Fucking Younger Neighbour (9) Sex Story 2024 – Y2-Stories

Lynne seeks her sexual gratification with more BBC.

After having enjoyed four different dicks in the past 24 hours Lynne was very much on top of the world. When she arrived home after her latest liaison with the tattooist her husband was up and about having slept until 1.00 pm following his working on a night shift. He asked her about her day and she told him that she had been into town where she had bumped into an old school mate and they had enjoyed a long chat over a coffee. This was all nonsense of course but her husband bought it. She made him a meal for him before he started to get ready for another night shift.

Whilst making the meal she texted Sam. She was still feeling horny after all the fucking that she had recently enjoyed and she wanted to see Sam to both show him her new tattoo (Black Cum Dump which was close to her vagina) and to fuck with him again. In her text she said how much she was missing him and that she wanted him to come round again tonight after her husband had left for work. Unlike previously she didn’t get an immediate response and she texted him again after a couple of hours. He did finally reply but said that he couldn’t make it tonight since he was going to see his mother who wasn’t very well. His reply seemed abrupt and showed none of the enthusiasm of earlier. He made no apology and didn’t suggest when he could see her. She was concerned that he was cooling towards her. But she dismissed this. If his mum was unwell it might be serious and he would then be preoccupied with worry over his mum’s well-being. She texted him saying that she was sorry to hear that and that she understood his need to go and see his mum. She closed it with loads of hearts and kisses.

However, as the evening wore on she thought more and more about him and doubts began to creep in about his story of his mum being poorly. She decided that when her husband left for work she would go round to Sam’s just to see whether he was home or not. She kissed her husband off to work and 10 minutes later drove round to Sam’s house. There were no lights on when she parked up short of his house. She sat there kicking herself for doubting him. However, after just a few minutes his car came up the street and turned into his driveway. The car lights dimmed and the engine was turned off. The passenger door opened and a young beautiful woman alighted from the car. Sam then got out from the drivers side and went round to the woman and began embracing her and kissing. It looked like they had enjoyed a night out somewhere and he had brought her to his home. They were both running their hands over each other and it seemed pretty clear what they would be doing once they got inside. Lynne was livid, feeling that she had been used and was now being dumped unceremoniously. What a fool she had been she thought.

When they had gone inside she drove off, heading back home, her hopes of a wonderful night with Sam’s dick pleasuring her smashed. “Fuck him,” she thought. “The lying, two faced duplicitous bastard. Two can play that game,” she said aloud. She heard a car hoot at her because she was driving a little erratically and she tried to compose herself and concentrate on her driving.

She somehow got home safely, quickly undressed and climbed into her bed, the bed that she had been hoping to share with Sam. “Fuck him,” she thought again. “There are plenty more blacks around that would willingly fuck me. There’s also my neighbour and though he’s more than twice my age he loves to fuck me and give me a good time.” Then she remembered the tattooist from earlier that day. He had given her a terrific fuck and he was equally well equipped as Sam. He had invited her to go back whenever she wanted. He had also been the first to dump his cum after the inviting tattoo that he had done for her. She fell asleep having resolved to go back to the tattooist the following day.

The following morning after her husband had gone to bed she dressed as slutty as she thought was acceptable and which would send a clear message to the tattooist when she went in. She wasted no time in getting into town and parking her car and boldly walking to the tattoo shop with every male that she passed looking hopefully at her. She smiled at each one but passed on by heading to the shop.

When she entered the shop the tattooist was busy with a customer, concentrating on the tattoo that she would be paying for, a small delicate rose over her right breast. Despite it being high on her breast her blouse was completely undone revealing her rather delicious tits. The tattooist turned to see who had entered and his eyes lit up and his face broke into a wide smile. Clearly he was pleased to see her again so soon. His gaze took in her slutty dress and he knew immediately what she had come for. “I will just be a few minutes if you don’t mind waiting,” he said to Lynne. “That’s okay, I don’t mind waiting,” she smiled back. She sat in a chair watching him at work. The young lady that he was tattooing was clearly put out and there was an atmosphere in the shop. He remained pleasant however and quickly finished off his work. The customer made a show off straightening her blouse and buttoning it up before brusquely paying him and leaving the shop, slamming the door behind her.

“What was that all about?” asked Lynne. “Oh, I think she wanted to seduce me and get away with not paying. I told her that she needn’t unbutton her blouse like that but she was insistent to show me what was on offer.” “Well, she had much to offer from what I saw,” said Lynne. “I would love to have her tits,” she added. “If I remember rightly you were hiding your tits behind a tight sweater or something,” he said. “But I bet they are better than that lady’s. Anyway, what can I do for you today?” he asked. Lynne didn’t feel like flirting and immediately said “you can fuck me and dump your cum in me.” The tattooist was taken aback by her forthrightness and looked a little shocked. “You did tell me to come back if I wanted anything,” she reminded him. “Well I want your dick.”

He ushered her through to the back room where they had been yesterday but not before he locked the door and put the closed sign up. “I am so glad that you came back,” he said. “I so much wanted to fuck you again. My dick loves your tight little cunt.” “My cunt is not that small,” Lynne said. “It’s your dick that is huge. It stretches me to my maximum. That’s why I want you to fuck me again.” Lynne wasted no more time before removing her flimsy see through blouse and her short pencil skirt. There was nothing else to take off. The tattooist quickly removed his slim line jeans which, being tight on him, showed his ever expanding dick.

He held Lynne and looking at her tits said “they are magnificent. Much much better than the lady in the shop. Your nipples are wonderful.” unable to contain himself he bent to kiss and suck her tits. She led him across to the padded bench which they had fucked on yesterday and she clambered on to the edge of the bench her legs hanging over the edge again. She opened her legs invitingly and he stepped between them, his cock steel hard and standing upright ready to fuck. She looked down at his dick and taking hold put the tip at the entrance to her pussy. He eased the end in and she looked admiringly at his big black shiny clock entering her. She loved this moment. The moment when her cunt was opened up by a dick. He pushed further and she held his hips to pull him closer and to take his dick deeper. He started to fuck her steadily and he pushed her to the bench whilst he bent over to take her tits in his mouth. He loved the firm fullness of her tits and they felt delicious in his mouth. As he built up the tempo he started to kiss her and she responded, opening her mouth to allow his tongue in her mouth. Lynne put her arms around his back and clung on to him when he started to fuck her furiously. She loved it when a dick was crashing in to her and a ball sac slamming against her. She started her usual enjoyable moans begging him to fuck her and to plant his cum deep inside her. He duly obliged and she felt him shooting his cum around her cervix.

It was as he climaxed that both heard a hammering on the door. This was the door in from the back yard, not he front door so it was unlikely to be a customer. At first they ignored it, holding on to each other, recovering their breath, enjoying the moment and still kissing. However, the hammering got louder and more insistent. The tattooist apologized and asked Lynne if she minded if he answered the door. “You better,” she replied, “otherwise whoever it is will knock the door down.” She slipped a robe on which the tattooist had thrown to her whilst he went to open the door.

“Hi brother,” he was greeted with as a younger man entered. “Well, well. What brings you here?” asked the tattooist.” “I came to see you big brother, see how you’re doing.” The young man was remarkable like the tattooist and they clearly were brothers thought Lynne. She reckoned though that the new comer was some 10 years younger.

“Well, what have we here?” asked the newcomer seeing Lynne for the first time. “I hope I’ve not come at a bad time or interrupted anything. What are you doing with this lovely lady?” he asked his brother. The tattooist was uncertain what to respond but Lynne, seeing an opportunity opening up, said “your brother and I have been fucking.” “Wow,” said the young man. “let me introduce myself. I’m Sonny, his younger half brother.” he stepped toward Lynne who held out her hand to shake his. In doing so her robe fell open and Sonny got a good view of everything. “Well brother, you’ve kept this one secret. Are you going to keep her for your self?” Sonny asked. Again Lynne stepped in saying “I’m not his property and I decide who I want to see and who can fuck me.” “Well I hope that you will grant me the honour of seeing me,” he replied. “Maybe,” said Lynne shyly. “Tell me, what are your credentials?” she asked Sonny. “What do you mean?” he queried. “What experience have you got in pleasuring a woman and what is your equipment like,” Lynne asked sexily. “Well, I’ll answer the last part first,” he answered and immediately undid his trousers and removed them along with his boxer shorts. Lynne’s eyes opened wide along with her mouth. He had a wonderful dick that hung heavily toward the ground. It was long and it was wide and it was black. That’s for me she thought to herself. “Your equipment appears satisfactory to me,” she said. “Now remove the rest of your clothes.” He did exactly that as the tattooist looked on in amazement. Lynne meanwhile had completely removed her robe showing her lovely body off and exciting Sonny. His dick was hardening already.

Sonny stepped toward Lynne and she opened her arms to give him a hug and to feel his dick against her body. They clung together for a while and then began to kiss, both with mouths wide open, probing each other. He reached down with his hand and felt for her pussy. “What’s this I feel?” he asked. “What do you think you have hold off?” she replied. “I don’t know,” he said. “But it feels wonderful in my hand. What do you call it.” “I have no objections to you calling it whatever you want just so long as you put your dick into it.”

He needed no further encouragement and they moved together towards the bench. “Now come and introduce your dick to my cunt,” Lynne pleaded. “Is that your preferred name for it,” he playfully asked. “Yes, now let’s see if your dick can do anything for my cunt.”

As she lay on the bench he noticed her tattoo for the first time. “Wow, that’s fucking great Bro. Lovely job. “Whose idea was it?” he asked Lynne. “Mine, she answered, “and I want you to add your cum, lots of it hopefully.” “It will be a pleasure,” said Sonny.

Lynne had again laid on the bench with her legs hanging over the edge. It was just at the right height for Sonny to stand and place his dick against her cunt. He rubbed up against her labia, his dick hardening and lengthening all the time. Lynne was wet with desire. She felt and acted like a slut when she was turned on by such a beautiful dick. She sat up to watch him enter her, his glossy black dick contrasting with her own pale flesh. She was a little fearful that he might be too big for her. However, she wasn’t going to be put off.

He pressed forward, her cunt being forced open by his dick. She began her little moans of pleasure which encouraged him to push further. She could already feel her cunt being stretched wide. He pushed a little deeper and every muscle and sinew in her body quivered with excitement and anticipation. Her nerve ends carried messages of pleasure to her brain and she groaned louder. “FUCK ME, FUCK ME,” she began to chorus. “I love your dick fucking me, push it right in, pound me.” He was still taking it easy with her, his black mamba dick snaking its way deep into her abdomen. He was also experiencing massive pleasure. Lynne’s cunt gripped him tight and drew him ever deeper inside. With a final thrust he stuck every inch deep inside, crashing against her cervix and pushing it aside. “OH FUCK,” she screamed. They then fucked furiously, completely unaware of anything but their fucking. Sonny had great stamina and fucked Lynne for 30 minutes, occasionally slowing down to prevent him from cumming too quickly. However he was going like a jack hammer when he announced through gritted teeth that he was going to cum. “Pump me full of your cum,” Lynne begged and he did everything he could to ensure that she took all that his ball sac could give her. She loved the feel of men cumming in her, their cocks pulsating and throbbing, forcing every last drop of cum into her waiting cunt.

He leaned forward, his head resting on Lynne’s tits. His dick ended its twitching as he pumped the last of his cum into her. They rested like that for a couple of minutes before he started to withdraw his dick. He held it tight between his finger and thumb ensuring that every drop of his cum was squeezed into Lynne. “I think that answers my question about your credentials satisfactorily,” Lynne whispered in his ear. “Good,” he said. “Then maybe we could fuck again sometime?” “Most definitely, and sooner rather than later,” replied Lynne.

Whilst Lynne and Sonny had been fucking the tattooist had been wanking himself and was now on his knees cleaning up his cum from the floor with a cloth. Lynne excused herself to go to the toilet and put her clothes back on. When she returned both men were dressed and the tattooist was going through to his studio to open up again. “That was the best fuck ever,” said Sonny. “I hope that you were serious about our fucking again?” “Give me your mobile number,” she asked, “and I’ll message you.” She logged it in her phone as he gave it her. “Don’t leave it too long,” begged Sonny as Lynne left by the back door.

Lynne felt that she was walking on air as she returned to her car. “Well, fuck Sam,” she thought to herself. “I’ve just enjoyed two dicks pleasuring me as good as, if not better than, that two timing bastard Sam.”

As she drove home she reflected on how she had got to be here. As a teenager she had been very promiscuous and often boasted that she would let anybody fuck her. She had lost count of how many had.

When she married her first husband she settled down to a family life with the arrival of their daughter. However, by the time that her daughter got to here teens, the marriage had fallen apart and they had divorced. The daughter had opted to live with her Dad when they separated and she recently disclosed to Lynne that this was because he had been fucking her for some years despite her being underage.

Her marriage over Lynne returned to her promiscuous ways seeking solace in an abundance of sex. Then she met the man who was to be her second husband and once more settled down. After a while, her life seemed to become humdrum and she looked for pleasure outside her marriage. She had encouraged her elderly neighbours obvious admiration of her and they had developed an intimate relationship. Her daughter had caught them fucking and blackmailed her mother into letting her join them in a threesome even though she was only 14 years of age. All three enjoyed their sex together.

When Lynne arrived home she stripped to take a shower and saw herself in the full length mirror. She realised then why men were attracted to her. Despite the passing years, her body hadn’t aged. Her breasts were rounded and fulsome and still firm with no discernible drooping. Her waist was waspish and her hips nicely rounded. Her figure was much the same as when she was a teenager. She was perhaps a couple of pounds heavier, but this wasn’t obvious. Clearly her body was a great asset when she wanted a man. And she did want a man. Or rather, a man’s dick.

Her whole body seemed to urge her on to get laid. It was like a drug. She needed sex, lot of it on a regular basis. The neighbour would always be available as would Sonny and his half brother, the tattooist. But she craved excitement and wanted to fuck with strangers regardless of risks. She suddenly thought that Sonny could introduce her to his friends and mates There would be plenty of BBC there. She could organise an orgy with lots of men taking turns to fuck her. She could if she wished, even invite her daughter to join her. The men would go crazy for a 14 year old white pussy!
Another thought flickered across her mind. It would be exciting and profitable to prostitute herself. This would give her plenty of dick with complete strangers and she would be paid for enjoying herself.

She stepped into the hot shower, smiling and pondering her next fuck.


I welcome readers comments and suggestions for more episodes.


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