Categories: PreTeenVirginVoyeur

I can’t stop thinking about her Sex Story for free – Y2Stories

I saw my 10 year old daughter masturbating on cctv and now I can’t stop picturing her naked. I don’t know what to do about it.

My daughter is 10 years old, her name is Charlotte, and she’s just like every other girl her age, giddy and wild, I still see her like she’s a baby, which in my eyes she is, 10 years old is nothing, she’s still a baby.

But what I saw last week changed that forever.

My wife and I have become comfortable leaving Charlotte home alone when we go to the local pub for a night out, it’s a safe area, and we’re only down the road, we make sure she locks the door, and I even installed a Wi-Fi security camera in her bedroom so we could monitor her and make sure she’s safe.

Charlotte was aware of the camera and that we use it just to make sure she’s safe, but on this particular night it seems she completely forgot that it was there.

It was about 10pm and I went to the toilet, whilst in there taking a dump I decided to take my phone out and just have a quick check on Charlotte, I activated the app and the image came through, the light was off in her bedroom but the camera had very good night-vision.

I saw her on her bed and knew she was safe, but as I looked closer and could see her moving around, I thought maybe she was having a bad dream or something so I zoomed in, she was underneath the covers, I could just see her head, she had her eyes closed and she looked like she was moaning with her mouth slightly open.

I watched her for a few minutes then she lifted her legs up underneath the covers and kicked the covers off, and she was completely naked, and she had something in her hand, holding it between her legs.

It was her mom’s back massager, which was basically a handle about 6-inches long with a vibrating ball on top of it, she was holding the ball against her pussy, I then realised what she was doing, my little girl was masturbating.

I quickly turned off my phone, seeing her doing that came as quite a shock, and I figured I shouldn’t be looking at that, but the image of her doing it wouldn’t leave my mind and I just had to have another look and check what I saw was actually what I saw, so I opened the app again.

And yes, she was definitely masturbating.

I zoomed the camera in further, seeing her full naked body laying on the bed, her legs spread open, rolling the ball of the massager around her bald pussy, and she was pressing hard too, I could actually see it squished hard against her pussy.

She was moving the massager around with one hand and rubbing her chest with the other, head back, eyes closed, moaning with pleasure, and I turned the camera microphone on low so I could hear her moans, there was a kind of sweetness in her moans.

But I still couldn’t believe what she was doing, my little baby girl doing this? – What?

Then she did something that really shocked me, she turned the massager around and pushed the handle inside her pussy, she was fucking the massager.
I was looking at her not like a father, but as a warm blooded man, and I could feel my cock swelling and becoming erect and I just couldn’t help myself, I started jerking off while watching and listening to Charlotte fuck the massager, in my mind, my sick dirty mind, it was as if I was right there fucking her and I was stroking my cock in sync with her pushing the massager handle up her pussy.

Then I started talking to her as if she could hear me, “Do you like how that feels, baby? – Yeah – You like my thick cock in your hole? – Ooooah yeaah!”

She fucked herself with the massager handle very fast, and she spread her skinny little legs wide open, she was doing the splits and then some, then she moaned out several times, extremely loud, so loud it made me jump and quickly turn my phones volume down again, she’d obviously come or orgasm.

So I jerked on my cock fast and ejaculated seconds afterwards, “Oooah.”, ejaculating sperm all over the back of toilet cubicle door and the floor.

Then I watched her rest briefly before she tucked the massager underneath her pillow, then she got out of bed and put on her pyjamas and got back in to bed and pulled the covers over herself, “Sweet dreams, baby-girl.” I said, kissing my phone screen.

Then I finished up and left the toilet, I warned a man that was coming in as I was leaving, “Watch your step there mate, there’s something slippery on the floor there, I think its soap.”

I stayed in the pub and my wife and I had a few more drinks and eventually got home at around midnight, my wife went and checked on Charlotte and I met her on the landing as I was coming up the stairs and she was coming out of Charlotte’s room, “She’s okay. She’s asleep.” She said to me.

“Ah okay. I’ll just be a minute, I want to give her a kiss goodnight.” I replied.

I went in to her room and sat on the edge of her bed and stroked her soft hair, she opened her eyes, “Hi Daddy.” She said.

“Hi baby – Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you.” I said, “Did you have a good night?” I asked her.

“Yeah.” She said.

“What did you get up to?” I asked her.

She shrugged, “Just watched TV.” She replied.

“Oh okay…” I said, then I put my hand underneath her pillow and pulled out the massager, “…You should find a better place to hide this so you’re mom doesn’t find it.” I said.

She looked at me with surprise as to how I knew it was there, then she quickly looked up at the ceiling in the cover of her room, right at the camera, when she looked back at me I could tell by the look in her eyes that she had just figured it out, she had remembered there was a camera and knew I must have seen her and what she was doing.

She looked worried so I put her mind at ease, I leaned down to her ear, “Don’t worry, it’s our secret, okay.” I whispered.

She smiled at me, “Okay, Daddy.” She whispered back.

I gave her a kiss and then tucked her in and said goodnight as I left.

For the last week all I can think about, all that I keep seeing in my head when I close my eyes, is Charlotte, laying naked on her bed, masturbating, and making those wonderful noises, every time I relive it in my head it turns me on.

The only thing that has helped me control my urges is that my wife has been there all week, I’ve fucked my wife every night this week while thinking about Charlotte, pretending she is Charlotte, and it has helped me a lot.

But my wife is going out tomorrow night to a birthday party and leaving me alone in the house with Charlotte, and I know I am going to struggle being alone with her.

I don’t know what to do.

Any advice on how I should handle this? – do I lock myself in my room so I can’t get near her and do something I may regret, or do I talk to her and see if she “Needs a hand” doing it to herself, I don’t know.

This is either every fathers dream, or every father’s worst nightmare.

God I can’t stop thinking about her beautiful naked body.


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