Angela and the Revenge Porn (2 of 2) Sex Stories 2024 – Y2 Stories

Angela Candelema is a beautiful intelligent young woman with a smile for everyone and big plans for the future. One pervert can ruin her life.

Chapter 14
Pinkmeth could not last as a site, even on the dark web. It was shut down in 2014 for good. Pembroke bemoaned the loss of community. He still had details of girls and their photos but without sharing the conquests he found it too boring just having them to himself. There were copycat websites though all were soon shut down.
He tried to find Angela, and was a little annoyed to find her non-porn persona had disappeared from the internet. He did guess that she might have committed suicide. This upset him, both in terms of not wanting that much harm on her, and of ruining “the chase” of catching her and updating her new friends/ associates about her pornographic past.
Revenge porn laws came into force and Pembroke grew weary of repeating what he had done to other girls. It became well known that people might film others for sex and his glasses now evoked weary looks even on public transport and he eventually threw them away.
Angela could not get rid of her videos and photos from all sites. She tried to put it out of her mind and enjoyed Paris. She spoke French excellently and became very popular with pupils and teachers. A few months into her job, however, one of her pupils was browsing through porn when he came across one of Angela’s videos. He watched it for five minutes listening to it in English, before realising that this girl in the video was his teacher, Ms Candelema! He searched under her surname and found numerous other links and more videos and photos. He confided in another friend, who shared it and before the end of the week every pupil was looking at her naked on their phones.
Angela was confidently explaining the political constitution of Spain to her pupils, when she heard a loud noise from one phone at the back of class “You’ve got a lovely cock!” she froze, she recognised it from one of the videos, it was her voice, said as she as sucking on the client’s cock.
A few days later, she was informed that she could not teach at the school anymore. The management were much more sympathetic than in London but explained that they could not have a female teacher whom all the pupils had seen naked having sex as their teacher. Angela did not put up much complaint this time.
She returned to her parents in Barcelona. She rarely met her old friends, all of whom knew her as the bright young star who had inexplicably thrown her future away by becoming an amateur porn star. Her father had grown depressed, his daughter was the apple of his eye and her implosion affected him deeply. He died a few months later.
After the funeral, Angela decided she could not longer hope to work in a public facing role, crushing her dreams. She was still very qualified and personable and managed to train as an auditor. She dyed her hair blonde and moved to Munich and learnt German. She found a Turkish boyfriend, and married him. It helped him with his visa and enabled her to get a new surname “Yildiz”. Blonde, Maria Yildiz worked quietly at her company, avoiding social pleasantries and getting pregnant with a young daughter, born in 2015.
It was when getting maternity leave that someone at her company found her maiden name and googled it. They managed to find a link to a story about a women being fired from a school in London. This piqued their interest and after amateur sleuthing they found her videos on porn each engines. In a moment of horny depravity, they commented under the very popular video that “This is Maria Yildiz, she is currently living in Munich as an accountant.”
Someone eventually took this up, and before long word got out among her colleagues and when she returned she eventually found that every one of her co workers had seen the videos, now years old. Angela took it stoically, and continued to work there.
However, one work evening, the managing partner drunkenly propositioned her and a more junior girl. Angela was outraged and complained to HR. HR and the managing partner brought up her sordid pornographic past and made her out to be unreliable as a witness. She stood her ground and continued working there, but eventually quit. She hated the soulless corporate world anyway.
She instead found work in her husband’s café in Munich, and her radiant personality increased custom twofold. In fact, she even began plans to open up a second café across town, with her husband managing it. Angela was delighted; she thought she had finally found her calling while having a family life.
One jealous rival, however, hated her for taking his custom away. He could not, however, compete the ever popular beautiful and intelligent Maria Yildiz. Until, one day, an anonymous message came providing a link to several porn videos. The rival managed to leverage the local conservatism of the Turkish community and spread her videos everywhere. Local women stopped coming to the cafes now that a “whore” was running them. Meanwhile, her husband was humiliated. One night, in drunken anger, he beat her up and left her in hospital.
Angela fled back to Spain to live with her mother and her young daughter in 2019. She was now thirty, a single mother and the chance of a successful corporate career was no longer viable or appealing. She helped around the house and became the manager of a local café catering to immigrants. She did not care that the locals new about her videos and her past. She was happy to be with her mother and her daughter.
Money, however, began to become a problem especially with the covid lockdowns. Angela lost her income, and decided that perhaps she should embrace the oldest profession. She had done it once before, and it had cost her almost everything. What would it hurt if she tried it some more?
“Maria Yildiz” worked first as a escort for an agency, skirting covid lockdown rules, then as an independent, and eventually ran her own small coterie of hookers from various places like the Ivory Coast, Romania, Russia and Turkey, as well as taking care of high end clients herself.
She still had a gorgeous figure after childbirth and entering her thrities. Her breasts were fuller and her hips wider and her wit, smile, and warmth and multi linguistic abilities meant she was starting to earn more than ever and was extremely popular with wealthy and discreet patrons. Her girls were chosen for their beauty but also personality and trustworthiness. Angela was open to her mother about what she did. Her mother did not mind. She had hated the other women who had taken sickening delight in her daughter’s earlier downfall and was proud of her daughter’s struggle and loved her granddaughter, Yasmin. Angela, her mother, her daughter, often had group dinners with her hooker girls at their house on a Friday night to celebrate another week of lucrative work.
Chapater 11
Edward Pembroke continued to accumulate money, and when his mother finally died during the covid epidemic, he sold the family home, and moved to his own place in the south of Spain while working part time remotely.
It was 2024, Edward Pembroke was now sixty four years old living by himself in a villa. Alcohol abuse had left him looking ten years older and without his mother providing any limits on his behaviour, he was burning through his money which he had no one to leave to anyway.
Prostitutes came and went, and on more than one occasion he was robbed in his own home by hookers who drugged him and made off with jewellery and whatever they could find. Pembroke spent a lot of his time on the beach, perving at young girls and making videos. In moments of clarity, he realised that he was just waiting to die, there was nothing to live for. He still remembered Angela as the one female who had shown him some kind of fleeting love and after one robbery the first thing he checked was that his box containing her still fragrant panties and bra was still there.
No woman since had come close to make him feel like she had done. And he had not successfully recorded any such woman in as much detail nor been able to put it online now that laws were stricter and awareness was greater.
He had lost track of Angela after finding she had been in, and left, Paris. He periodically checked what he could find about her home village outside Barcelona but could find nothing online. He knew her parents address and had once driven there and parked across the house. He had even seen an old woman who looked a little like Angela walk into the house, but could not be sure it was the mother.
He did not know that her life had been ruined. He still saw her videos online everywhere. In fact, on some forums, under her videos, he boastfully commented that he was the one who took the video, and that Angela Candelema was the greatest fuck ever. He never left his real name, or at least hoped not, sometimes he was so drunk he did not know what he was doing, he realised.
He wondered how he should feel about Angela. He thought of her as indestructible, a force of female nature, she was so beautiful that she would persevere anyway. And if not, such power needed to be checked by perverts like him. Most of his reasoning came from the feelings aroused from his cock, as every time he thought of Angela he felt his cock bulge.
One pleasant Friday evening, Pembroke smoked a cigar in his empty villa outside the swimming pool. He was sober and had his villa tidied recently. He felt a little more put together today. Perhaps, he thought, he should go into town? But, all by himself?
He decided to order another escort. He used an agency’s specific app, and then had to make a short video call to an operator.
Maria Yidiz, Angela, was herself with her mother and daughter at a restaurant. Her phone buzzed, and she looked up the app she used for her escort business.
Angela was a practised professional, and winked at her mother who smiled knowingly. Her mother started to chat to the daughter, little Yasmin, while Angela walked quickly outside and spoke into the phone.
“Hello, this is Midnight Luxury, who am I speaking to?”
“Oh hi… err… this is Michael”, a heavily accented voice said in broken Spanish, “ I’m English, I was wondering if I could book an escort for tonight? I live near Cuadamerra and I want to bring a girl to a restaurant then take her home,… and well … you know…”
“OK darling, can we have a very quick video chat? They were both speaking in Spanish, Angela’s very slow, and Pembroke’s very poor.
Edward Pembroke was past caring about revealing himself and started up the video function. Thirteen years later, bearded, without glasses, and on a small phone screen, speaking Spanish instead of English, there was no reason for Angela to recognise him as “Alan” her fateful client from London all those years ago.
Angela did not show herself on video. She only noted that the man seemed nice enough, an English expat, with money to afford their services, and looked like any seventy year odd man who wanted a lady of the night.
“Michael” revealed that he wanted to meet with “Dilan” who was a stunning young Moroccan girl. She was only nineteen and been working as a prostitute since she was fifteen. Angela had taken her under her wing a few months ago, and after becoming convinced she would continue working in prostitution, promised her she would look after her. Dilan was a natural and very popular, Curly brown hair, black eyes, busty, she looked others had said, like Angela herself, if Angela would only stop dying her naturally dark hair the bright blonde that she had gotten used to.
Angela did all the background checks the app allowed for, took Pembroke’s money, spoke with Dilan, and discussed what the night would entail. Dilan was happy to oblige and promised Angela she would be happy with the work after checking the screen shot of Pembroke. “Any time you feel something is wrong in your gut, you text me OK?” Angela was always concerned for her girls especially when they went back to clients’ houses.
Dilan had been smoking marijuana with her friends when the call came. She had planned to go out clubbing with them later, but she always relished a chance to make some money. She would make more money on this date than each of her friends would in two months. She made her excuses and left, her friends annoyed with her. Dilan vaguely promised she would meet up with them later in the club. Who knows? Maybe the old man would let her go early.
Dilan quickly went back to her room she rented, paid for by Angela. She quickly shaved off any stray body hair and washed herself inside and out. She wore a party outfit, a sequin dress, and looked like a teenager off to a birthday party.
It did seem a little odd then, that she met Edward Pembroke at a restaurant in a sleep village outside of town. The locals were a little weary of Pembroke and they understood immediately this was a prostitute. Even for him, this girl looked young. But for their ethnic differences they could have passed as grandfather and granddaughter. Dilan was happy and buzzing and did not mind laughing at Pembroke’s terrible jokes in broken Spanish and happily rubbed his thighs with her foot.
Pembroke drank down the wine, and rubbed his hand up Dilan’s thigh, up her party dress and gazed into her young face as she smiled mischievously. “I think the other old people are shocked” she giggled. Suddenly Pembroke realised there was a table of thirty somethings, whom he would have considered young, who looked disgustedly at the old man with the teenage sex worker.
“All right, let’s take my car back to my place” said Pembroke.
“Can I drive?” laughed Dilan. She had no license but loved to take advantage of older men.
“Sure” smiled Pembroke. He loved to see her smile.
Dilan drove the old Jaguar along the winding mountain roads up to Pembroke’s villa. She looked at it, amazed, and realised this man was rich. He did not seem like it though. She guessed he was a tech wizard or biochemist who had got lucky. He had little confidence and seemed happy to let her tell him what to do.
She danced around the pool and played music on her phone. Pembroke took out another bottle and offered her some cocaine which she took. In front of him, she also grabbed a packet of cocaine and put it in her purse for later. She whipped off her dress, and in nothing but bare feet and a black satin thong, danced to reggaeton, then dived into the pool.
Pembroke sat on a chair, and watched, entranced. Dilan was popular for a reason; men loved her youthful exuberance and infectious enthusiasm. Her tight, taut teenage body was also something they salivated over.
“Come on and get in!” cried Dilan. She wanted to see the old man get wet and also wanted to make sure he was clean. She pulled him in and he cried out.
Dilan laughed and paddled about as she watched him struggling to stay afloat. Eventually, they both got out, and Dilan wandered around his villa. She put on some old records on an old style turntable and danced naked in front of him.
Pembroke took his clothes off and waited for Dilan to come to him. Eventually, she took his hand and they went into the bedroom, just cleaned by the maid this morning. Dilan was not soabsent minded that she did not make good use of the condoms she carried with her.
For the next few hours, Dilan made Pembroke’s world spin. She squirted all over his face, licked all over his body, and they had sex all over this villa and somehow, in the water of the pool itself. A Viagra infused Pembroke thought he might die of a heart attack.
Dilan even happily posed for photos. She also did webcam modelling and had no compunction about being naked on film. Pembroke laughed and wished he had met her years ago. He must try and meet this girl again, he thought.
He wanted to go to sleep, Dilan said she would stay in the villa by herself and he could drive her back tomorrow morning. At the back of her mind, she knew that this would make the fee even greater. She also playfully wanted to explore the mansion and wondered what she could steal. She did not want to rob him, but wanted to take something he would not miss, such as the drugs and maybe some money, as he was so rich.
The next morning, Dilan had taken some old records she thought looked interesting. She had found some Euros, and some more cocaine and pocketed that. She saw some jewellery, but thought it might have sentimental value so left it there.
Pembroke was exhausted and hungover but also ecstatic. He had not had such an enjoyable evening in years. “Before you go” he told Dilan, “I want one more thing from you.”
Pembroke brought out a small box, and took out a matching set of red bra and panties. “I want to see you in these, and I want to photograph you in these. What do you think?”
Dilan smiled. She now just wanted to get home. She missed her friends last night and wanted to make up for it by bringing them the drugs and buying clothes with the money from his drawers. Pembroke himself looked a lot worse for wear in full sunlight after a night of drink drugs sex and lack of sleep.
“Sure” she smiled. She quickly stripped off her clothes in front of him like it was nothing, her bronzed hard body glistening in the sun, the smooth cleft of her pussy glinting as the sun came through her thigh gap.
Pembroke smiled and held out the clothes. The red panties fitted her snugly. The bra however was a little too big. Pembroke brought his phone out took some snaps. “Lose the bra now please, it doesn’t really fit” he said and Dilan complied.
She giggled and took it off. “Is this your wife’s?” she asked.
“No, but it belonged to a beautiful woman before and I just want to remember her now.” Pembroke sighed and clicked a few more images as Dilan did some turns. She enjoyed the feeling of the fabric, the lingerie seemed expensive.
“Before we go… can I… “ Pembroke became nervous again. “If I pay you some more money.. can I .. can I eat you through those panties…?”
Dilan laughed at the request. “OK, a hundred euros?” she smiled at how easy it was to get money from old men.
“A hundred and sixty” said Pembroke suddenly remembering how much he had paid Angela, in pounds, for that lingerie all those years ago. He immediately regretted going over what Dilan had suggested, but it was too late. Oh well, he thought, he was always terrible at negotiating.
Pembroke disappeared and came back with the money in notes. Dilan was a little nervous as she thought he must realise some notes were missing. Pembroke did indeed see that Dilan had stolen money from him. “Oh well,” he thought, “she deserves it, and I don’t want to make a scene.” He handed her the money, which she put in her burgeoning handbag. Like a seasoned pro, she lay back on a lounger, and spread her legs. “Why don’t you get down here daddy… and lick me…”
Pembroke obliged. He had never washed the underwear and thought Dilan might not be happy if she realised she was wearing unhygienic knickers worn once thirteen years ago and since kept for sniffing and periodic licking by a deranged pervert. He munched through the fabric. Her smooth thighs next to the embroidered fabric provided an entrancing contrast to feel on his face and he enjoyed the musk of the material and her hot sex. After soaking the material with saliva, he pulled it one side and sucked on her clit while fingering her. Dilan squealed in pleasure and eventually squirted through the fabric all over his face. The red knickers were soaked in her juices.
“Excellent! Now can I have the panties back please?” he asked. Dilan laughed, whipped them off, and pulled her black thong back on and the rest of her clothes. Pembroke took the red lingerie back inside and sniffed it. Dilan’s aroma would now replace Angela’s he thought. He left the red panties in the same box as before, went back out, and drove Dilan back to town. “Thank you for a lovely time daddy” Dilan laughed at her, kissed him on the lips and hopped out in the town centre. She immediately went to a clothes store, bought some new dress and underwear and threw her party dress and satin thong away. She texted her friends and arranged plans for a fun Saturday.
Pembroke spent the rest of the day in his villa, wondering about how he had spent his life. Dilan had fucked him, robbed him, and given him the best night of his life. She texted him later “thanks daddy, maybe see you soon;)”
Pembroke smiled. He had so many videos and photos of her. He thought of Angela in 2011 in London and how the world had changed since. Well, Angela and Dilan were two very different kinds of girl. He had tricked Angela into being filmed. And he had ruined her life by sharing the result. Dilan did not even care. The photos, the videos, it was nothing to her. He favourited her cam site and made a note to check when she would next be online. She had shown him her Only Fans site and promised him special treats if he signed up. He sent her the photos and videos he had taken of her including in the red lingerie’s. A heart was her only response. Would he see her again?
He thought to himself that maybe this was as good as it got. Eventually, he fell into a deep sleep and slept longer and sounder than he had done in years.

Chapter 15
The next Friday, Dilan joined Angela, whom they all knew as “Maria” at a girls’ night out at the local restaurant. In a private room the happy hookers shared stories of clients and boyfriends and laughter as they recounted their week.
Mary, an ebony skinned girl from the Ivory Coast, gossiped about how she had made a famous local television star cum just by putting her fingers up his ass. Angela/Maria laughed with the rest. She enjoyed the gossip. She still did not hate men, but her exposure to sex had made her friendlier to women and more guarded to men. She did not think she would ever have a serious relationship with a man again, she much preferred the honest company of women, though sexually was still very much straight.
Dilan was the baby of the group and loved Angela as a mother. She always confided in Angela when she had gone too far, such as shoplifting and getting Angela to bail her out, or stealing from clients and Angela would make sure valuable items were returned. In return, Angela made sure Dilan was protected from the sadistic and lecherous impulses of some clients, and had gotten one senior property developer prosecuted for assaulting her with a wine bottle, refusing all offers of bribes, on a principle of standing up for her girls.
Dilan talked about her encounter with Pembroke, and his beautiful old mansion. She then mentioned how he had made her wear red lingerie, something that his old wife or some woman from long ago had worn for him, and he wanted photos of her in it. She laughed at how weird it all was and how awkward he had been, and how he had shaved all his body hair off which made his old body look even weirder.
Angela listened, and her interest was piqued. Red lingerie, worn by someone years ago, shaved male body, English, mid sixties or seventy, rich. The coincidence momentarily occurred to her then she put it out of her head as quickly as it had entered it.
I said I would wear them for a hundred euro, and he just said a hundred and sixty. Man, some men are too easy to take advantage of.”
Angela suddenly remembered the figure of one hundred and sixty. That was the same figure she had received from ‘Alan’ for her red underwear thirteen years ago. No. Surely not?
Angela went quiet as the conversation went on. She tried to think about how likely it was that this was just a coincidence. But it bothered her.
At the end of the meal, she went to Dilan. She knew she was an exhibitionist. “Hi Dilan, not bad going, one hundred and sixty Euros for wearing lingerie for a few minutes.”
“I swear Maria” she used her assumed name “that’s how much he said and he paid me. Honest! You know me…” Angela smiled, Dilan would never guess Angela’s real motive for questioning her on this. “Did he take any pictures of you in them? It’s just I want to add new photos for the site, and always looking for new material.”
“Yeah, he sent me!” Angela marvelled at Dilan’s innocence coupled with her wily manipulation skills. She got her phone, and hummed to herself as she swiped through her gallery. “Look” she showed some photos of Dilan beside a pool, grinning, in nothing but red knickers. Angela was no prude but still always braced herself before showing naked photos of herself to others, and envied Dilan. If she had grown up a decade later, Angela might have had a different life and avoided the issues with her pornographic past.
“Can you send me? Do you mind? And what about the bra?”
“Ah Maria, you like it yeah?” Dilan giggled and touched Angela’s arm. She was attracted to men and women and she really wanted to get Angela into bed with her, but Angela always resisted no matter how tempting Dilan’s charm and beauty were.
“Ha, how could I not, send to me, I can use it, you are so gorgeous!”
“Ok but I send others too! “ Dilan was true to her word, and Angela blushed as she went through a series of photos which made the previous one look conservative. In one, Dilan had her back arched, her index finger in her mouth and her other hand pulling her right butt cheek to the side exposing her pussy and asshole for the world to see. Dilan laughed, kissed Angela on the cheek, and wished her good night.
Later that night after her daughter had gone to bed, Angela brought up the photo of Dilan in the red lingerie on her large computer monitor. She also found a photograph of herself from all those years ago and found one in the red knickers. It was depressingly easy, she sighed, she had worked hard to scrub herself from the internet and from Google search results, but still managed to find it within a few minutes online on a website under her real name of Angela Candelema. 412,541 views, 34,989 votes, 4.12/5. Angela shuddered by composed herself. She had long accepted this.
She zoomed in on two monitors on the crotches of her twenty three year old self on one screen, and Dilan’s crotch on the other. She was a little plumper now and marvelled at her tight stomach she used to have, which was comparable to Dilan’s. She compared the two pairs of panties and looked at the red embroidery patterns and darker quilts, the frilly linings and start of the dark red gusset. She zoomed in some more and compared the little bows and the patterns around them.
After a few minutes, she had to confirm to herself that they were the same pair of knickers. She could not believe it. She had bought that pair in Selfridges in London in 2011, could they be mass produced?
Even if they were a different pair albeit with exact same design, the exact same figure used to bargain for them, the description of the client, an Englishman, this was too much.
Angela woke up the next morning doing various chores and arranged some more dates for her girls. Business was going well and she was saving to buy a restaurant somewhere if she could persuade her mother to move away.
She thought about how to contact this man. She had no photos of him, only the details on the app which confirmed he had paid the money. She wished she remembered his face more.

Chapter 16
The following weekend, Dilan was camming with her friend Nadia. The two liked clubbing together, sharing boyfriends, and having lesbian sex online together. Angela did not like Nadia and discouraged Dilan from seeing her after having to bail her out of prison for robbing a jewellery store and figuring Nadia as the likely mastermind.
The pair started getting generous tips, much more generous than usual, to indulge in various sixty nine positions, licking each others’ assholes and feet, and spitting on each other. The two laughed and could not believe at the credit balance they were building up. They had a large online audience but the only one paying for it was “Jagmyride” and a few messages made it clear that it was Pembroke as he mentioned the red underwear to her and wished he could see her again with Nadia.
Nadia did not mind online camming but did not like sex with older men, or any random men. Despite her wild and rebellious nature, prostitution did not come easily to her. The two wrapped up their session. Nadia wanted to go out clubbing with the rest of their friends, and Dilan joined her after messaging Angela about Pembroke or “Michael.” Dilan made a point to never go behind Angela/Maria’s back and told Angela that he was pestering her to see her again and wanted Angela to arrange it and get her fair cut.
Angela wondered what to do. What kind of revenge did she want on Pembroke? He had changed utterly the trajectory of her life. If not for him, she might be married now to Peter the surgeon in a leafy mansion outside London, or working for the United Nations around the world. Or been a humble teacher somewhere? Or a politician, or powerful corporate figure? Maybe she would have hated it; maybe she would have been hit by lightning somewhere. She would not have her daughter, Yasmin. On the other hand her father might have lived longer without the stress of what this man had done to her. It was true she was now happy and content and still had her life ahead of her at thirty six, but she had not been given the choice. This man and others like him and decided who would see her naked, years now. Angela Candelema was owned by them. Maria Yildiz was a life lived in the shadow of what Angela could have been.
Her old self would have been understanding of this man but years of dealing with the aftermath of what had happened, of being fired, and of dealing with men in her current line of work, had made her much, much less idealistic. She wanted to punish him, for her sake.

Chapter 17
Angela had gotten the man’s number from Dilan. His phone number profile picture displayed his face. Angela still could not be sure it was the same man after all these years. But it could well be, it was the same features, the same age and after thinking it through, she reasoned she was 99% sure this was the same man who had destroyed her life.
She told Dilan she would get in touch with him herself and arrange it through her business app. She did not want it to be traceable. Instead of using her app, she called Pembroke from a burner phone and spoke to him in Spanish.
“Hello this is Maria. I am Dilan’s agent I understand you want to see her again?”
“Yes please, dearly. I can pay a good price. Even more, this time.”
“OK, but we have a new policy, and Dilan is a little weary of seeing repeat clients. She is a little scared of getting into a relationship with you.”
“Oh… ok” said the voice sombrely. Pembroke did not know what to expect next.
“We can offer a twosome for you, Dilan and myself. Two thousand Euros for one night, payable to my account.”
“But… I don’t know you… I just want Dilan.”
“It would be the same price even if just for Dilan. I am coming to protect her but also I will make it even better for you. Have you had a threesome before? This will be like a mother daughter special. She is my special little girl. Trust me.”
Pembroke was a little weary, but acquiesced. “Can I see photos?”
Angela asked for his contact details. She hung up and sent him some naughty pictures she had taken a while ago. She was dressed as a school matron in stockings and suspenders, with glasses, her blonde hair tied up. Her busty figure was fuller than years ago. She was confident he would not recognise her. But even if he did, what would he do? She still had him, she knew where he lived.
He called back. “You’re stunning! You look a bit like Dilan… are you related?”
Angela smiled to herself at the man’s disgusting thoughts. “If you want to imagine it… yes, I am her aunt and she is my niece.”
“Excellent…”s he could almost hear him masturbating. She was feeling aroused too. Not by sex, but the thought of revenge.
After making the booking provisionally, she called Dilan and asked to meet her. She was nearby, in the gym. Angela drove to the gym and met the sweaty figure of Dilan in tight pair of boy shorts and running bra top with bright green trainers. Angela admired her body. She told herself that this was her best method of getting to this mysterious man, but also could not hide the sense that she was looking forward to the chance of sex with Dilan.
“Hi mama” Dilan announced cheerfully, her pet name for Angela. “Dilan, I just wanted to say something in person.” Angela motioned for her to get in. “I will only keep you a few minutes then let you get back to your workout.” Dilan clambered in and smiled at her. Droplets of sweat gripped her things. “My goodness what have you been doing? Fucking in the gym?”
“Ha no! Dead lifts, great for my ass, been partying too hard lately. “
“OK well Dilan I just have something a little awkward to say” Angela laughed nervously. “Now you know the rule that we try and keep the clients away from getting too attached to us girls, especially the weird ones…”
“Yeah….” trailed Dilan. She guessed that Angela would say she was vetoing her date with Michael. She didn’t mind as long as he got other dates to compensate her. She agreed with the rule, she didn’t want weirdoes to get too attached to her no matter how much money they gave her.
“Well, he was insistent and generous so I have a little embarrassing offer to make you.” Angela was wearing sunglasses over her summer dress, looking every inch a MILF out shopping for her middle class family. She dropped her sunglasses down her and looked into Dilan’s eyes.
“He wants a threesome. You, him and another. That way it’s safer, he likes it, more money for all of us.”
“OK” said Dilan. She was completely unfazed. She just wanted to know who the other girl would be.
“It would be me, you and him.”
Dilan’s eyes widened. “You? Maria? Mama? Are you sure?”
“He insisted. What… hey you know I am a whore just like you girls, I go out all the time!”
Dilan laughed. “Wow, but have you been with a girl before? If not, well, don’t worry I will look after you!”
Angela laughed. “Don’t worry about me Dilan. Look, I am just explaining the deal. Is tomorrow night OK? I can drive us both there, we can bring some sexy clothes, I have some ideas I am sure you are the same. I have his address; I really want to see this villa.”
Dilan purred. “Are you sure he demanded you?” she teased “I think you want to see this villa and I think you want to see something else too…” Dilan brought her hand across, and put it on Angela’s thigh, and raised it up her dress.
“Dilan! Enough!” Angela remembered herself, swatted Dilan’s hand away and pulled her dress down, pulled her sunglasses up and looked around trying to regain her air of respectability.
“Wow, finally I get to work with mama Angela…” Dilan smiled and at her. Angela turned to her and smiled back. Dilan’s cheeky demeanour was something Angela could never replicate but her fun loving nature reminded her of her own young self before the incident.
There was a silence, then the two leaned into each other and quickly kissed each other on the lips. “OK Dilan, get that ass back in the gym and working, I want to see it work tomorrow OK?” she smiled and Dilan laughed, and jumped out of the car.

Chapter 18
The following day, Angela cooked a hearty dinner for her mother and her daughter. She had spent most of the day with Yasmin playing and doing her homework. Her own mother did not want to know what she had planned that night but was proud of her daughter for making their lives comfortable.
Angela prepared herself, getting her body smooth and hairless, checking her immaculate peroxide hair, and put in light green contacts. The effect changed the colour slightly, enough to maybe put the man off the scent for a while. Her blonde hair was straightened. Her make up much heavier than in her early twenties. She put a beauty spot next to her eye to give another false impression.
She took a look at the photos and videos that this man had taken and shared of her. She forced herself to look at her young self and see the young care free expression as well as the hungry hormonal lechery. She stared at all the parts of her body, her wrinkled anus, the meaty labia, which was fuller now since the birth of her child, the pert breasts, the cascading brown curls.
She also looked at the penis and tried to remember it as she was sure she would encounter it again tonight. Her lips around it, her nostrils flared as it hit the back of her throat. She looked at the red lingerie on her body and wondered if she would see it again tonight.
She thought of all the millions of people who had seen this and masturbated to it. Who owned her body. She also thought of the hundreds of men she had slept with since. This man, whose name she still did not even know the name of, had been the most important man she had ever slept with.
She slipped on a summer dress, some simple white panties and bra and spare lingerie in her handbag. She also had some more equipment and took off in her car after kissing he daughter good night. She stopped by Dilan’s place, and was pleased to see her waiting. She was wearing denim hotpants and a white vest with sandals with a small backpack packed with more lingerie. As always she did not wear any make up.
“Hi mama” she grinned as she hopped into the convertible seat. She leaned across, Angela did too, they both paused, then they kissed and Angela was surprised to feel Dilan’s tongue make its way down her throat.
“Hmmm” said Dilan… “this is a good start”
Angela laughed. She put her foot down and the two drove off motoring up to the mountainside to Pembroke’s villa.

Chapter 19
“Now I want you to call me mami when we get here OK? It is all part of the role play.”
“Yes mami” said Dilan. Then they both laughed, their hair flowing back in the cool summer air, Angela’s summer dress starting to rise up above her knee, as they drove faster and faster.
Eventually they arrived at the villa. Angela parked at the front gate and the two women strolled into his compound and saw “Michael” by the pool on a lounger. He was in nothing but a gown.
“Hello ladies” he said. He was a little drunk. The thought of two women intimidated him. The sight of Dilan made his heart leap. This older woman still looked young, about forty, bespectacled, blonde, and matronly, with a cute beauty spot and a buxom figure to compliment Dilan’s hard young body. He still could believe they were aunt and niece.
“Hello Michael” Angela spoke in Spanish. She smiled disarmingly. He showed no signs of recognising her. But she recognised him. He was bearded, with rougher, more wrinkled skin, and seemed a bit more confident. His white skin was now a deep brown. He was heavier set but the shifty eyes were the same. He had the same gait, the same awkward slimy walk. Suddenly Angela wanted to throw up.
“Can I take some pictures of you two lovely ladies?” he asked
Angela interjected. In a professional tone she explained. “Please, no, we have very clear rules about photography of our girls and filming. You know it is a criminal offence to record without consent. I understand Dilan has consented before, but I do not. So please put your phone and your camera away for now. Anyway you do not need it to have a good time, just live in the moment.”
Pembroke smiled. “Of course! Youngsters these days, they film everything! They don’t live it like we used to eh.” Angela grimaced at this.
“Mami, I think I need to swim” Dilan suddenly disrobed down to nothing but a tiny micro purple cotton thong and strolled towards the pool. “Oh…. Oh wait please Dilan…” ‘Michael’ went down on his knees and pressed his face against her stomach. Dilan rolled her head back and laughed. He closed his eyes and wrapped his arms around her, his hands firmly gripping and kneading her buttocks, and he tongued her bejewelled belly button. Dilan laughed “it tickles” and smiled over at Angela. Michael lowered his head and loudly inhaled as he pressed his face up against her crotch, breathing through the purple fabric.
Angela was used to such scenes but still had to calm herself. She was finally looking at the body of the man who had ruined her. She saw him disrobe, he was naked and hairless. It was the same narrow buttocks, the same wide ankles. She forced herself to look at Dilan, who looked orgasmic already.
“OHH… you taste delicious” he patted her bottom “Go on, have a swim” he was still on his knees and turned his gaze to Angela. “Well, can I sniff you too?”
Angela snapped herself awake, smiled… and walked towards him. Pembroke looked like a starving hungry man, he did not look at her face, just her legs, and she felt his hands wander up her dress, and into the clefts of her buttocks and pussy. He pulled the dress over his head, and breathed hot breath into her panty clad crotch. Angela gasped and panted. This man was obviously a little more practiced than years ago. She felt his tongue lap up the side of her thighs, teasing its way into the folds of her pussy and eventually inside. Biting her lip, she looked at Dilan in the pool, naked now, her hair glistening down her back.
Pembroke had sniffed Angela’s panties for years and re watched her pussy on screen, but no memory was awakened when his tongue and nose dove into her sex. The smell was intoxicating though, as Dilan’s had been.
Angela enjoyed herself. She thought back to the London hotel room. She had let herself go, let herself be free as a wild sexual being, like an animal enjoying a cock in her pussy regardless of its unattractive owner underneath her. She had enjoyed the hands over her, of being an object, being used. Then she had paid for it for years afterwards. Now she felt that pleasure again, the hands moving over her.
“Why don’t you lie down, let me sit on your face” Angela commanded him. He meekly did as commanded and Angela took her dress off and slipped her panties off. Dilan stayed in the water, watching, as Angela planted her buttocks on the face of the man. Angela ground her crotch down, catching his tongue wildly darting about seeking an entrance into her. She felt the rough ridge of his nose rubbing inside her asshole and pussy as she rode it back and forth. She looked down at his body. She saw the cock, the cock she had seen, and others had seen, in her mouth, her ass and her pussy. It looked the same, completely bald of hair, it had not aged.
With some anger, she plunged herself forwards, her mouth open, and gripped his cock in her hand. She swallowed his cock and pushed her face down so her glasses steamed and rubbed against his balls. She tore off her glasses and put them to one side, then continued sucking aggressively on his cock, opening her legs as wide as possible so her pussy was still firmly on top of his face and rubbing it against him. She felt his tongue continue to wash over her lips as she felt his cockhead bulge against the back of her throat her nose and eyes pressed against the skin of the testicles.
Dilan was mesmerised. The two had only just met and her ‘maman’ was riding him like an animal. For Angela, this cock in her mouth was the cock, the cock that had dominated her life. She never thought she would see it again, and now she would make the most of it.
Pembroke was shocked. But the alcohol, the sensation of her mouth pumping his cock and having to try to breathe while dealing with her soaking pussy rubbing over his mouth, did not give him time to think too deeply. He stared at the asshole in front of his eyes, the asshole of a respectable looking woman most men would dream of but never see naked. He marvelled at the privilege, and brought his hand up and pushed his fingertip against the opening.
Angela moaned, she expected nothing less than a finger in the ass and brought her mouth out to slaver her tongue over his helmet along his gland. She smelled him enough to know he was clean, and shaven down his crack. She never did this normally, but brought her own finger down to his asshole and tried to squeeze it inside.
“Oh my” cried Pembroke. He was overcome. He tried to think where this was coming from, maybe he was being robbed? This woman was the most skilled prostitute he had ever met.
Angela pushed his leg to one side to open him up, and jabbed her finger inside him. She fished around to massage his prostrate, while running her tongue over his balls, and along the inside of his thighs. He had one hand on her breasts and the other gripping her ass, one finger inside her asshole, and was still desperately trying to lick her pussy as she ground it up and down his face.
Angela leant back and smiled at Dilan, still watching from the side of the pool, her elbows resting on the side, her body still in the water. She worked her hand on his cock furiously, and her tongue continued to lick around the helmet. Suddenly, she felt him moan loudly into her pussy and she pushed her ass downwards to muffle the noise. Pembroke struggled to breathe, his mouth was open but full of her pussy, while his cock ejaculated violently into her mouth. She sucked up the cum as he spasmed and went limp.
She plucked her finger from his asshole, sat up, and sat up straight with her bottom still firmly stuck on his face. His heavy breathing went straight inside her as a mixture of saliva and pussy juice dripped into his open mouth.
Angela stood up, and picked her glasses up and put them back on. They were now the only item of clothing that was on any of the three of them. “That was good, that is a starter!” She waded into the pool, washing her finger, then turned and faced Dilan.
Dilan looked out from the pool at the prone, breathless figure of Pembroke, his cock sleeping now and his face looking up at the stars. She turned and suddenly Angela was in her face in the water. The two kissed passionately in the water, running their hands all over each other.
Pembroke eventually turned over to his side and saw the two women making out in the pool. This could kill him, he thought. He stood up, and entered the pool. He came behind Angela and began licking her back to her neck. Angela took one last taste of Dilan’s mouth, then turned around, and faced the man. She still had her glasses on, and immediately threw her arms around him, closed her eyes, and planted her mouth on his. She drove her tongue into his mouth. He tasted of rum and cigar smoke, but it was nothing she not used to. She recalled the pity she had for him she first kissed him.
Suddenly it hit her that this man was not the weak pathetic specimen she had first encountered. This was the man who had controlled her life for thirteen years. The man who had held and practised the power of life and death over her. Millions of people had seen her naked thanks to this man. Her daughter, Yasmin, would one day see them too, a day she dreaded. She felt this man’s power here and it turned her on. Maybe he had earned the right to own her? Whatever…
Dilan was becoming confused… was this man some kind of famous movie star her maman had secretly been besotted with? She was jealous of him, and kissed Angela’s neck and back hoping she would turn back and kiss her.
They eventually came out of the pool. “Let’s go inside” said Pembroke, as Angela bent over in front of him again, to pick up her glasses again. Was she really that short sighted?
The three went inside to a sofa, where Pembroke brought out some coke, rum, beer and marijuana. Dilan began to dance, as much for Angela as Pembroke. Angela grabbed Pembroke’s cock and started to stroke it again. Pembroke started at Dilan and again at Angela. Was there any recognition there? Angela did a line of coke, and decided to stop worrying so much. She had long since embraced the occasional use of drugs. She put the glasses on the table, got up, and danced next to Dilan. The two rubbed each others’ breasts, and began kissing passionately while Pembroke watched, doing more coke and downing shots of rum.
“Are you sure… no filming?” Pembroke asked weakly. “No you silly man!” responded Angela as she smiled at him.”You watch with your eyes and then you fuck us” She turned to Dilan. “Lie down my darling…” Dilan lay down on her back, and Angela lay on top in a 69 position and the two began to eat each other. Angela had only had sex with five women before. Dilan was gorgeous, but it was the voyeuristic feeling, the feeling that the man was in control, the audience, that turned her on even more.
She thought of her family, her friends, her lovers her employers, all sitting at home watching her now, her tongue deep inside another girl’s pussy, her ass exposed and being played with and licked. The shamelessness of it excited her no end. Dilan loved the sense of control that Angela had over her, she felt picked. Angela, her favourite human, was eating her like she was the last food on earth. Dilan climaxed and almost simultaneously felt Angela’s body twitch and a change in taste of her pussy as she came into her mouth.
The two came apart. Angela sat up, her ass on her ankles, her hands resting on her thighs, her back straight and looked straight at Pembroke. Their eyes met. His eyes were hungry and glassy; dead, animal desire. She did not say anything; she just stared, daring him to remember her. Still nothing, just an empty silence between them.
“Let me suck that cock” as if sensing an awkward atmosphere, Dilan crawled to Pembroke, and took his now hard penis in her mouth.
“Aaaaa…” Pembroke sighed, as Dilan’s skilled tongue and lips manipulated his cock and balls. Dilan copied what she had seen Angela do and brought her finger under his thigh searching for his asshole.
Angela stayed where was and stared. Pembroke’s concentration was now on Dilan, playing with her hair, touching her face, marvelling at her smooth tight body. Angela became momentarily jealous, and stared at Dilan’s upturned ass as she was on all fours, in front of Pembroke’s splayed thighs as he slouched on the sofa. Angela crawled over, and placed her palms on each globe of Dilan’s buttocks, feeling the supple skin stretched like balloon skin. She lowered her face into the valley between her cheeks; and her mouth into her tight light pussy lips. She brought her face down to suckle on her clit and got a nice moan from Dilan, then moved her head up, so that her mouth was level with her pussy and asshole, and her eyes could travel over the crest of Dilan’s pert upturned buttocks along her back, over her head and into the eyes of Pembroke. Driving her tongue in and out of her holes, she kept her eyes locked on his.
Pembroke could not believe the sensations or what he was feeling. No experience had matched this. Four eyes were on him, at first he looked down at Dilan’s bright smiling eyes as her head bobbed on his cock, her hollowed cheeks sucking as hard as she could. Further down, there the angrier eyes of the other woman Maria, the lower part of her face hidden by Dilan’s ass, as her face moved up and down as she lapped at Dilan’s genitals.
Pembroke started to lose focus and the two faces became one. The two faces started to merge into the face of Angela, the girl from all those years ago in the videos. The cheerfulness, the eyes, the colouring, the hair. He blinked and looked down again. Maria had the same eyes, just a lighter shade, the hair blonde but now drying and frizzing into the same style as Dilan. Both sets of eyes resembled Angela. Were these two women really related to each other, were they both related to Angela? Was he hallucinating?
Dilan struggled to concentrate with Angela’s tongue working her magic inside her. She came again, and brought her butt down to the ground, and her hand covering her crotch as if to surrender to the orgasm. Angela moved forward, brought Dilan’s hand away from the cock, and began sucking in her place. Pembroke breathed faster and faster. Dilan hugged Angela, kneading her breasts and burying her face into her hair and the back of her head as it bobbed up and down, until Pembroke came again, in Angela’s mouth. Angela savoured the taste; this was the essence of the monster who owned her.
Pembroke did not want to send them away but was completely wrecked now. “Oh my god ladies, please I need a bit of a rest, why don’t you amuse yourselves, here have a beer,”
Dilan and Angela took some beers from the fridge and the cold liquid hit their throats and suddenly they broke out in a sweat. “Can I put on some music?” asked Dilan. Pembroke breathlessly nodded.
Dilan put on some slow Latin pop music, and the two women carried their beers to the pool, where they waded in drinking and laughing.
“Mami what is going on? Is this what are you like in sex? I never knew…” Dilan was in awe of Angela. Her beautiful figure now rippled with muscles following the stern workout the sex had given her.
Angela downed her beer, and lay back in the water letting her hair soak. “Sometimes I just need to let off some steam. Anyway, he hasn’t fucked either of us yet.”
“Poor guy. I think he just wants to go to sleep.” Dilan hugged Angela; the two embraced and held each other close cheek to cheek listening to the music.
After a few minutes, they walked back to Pembroke. “I need to pee” said Angela. Pembroke pointed to the bathroom. He was now relaxed and glad to have Dilan to himself though the beautiful “mami” had made him cum twice.
Dilan was happy to be the centre of attention again; she took out a condom and began riding him, cowgirl style, front and back. Pembroke ran his fingers through her hair, over her jaw lines, and her eye brows, wishing he could claim her forever.
Angela quickly peed, then wandered around the open villa. There was not much here that was his, she thought. She quietly went through some drawers, and finally came across a driving license.
“Edward Pembroke. Dob 24.06.1960. London”
Edward Pembroke. The bastard’s name was Edward Pembroke. She would remember the name. She looked at the computer equipment; she wondered what could be found there.
Angela went back out to the pool, quickly dived in, then went back to her bag and brought out a black latex corset and whip and dildo.
She walked into the living room to see Dilan being fucked doggy style by Pembroke.
“Who is a naughty boy?” she cackled… and playfully ran the whip over Dilan’s back.
Pembroke was on the point of cumming a third time. “Get up on the sofa” he motioned to him. He pulled out and obeyed. “Spread your fucking legs” she whipped him across the chest. Anger flashed across her face. Pembroke felt a mixture of fear and excitement.
Angela put her hand on Dilan’s back to keep her down, then plunged the dildo into her vagina. “Aahaa” cried Dilan, she had not expected Angela to insert it into her. Despite having been ridden by Pembroke the dildo was much bigger than his cock.
“Ssssshhh….” said Angela, stroking her back. She pushed it in gently, took it out, then turned around, and pushed Pembroke’s legs up, and pushed the greased dildo into his ass.
“Ohh… I … no I don’t think….” He stuttered.
“Shut up!” Angela was prepared to hold him down. She figured she could do it, his body was large but weak and he seemed tired. His legs remained spread, and she pushed with both hands as the dildo found its opening.
“AAAAAA” screamed Pembroke, as he tried to get away but the dildo had quickly gone halfway inside him. “Stay! Good man” she said. Angela looked back at Dilan. “Make sure that dildo stays in his ass. I am going to ride him.”
She waited for Dilan to scurry up and hold the dildo, then she stood up grabbed a condom and rolled it in her mouth. She pumped his cock with her hand for a few seconds, looked at his scrunched up face as he lay awkwardly, checked Dilan was still holding in the dildo, and rolled the condom onto his cock from her mouth. She leapt up like a cat, and lowered her pussy down on his cock and began riding him.
She rested her hands on his chest and looked into his eyes. She saw pain and discomfort. She enjoyed the sensations of his cock and thought back to her happy careless youth enjoying sex for what it was and not the shameful secret it became. Eventually he locked eyes with her. He still did not recognise her. He was starting to wonder though.
Pembroke came with a loud groan. Angela came off him, she peeled off the rest of the corset and was naked again. She took Dilan’s hand and pulled out the dildo and threw it into the pool.
Pembroke’s hands went between his legs. It hurt and he was not sure whether he had shit himself or bloodied himself. “Let me go to the bathroom… you ladies please help yourselves…”
Pembroke showered and cleaned himself up and took some water. Meanwhile, Dilan and Angela both wandered around the villa again. Dilan grabbed some coke sachets and ran to her bag to put them inside. Angela searched for anything personal but there did not seem to be much. It all must be online or in his hard drive, she thought.
Pembroke emerged. He was tired and was not sure he would manage much more. “Ladies, do you think we should call it a night?”
“But you haven’t fucked us properly yet…” said Angela seductively. “What do you mean?”
“Fuck me from behind and fuck me in the ass” Angela said. Dilan gasped.
“OK” laughed Pembroke. “You win.” Let me do… one last line of coke, that will help me…”
The three moved to the master bedroom. Dilan marvelled at the oak panels and expensive three piece suite. Angela walked beside her, running her hand on her back. “Fuck Dilan in the ass first.” She commanded. “Mami” laughed Dilan, a little taken aback. “I will get her ready don’t worry” said Angela.
Pembroke lay back in amazement, as Angela bent Dilan over the bed, parted her cheeks, licked her pussy, and then ran it in circular motions around her bumhole. She paused and brought a finger inside it, and other from her other hand into her pussy. Dilan’s eyes rolled up in ecstasy.
“What are you waiting for?” she waited for Pembroke to come over, put a condom on him and guided his cock into her pussy. Angela ran her hands all over Pembroke’s body as he pumped Dilan. She then moved onto the bed, and brought her open legs to Dilan’s face, and invited Dilan to start to lick.
Angela lay back on her elbows facing the ceiling, her legs in the air, and let Dilan bury her tongue inside her, her wild dark hair splaying all over her body. She looked into Pembroke’s eyes defiantly as they faced each other.
Pembroke admired Angela’s beautiful body, her breasts jiggling and her still tight stomach rippling above Dilan’s head. Her mouth was open, her blond hair now frizzing and wild and curly. Pembroke started to believe she and Dilan were both related now, and noted that the beauty mark on her face had washed off in the pool.
“Now I want you to put your cock in her ass. She has to learn” Angela commanded Pembroke. Dilan raised her face from Angela’s pussy to look up at her. Angela looked down and smiled at her, cupping her face. “It’s alright darling, this is a good space to learn the game.”
Pembroke obeyed. His condom clad penis glistened, and he pushed against her butthole.
“Aaaa” moaned Dilan
“It’s ok baby, come on, don’t hurt her, just put it in.”
“Pembroke pushed a finger in, then two, then pushed his cock back in. It slid right in, and he felt the expanse of Dilan’s rectum open up as he pushed in and out. Dilan was no longer lapping at Angela’s pussy, but grimacing and holding tightly onto Angela’s hand.
Angela stared unsmilingly at Pembroke. Pembroke was enjoying himself, but the stare from Angela was starting to put him off. Were these girls going to rob him?
He averted himself from Angela’s gaze and looked down instead on Dilan’s body, her slim back, the rivulets of sweat pouring down her spine between her buttocks and dividing around his cock as he moved in and out of her asshole, the sphincter muscle stretching out with each withdrawal. He brought a hand down every now and then to loudly slap one cheek, the sound reverberating around the villa, the only respite from the quiet sobbing from Dilan, and the icy stare of “mami” or Angela.
Pembroke’s concentration won out, and eventually he climaxed again with a loud groan. He fell down on top of Dilan’s back. Angela now looked down at the two below her. Dilan’s face resting on the top of her thighs. Pembroke’s head on top of Dilan’s. She stroked Pembroke’s head. Like a mother, but what kind of mother raised this man? Who could do what he did? He had his arms wrapped around Angela’s lower back and seemed like a giant baby about to suckle her nipples.
Pembroke could not believe what was happening. He had not felt so close to women in his life. It was like these two were some kind of symbiotic triplets he was part of. He was exhausted, he had climaxed four times. He raised his head, and instantly as his eyes met Angela’s nipples in front of him, he began to suck.
The unreality of it all, his cock buried in a girl’s ass and another’s nipple in his mouth, made him think he was dreaming. Angela drew her head back, then back down and stared at the old craggard face sucking on her teat.
Pembroke thought of the strangest of thoughts, as he glimpsed Angela’s face looking down, that she was his mother, her face suddenly had her cruelty. Like a look of anger and vengeance.
He got up, withdrew and pulled his condom off. Angela kept a watchful eye out to see it had not broken during the sex, and helped Dilan to her feet. Dilan’s cheeks were stained with tears now, and her hands went straight to her bottom, Pembroke’s cock had torn her a little, she was not so used to anal sex.
“Are you OK? “ Pembroke asked, concerned.
“She will be OK, let me take her outside to get some air” said Angela. She walked Dilan outside near the pool. The naked women turned to each other. “I am sorry about that Dilan, but it’s good to get used to all kinds of sex, and I was here to help.”
Dilan sniffed and hugged Angela. “It’s OK maman I don’t blame you, I needed to try it, I am just a bit sore that’s all.”
“Listen,” said Angela quietly. “I think we may be nearly finished here now. Why don’t you get your things…” she motioned around the pool to her backpack, and her clothes, “and go back to the car. I am going to finish things off with this guy here, and I will then come back out, and I will drive us home, OK?”
“You sure you don’t want me to wait?” said Dilan.
“Yes, but not here, in the car, so I know where you are. I will be no longer than fifteen minutes I promise.”
The two naked women hugged, pressing their breasts into each other, and then kissed each other passionately while caressing their faces. Pembroke watched, transfixed.
Dilan walked off and gathered her things, Angela turned and walked, naked, back towards Pembroke.

Chapter 20
“Ah my darling how do you feel?” asked Angela.
“I am exhausted,” said Pembroke “is Dilan leaving?”
“Yes, she is tired and a little sore, I am afraid that cock of yours was a bit too big for her delicate bottom” she stared at Pembroke’s crotch.
“Well” said Pembroke, he was about to interject about how his own ass had been violated and was still quite sore, but Angela’s stern demeanour brought him to silence.
“Are we finished?” asked Pembroke, a little timidly and hopefully.
“Almost” smiled Angela. I like to satisfy my clients, and I think I can make you cum again, and I haven’t cum for, like half an hour!” she laughed.
Pembroke laughed weakly. He was in awe of this woman and her Amazonian body but also shattered and a little intimidated.
Angela adopted her sweet look again. “Do you want some more coke? Maybe another drink?”
“Errr… OK maybe one more line, and shot of rum. “
Angela brought out more cocaine and rum. She downed a shot then dabbed some cock on her labia and lay back. “Sniff this” she laughed. Pembroke lent in between her legs, snorted the coke, and then began licking at her pussy again. His heart rate quickened and he regained his appetite. His hands ran all over her thighs and breasts and he thought he would dislocate his tongue it went so far inside her.
Angela sighed again. She snorted some coke herself and lent across him so they were at a sideways 69 and began sucking him. “Stick your finger in my ass” she almost shouted and then went back to furiously gobbling on his cock which was rock hard again. Cocaine, Viagra and beautiful female flesh were rocket fuel even for a man of Pembroke’s age and health.
Dilan had dressed back in her hotpants and vest, and sat in the car listening to the grasshoppers and watching the lights of the villa. She wondered whether she should go back down. What a night it had been! She wondered what was going on. Angela had been like an animal with this man, part lust part anger. And with Dilan? She had believed Angela/Maria to be straight and thought any sex tonight would be tender but chaste. Instead Angela had devoured her life a wolf, her tongue and fingers and found their way into every part of her body. Dilan checked the empty road, and dipped her fingers into her hotpants and began playing with herself remembering the hot sex…
Meanwhile back in the bedroom, Angela was far from finished. “Come on, why don’t you fuck a real woman in the ass” exclaimed Angela, and she popped up, spat on her fingers and ran them into her asshole as she splayed himself in front of Pembroke. She recalled adopting this same position in London 13 years ago. She looked back at Pembroke. His eyes had the same sight of the pair of buttocks, smooth hairless genitalia, wild curly hair, which in the dark light looked the same despite now being blonde. The same facial features looking back at him. “Fuck me” she almost screamed.
Pembroke grabbed a condom, and spat on her asshole. Her asshole winked at him and it was much easier to push in that Dilan’s younger sphincter. Angela pushed back until she felt his stomach and balls slapping against her. She felt it inside her guts. She had hardly had anal sex since that hotel room meeting. Why had she done it then? She thought she had a licence to be filthy. Now, she felt the same license. The same liberation.
Pembroke felt like an athletic competitor struggling to keep up. He suddenly felt a jab in his heart, and hoped he wouldn’t die during the sex. Suddenly, Angela pulled away from him turned around, and to his amazement, lowered her face towards his cock and swallowed it, condom and all, and pushed her face until she was choking. Pembroke was astonished, the cock that was just in her ass, and with the condom still covering it! This woman wanted to be filthy!
She whipped the condom off, threw it across the room, and pushed him flat on his back on the bed. “Why don’t I tie you up…. I want to cum on you…”
Pembroke really did not want this. He was thrilled but weary of this woman. But he was still the meek mild man of yesteryear. “Look, you have our agency details, you know we are not going to rob you!” she smiled at him.
Pembroke nodded… “OK…” and Angela disappeared and came back with some silk scarves. They were not obvious bondage equipment but worked very well.
She tied Pembroke’s hands to the bed posts. Then his ankles to the other bedposts. “Don’t move darling I will be right back” she smiled.
She went back to the pool padding softly across the ground nakedly and looked up at the car. She went to her bag, found her phone and texted Dilan. “Ten more minutes darling. Almost done.”
She walked back slowly to the prone figure of Pembroke. She sat on his chest, moving her breasts over his face, kissed him and looked into his eyes.
There was a silence while Pembroke began to wonder what was going on. Slowly but surely, the face of Angela Candelema was coming into focus. “Wait… do I know you?” asked Pembroke.
“No darling of course not, this is just a date. But I have a favour I want to ask. Dilan modelled some panties for you last week, some gorgeous red panties and a bra. Can I try them on?”
Pembroke’s blood suddenly ran cold. Angela’s smile was not like his mothers, it was not like Dilan’s it was Angela Candelema.
“Do I know you?” asked Pembroke again, this time, in English.
“I’m sorry I don’t speak English” responded Angela. “Please let me try these red panties on and I will drain your balls one last time OK?”
Pembroke grew silent. If this was Angela, he could not show her the red underwear, it would seal his fate. As he looked at her face, he grew more and more convinced this was the Angela Candelema, the body was thicker, the eyes were a different colour but the hair felt the same, the breasts did and the teeth and dimples were the same.
Angela remembered what Dilan had told her, and wandered around his bedroom. She checked under the bed and saw some boxes. She went through them and found several pairs of used knickers. “You like collecting underwear don’t you?” she asked him.
Finally, she came across a pair of red knickers and bra in a plastic lunchbox. As she opened it, the smell overpowered her. Urine and juices from Dilan had been soaking in the knickers for two weeks, on top of years of not being washed since Angela had worn them.
Angela looked at the tag. “Selfridges” It was her underwear.
She took the clothes into the living room. The smell made her gag; she put panties and bra on, and walked to the pool and dived in. She swam a few lengths and climbed out.
Pembroke watched her approach, soaking now, the red knickers and bra glistening. The smell remained but was not so strong. Angela grabbed a towel and dried herself somewhat but kept the lingerie on.
“Edward Pembroke” she spoke suddenly, and for the first time, began speaking in flawless English, the same accent he remembered from the hotel room in London 13 years ago. “Tonight I finally learned your name. Until tonight I had no idea who you were. For years I remembered your face and of course I have seen your body, I had to, for hundreds of hours while watching videos of m self online trying to get them removed.”
“And here you are. You know if you had not made Dilan wear these, I would never have found you. I saw the pictures of her in this underwear and I compared it to the pictures of me that you took with that secret camera.” Angela tugged at her panties. “They had the same design. You even paid Dilan one hundred and sixty Euros to model them. You paid me one hundred and sixty pounds to keep them for yourself, remember? You must remember Angela Candelema after you smeared me all over the internet.”
Pembroke stayed silent. His world felt like it was collapsing. He had never imagined this would happen, that he would be caught. He tentatively pulled at the scarves but they did not give at all.
“Who owned this underwear?” she held up several pairs of panties of different colours, sniffed them and threw them to one side. “All worn. Maybe some prostitute? Maybe some girl you filmed?”
Pembroke remained quiet. Should he scream for help?
“After tonight I am going to find out much more about you. But I would like to know. Why? Why did you target me? I was nice to you. We had a great time. And even if you filmed me, you could have kept it to yourself. And even if you sent it to some people… you didn’t have to… “
Suddenly Angela started to cry. Pembroke began breathing heavily. He was having a panic attack. There was nothing he could say or do.
“My life was fucking ruined because of you! You are fucking evil. I don’t know who else did it, I know there were others, but you recorded me. Those fucking glasses. You planned it. I was nice to you, and I made you happy I did what you wanted, and you… you psychopath… you might as well have murdered me..!
Pembroke stayed silent. He quietly tested the bonds again but they would not budge. Angela was now crouching down on the ground, her sleek athletic figure now well quartered by the beautiful red lingerie, her skin soaking wet, but her head was in her hands. She was distraught.
“Could you have killed me? Seriously? Because you might as well have killed me. I couldn’t work as a teacher, I lost all my friends, I couldn’t get married I had to leave two countries my family were tortured and my dad…”
Angela stormed out in tears. She suddenly remembered about Dilan. She looked up at the car. She quickly ran to her phone and texted her again. “Sorry, ten more minutes x”
She went back to the villa. She poured herself a large glass of rum, and sat on a chair in the next room. She nursed the rum, tears running down her face. She fingered the fabric of the lingerie. She remembered buying it on the day she had met Pembroke. She felt naughty, but all she was going to do was have a bit of fun, earn a little bit of money, make a wealthy sad man happy for a few hours. She was not doing anything wrong.
But the world had come down on her like a ton of bricks. What kind of evil twisted mind had enjoyed tormenting her. Probably a sad pathetic man who needed to hurt women to make themselves feel better.
She went back to the bedroom. Pembroke was still prone and silent. “There is nothing you can say or do to make things better, you cannot bring back my dad. You cannot give me back my life at twenty three. I am thirty six. I am happy, I have a family, but I should have had a different life. You stole it from me!”
Pembroke looked at the figure of Angela. He remembered how happy and radiant and full of life she had been in that red underwear and how much he wanted to keep her. He would have preferred to keep her as a doll. No, actually he just wanted to have her as a girlfriend. Like a normal girlfriend. But girls like Angela, they would never be girlfriends to men like him.
“I’m. I’m sorry. I didn’t have a life. I just wanted to play with yours. “ Pembroke had no idea what he was trying to say.”
“What the fuck does that mean?” shouted Angela as she threw the glass across the room. She jumped on Pembroke’s chest and started hitting him. “You had money, and anyway you had no right to do that to me! You fucking animal! You stole my life!”
Pembroke suddenly remembered something that would make her stop before she went too far. But maybe it might enrage her further….
“Angela, I know you are angry but I think you should know…”
Angela stormed off back to the living room, she grabbed some cocaine and another shot of rum. She stormed back into the bedroom again. She downed a shot, and then snorted another line of coke.
“Angela … calm down…. I”
Angela’s face contorted into a drug fuelled rage and she leapt on his chest. “Here have this” and she shoved some fingers dabbed with coke up his nostrils. At the same time, the pressure of her knees on his chest caused him to violently cough.
She climbed off him. “Why did you pick me? Did you leave other girls alone? Huh? Come on I want to know!” She suddenly thought she needed far more time. Where was Dilan?
She ran out to check. She hoped Dilan would not see her in the red lingerie. But the car was still parked, and the lights were still on. She grabbed her phone and saw she had sent her a text. “What’s wrong?” was a question from Dilan.
“Damn it!” Angela thought to herself. “What should I do?”
She figured she could just release him and let him go. She could then drive away. She could go to the police tomorrow, and get him arrested. She was sure his hard drive would be incriminating as well as the drugs. In fact she could leave him tied up and called the police now.
Suddenly she heard a loud coughing and wheezing noise. She ran into the bedroom, and saw Pembroke lying perfectly still, his arms and legs still tied to the four corners of the bed. Blood was leaking from his nostrils. His eyes were wide open.
Angela stifled a scream. “Edward? Edward?” Suddenly her maternal instinct kicked in. He was the sad, lonely man she had tried to look after all those years ago. She slapped him, and tried mouth to mouth. She then hurriedly grabbed a knife after failing to entangle the knots, and got rid of the scarves. She got him into the recovery position, but realised he was likely dead.
Should she call an ambulance? She checked again, she could find no pulse or breath. He was dead.
In a panic, she scarpered around the villa, looking for used condoms and gathered them up. She tried to remember how many there had been. She then ran outside, and picked up the loose clothes. She threw her summer dress on over the red lingerie, and ran up to the car.
“Angela! What the hell, what happened?” Dilan was no longer aroused, she was extremely concerned. Each time she was on the point of going back to the villa when she received a well timed text from Angela.
“Well, we left him a happy client.” Angela laughed nervously, started the engine, and roared the car back along the dark roads to the city.
Dilan remained silent. “What happened? That was a strange night.”
Angela smiled at her. “It was fantastic darling. We should do it again. I need to exercise my talents.”
Angela’smind raced. Pembroke would be found dead. Of a drug overdose. There would be drugs and alcohol all over his apartment. Surely he would be known by his medical records to have had a history of health problems. There would be copious drugs and alcohol in his system. Angela cringed and remembered the dildo in the swimming pool. What would police think? She remembered the half smoked joints and used glasses. Would the police think he died during sex or after sex in his sleep? Either way, he could have died naturally even if not tied up. And he had consented to being tied up!
Angela told herself she was not to blame. OK, she had jumped on his chest, and had stuck a little cocaine up his nose. But that alone would not have killed him. The stress of being tied up and threatened… well maybe it was the stress of having been revealed as a revenge porn sociopath.
Anyway, she would have ruined Pembroke the next day anyway. God knows what they will find. Hopefully he will not be found for a few days, she prayed.
As they reached the city, Dilan had recovered herself. She knew Angela would be back with her family. It was now after 1am. She was in clean underwear and had barely worn her clothes, and decided she would go clubbing. She had nicked a hundred Euros in cash again and had some cocaine sachets she was going to stick up her ass to smuggle into a club. She texted her friends and they told her the destination.
“Thank you maman, that was an adventure” Dilan smiled at Angela. Angela smiled back and they kissed chastely. The bright lights of the city now illuminated them, and Dilan noticed that under Angela’s white summer dress, she could clearly make out wet red underwear, like a top and bottom bikini. She didn’t remember any red underwear or swimwear she had worn before and suddenly thought to ask if that was the man’s red lingerie, she had originally asked Dilan about. And which seemed to have first started Angela’s interest in this man. Dilan smiled to herself at the ridiculous thought that Angela had fucked this guy just for some red lingerie. She waved her off, and made her way to the club.

Chapter 21
Angela made her way home, showered, and kissed her daughter good night before collapsing in bed. The next day she washed her clothes, including the red lingerie. She studied it and wore it again, looking at herself in the mirror. She compared her reflection to the girl in the video of 13 years ago. She still looked great, but ruefully noted the fat coming over them hems compared to her 23 year old self. She then took the underwear to her backyard, and burned it.
She kept an eye out for news about Pembroke, and also tried googling him. She found next to nothing online except some entries about an Edward Pembroke who worked at a well known bank and was once awarded an IT award. She finally found one photograph, with him in the background at an awards ceremony. He looked awkward and weird even then. The photo was taken a year after she had met him in the hotel room in London.
A few days later she found a notice about his death. She called Dilan and spoke with her. She professed to be shocked and assured her that he had been fine when she left. He must have died in his sleep during the night. She told Dilan that they should both be quiet about it and not tell anyone.
Edward Pembroke had been a loner with a known drug problem. There had been numerous call outs by police and even the fire brigade often involving prostitutes who had stolen from him, or drug dealers demanding money. The coroner noted he had huge quantities of cocaine and alcohol in his system when he died and he seemed to have a problem based on previous hospital appointments and the amount of drugs found in his apartment.
His death was not deemed suspicious though police suspected there had been others at the villa either prior to his death or who had fled after the death.
Pembroke had left his computer equipment to be secured and police idly examined it, ostensibly looking for clues as to his death. Meanwhile, his lawyers looked at his quite extensive fortune. Despite spending prodigiously, years of living with his mother, earning huge amounts as a gifted IT expert, and stupefyingly good investments in crypto, meant that he still had a vast fortune of millions of Euros to be disposed of.
It was therefore, extremely puzzling when his probate lawyers located his will, dated four years previously, and found that all his money and estate was due to be left to someone called “Angela Candelema.” No address was given for her, other than a description that she had once worked at a school in London.
After some investigation, probate lawyers located “Maria Yildiz” who, almost incredibly, lived just an hour away from Pembroke, who was born Angela Candelema and who matched the description. But there was no known link between the two. It was impossible to know how they could have met or known of each other or why he had left her the money.
The lawyers were baffled but the will seemed watertight. A few weeks later they contacted Maria Yildiz.
Upon hearing that she was meeting with lawyers on behalf of Edward Pembroke, Maria Yildiz flew into a panic. However, Pembroke’s lawyers had investigated and looked into Ms Yildiz’s past. It did not take much to find out that Angela Candelema’s life had been turned upside down by exposed sex videos and photographs leading her to live and work across Europe and eventually settle back in Spain as Maria Yildiz. The fact that Pembroke had not named Yildiz, suggested to them that perhaps Pembroke had lost touch with her. It did not take much imagination to guess that he had exposed Angela/Maria and had bequeathed his money to her out of guilt.
The lawyers also managed to find the videos online and even the head lawyer, Gerald Butcher, a suave sixty something Oxbridge lawyer, could not resist masturbating to a full length video of the poor young Angela, prior to meeting her in London the next day.
“I had no idea who this Edward Pembroke was until you told me” Maria Yildiz told the lawyers in their swanky London offices. They had paid for her flights knowing this was a huge estate to be divided up. Ms Yildiz would inherit four million Euros including Pembroke’s villa. “It is incredible that he ended up living so close to you in Spain, but I suppose maybe he was following you?”
Maria/Angela was shocked. He had not recognised her; she was sure, until the last minute. But yes, the coincidence was too much, how could he have ended up living so close to her family home. Plenty of British expats lived nearby though, it was a natural place to retire to. And it could also be that he tracked her family, but not her personally.
Maria could not believe her good fortune. Pembroke had only been sixty three when he died. He could have lived another twenty years and/or changed his will.
“Now Ms Yildiz, please can you tell us, why do you think Mr Pembroke put you as his sole beneficiary?”
Angela was not stupid. Even if she had not “discovered” and killed Pembroke, had the lawyers come to her like this with this information, she would have known the answer. As soon as she heard the name Pembroke, she would have googled him, found the one image, and connected him as the man from the hotel room who had taken the video. And that had to be, form severe gilt, the reason why he had done it.
“Yes, that is what we think.” Said Mr Butcher. Now, please can you explain why or how he got this video of you, and why or how he would have distributed it?
Angela told the truth. It was a load off her shoulders. She had needed money, for rent, and to show her cousin around England, and had decided to do escort work briefly. She had met with this man, whom she recognised now as Edward Pembroke. They had sex, and months later, the videos suddenly were sent to everyone she knew. She had never been able to trace him, and until a few weeks ago she had assumed she would never find out who he was.
The lawyers were satisfied. Maria Yildiz/Angela Candelema flew back to Spain and prepared to become a wealthy woman. She resolved to help her girls especially Dilan. Dilan felt guilty about what happened and thought she was to blame for giving him so much cocaine. She even felt like confessing but Angela dissuaded her.
An initial payment was made, of a quarter of a million Euros, from the estate. Angela paid for Dilan to leave Spain and go live in London, like she had. She was nervous she would talk. She could not believe her good fortune on one hand. She told herself she had deserved this, Pembroke would have wanted this, it had just come a few years earlier than he would have wanted. But at the back of her mind, she felt very guilty. She had killed him, yes, and he deserved it, did she deserve all this money as well? She figured it was justice.

Chapter 22
Pembroke’s IT equipment gathered dust. A bored detective started to run over suspicious deaths, and months after Pembroke had died, noticed that Pembroke had some “surveillance sex videos” on his hard drives. The detective would probably have ignored it were it not for the urge to have something to masturbate over in the evidence room.
He went over the tapes. Pembroke had hidden cameras in his bedroom. There were numerous videos of him having sex with prostitute. The young detective, Manuel Suarez, noticed one recorded on the date of his death.
He watched a perfectly high definition video of Pembroke having sex with two women, one looking like a teenager, and the other an older woman. Lucky bugger, he thought, at least he died happy. He was then astonished to see Pembroke in bed tied up, with the older woman now in red panties and bra, screaming at him first in Spanish, and then in English. He called in an English speaking detective and they saw how Pembroke died, with the drugs being forced up his nostrils and the woman beating his chest after tying him up and threatening him. Both made mental notes to watch the video in private later on.
The woman clearly shouted her name “Angela Candelema” and effectively outlined her reasons for wanting to kill Pembroke. They could both see that perhaps she had not fully intended for him to die, but she had tied him up, left him to die. She was clearly very, very angry.
A week later, Angela/Maria drove home in a brand new Ferrari. She now wore an expensive coat and jewelry, unable to contain herself with the initial funds from the estate. She felt no guilt and enjoyed lording it over her shocked neighbours, who had no inkling of the source of her newfound wealth. This was just payment for her, she thought. This was how she should have been living, as a wealthy corporate woman, or a wealthy man’s wife. She had just taken thirteen years of purgatory to get there.
Her mother knew and had thanked God for the good fortune. She had no idea that Pembroke’s death had anything to do with Angela. She only cursed the wretched man who had tormented her daughter and left her husband to die an early death. She was looking forward to a new life with Angela and Yasmin, to a new life. Where, they had yet to decide. Their only worry was to keep news of her good fortune away from her ex-husband, who was now living in Turkey but had shown no interest in Yasmin or Angela for years.

She had heard nothing from the police and so assumed she was in the clear. It was with shock and dread, therefore, that she noted the police cars around her house as she drove up her driveway.

Chapter 23
Angela’s life came apart over the next few hours, just as they had done thirteen years earlier. She felt it odd how similar it felt, despite the vast gulf of the “sins” committed.
The evidence against her was overwhelming. She insisted that Dilan was innocent and in any event she could not be traced. There was DNA evidence, fingerprints and the video evidence as well. Angela could not believe it as she relived, in the police interrogation room, the secret videoing, and the release of the footage online. She again thought back to how the police in London had laughed at her over this, and now the police were grimly serious about it now they could use it against her for a murder conviction.
The case went to trial and became famous. Somehow, the footage at Pembroke’s villa leaked out and became widely available on the internet, and along with the 2011 movies, Maria Yildiz/Angela Candelema became famous all over again. This time, on newspapers, TV and social media.
Dilan was identified from the footage. She was not arrested but instead became a minor celebrity from the infamy. Revelling in the London nightlife she began dating reality stars before returning to Spain where she eventually married a footballer and settled down.
After the trial, Angela was given ten years in prison. The proceeds of the estate were cancelled, and Angela’s money was seized by the same lawyers who had given her the money. Angela’s mother lost everything, and moved to anonymity in inner city Barcelona. Angela’s ex husband re appeared from Turkey, and after failing to get any of the money, took Yasmin from Angela’s mother and brought her to Turkey to live with him.
Angela entered the women’s prison as a celebrity. Looking at herself in the mirror, she wondered about the fateful encounters with Edward Pembroke, and how it had switched her lives. The young beautiful Angela was long gone. She had put on weight, the trial had brought new lines to her face, and new strands of grey hair were now showing.
She was shown to her new cell, and her cellmate, a tough looking butch lesbian with shaved hair and tattoos all over her body. She looked mean, but smiled wickedly when she saw Angela enter. As the door shut, Angela lay down, thinking of the ten long years ahead of her and how she could come back from this. She tried not to listen to the loud noises coming from the contraband phone of her new cellmate in her bunk. However, she was jolted back to reality, when she recognised the voice coming from the phone video as her own. “I want you to fuck me in the ass!” she heard her say, to Edward Pembroke, and looked up. Her cellmate was grinning at her, licking her lips at her, and winking. Angela sighed to herself. The funny thing was, she couldn’t even tell if the voice came from 2024 or 2011 anymore. Those moments would be with her always.


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