Categories: RapeTeenVirgin

Contractor Chronicles Part 1 Sex Stories 2024 – Y2-Stories

Story about my first forced sexual experience as a contractor – sorry for the long story, i promise its worth it

As a contractor, Im in and out of many homes. I work a lot of hours, long days, as you can imagine I dont have a lot of time for a relationship. A lot of nights are spent drinking, going to strip clubs or staying home jerking my dick off watching porn. I love women, always have, I just dont have the time to be able to focus on that aspect of my life though. My perspectives changed when I met Sarah.

Sarah contacted me about needing some painting done around the inside of her house. I had never done work for her before, but she had seen one of my signs in her neighborhood. I knew right away this was going to be a great paying job because the neighborhood was full of uppity rich white people and big houses. I pulled up to her address and walked up to the door and knocked. I heard a few noises that sounded like “Hang on” and then after about 2 minutes the doorknob was turning. As she opened the door, I was amazed by her beauty. She was 5’6, blonde hair down passed her shoulders, bright blue eyes. She had an athletic build but she had a massive set of tits. She had on a tank top that showed a lace bra and some black leggings. “Sorry that took so long, I was just getting dressed.”

“No problem, maam” I said as she let me inside.

I introduced myself and we spoke briefly about the work she is needing done. She explained how her husband passed away about a year ago and that he used to do these kinds of things for her but now shes left to handle it all with her 14 year old daughter. She proceeded to have me follow her around the house and show me all of the areas she needed work in. While I was looking, I couldnt help but stare at her ass in her leggings. It was the most perfect shape and moved the most perfect way as she walked. “So what do you thing?” she asked me.

“Its going to take me a bit to get all of the measurements in the home that I need so I can give you a proper estimate.”

“Okay thats fine” she said. “I have to run to go pick up my daughter from school, but I should be back in about 30 minutes or so, is it okay if I leave you hear or do I need to have somebody here?”

“No maam, that is perfectly fine” I told her.

I started in the living room as she went down the hall to her room, and after about 5 min she came back down the hall to let me know she would be back, this time wearing some short athletic shorts and a sporty shirt. She walked out the door and I continued getting the measurements that I was needing. I walked from room to room, getting the measurements I needed until I stopped at what I assumed was her daughters room. On the door, in glitter and purple read CHLOE’s ROOM. I didnt remember her mentioning if this was one of the rooms that needed to be done but since I was right here I figured I might as well get the measurements. I opened the door and the aroma of perfume hit me. The room was fairly clean for it being a teenagers room. Pictures all over the walls, pretty typical stuff. I used my laser measure on one side of the room to get one measurement and then walked over to one of the other side of the walls to get another measurement however, when I went to put my laser measure in my pocket I missed my pocket and it fell right into the clothes hamper that was next to me. I looked down and in the hamper to grab it and didnt see it right away. It had slid down the side and to the bottom. I reached my hand in to grab it, moving stuff out of the way. As i was moving dirty clothes, I noticed on top a wet towel, presumably a towel she used that morning to dry off from her shower. Underneath the towel though was a pair of Pajama shorts, an oversized shirt, and inside the shorts was a pair of black panties. My mind raced. Normally this wouldnt affect me much but I was somewhat horny from following her mom around earlier so I grabbed them and grabbed my laser measure and stood up. I put her panties to my nose to smell. The smell was something i dont even know how to describe. It was a mix of sweat, ass and stale piss. There were little tiny pieces of hair i could make out, and honestly it turned me on. I was on a time crunch though, so I put them in my pocket and figured that Id jerk off with them later that night.

I walked out of her room and continued down the hall getting the rest of the things i needed. The last room I had was the master bedroom. I walked in and immediately couldnt help but notice a hum in the room. I got my measurements and started to inspect, trying to figure out where this sound was coming from. As I got to her nightstand, I opened it up and found wrapped in a washrag was a vibrator, still buzzing as she forgot to turn it off. I couldnt believe it. I turned it off, but out of curiosity, before i put it back i decided to bring it to my nose. It was the most amazing smell I could imagine. I put it back in her nightstand and stood there for a minute. I couldnt help but notice how hard I was getting, and I couldnt wait to go home and relieve myself. I went into the master bathroom, and noticed her leggings and tank top on the ground by the door that she had been wearing earlier. I moved her tank top and there sat a pair of pink and white panties. Score for me, i thought, I grabbed them and to my amazement, the bottom part was fairly wet. I put them to my nose and it was the same smell as her vibrator. I put my tongue to them and tasted her amazing pussy juices and then it hit me. She either used it right before i got there or while i was there when she went to change, This turned me on even more than i was already, so much so that my dick was rock hard at this point. I reached into my pants to start stroking it but just then I heard a car pulling up. Shit, i thought. I put the panties in my pocket with her daughters panties and hurried out of the room, and into the hall making it look like I was still getting measurements.

Seconds later, the door swung open. In comes chloe first. She was much shorter than Sarah, but definitely had her figure. She had brown curly hair and blue eyes. She had on a yellow sun dress and sandals. Her legs were extremely sexy, I couldnt help but stare at her. “Ew who are you” she said.

“Hi my name is David, ill be out of your way here soon. You must be chloe” I said.

“Yeah, get out of my way”

She walked passed me and went to her room. Soon followed sarah as she apologized for how chloe was acting. I followed her to the kitchen to continue talking. I informed her that I got everything I needed and would touch base with her as I was wanting to get out of there as soon as possible because I still was extremely horny. She could sense there was something off and asked me if there was something wrong and I just told her i had another appointment to get to. I reached into my pocket to grab a card for her, and without realizing until it was too late, both sets of panties fell out of my pocket. “What the hell?” she said as she looked down on the ground.

“I can explain, its not what it looks like” i said.

“Get out of my house!” She yelled at me, as she reached down and grabbed the panties. “These are my daughters! Oh my god. Im calling the police.”

As she turned her back to me, I panicked and did not know what to do so I rushed her from behind and hit her, knocking her out cold on the ground. Fuck, i thought to myself. But before I had any time I could hear her daughter coming towards us. “Mom is that weirdo gone?”

Chloe turned the corner, and saw me standing over her mother. “What the fuck did you do to her” she screamed and then took off running. I chased her down the hall, catching her right outside of her room. “Please dont hurt me” She begged.

“Im not going to hurt you, just do as I say.”

“Did you kill her?” She asked

“No, shes just knocked out”

As I have her pressed against the wall, I step back. “Take your dress off”

“No please” she pleaded with me.

I grabbed her hair and looked into her eyes. “Take off the fucking dress”

I dont know where this anger came from, i think it was a combination of a lot of different emotions running through my mind. I watched as she pulled the dress off of her, exposing her perfect little 14 year old body. She had on a black bra and pink victoria secret panties. I reach my hand down her face, running my hand down her body, ripping her bra off, exposing her tiny breasts and then down to her thigh. I couldnt help but think of how smooth her skin felt. I looked at her in her eyes, and could see how scared she was as I moved my hand inbetween her legs , touching the outside of her panties. I pulled my hand back up, shoving my finger in her mouth, getting it wet. “Can you guess where this finger is going to go” I ask her, now as she starts crying. I grab her face with my other hand. “Answer the question!”

“Inside of me” she cries out. At that same moment, I pull her panties to the side and shove my pointer finger inside of her little pussy. I could feel how tight it was just gripping my finger. I pulled it out and licked it, tasting her sweet little pussy. I put it in her mouth, forcing her to taste it too. “Do you like that?” I asked her. She nodded while still crying. I got down on my knees and pulled her panties down as i then started kissing her on her thighs. I then grabbed her by the waist and put her on my shoulder and carried her into her moms room. I laid her down on the bed with her legs hanging off, fully exposing her little cunt. I said “Play nice and I wont kill you and your mom” I had no intention on hurting anybody, but I just needed to scare her enough not to try anything. I proceeded to kiss on her inner thigh, working my way over to her pussy. I put both of her legs on my shoulders as i used my tongue on her and in her, making her pussy extremely wet. I started using my finger in her, working 2 in at a time while i used my tongue on her clit. Finally i felt her body start to tense up and she let out the cutest moan i had ever heard. I got up and came over to her mouth, sticking my tongue in her mouth so she could taste her self. AT this point my cock was rock solid and was ready to be worked.

I grabbed chloe and told her to get up and get on her knees. She was having a hard time as she was still upset, but i forced her down. I took my belt off and took my dick out of my drawers. I put my balls on her face as I started jerking my dick, thinking about how good her pussy tasted, and then I told her to open her mouth and i put the tip of my dick in, grabbed the back side of her head and started thrusting down her throat, getting saliva all over my dick. Tears still streaming down her face, now shes gagging on my cock as i go deeper and deeper in her throat. Finally i pull away and aim my dick at her face, a bust the biggest load into her mouth and on her little tits. I took her to the bathroom and let her wash up, then walked her back over to the bed and grabbed some rope out of my bag. I tied her hands to the headboard and told her I would be right back.

I walked out of the room, in awe of what just happened. Not sure how I was going to get out of it, but since I had gone this far I might as well fuck her too. I walked to the kitchen to get a drink and around the same time, sarah was coming back to her senses. I picked her up by her hair and stood her up. She looked at me, all i had on was my shirt and underwear. “What did you do to my daughter” She said as she started getting emotional. “Please, I will do anything you want me to do, just dont hurt my chloe”

“Im not here to hurt anybody” I said. “Dont you see, all of this was your fault. Take your clothes off and put them on the kitchen counter”

Without hesitation, I watched as she pulled her shirt up over her head revealing the same lacey bra she had on earlier. She then removed it, revealing her massive breasts. Even though i just came, I was still incredibly horny. She then pulled her shorts down, revealing that she had not been wearing any panties. Her pussy was perfect, freshly shaved it looked like. She stood there, doing her best to cover herself up. “I have to know..” I said, “When did you use your vibrator last? WHen you left I found it still on?”

She blushed a bit when i said this. “Well i was using it before you got here and then i finished before I went to get chloe. SPeaking of chloe, where is she? Is she okay?”

I walked closer to her, getting a closer look at her body and whispered into her ear, “She put up a lot more of a fight then you did getting her clothes off”

Before she could say anything, I grabbed her by her throat and pushed her to the counter, bending her over on the counter. I then got on my knees and started eating her pussy from behind. Same sweet taste as her daughter. After getting her nice and wet, I stood up and pulled my dick out again, this time though, shoving it inside of her pussy. Surprisingly it was fairly tight. I grabbed her hips as i pounded her from behind, feeling her pussy lips gripping my cock. I stuck my thumb in her asshole as i kept pounding her harder and harder until finally I felt her body start to shake. Her cum was all over my dick. I grabbed her hair and proceeded to pound her pussy until finally i filled her up with cum.

“Can I please see my daughter now” she said.

I grabbed her and put her over my shoulder and led her to the master bedroom. I set her down on the bed, “Chloe!” SHe yelled and started crying, seeing her daughter lay there tied up naked. “Please untie her”

“Not yet” I said. I reached into the nightstand and grabbed her vibrator and turned it on and gave it to her.

“I cant go again right now, I just came. Please give me some time” She said

“Its not for you, use it on her” I said pointing at chloe.

“Please, no. Shes only 14”

“Well your 14 year old just had my cock down her throat so do it before I do something worse to her”

She sobbed and looked at her daughter. “Its okay mom he didnt hurt me”

She nodded and proceeded to take the vibrator, spread her daughters little pussy lips and start using it on her. I watched as chole’s body didnt know how to handle the vibration. I took my dick out and started stroking it again, watching as she helped her daughter masturbate. After about 2 minutes, I watched as chloe’s body started shaking, and i could tell her mom just gave her an orgasm. I was so turned on. Sarah turned off the vibrator and rolled over. “No, put it to her lips and have her lick it” I said.

She started to put it by chloe’s mouth and i said “you lick the other side”.

I watched as sarah and chloe both licked the vibrator touching tongues on accident, both visibly upset. I walked over, putting my fingers on chloes pussy, feeling how wet her lips were. I turned to sarah “Turn it back on, youre going to use it on yourself and youre going to watch or i will kill her”

As I said that, I could tell a sudden sense of understanding come over sarah. She turned to Chloe and looked her in her eyes and said “Okay honey, hes going to do something to you now, its going to hurt, its probably not going to feel the best and some things will feel really good. When you feel like you have to pee just let it out. Just do what he tells you to do.”

At that point, i put chloe’s legs on my shoulders and slid my dick inside of her. The initial moan she let out was so loud, sarah put her hand over her mouth. I looked over and saw her using her vibrator on herself, this turned me on even more. I proceeded to thrust in and out of her, feeling her virgin pussy lips grip my cock so tight. My balls slapped against her taint with every thrust in my body. The deeper I go, the better it feels. I can feel her walls constricting against my dick until she screams “Here it goes!”

She squirts everywhere. Her pussy is like a water hose that turned on. I pulled out of her and rolled her onto her stomach and lifted her hips into the air. I pulled her hair up and turned her head, forcing her to watch her mom masturbate. I slid her head over to where sarah’s pussy was and told her to lick it. As she started to taste her moms pussy, I use my finger and spread some of her cum to her little ass hole. I stick my dick slowly in her ass as i start working my way faster and deeper. Fuck it felt so good. I kept fucking her ass until my dick slid out and I put it back in her pussy. Now, fucking her doggy style, I grabbed her hips and forced myself as deep as i could, until finally i filled her little pussy up with my load. I pulled out of her, watching cum and blood drip from her pussy. I grabbed sarah and had her stop and forced her face into her daughters ass. I watched as she licked the cum from her pussy. As she did this, i forced 3 fingers inside of her, finger fucking her until she finally came again. I untied chloe and grabbed sarah and had her follow me to the bathroom. I stuck her in the shower and had sarah get in with her, then I followed, washing off my body.

I got out, got dressed and said “I know everything about you now. I have hidden cameras all throughout this place. Im setting a 20 minute timer. Once this timer goes off you can get out. A minute earlier and I kill you both.”

Sarah nodded her head and began washing chloe off. I walked out the door and collected all of my stuff I had brought. I grabbed all the rope and then went to the kitchen, I grabbed the original 2 pair of panties i had grabbed and then stopped by the hallway by chloe’s door and grabbed her panties she had been wearing. I ran out the door and fgot in my van and hurried home, got a few things I needed and then took off on the run. I wasnt ever caught, Im not even sure if they called the cops or not. This desperately created a monster in me though, and this wasnt the last time i did something so heinous

Please give me some feedback if you want me to continue telling more stories! Ive got a lot of experiences


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