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he just wanted a dad: page 2 Sex Stories for free – Y2Stories.Com

Josh and Coach go on their 1st date. after the first several visits to the county home and being supervised, Josh is excited to go out with Coach.

once upon a time, there was a boy named Josh. He was always a good boy in his heart and he hoped one day that a man would adopt him. Josh was 11 years old as this story unfolds, he’s small for his age and has lived almost all of his young life in a county home for boys.
As the visits to the county home became more frequent, Josh began to open up his private thoughts to Coach. Josh would talk about growing up to be a pilot of fighter jets and save the world from evil pirates. Coach would rub Josh’s back and listen intently to the stories the boy would share. Wnen the 3rd week came to an end and the 12 visit was achieved, Coach asked Josh if he would like to come with him on Saturday to the movies, share a pizza and spend a the late afternoon at the beach.
Josh accepted…. As if you thought he wouldnt?

It was Friday afternoon, this was on of the set visits Josh and Coach had set up. Josh sat at the window of the visitor’s room, standing on his knees on a chair looking out to see Coach’s truck turn the far corner and make the long drive up towards the county home. The tension is Josh’s shoulders could be seen from orbit. Josh’s eyes were very keen, but as a boy does, he held his open fists to his eyes and looked thru his make-believe binoculars.

Suddenly, THERES THE TRUCK, ITS COACH!!!! Josh’s heart speeded up and is whole body began to slightly tremble with excitement. He tightened down his fists to see what Coach was wearing and true to his word, it was a flowery tshirt, just like the one Josh was wearing. It had been a gift to the boy to celebrate their approved time to be allowed out together with-out being supervised.

Josh, felt a twist in his bladder and ran quickly to the bathroom. He couldnt understand why his bladder did this every time Coach’s truck would appear at the far turn of the road. Josh quickly ran t the bathroom and remembered what Coach had told him about going #1. Tiger, dont pull ur pants and briefs down to go, just unfasten ur button and fly, ease out from the fly in ur briefs, aim properly and gently release. Josh did all these things, even if couch wouldnt see him, he knew it was how grown boys were supposed to use the urinal. He felt the relief and gave 1 shake, because thats what Coach said to do. He fixed his boyhood back inside his briefs and fastend his pants back up, then washed his hands with soap.

Josh ran to the numbered table in the lobby where Coach would come to find him. He sat with his back straight, feet flat on the floor and a smile on his face looking at the door. He could hear Coach talking to the Matron about Saturday and then saw them shaking hands as they came through the door to the lobby. Josh wanted to sprint across the room to Coach, but it was the rule. Sit still, behave or no dinner.

For Josh and Coach the time passed to quickly, Josh had become accustomed to holding Coach’s hand while they talked at the table. They would talk about school and how PE, history and math were so great and then slide into jets and race cars. Josh’s eyes rarely left Coach’s face and Coach would listen to Josh with attentiveness and warmth. Josh could almost feel a giggle every now and then inside his tummy, but he could never let it out. Coach never showed any thoughts of why Josh would not laugh and Josh never had a second thought about it.

Josh’s face moved from huge smile and light in his eyes to a neutral state when he heard the clock at the end of the lobby click to six pm. The time for visits had ended and Josh would need to say goodbye to the man he felt so strongly about. This time however, something changed in the parting. Coach’s hands moved under Josh’s armpits and lifted him from the small lowered table and up to his chest. Josh’s face lit up again as Coach’s face came close to his, there was a soft rubbing of noses. Josh could feel his heart leap as he wrapped arms and legs around this wonderful man whom came into his life just a few weeks ago.

After his dinner, of only 1 roll, 1 slice of bologna and a cup for watered orange drink, Josh went to the showers to clean up from the day. He didnt like this time of the day, it was the time when other boys would laugh at him and try to make him cry. In the past Josh would do just that, he’d collapse in tears in the shower and never understand why boys seemed to hate him so much. Josh, listened to hear who was in the showers and luckily only Bobby, the older boy who never paid any attention to Josh was there. Josh quickly showered and cleaned all of his body, even his boyparts and butt, because Coach said that stinky butts were a sign of a bad boy.

That night, Josh’s dreams changed. No longer was he chased by half boy dogs and the Matron with her punishemnt belt whipping through the air. No, tonight, Josh dreamed of Coach and how one day Coach would not only call him Tiger and a good boy. No, one day Coach would call him…. son.

Saturdays at the county home always started early, it was work day for all the boys who didnt have someone picking them up. Josh began his morning by dressing in his work clothes and getting ready for a day in the flower beds pulling weeds and popping dead head flowers. As he slipped on the rubber boots, he suddendly remembered. COACH IS COMING!!!! Josh quickly stripped out of all those work clothes and ran to the shower to get the smell of cow poop off of him. He heard the few lucky boys already being picked up as he ran back to his little bedroom to put the clothes Coach had bought for just today.

Josh sprinted down to the lobby and sat at his numbered table arriving just in time to hear Coach’s jovial voice chatting with another man who was picking up two teenagers to go camping with him. Josh held his breath and watched for Coach’s shadow to appear on the frosted glass doors. Josh’s heart was pumping, his body shook very slightly as he waited for the man he wanted to see smile at him. Then Coach stepped thru the door, wearing a matching colors for shirt and pants that Josh had on.

Then it happened, Coach stopped just inside the doors, moved to one knee and held out his arms. Josh froze seeing the man he was so wanting to be with open his arms out to him. Josh’s feet turned under him as he say, his legs flexed and his chest drew in a deep breath. Josh sprinted towards Coach and lept as far as he could to be caught in the arms of a man that would hold him the rest of his life.

Coach caught Josh in his hands and threw the light weight boy up into the air, then caught him in a swinging motion to land Josh onto his shoulders. Josh’s body seemed to know by instinct what to do, his legs opened to land then closed around Coach’s neck as he held both of his hands to Coach’s right hand. Josh was in heaven, he was on shoulders for the first time in his life and he loved it. Coach walked out the door, giving a whistling tune that Josh had heard on the radio in coach’s truck.

Off to the movies… before the movie began two men sat right infront of Josh’s view of the screen. He looked up at Coach and had dissappointment in his eyes. Coach simply smiled and lifted Josh up to straddle his crossed legs. It was the perfect seat Josh thought and felt Coach’s hand begin to rub his back and shoulders as the movie began.

During the movie, Josh leaned back to Coach’s chest, his head against Coach’s left pec muscle. It made the perfect pillow too, Josh thought. Coach began to rub Josh’s chest and tummy then down across his thighs. Josh had shorts on and felt Coach’s slightly rough hands massage his bare skin. Josh never wanted the movie to end. He was with coach, he was leaned back against him and his body never felt better. Josh’s mind drifted a little to enjoy being rubbed and felt his boyhood move in his briefs and stand up. He didnt know why, he didnt have to go #1, he looked down at the little tent in his shorts and wondered why it was like that. Josh shrugged to himself and returned to watching the movie.

After the movie, Josh whispered to coach that he had to go #2. coach put Josh on his shoulders and walked to the the crowded bathroom and waited for a stall to open up. Josh being the bashful boy he was, covered his eyes when he saw a man’s manhood going #1 into a urinal and hoped Coach didnt see him see the man. A stall opened up and Coach brought Josh down from his shoulders. Josh went in and coach closed the door for him. it wasnt long till Josh was finished, he made sure he cleaned up really good, even checking the paper to make sure it had no more dirt on it.

he stepped out to see Coach finishing his #1 and caught a glimpse of Coach’s manhood. He’d seen a few in his life, but Coach’s wants big, wasnt small, was…. well josh thought… what a man’s manhood should look like. But again, being a boy he covered his eyes till Coach asked him if he was okay. Josh nodded and the washed hands together in the sink.

At the pizza parlor, Josh ate two whole sliced all by himself. Coach said that he was a good boy for being careful about the sauce and rewarded him with a pat on his back and butt as they stood to go out to the truck. Josh was excited, it was SWIM TIME. Josh loved the water and couldnt wait to get to the beach for a swim with Coach.

when they arrived at the lake, Josh noticed no one else was there. His eyes scanned and scanned to see if anyone else was around, but nope just him and Coach. Josh shrugged as coach parked the truck near a big tree to keep it cool in the afternoon sun. When Coach carried him down to the beach with the beach bag over his other shoulder, Josh asked. Coach? where is everybody. Coach gave a small chuckle and explaned that this was his lake and that little cabin over there was his as well. Josh’s eyes and face showed amazement and then started to undress with Coach doing the same.

Josh had thought that the swim suits were in the bag , but Coach only brought out towels to sit on and to use to dry with. As Josh got to his briefs he finally asked, Coach wheres the swim trunks? Coach gave a knowing smile and answered, Tiger…. its just you and me at my lake. We dont need swim trucks do we? Josh thought for a moment then slipped out of his briefs as Coach slipped out of his boxers. Josh was always a good boy about folding clothes as well, and folded Coach’s clothes to make it look like they were hugging his.

the two were now bare and Coach lifted Josh to his chest and walked into the slightly cool water of the lake. Josh dipped his toes then feet and nodded that it was okay to be let down into the water. As Coach let him down, Josh accidently rubbed his tummy and chest over Coach’s manhood and it began to stir and stretch out. Josh covered his eyes and turned away. This is when Coach introduced Josh to “big guy”. Josh turned around bringing his hands down and looked up at coach’s kind face and looked at coach’s manhood and said. Hi big guy, I’m Josh. coach’s manhood flexed once and Josh smiled really big and asked, Coach do u think he knows im here? Coach nodded and said, yes he knows and he knows ur a good boy.

Josh reached a tentative and curious hand up to touch big guy and then Coach showed him how to hold him properly mid shaft inside his fist. Josh had that thought that all boys do in the back of his head asking himself…. aint this bad? then thought to himself, if it was bad then that meant Coach is a bad man… so….. its not bad and coach is smiling at me and showing me how to hold him properly. Josh stood close to Coach and decided that this was a good thing just for them and that he liked coach alot and even liked holding on to big guy. thats when Josh decided to take big guy as his friend and would talk to him just like he talks to coach.

i hope you enjoyed this first date with Josh and Coach. I will continue with another story soon… Please leave a comment if u can and give a good star rating too.

xxxooo Poppa of one.


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