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Family fuckery hot Sex Stories – Y2Stories.Com

“O fuck baby girl I’m…going to hummm fuck Chelsea!”
I moaned loudly and my dad came in side me, particularly because it felt really good but also because my little shit of a young brother had been pecking through the crack in the door for the past 5 minutes. He had the decency to at least stay quiet as I orgasmed along with dad.
I had my suspicions that he was spying on us for a while. I’ve always thought it was kinda hot, the thought of someone watching me. The fact that it was my little brother watching me get fucked by my father was getting me really wet. I could see him jerking off, and the thought of him wanting me made me giggle. I looked over my shoulder daddy had noticed him too.
Daddy wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me up to my knees, showing my whole body to my younger brother, I put my arms around his neck and pulled his head closer to me and he nibbled on my ear lobe. his cock was still very deep in me. My brother stared at my tits, then down to my shaved pussy. I felt him start to thrust in to me, slowly, gently, as we both watched my brother.
“We have an audience Chelsea” he whispered in my ear.
I giggled, and he began to fuck me harder, causing a gasp to escape my lips.
“ let him stay daddy..pleas let him watch” I begged him, trying to be quite so my brother couldn’t hear us.
He was now stroking his cock faster and faster.
My dad pushed me down on all fours and began to pound me from behind. The emotion billeting up in me was over pawing. Daddy grabbed a handful of my hair, and pulled me back. It was like an explosion of pain, mixed with pleasure and a hint of taboo.
His cock was buried deep inside me, and it was hitting me in all the right places. I kept staring at the crack in the door trying to catch my little brothers eye, but his face was covered. I wondered if he was cumming, but before I had time to finish that thought. My daddy’s cock erupted and began filling me with his seed. It was the feeling that sent me over the edge.
We fell on the bed. Daddy’s cock still inside of me. After a minute or two I finally felt it slide out of me. I sat up on the bed and looked down at my dad, he smiled and reached up to cup my face, and ran his thumb over my lips. When he leaned down to kiss me I asked him “daddy can I fuck Alma?”
2. Chapter 2
A few days passed, and the image of my dad fucking me and the sight of my brother spying on us hadn’t left my mind. Every night I was alone in my room, I couldn’t stop myself from thinking about it. Daddy hadn’t told me I couldn’t fuck my little brother but he also hadn’t given me his blessing, so I had to take matters into my own hands.
My brother had been a bit more awkward around me lately. Every time we were in a room together he couldn’t seem to stop looking at me. I obviously didn’t discourage him, I may have accidentally taken steps to encourage his staring.
The thought of being wanted by him was hot, especially after how daddy had responded to him. The memory of daddy fucking me with him watching was almost enough to make me cum.
I had been flirting with my brother a lot more lately, teasing him in a way I usually reserve for my father. When he would walk into the room I would sit so my dress would ride up a little more, and bend down low when he was nearby so he could get a better look.
I was wearing a pair of black silk panties, a matching bra, and a black button up shirt and the shortest mini skirt the school uniform would allow. It was a Friday, and I had just finished the last class of the day. I was on my way home when I saw my brother walking towards me.
I decided that the best time to tell him how I felt was on the way home, where it was just us and we would have plenty of time to talk. We hadn’t even talked to each other yet when I grabbed his hand and pulled him into a nearby ally.
I backed him up against the wall, and put my hand on his chest. “Alma I know you have been spy on me and daddy.” He stated to talk but I cut him off. “I saw you! Where were you last night? I was expecting you, and you weren’t there, didn’t you like watching me getting FUCKED” I bit my lip to emphasize of the last word, it was enough to make him gulp.
He stood there frozen, not sure what to say. I started to run my hands down his chest. He didn’t stop me. I could feel his heart was pounding in in him chest or maybe it was mine, and it was taking everything I had to remain composed.
So much for taking, this wasn’t how I planned things going but the idea that I was driving him wild was a real turn on, and the thought of doing this right here and now was making me wet.
He finally looked down at me.
He was tall and handsome, his eyes were the same blue as mine and he had a similar nose, but that was where the similarities stopped. His hair was dark and he had a nice body, he was thin but not skinny. I ran my fingers through his hair and he smiled, I knew then that he wasn’t going to say no.
“How long have you and dad been um…” he asked and looked away.
“Fucking” I sed enjoying watching him squirm.
“How long have you been watching” i asked as I unbuttoned the top 3 buttons of his shirt, and then ran my fingers back up his chest, and he shuddered.
He looked back down at me and bit his lip.
“A couple of months maybe I followed you two in to the forest ate the Fourth of July party” he looked down ashamed.
I was about to ask him why he followed us when he added:
“I didn’t mean to spy I was just walking and you and dad started kissing and touching each other.”
He paused.
“And continued, I was so turned on by the sight of you two, you had no idea, and you both were so into each other that you didn’t notice me watching.”
I remembered that day it had been a very passionate exchange. I had asked daddy if he wanted to have my asshole we couldn’t get his cock in me, but his thumb fit quite nicely, and I had one of the most intense orgasms of my life.
He ran his hand down the front of my shirt. I was so turned on I would have fucked him right then and there if my phone hasn’t started ringing.
I reached in to my bag and looked at the screen. It was daddy. I gave Alma’s dick a quick squeeze as I turned around and answered the phone.
Omg he is almost as big as dad I thought to myself.
“Hey daddy” I answered in a my sweetest voice.
“Hi honey, I’m running late, I won’t be home until tomorrow”
This is so perfect I thought I’m going to get my little brother first and then when daddy gets home I’m going to fuck him, maybe I can have both, the thought of having both of them at the same time sent a shiver up my spine. I was so coughs up in my own thoughts I wasn’t listening to daddy.
“hello Chelsea… did you hear me?”
I snapped back to reality.
“Sorry daddy, yes. I’ll get dinner ready and take care of the house” I lied.
He didn’t know it but the only thing I was going to be eating tonight was his sons cock.
We hung up the phone and I turned back around, Alma had already adjusted himself, but he was still hard. We started walking, the whole way home Alma begged me to tell him about the first time I had sex with dad. I could my self getting wetter, my panties sticking to me with every step I took.
I finally agreed “ok Alma I’ll tell you but it’s got to stay between us” He agreed and I started talking.
Chapter 3
I had just turned 13, it was a warm summer night, and we were celebrating the 4th of July. There was a small bon fire. After everyone else had gone to bed I slipped into daddy’s lap, and I started rubbing him, he didn’t stop me, he just held me close, and kissed the top of my head. I asked him if I could sleep in his bed with him for the night.
I snuggled up close to him and kissed him on the cheek. He turned his head and kissed me on the mouth, it was a gentle kiss, his lips barely touched mine. I kissed him back. Our tongues met and he started to explore my mouth. But it stopped there and we both fell asleep. The next morning I woke up first feeling very horrny.
I was laying next to my father and I was watching him sleep. His arm was resting on his stomach and his chest rose and fell with every breath. I was watching his chest when I realized his erection was pushing out the front of his boxers. It wasn’t the first time I had seen a cock but it was definitely the biggest one.
I reached down and gently pulled his cock free, he stirred, but didn’t wake up. It was beautiful, I couldn’t wait any longer. I had to taste him.
I slid the blankets off of him and pulled his boxers down around his ankles, and climbed on, I didn’t put him inside me I just held him in place with one hand and started grinding my hips back and forth on his shaft.
He started to wake up, but I put a finger to his lips. I lifted myself up and lined the tip of his cock up with my pussy. I wanted him in side me so much.
“Chelsea stop!” Daddy was looking up at me with a angry concerned look on his face.
But it was too late, I had him right were I wanted him. I sunk down on him, and he filled me completely.
The pain was sharp and it made me wince, I wasn’t prepared for it, but it also felt so good. He was stretching me, and the feeling was amazing.
Daddy grabbed me by the hips and lifted me up, I guess that was when he noticed the blood.
His eyes went wide and he looked up at me with a puzzled expression.
It was then that I told him that I was a virgin, and I wanted him to be my first.
I kissed him, and rocked my hips. I begged him to continue, the feeling was incredible, the pain was quickly replaced by a deep pleasure that was spreading through me.
He finally released my hips and let me continue, he was still a little hesitant, and he held my hips as I rode him. I leaned down and whispered in his ear.
“It’s ok daddy, I want this, please fuck me.”
After that he started thrusting his hips up and meeting mine with each movement, and his hands ran over my body, his fingers pinched and rubbed my nipples, and he kissed and sucked on my neck and ears.
Chapter 4
By the time my brother and I got home I couldn’t think of anything but having him inside me.
I closed and locked the door behind me and turned to face him.
He looked so cute standing there all nervous, not knowing what to do.
I stepped closer and unbuttoned his shirt the rest of the way, and pushed it off his shoulders, and ran my fingers down his chest.
“You made me tell you the whole story little brother know what do you intend to do for me?”
I was standing so close to him I could feel the heat from his skin.
My heart was beating out of my chest.
I reached out and took his hand meaning to lead him upstairs, but he refused to follow me, I stopped and turned around, I was so confused, “don’t you want me little brother?”
“I um yes but it’s not fair, you get to tease me and play with me, but what do I get to do to you…I want something you’ve never given anyone else, something you’ve saved just for me.”
“I’m trying to give myself to you Alma, what more do you want?” I explained. I was a little upset by the way he was acting, especially since I was trying to seduce him, and now it seemed like he was rejecting me.
“Chelsea it’s not what you’re thinking, i’am very attracted to you, watching you and dad is one of my favorite parts of my day” he smirked.
That made me feel very happy and I could feel myself blushing. “So then why are you stopping me” i asked I started yo unbutton my blouse slowly,
“Because i don’t want a quick fuck, i want to take my time and enjoy you.”
Hearing that from my little brother made my whole body tingle.
“Then take me and enjoy me, because I want you” I whispered and pressed my body against him.
He was wearing a pair of dark wash jeans, and a t-shirt. I could feel the hardness of his chest and the outline of his cock.
“But your not ready for me” He whispered in my ear,
“And i can’t be gentle with you”
“You don’t have to be gentle with me” I replied, i knew what he wanted, and i was more than willing to give it to him.
I could feel the moisture building between my thighs.
I took his hand and led him upstairs, when we got to my room, i let him close and lock the door. while I walked to my closet slowly unbuttoning and removing my clothes.
When I was finished, i sat down on the edge of my bed.
He had already removed his shirt and shoes, and was working on his pants.
My heart was racing as he approached the bed.
I stood up quickly and did I little spin “Do you like my lingerie little brother?” I was feeling very nervous know that I was actually going to fuck my little brother.
His cock was so much bigger than daddy’s, i wanted him so bad.
“You are the sexiest girl i have ever seen Chelsea” He whispered as he spun me around and pushed me down on to the bed.
He climbed on top of me and began kissing the back of my neck, and his fingers ran over my body, finding every spot that made me gasp, and moan.
I could feel his cock pressing into my hip, i had never felt so turned on in my life. Being manhandled was an unexpected bonus.
“Your body is amazing” He whispered into my ear.
He reached down and spread my legs, and slid his hand up my inner thigh.
“I’ve been wanting to do this for a long time” He whispered. Ever since I watched dad pop his thumb in to your butthole, and you came so hard”
I could feel him running his fingers over my clit, and down to my opening.
“I can’t believe you’re letting me fuck you” he moaned as his fingers slide inside me, it felt like electricity was shooting through my body, the pressure building in my loins, and I could feel his cock twitch against my hip.
I was about to say something when he added, “I can’t believe your letting me fuck your ass”. I felt something pressing against my snug little ring.
He leaned down and whispered in my ear, “It’s ok sis, this will hurt for a second, then it will feel amazing.”
His fingers continued to work in and out of me, and his other hand was massaging my clit, his thumb was sliding up and down the crack of my ass.
He started pushing against me again, the pressure was building, and my body was screaming for him to do it.
I felt him start to slide into me, i tensed up a bit.
“wait please Alma, I’m not ready yet brother”
I was scared of the size, he was even bigger than his daddy.
“Shhhhhh, relax Chelsea , your almost there” he whispered as his fingers picked up speed, and his thumb slid into my asshole. Ooooo I moaned loudly, his thumb was only in a couple of inches, but the feeling was amazing, the fullness, the pleasure, it was almost enough to make me cum.
“Do you want it, Chelsea?
With out waiting for an answer he shoved his entire cock all of the way inside my sloppy wet cunt. I let out a cry and he leaned down and whispered. “Oops I forgot I said I wouldn’t do that.”
He was balls deep in me, his thumb was still buried in my ass. I couldn’t think clearly, I was so overwhelmed.
“Please Alma, take me. Fuck me!” I whimpered.
“What was that sis? I didn’t quite hear you?” He teased as he slowly pulled out.
“Please Alma, fuck me!” I cried out as he slammed back into me.
I felt like the wind had been knocked out of me.
His thumb was sliding in and out of me I could feel my asshole stretching and relaxing around it, as his cock pumped in and out of my pussy.
He leaned down and began nibbling on my ear, and sucking and biting my neck, I could feel his balls slapping against my clit.
God damn my baby brother was a fucking animal.
“Alma…O god Alma!” I moaned.
I couldn’t stop myself from coming. It was the most intense orgasm I had ever experienced.
I screamed, and thrashed around on the bed.
Alma’s thumb popped out of my ass, and he grabbed my waist keeping me from squirming of off his dick.
He was grunting and panting, his breathing was labored.
I could feel his balls tighten against my clit, and his cock swell. It took all of my willpower to force myself to stop fucking Alma.
“Don’t cum yet Alma! I want you to be the first person in my ass” I begged.
Alma froze.
I could feel the head of his cock pulsing inside me.
“Really?” He panted.
“Yes really, I’ve wanted it since the day you caught me getting fucked”
“Me too Chelsea, I’ve been dreaming of fucking your ass.” He groaned, his fingers dug into my hips.
His body was shaking with excitement, I couldn’t help laughing a little. I quickly leaned forward pulling myself off of his dick, he let out a loud gasp.
“Sorry little brother”
I giggled, and reached back and grabbed his dick, I could feel him twitch in my hand, I gave him a couple of strokes, before pushing my ass up in the air and my face down in to the blankets.
“It’s ok baby brother, you can do whatever you want to me”
He climbed on to the bed, and ran his hands over my ass, and down the back of my legs. It made my skin tingle.
“This is a dream come true, I’ve been waiting for this for a long time, and it feels so much better than I thought it would.”
“So what are you waiting for, fuck me Alma” I urged him,
He spit a large lot of saliva in to my asshole. It felt cold and slimy, but I couldn’t help but moan a little.
I felt the head of his cock pushing against me, I closed my eyes and tried to relax, the pressure was building, and I could feel my hole stretching, I pushed back against him, the tip was forced in, it felt like he was splitting me open, it was an odd mixture of pleasure and pain, but I loved it.
“You’re so tight, and so fucking hot, god damn Chelsea !” He groaned.
“ Get it inside me baby brother, push harder, please I need it all the way inside me, make me scream for you Alma”
I was begging him, and he was more than willing to give it to me.
His cock slowly inched it’s way inside me, until his balls were resting against my clit.
I couldn’t help myself, I was moaning and begging him to fuck me, but he didn’t move, he was completely buried in my ass, and he wasn’t moving.
I wiggled my hips, and started fucking myself on his dick, my asshole tightened and relaxed around his shaft.
“O god Chelsea, I can’t hold back any longer, your ass is so fucking tight!”
He was holding completely still, grunting and groaning, I could hear the wet sound of his balls slapping against my pussy lips.
His hands gripped my hips, his nails digging in to the skin, his body shaking, and his voice trembling.
“Cum in my ass Alma, I need it! Fill me up, I need your cum inside me, I want to feel it deep inside me”
I was begging him, pleading with him to fill me.
His breathing was ragged and heavy.
I was fucking myself on his dick faster, the friction was driving me wild, and the fullness was overwhelming.
“Please Alma, please” I whimpered,
“ Chelsea I can’t I’m ….. o god”
Alma came, filling my ass with his warm seed.
The feeling sent me over the edge, and I came.
He collapsed on top of me, his cock still ejaculateing inside me, his breathing was heavy.
After a few minutes he pulled out of me, and rolled on to his side.
We laid there, both gasping for breath, the room smelling of sex and sweat.
“God, that was amazing, that was better than anything I ever dreamed it could be.”
“thank you baby brother, it was amazing” I was exhausted.
“Do you want to go another round” He asked.
I was shocked and surprised by the request, but I wasn’t going to turn him down, I loved being used by him.
He got up and wiped his dick off with a blanket, he stood ate the edge of my med looking down at me. His cock was already half hard.
I was still on the bed, laying on my stomach, I had a great view of his dick.
“Chelsea get over here amd suck my cock”
His voice was low and husky.
I was delighted amd excited as I crawled closer to him, and took his cock in my mouth, the taste of my own ass was new and exciting.
I licked and sucked him clean, and he was rock hard in a few seconds.
“That’s a good girl, suck my cock, clean it all up.”
Mmmmm “o yes baby brother what do you want me to do next?”
“I want you to ride me, I want you to use my dick like a toy.”
He laid down on his back, and waited.
I climbed on top of him and straddled his hips.
I leaned down and kissed him, our tongues swirling around each other, and I reached back and positioned his cock at the entrance to my pussy.
I sunk down on to him, and began grinding my hips.


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