Categories: PreTeenTeen

Davey’s Journey, Part 16 Sex Story for free 2024 – Y2Stories

After having some fun with Yasmin, Davey goes to the park to check on his camp shelter. There he meets a girl named Marie, and a storm is coming.

I and Yasmin laid next to each other for several minutes, relaxing from the after effects. While she has has sex before, the little blond nine-year-old had never had a real cock inside her, or jizz shot into her womb.

Yasmin finally sat up and got off the bed. I got off the bed a few seconds later, and gave her a kiss, followed by two small sucks to her still expose nubs of breasts. The nine-year-old girl giggled before pulling her top back over her chest.

I smiled, bent over to give her navel a kiss, and got some toilet paper to clean her up, but she had already put her panties on when I came out of the bathroom.

“I hope her mother doesn’t notice the little ‘gift’ I left her,” I thought to myself as I got dressed, and while doing so I asked her, “so how did you like having sex with me?”

Yasmin smiled and hopped up and down, telling me, “it was great! Your dick felt better than one of my mommy’s fake dicks! And it felt really good when you… whatever you did inside of me.”

I kissed her cheek, smiled at her, and informed her, “I came in you. That’s what it’s called when I… shot my semen into you.”

Yasmin took a moment to think about what I told her, then announced, “I’ll have to tell Gina about this, and have you come in her!”

Honestly, I wasn’t to sure that was a good idea, because she always seemed reluctant to do anything sexual with Yasmin. Who knows, maybe she’s really into it, and the reluctant act is just an act.

“Okay,” I told her, adding in,”just make sure she’s okay with it.”

“Umm… okay,” she replied, sounding a little bit confused, but hopefully understanding it.

I looked out the basement door, and found no neighbors around. “Hopefully they’ve all gone to work by now,” I thought to myself before motioning for the blond girl to follow me outside.

We quickly walked down to the forest, and Yasmin was about to go through the other side when I pulled her back, brought her behind a bush, and told her, “before you go.”

I lifted her tip, and gave her small breasts two small sucks. I then licked my way down her body, and kissed and licked her navel for several seconds, causing her to laugh. Once done with her navel I licked my way back up her body, gave her tits another couple of good sucks, gave her a kiss, and pulled down her top.

“Okay,” I said to her, “now you may go.”

Yasmin giggled as she ran back home, blow me a kiss when she was halfway there. While I pretend to catch the kiss I was thinking at the same time, “I hope no one saw that.”

Once I saw Yasmin go back inside I went back to my own house, ready to get my hiking gear. The storm was pretty bad last night, and I wanted to check my little camping shelter in the forest behind the park, and to make sure everything was okay with it.

I got to my camping shelter only about twenty or so minutes after Yasmin went home. I drove to the park rather then walk there because I intended to go to the pool right after I left. I even had my swim trunks and other items I brought with me to the pool in my SUV.

When I got to the shelter I saw there were a few fallen branches around, including some big ones. One of those big branches having fallen on the shelter itself.

I sighed, went over to the shelter, and lifted the branch off. Fortunately the shelter looked fine, but I decided to look inside anyways just incase. There were no holes in the roof, so everything looked okay. I was about to leave when I heard some thunder, and felt some rain drops fall on my head.

“Well, shit,” I said to myself, “I thought the rain was over with.”

I quickly got the sheet I carried with me and laid it inside the shelter. I then placed a curtain over the entrance to keep the rain out. I was about to go inside, when I heard the sound of human feet approaching me from behind.

I turned around and saw about ten feet away from me was a small girl who looked to be about nine or ten-years-old. She was pretty too, with long, semi-wavy brown hair, and was wearing a tight blue top that covered only the upper portion of her body, and short demi shorts that showed off a lot of leg.

I also say that she was beginning to develop breasts, as her little buds and nipples were starting to poke out from the fabric.

“Don’t parents ever buy bras for their daughters when their breasts start to develop?” I thought to myself before saying to her in a more awkward voice than I would have liked to make, “hello.”

“Hi,” she said in a scared voice, giving me a little wave. It was at that point I noticed she had on a small backpack, and out of the top of that backpack was a toy cat. A pink and white cat. The same pink and white cat I found in the shelter a few days ago.

“So she’s the one whose been using my shelter,” I thought to myself before telling her, “you may want to get home real quick. A storm is coming.”

The girl blinked a few times, and asked, “what about you?”

I jerked my thumb towards the shelter, and told her, “unless it gets so bad that it’s not safe to be out here, I’m going to stay in there until the storm passes.”

It thundered again, and I could feel more rain coming through the tree tops. The girl, now looking frightened, asked me, “umm… can I go in there with you. I don’t think I could make it home before the storm got me.”

I nodded my head, and held back the curtain her. She crouched down and waddled on in before crawling the rest of the way, giving me a glimpse of her cute little ass. She placed her backpack at the opening, and got as far in as she could.

I went in right in after her, placing my backpack right next to hers, and taking out a flash that could be turned into a lantern.

I laid down in the shelter being more comfortable doing so, while the girl sat up, cross legged, in the shelter.

“Hi. My name is Davey,” I told her, trying to comfort the girl before telling her, “by the way. I’m sixteen-years-old.”

“Hello Dave,” she said in a monotone, computer like voice that I assumed she was trying imitate from a certain science fiction movie from the 1960’s where a space ship’s artificially intelligent computer goes haywire and murders most of the crew while on a journey to Jupiter to check out an alien object. It was a weird movie.

“Funny girl,” I told her, which caused her to giggle a little. I then propped myself up on my elbows, “so what’s your name, and how old are you?”

The girl decided to get a little more comfortable, and laid down next to me before telling me, “my name is Marie, and I’m nine.”

“So she is the same age as Yasmin is,” I thought to myself before asking her, “so why are you out here?”

“I was checking to make sure this was okay,” she told me, waving her arms around to show she meant my shelter. “It was a vad storm last night.”

I nodded my head, and told her, “I was doing the same thing. I wanted to make sure that the shelter I built wasn’t destroyed.”

Marie looked at me a little surprised, and said, “oh… you built this?”

“Yeah. I built it a while ago,” I told her, adding in, “I got tired of bringing a tent out here every time I wanted to camp out here, so I built this.”

“I’ve… sometimes camp out here,” she told me sheepishly before adding in, “sorry.”

“It’s okay. I don’t use it all the time anyways, so I don’t mind if you use it, just as long as you don’t wreak,” I told her before adding in, “and it’s on public land anyways, so I can’t really stop you from using it in the first place.”

“Okay. Thank you!” She told me with a smile, before she grabbed ahold of me when a roar of thunder came booming through.

“Umm… sorry,” she said, looking up at me, with her head on my chest.

I patted her back, and told her, “it’s okay. That scared me too.”

Marie removed herself from my person. She then giggled and told me, “I’ve never… put my head on a guy’s chest before. Or laid next to one… well, besides my dad.”

I chuckled and told her, “well, now you have.”

We laid next to each for several seconds before she held up her hands and asked, “do you think my hands are pretty?”

I looked at her hands for a second, and answered her, “yes, they are.”

Marie turned on her side, facing me, and asked, “do you think I’m pretty?”

I turn on my side, facing her, and told her honestly, “you are beautiful.”

The girl inched her face closer to mine, her nose touching mine, and she asked me, “do you think my bellybutton is cute?”

I poked my finger into her navel, causing her to laugh. I then told her, “it is very cute, and you are ticklish.”

I tickled the sides of her stomach and poked her navel several times, causing her to laugh like crazy. Once I got her onto her back I blew into her navel, and I was grateful she didn’t tell me to stop, so I blew into it again.

“That tickles!” Marie said between laughs, and I decided to just go for broke, place my mouth onto the side of her stomach, and blew into it, making a farting noise as I did.

She laughed even harder when I did this, so I did the same thing on the other side of her stomach, and finally directly on her navel, letting my lips linger on the little hole before and after I did so.

Marie giggled after I removed my lips from her stomach, and told me, “you know, if you wanted to kiss my bellybutton, you could have just asked.”

I shrugged my shoulders, and placed my lips back on her navel, where I proceeded to kiss and lick it for another couple of minutes. This caused her to giggle at first, but her giggles turned to moans as she began to feel pleasure from my mouth.

I decided to take things further by circling her navel several times, and dragging my tongue down to the top of her shorts, and dragging my tongue from one hip to the other.

I know she didn’t say I could do this, but she didn’t tell me no, and I was glad for it. Once I returned to the middle, I dragged my tongue back up to her navel, licked and kissed the little for a few seconds, and moved my tongue up her body until I got to the underside of her top.

I dragged my tongue from one side to the other, and then dragged my tongue over the middle of her still covered chest, over throat, and into her mouth.

Marie didn’t pull away, and infact added her own tongue into my mouth.

We French kissed for about a minute, when another crash of thunder broke our concentration.

Marie laid her head on my chest, breathing hard from fright. Honestly, I was a bit scared myself.

Once she calmed down she whispered into my ear, “you’re the first boy I’ve kissed.”

I smiled at the little nine-year-old, and gave her a gentle kiss before asking her, “has anyone ever kissed your bellybutton before?”

Marie giggled and nodded her head, admitting to me, “my friends Vicky and Emmie have! They’ve even sucked my boobs and I’ve sucked theirs. Me and Vicky have put… things into each other’s pussies, and me and Emmie have licked each other’s pussy too!”

“Well, she’s not a virgin, and I wouldn’t hurt her if I had sex with her,” I thought to myself, deciding to take thing further and ask her, “may I… suck your boobs?”

Marie thought about what I asked her for a few seconds, then nodded her head and said, “sure!”

I smiled at her, gave her another kiss, and pushed up her top, revealing her budding breasts. I then lowered my head to her left breast, and began sucking on it. While sucking on her tiny tit I slid my hand into her shorts, and between her panties.

Marie made a deep moan of pleasure as I sucked her tits and fingered her. I kept doing this for several minutes, moving from one tiny breast to the other while pleasuring her with my finger until she came, causing her to let out a deep moan and shake a little.

After she came I removed my hand from her shorts, and decided to go all the way with her.

While continuing to suck her little developing breasts I unzipped and unbuttoned her shorts, and began pulling down her shorts and panties.

I removed myself from her chest, and helped pull her shorts and panties off of her legs. While pulling off those pieces of cloths from her I glimpsed her bald pussy, and decided I needed to taste it before sticking my dick into it.

I brought my head to Marie’s lovely young vagina, and put my mouth over her lower lips, and gave her slit several licks before sticking it into her while sucking on her pussy.

I sucked and licked her delicate, bald pussy, fucking her with my tongue for a couple of minutes before making her finally come in my mouth.

Marie tasted wonderful, and I wanted to keep eating her out, but I could hear that the rain had stopped, so I wanted to fuck her now before she decided she needed to take off.

I took off my own pants and boxer shorts before getting on top of her. I think she knew what I was about to do as she spread her legs apart, and lifted her hips up a little. I then placed one hand on her hip, and another one around my rock hard cock to help align myself with her little girl hole.

I pressed the head into her, and felt no resistance from a hymen, confirming that her friends had indeed broken it at some point. I then went in more, slowly pressing forward until I was balls deep into her.

Marie moaned in pleasure as I entered her, and once I was all the way in I paused for a moment to let her catch her breath. During that moment she looked down to see my genitals that were now inside her genitals. She then asked in amazement, “wow! Are we really having sex?”

I nodded my head, and told her, “yeah, we are!”

Marie smiled and said, “wow! This really feels good!”

I kissed the younger girl, and then began pushing and pulling in and out of her, getting as much pleasure from being inside her as she felt from me being inside her.

I went slowly at first, but began going faster and harder when she muttered under her breath for me to do so.

We fucked for several minutes until I made her come, and with her pussy lips tightening around my cock, I came too!

I shot a load seed into her little womb that I honestly was surprised I even had, having already had sex twice this morning.

After giving her a few more strokes I pulled out of her, falling over next to her to let myself rest, with Marie cuddling up next to me and placing her head on my chest.

If anyone would like to send a personal comment to me about this or any of my other stories, please email me at [email protected]


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