Categories: AbuseIncestTeen

Abused By My Girlfriend’s Older Sister Sex Stories 2024 – Y2 Stories

My girlfriend’s older sister (35) caught us (13) fucking and decided to punish us. Not in a normal way, though.

I’m not great at story telling so I’ll just narrate what happened. Hopefully I can keep it in logical order and you can make sense of it. Thanks for reading.

One time when my girlfriend and I were both 13, her older sister (much older) caught us fucking. This older sister was 35 or so when this event I’m talking about happened and it was at her house. She had said my girlfriend and I could spend the night over there and looking back, I don’t see how for one second she thought we WEREN’T going to fuck.

However, she caught us and had an absolute come-apart. It was late at night and we thought she was asleep and decided to fuck in the floor of her den. This room seemed like the least likely room of the house to get caught in, or so we thought. So, there we were and had been fucking for a few minutes.

Suddenly, the older sister was in the doorway (lights were off but the room was partially lit from the adjacent room when she opened the door) and was yelling and raising hell that we were disrespecting her house, blah blah. She was getting madder by the minute and my girlfriend and I were sitting in the floor, butt naked, listening to her, not sure whether to jump up and put our clothes on or what. So we sat there. The sister ranted.

She was about to explode or have a stroke or something when suddenly she said “You two go back to what you were doing. I’ll be right back.” We both knew that didn’t sound right so we didn’t but the sister did come right back. “Well, you wanted to fuck her so fuck her! Now!” she yelled at me. It was seeming quickly like I was chiefly the guilty party for some reason. Earlier, my girlfriend and I were both guilty but now it seemed like it was mostly just me. She had an old-school vibrator and a bottle of lotion in her hand. Very confusing situation, to say the least.

I still hesitated and she said “Or I can just call the cops and report this statutory rape.” I was no lawyer but I did know that my girlfriend and I were the same age and whatever she could tell any cops that she may happen to call, statutory rape wasn’t going to be one of the charges. I didn’t want to challenge her, though, and pretended that it sounded like a pretty legit charge to me. So I lay on top of my girlfriend and was kind of humping but my dick wasn’t hard, as you may imagine.

The sister kneeled on the floor beside us and said “That’s right. You just keep going until I tell you otherwise.” I looked at my girlfriend’s face and saw that she didn’t seem to be making any more sense of this shit than I was. So I just did what the sister said. I felt her spread my butt cheeks and then spread lotion all in my crack. I froze. “Did you forget what I told you already?”, she asked. I said “No” and started my feeble humping again.

I thought it must be very obvious I wasn’t actually fucking but I believe at that point she thought I was. Then I felt her pressing the tip of the vibrator against my asshole. It was on. I froze again. Immediately she said “Ok, you can stop if you want to, or tell me no, but if you do, you’ll be in jail later tonight and I’m not bluffing. Now do what I told you to do!” I was pretty positive she intended to stick the vibrator in my ass and I wasn’t cool with that but every time I stopped or started to defy her, it was instant anger all over again.

Like any animal with half a brain, I learned very quickly that doing one thing seemed to calm things down at least a little, and doing the other thing brought instant “negative feedback”, so guess which path I decided to follow? Do what she said, of course. So I resumed humping and sure enough, the vibrator was quickly about 4 inches into my asshole. “I knew that was coming”, I thought to myself. It burned a little but nowhere near what I thought it was going to feel like. She pushed it deeper. She must have hit my prostate area or something because for an instant, I went from thinking how horrible this was to thinking that I wanted her to do it some more. It was weird.

But she didn’t leave it in where it was, which I wasn’t objecting to very much at all, but started fucking me in the ass with it. Kind of rough, too. “It’s not so fun when you’re the one getting fucked, is it?!”, she said. I saw my girlfriend’s eyes get wide and realized that up until that second, she hadn’t known what her sister was doing, exactly. But now she did, for sure. She was just looking at me like she expected me to scream or yell or something. Or thought that maybe I SHOULD be doing that. Like I said, it didn’t hurt that bad so I wasn’t saying shit that was going to get her sister madder than she already was, so I didn’t say anything.

The sister then said “Get off of her!” which I immediately did. She looked at my dick and saw that it was barely half hard. “You weren’t fucking her like I told you to?”, she asked. I didn’t say anything. Thankfully (I thought), she turned her attention to my girlfriend, who was lying on her back. “Lift your legs”, the sister said. My girlfriend didn’t actually lift her legs, she kind of had her feet flat on the floor and while they still were, just pulled her feet closer to her butt. “No, I mean lift them! Knees all the way to your chest! The bottom of your feet pointed at the ceiling!”, the sister yelled at her.

I think my girlfriend got a clue as to what was coming and didn’t lift her legs. She slowly shook her head, indicating “No”. The sister said, “You’ll be in jail right along with him if you don’t! Having underage sex? You ever heard of that?” Her sister was making up laws as she went along, I saw. Or maybe she believed it was true. I don’t know to this day.

Now, my girlfriend wasn’t stupid so I don’t think she believed she could actually be jailed for that but just like I had, I think she decided to go along with it and although that particular threat may be empty, her sister was perfectly capable of causing all kinds of trouble for real if she wanted to. She raised her legs.

Her sister squirted more lotion onto her hand, smeared it in the vicinity of her asshole (I’m not sure she tried very hard to make sure it was right on her asshole, in other words), and pushed the vibrator an “experimental” distance into her ass, just like she had mine. My girlfriend jumped a little but stayed still otherwise. The sister must have thought that was a satisfactory response because she pushed it much deeper. I thought my girlfriend would squeal, jump up, or at least do something but oddly all she did was close her eyes. Nothing more.

Just like with me, the sister held it deep for a few seconds then started really fucking her sister’s ass with it. Weirdly, like I was viewing this from 100 miles away and wasn’t involved, I noticed that my girlfriend did nothing but clench her toes. That’s all. No other movement. I thought it was strange that I noticed that.

Well, I say that was strange but that wasn’t the strangest thing that happened just then. My dick started getting hard watching what was happening. Which made me feel like some kind of perv but right then, I didn’t give a fuck. I wanted her sister to keep doing it and my girlfriend to keep taking it. I felt a little bad for thinking that but I thought it nonetheless.

I noticed that my girlfriend didn’t just have her toes clenched hard and held there. They were moving slightly. At every thrust of the vibrator going in, she clenched them tighter and as the vibrator was coming out, she was relaxing them slightly. It wasn’t a lot of movement but that’s definitely what she was doing. I don’t believe her sister even noticed it. In, toes tightened. Out, looser. Back in, tightened again. Yep, that’s what she was doing, all right. And the thing was, her sister wasn’t putting the vibrator in and out slowly. She was fucking her pretty fast and rough with it. I was amazed my girlfriend was taking it. But that’s probably the same thing she thought about me.

After a minute her sister said, “Now you stand up (to me) and you get on your knees (to my girlfriend) and suck his dick and get it hard, you little whore.” Only after she said this did she look at my dick and saw how hard it was. She looked at my face, slightly puzzled, then said “Forget that. Just suck it.”

So I stood up and as I did the sister pulled the vibrator out of my girlfriend’s ass. Not slowly, just rudely jerked it out. For a second, and I knew I must be mistaken, my girlfriend had a look on her face, very fleeting, that she was disappointed that her sister took it out. No, that couldn’t be true and I was sure it was my imagination. As my girlfriend took my dick into her mouth, you can probably guess what the sister was doing. Yes, the dildo was right back up my ass, harder this time.

As my girlfriend sucked, the sister was saying “Not so fun now, is it? Just stand there and take it.” If she thought I was going to object she was wrong, because if anything, I was pretty sure I was going to be cumming pretty soon.

Right as I thought that, the sister said “If you start to cum in the whore’s mouth, you better tell me first.” So calling her sister a whore was becoming a habit, I saw. About 20 seconds later I did say “I’m going to cum.” She pulled the vibrator from my ass and grabbed my girlfriend’s hair and jerked her head back from my dick. This time my girlfriend did squeal and grabbed her sister’s hand that was twisted in her hair and for a second I thought she was going to fight her, but I hoped she didn’t because although her sister was still plenty wound up, at least she had stopped talking about cops and jail and made-up laws.

However, it was too late. Even though my girlfriend dropped her hand, just the threat of attempting to fight her was more than enough to set her back off. “Put your fucking hand down!!”, she yelled. Which made no sense because she had already put her hand down. “So you want to fight me?! You two little whores fucking in my house and you think I’m the one that’s wrong here??” I was glad when my girlfriend didn’t answer her. I was hoping she’d quit glaring at her the way she was, though.

“You two are going to learn!!”, she yelled. Then she paused like she was trying to think of an idea which she apparently did because she then said “Get on your hands and knees! (to my girlfriend) I know of a way you can both get ass fucked!” I realized just then that for some reason, she thought ass fucking was a terrible thing and that sticking a vibrator in our asses was the worst punishment she could think of at the time. And here she was still suggesting that it was a pretty bad punishment.

I personally thought that if I came while that vibrator was turned on and in my ass, I was probably about to cum harder than I ever had. And if my suspicions were true, my girlfriend didn’t entirely object to it being in her ass, either. When my girlfriend was finally on all fours, her sister said “Get on your knees behind her. Stick your dick in her asshole and make her scream! I don’t care if she does, don’t stop until I tell you to.” I was pretty confident that my girlfriend wasn’t going to scream, based on what I saw earlier. I was hoping, however, that she’d at least pretend. God only knows what her crazy sister would have thought of to do next if she knew neither of us minded very much what she thought was “very bad punishment”.

I was relieved when my girlfriend, although she didn’t move, yelled “No!”. “Hell yeah”, I thought, “That’s it.” I pressed my dick against her asshole and although she was objecting loudly, she was actually pressing her ass back against me. I was hoping her sister didn’t see that so I stuck it in harder. She jumped and yelled again and started not only pretending to cry but actually was crying and sobbing. I was happy that she was on the same sheet of music as me. Her sister rammed the vibrator into my ass and started fucking wildly yet again. She was slightly behind me and although my girlfriend was doing a great job, I thought so anyway, she was going to blow it because although I couldn’t see her doing it, I felt her fingers brush occasionally against my dick and balls and knew she was rubbing her pussy furiously.

While I was hoping she’d stop that and just continue her act, she moaned loudly and then breathed heavily like she had been holding her breath, very obviously, to everybody, having an orgasm. Her sister froze and I got scared. “Did you just have an orgasm from being ass fucked?! You dirty little whore!!” and jammed the vibrator into my ass harder and deeper than she had up to that point, which was saying a lot.

“Next thing you know, you’ll be doing it, too! Fucking little whores, both of you!” she said. How it didn’t hurt worse, I have no idea but she had to have been ramming the vibrator into my ass until there was barely anything for her to hold on to. It looked about 6 or 7 inches long and I was pretty sure it was going into my ass about that far. My dick was harder than a rock and was probably purple. Again she said, “If you start to cum, you better tell me first!” I was banging my dick into my girlfriend’s ass balls deep with every stroke and I couldn’t have done it much harder, if any.

“I’m going to cum in a minute”, I said. “Right now?”, she said. “In a second”, I replied. She then demanded that my girlfriend get on her back on the floor in front of me, face right under my dick, and said that she couldn’t think of a better thing for a whore than to get a face full of cum. I thought my girlfriend may be dumb enough to argue about that because I knew for a fact that although she’d suck my dick no problem, she didn’t like cum on her face because I’d asked to before and she wouldn’t go for it.

I also had no idea she liked anal either, though, although she had “tolerated it” several times when I talked her into it. Maybe I didn’t know everything I thought I knew, I realized. Anyway, I was still on my knees, dick poking out, vibrator violating the hell out of my ass, when the sister still hadn’t told me exactly what to do and I didn’t want to piss her off so I didn’t do anything. That pissed her off.

“Get on all fours! What are you waiting for?!”, she yelled, “I thought you said you were going to cum!” This was confusing. I thought I had been about to jerk off on my girlfriend’s face and I didn’t know what getting doggy style over the top of her was supposed to be for. So there I was, with my girlfriend’s face right under my dick. “Jerk him onto your face and you better make me believe you love it when you’re doing it!”, the sister said. Damn it. All this fucking around and now I wasn’t sure if I was still about to cum or not. I was pretty sure I was but I wasn’t positive.

“Spread your legs!”, the sister said loudly. I didn’t know what that was supposed to mean and when I looked, my girlfriend was spreading hers so she hadn’t been talking to me. “When he cums all over your face, I want you to piss on yourself for me.”, she said. My girlfriend didn’t say anything and I had no idea whether she could piss on demand or not. She was jerking my dick and it felt great though, I did know that much.

I realized also that the sister wasn’t fucking my ass with the vibrator but had what felt like her palm pressed hard against my ass crack. “Oh shit”, I thought. She had the vibrator all the way in my ass as far as it would go and was holding it there. I got a little nervous that it may go completely in and get stuck there.

Suddenly I knew I was going to cum. Oddly, the first squirt wasn’t a whole lot but my girlfriend was moaning and acting like she wanted it to be gallons, like she just couldn’t get enough. Then the subsequent squirts, although nowhere near a gallon (or even 1/50th of a gallon), were much more than the first and were creaming her face pretty good. I remembered the “pissing instructions” and looked to see if she was doing it. Sure enough, I didn’t see it spraying out but there was a quickly widening puddle of piss there.

“You whores!!”, her sister yelled, “You filthy fucking whores!” I was done and I guess my girlfriend was too but we had no idea what to do next. So we just stayed where we were. Her sister jerked the vibrator from my ass (thankfully it wasn’t stuck after all), stood up, and told us to sit right where we were because she had some things to say to us. I was pretty sure I didn’t care what she had to say. I sure wasn’t about to say that out loud, though. “Don’t wipe that cum off of your face” the sister said, very calmly, as she pulled a chair to the middle of the floor. Very odd change of attitude yet still very aggressive, seemed to me.

She sat in the chair. We sat right where we were. My girlfriend was in a puddle of piss, in fact, while my dick was still half-hard thinking about it. The sister started what seemed like was going to be a very long speech about how young people should respect people’s homes, etc. I noticed that while she was talking, however, she had the vibrator in her hand, resting on top of her leg, and it appeared to still be on. I was pretty sure I could hear it humming, but barely.

She acted like she didn’t notice it but I wondered to myself what she was planning on doing with it, since there was no possible way she really didn’t notice it. About 5 minutes into her speech (what seemed like a very long 5 minutes too) I noticed that her legs were slightly spread. She had on jeans, but still. Then that her hand (the one without the vibrator) was “absent-mindedly” between her legs.

“No fucking way”, I thought. Absolutely unbelievable. But there it was, and I was pretty sure she was rubbing oh-so-slightly. Right in the middle of a sentence, without missing one single beat but talking right along the whole time, she stood up, unsnapped her jeans, and sat back down. She pulled her jeans open slightly with her free hand then put the hand with the vibrator (still talking as if she didn’t notice she was doing it) into the front of her jeans. She continued to talk. About 4 or 5 minutes later she was steadily talking, then paused for several seconds, seemed to tense up, then resumed talking. “I’m pretty sure she had an orgasm right then”, I thought. But she didn’t take the vibrator out of her pants.

A few minutes later, she did the same thing again. This time though, afterward, she seemed to wind up her big speech about morality, abstaining from sex, respect, and all kinds of shit, by standing up, fastening her jeans and saying “You (to me) go home. You (to my girlfriend) clean this floor up, take a shower and get in the bed. It’s late.” and walked out of the room. My girlfriend and I looked at each other like “Can you believe the shit she just did?” but didn’t say a word out loud for fear of her hearing us and going crazy again. I put on my clothes and walked out the door and looked back at my girlfriend who was still naked on her hands and knees with a towel drying her piss off the hardwood floor.

Days later we talked about it but neither of us could come up with any explanation in which her sister wasn’t insane. However, my girlfriend did obtain a vibrator (from where, I have no idea) and we rarely had sex without it. There was a whole lot of ass fucking and cumming on her face, too. Previously practically unheard of, now almost a daily thing.

Her sister never mentioned what had happened and in fact, pretended like it hadn’t. She didn’t bring it up so we sure as hell didn’t. My girlfriend and I had predicted that she’d find some pretense to repeat those shenanigans but she never did. True story: Years later after we both had moved on (my girlfriend and I), a friend of mine told me that she (the older sister) and her daughter (which would have been my girlfriend’s niece) had sex together with this guy at the same time one time. It was the sister’s boyfriend so I guess they invited the daughter to join. Or maybe it was the daughter’s idea to join, I couldn’t say which. This ol’ dude was about 60, so he lucked out fucking a mother and daughter together. Truth is stranger than fiction, I guess.


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