ve ever seen a teenager have attached to the most suckable tits I think I’d ever seen. Without even thinking about it I reached out and started to feel her. At first she tried to knock my hand away but I just reached back and started playing with them again. I said don’t worry baby, I just can’t resist, they look so good. You look so perfect for a girl your age.
“Really?” She relaxed a little, And after a moment of playing with her huge tits I could see her eyes start to flutter a little.
“Mhmmm…” I moaned in agreement sounding like the world’s creepiest pedophile.

Her bed was right there so sort of firmly I started to move forward to set her down on it, and as soon as she was laying back I got up on her and started sucking those amazing tits. I could feel her heart racing a million miles an hour through her chest and in the process of playing and sucking with her tits I managed to get her pants off without her even really know the same. She didn’t take notice of it until she gasped at the feeling of my finger against her clit through her little girl panties. She looked down at what I was doing and then looked up at me but I forced a old man kiss on her before she could really react. At this point she was already mine, even if this was considered rape, I was going to get what I wanted and she was going to let me. Little girls had to get to a point in their lives when they realized they were made for, and in her case it was for an old perverts pleasure.

I shoved my tongue down her throat, Even though the thought of potentially tasting my own cum was disgusting to me, I pushed that thought aside so I could just make her feel totally relaxed and like her purpose in life was happening right here and now. Eventually I was able to get my shoes and pants off as well, although I only managed to unbutton the lower half of my shirt. As I continued kissing her and playing with her tight little pussy that was getting wetter by the moment, there was no going back now. This girl was mine. I positioned myself on top of her little body and weighed her down with my 200 lb of old man body weight, I was already rock hard and eventually replaced my finger on her pussy with my again pre-cum leaking cock. Before the poor girl even knew what hair, I was shoving myself inside of her. She was so fucking tight My cock couldn’t believe it.

“Mhrr– wait, wait!!!” She screamed my name and tried to stop me, but I gently shushed her and kissed her again and said don’t worry baby, this is natural. You’re going to love this I promise. And despite her protesting, my older cock found its way past her virginity and pushed myself even to her tight little body. She tensed up and let out a hiss sound, I realize now that she clearly didn’t want this to happen despite us having had a few conversations about it, it was so spontaneous and she just wasn’t ready, even more so but it was unprotected. But let’s be honest, she was playing a very little role in the situation. This was about what I wanted, and now I was getting it.

As I rocked my older hairy body against her young smooth body, sending my cock deeper deeper inside of her with each push, she wasn’t quite moaning as much as she was probably grounding and even sounded like she was crying even though I couldn’t see any tears, all I could think about was all the idiot little boys at her school who probably fantasized about her and were jerking off to the thought of being her first and imagining what she looked like naked, and here I was, an older stranger whose name she didn’t even truly know, corrupting this young girl’s youth and plunging her into womanhood with each hard thrust.

Her cries kind of sounded like protests but I just kept assuring her that this is what little girls were for and it was natural so to just lay back and enjoy the ride and to just let it happen and to be a good girl. And during our sex I kept telling her how proud I was of her and how sexy and gorgeous she was, and how good her tight little pussy felt. I kept telling her hell I was going to give her so many cigarettes anytime she wanted, and I was going to train her to get a hold of me anytime her parents were away and we could have some fun. Towards the end she started agreeing, I don’t know if she actually agreed or she was just saying it because she was lost in a mixture of pain and pleasure, knowing this older stranger was inside of her unprotected and using her little body for all it was worth. She just started screaming yes yes yes yes yes!!

Before I filled her with my seed, it was almost like she experienced a moment of possession. She wrapped her arms around my neck and looked at me seriously and told me I was such a fucking pedophile. I don’t know if she meant it as an insult or what but I agreed and said yes I fucking am, and You have a pedophile inside of you. She said so fuck me pedophile, fuck me harder. I happily obliged. I fucked her as hard as I could and she kept calling me a creep and a pedophile over and over again, and I fucking loved it. I’d been with young girls, but this was my first fourteen year old, and even though she put up a little fight and resistance it left my cock feeling so happily suffocated by her tightness.

I couldn’t help but to think of when she started listing stuff to sell, if she’d even told her parents at all, or if it had been one of her little secrets. But to imagine them warning her naive little ass about the dangers of strangers and to never invite anyone over, no matter how nice they are. I felt like the big bad wolf, fucking the innocence out of little red riding hood. Later her parents would make dinner and she would be sitting there thinking about how she didn’t just lose her virginity, but to a dangerous older man who was going to leave her full of his cum.

She remembered the way my body moved and the sounds I made when I’d cum in her mouth earlier and was taking note that I was groaning the same way again, and she started beckoning “wait wait wait!” Tapping my shoulders, almost hitting me, calling my name, I ignored the pleas and filled the little girls cunt up with every warm drop, shoving my cock deeper and harder into her than ever before as I happily groaned and filled her up, squeezing her tits as I defiled the little bitch.

“Oh god, oh ffffffuck…” She sighed happily but with wide eyes.
“Hey, shhh, it’s okay sweetie. Remember what we talked about?” She looked up at me confused. “I’m sterile, remember? I can’t make babies. You’ll be fine.” I lied so fucking hard, my sperm was as lively as could be, planted inside her young womb and swimming inside her as I laid there pinning her little body down and reaching beneath us, grabbing my balls and cock and making sure to squeeze and drain myself of every last drop of cum inside her pussy.
“Really?” She said again. I remember thinking I’d be so glad to get out of there and never have to hear her ask that fucking word anymore. I noticed something about myself, the moment after I fucked these girls, I became very fucking annoyed by them and just wanted to get the hell out of there ASAP.
“Yes baby, we talked about why that’s not married, because I can’t make little babys. And I’m absolutely clean. This is all just good fun.”
“Okayyy…..” She said s little unsure. I gave her a reassuring kiss as I pulled out of her and she whimpered. I looked down at her violated pussy and smiled, I told her she did great as I started to get dressed.
Because I’m a gentleman, I took my pack of cigarettes out and put it on her shelf. There were only six left anyway and definitely worth popping a minors cherry.

She called my name out, I stopped and looked back. “Yes sweetheart?”
“Will.. I see you again?”
“You want to?” I asked. She nodded.
“Baby, of course.” I lied. I considered fucking her again, but you can’t trust these little bitches. She would promise to keep a secret just as fast as she’d be on her phone telling all her little friends about having sex with me. Then her parents would catch word of it, then I’d be hauled off. No thanks. That’s why I always used fake names, profiles and numbers that were easily ditched.
I’d keep my eye out for her though, if I ever happened to be driving by and caught her alone and was in the mood to fake an apology and sweet-talk her into sucking my dick or taking another load in her pussy. Fate would decide. And it did.

I actually ended up fucking this girl twice more, and of course she threw a hissy fit about me vanishing. I fed her some bullshit about forgetting my logins or whatever, she ended up buying it and I got another blowjob and fucked her in the back of my truck twice in the woods just down the street from her house. Little bitch stole more cigarettes from me, and apparently had become a little whore around her school. After I came in her the last time, she told me she was pregnant, “but knew it wasn’t mine since I was sterile”. Debra said was about two months pregnant, which was around the last time I’d convinced her to take a “ride” with me. Oopsie.

I never talked to her again after that though, so I’ll never know if she kept it, or if it was mine.

I like to think it was though, and somewhere out there now is a bastard preteen that is possibly mine. And, I’m so deranged that if I found out it was a girl and she was mine, I’d love to swoop back in and meet her as a stranger, just like her teen mom would have warned her never to do, and then engage in some older/younger legit incest and get the kid pregnant as well. I’d even fuck hypothetical kid a few times and just as I’m cumming in her lean in and whisper that I was her real daddy. I told you, I’m fucked up like that. And I love it.


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