Fucked then fuck them back Sex Story 2024 – Y2Stories

FICTION, do not read if you are of delicate nature, this is part one of two

I was on a secondary hwy heading south east out of Oregon state, I was doing the double nickel on a lonely part of the hwy, had not seen anyone for some time, then there it was, a blue light special, I swear as I find a place to pull over and park my rig,

Up walks this female cop, asks for my licence, proof of insurance and manifest, log book, I asked what was this all about, she tell me I was speeding, I looked at her and said I was doing 55 in a 60, she said I was doing 60 in a 55, I told her she was wrong, and that she did not know where the hell she was,

Well that went well as she took my papers and walked back to her car, I got out of my truck and waited for her for 35 min, she gave me back all my papers and said sign here, I said what for, she said for speeding against the posted speed limit, for being behind on my log book, for load not being secured and for not having my bingo card sticker,

I looked at her and said to her I think your a fucking stupid cunt that needs her asshole destroyed by my monster cock, she started to yell, YOU FUCKING COCK SUCKER, YOUR UNDER A RES, was all she got out as I punched her right on the mouth and drove her jaw back into her head and out like a light she want, she hit the ground like a bag of wet cement,

I took her duty belt off of her and took her hand cuffs off the belt, I flipped her over onto her belly and cuffed her hands, I took the zip ties she had on her as well and zip tied her arms up so she could not move her arms and hands around,

I took her ticket book and throw it in the cab of my truck, then I took her side arm and did the same, I grabbed her by her hair and dragged her to the passenger side of her car, throw her onto the passenger seat face down with her legs hanging out of the door,

I listened to the cop radio to see if anyone called her number, there was no sound, I checked the radio, and it seemed we are in a dead spot, I took my knife and cut the back of her pants, I ripped her pants open to see a firm white ass, I got right behind her and put my weight on the back of her calves,

I pushed her asscheeks apart amd spit on her asshole, I did it a number of times, I rubbed the head of my 10 inch cock up and down her ass, I spit in my hand and rubbed it all over my cock, I pushed the head into her asshole, she came too with a loud scream, WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS, AAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGG FUCK IT HURTS, PLEASE STOP, I WONT TELL ANYONE, O GOD STOPPPPPPPPPPP, PLEASE, I pulled her head back and growled into her ear, you tried to fuck me over, now its my turn you fucking stupid cunt

I shoved and she wailed louder, IT HURTS STOP, I fucked her ass hard and very fast, she was tight when I first started to tear her ass apart but soon loosened up as was quivering as I kept beating her asshole into taters, she begged me to stop, I asked did you learn your lesson, she cried out yes I learned my lesson, I asked what did she learn,

She told me she learned not to fuck people over, I slammed into her asshole hard and said NO you fucking cunt, you did not learn, I slapped the back of her head hard a couple of time just to ring her bell,

I fucked her ass with long deep strokes and asked did you learn, she went yes in a high whining voice, what did you learn I ask, she goes Im a stupid cunt, I said yes and what else, I should not fuck people over, I slam into her ass with all my weight, and slap the back of her head again, NO you fucking cunt,

With tears pouring out of her eyes she goes, what, I dont know, tell me, I thrust into her ass with each word, you are to say, I am a stupid fucking cunt that needs to be trained to never ever fuck truckers over, I tell her to repeat it, she does and I tell her to keep repeating it,

I fucked her ass for want must have felt like hours to her but was only 10 min, I pulled her head back hard with her hair as I pushed my elbow into her back as I pumped my load deep into her ass, she was wide open, her ass well never close on its own again,

I pulled out of her and she dropped into the seat cushion, I looked at her asshole it looked like hamburger, all chewed up and blood all over it and she was leaking my cum out of her ass, I seen her two half gallon water bottles, I take the first one open it and push the open end up her ass, she scream, I squeeze out all the water unto her ass, I move away from her ass and she cant stop herself and pushes the water bottle and all the water out of her ass,

She screams as what looks like a fountain sprays out of her ass, she pusher all my cum and the blood she had in her bowels out, I take the second water bottle and do the same again, she again sprays out of her ass,

I pick up one of the bottles take sand and fill the bottle and cap it off, I then take said bottle and shove it deep into her ass, she screams as I push it all the way into her bowels, I pull her to her feet and then take her around to the driver seat and push her into the seat, she screams as her weight forces the bottle onto her bowels deeper,

She is having problems breathing from the pain and that the bottle is pushing her stomach into her lungs, I rip open her shirt, find her vest is in my way, with some difficulty I get the vest off of her, I tear her under shirt and then cut open her sports bra, I find a nice set of C cup tits, I take her car keys and split the key ring, I pull on her nipple and force the key ring through her nipple, she watching me as I do this to her, she screams in more pain, I feed the ring through and let the weight of the keys pull that nipple,

she is panting and crying, I ask her did you learn, she looked me in the eyes and said yes, I pulled out her wallet opened it and took out all her id, I found pic of her little girls, I told her I will pay your girls a visit if you ever fuck me over again, I took the wallet with her id pics and any info she had in it, I closed all the doors on her car and left her there,

I got out of that state and had my radios, on, vfh, uhf, cb, four scanners, I heard they found she woman and low and behold as looking for me, I turned off the Hwy and went down a farmers dirt road, found a barn and parked the rig inside, when to the farm house found to be empty and for sometime, I walked to the next farm found a pickup with keys in it, but it was dead, so looked around and found a tractor with a good battery in it, got the truck running,

Off I went to town, stopped outside of town, found a clothes line with overalls and shirt, I made the clothes look dirty and put them on to blend in and not be so noticeable, went to local hardware store, picked up 5 gal green house paint and 2 gal of black paint, got an electric sprayer, I grab food from the Coop and off I went, made sure no one followed me, joy of gravel roads, you can see them coming from mile but they can see where you stopped too,

I spent the next day watching and masking off my truck, the third day I spread my truck with house paint,

day four I head out and down back to the Hwy, I head on back into Oregon, Im going to fix that cunt.

I parked my truck at the local truck shop and got into all black clothes, found a ride to steel from the parking lot and off I went to cunts house, I parked 6 blocks away and walked in the shadows, I walked right past her place, small house, fenced yard, I see two plain clothes watching the front of the place, I slipped into the house next doors yard,

I slid along the fence and listened and watched for movements, there was people in the house, I heard one of the girls ask where is mommy grammy, grammy replied we will see her in a couple of days, we are going to go to are house, for now,

I went to my ride and looked in the cunts wallet, I smiled I found pic with the address on it of grammy new place


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