I Need Some Advice. I’m Feeling Lost In Life Sex Story for free – Y2Stories

My name is Anna, I’m 14, and I’ve been living with my boyfriend and girlfriend for a few years, but lately things haven’t been the same.

My name is Anna and I’m 14 years old.

I used to live with my parents up until a few years ago. They were the worst. Imagine the most strict parents you can imagine and then make it ten times worst. My father was a pastor and my mother was all up in the church business. As a result they were extremely controlling and protective of me to an extreme. Always telling me what to wear, who I could and couldn’t be with, yelling at me for not doing this or that, and always grounding me for the smallest things. They would also hit me all the time. I didn’t do more morning prayer, that was a spanking. I talked back to my mom, that was a slap in the face… you get the idea.

And then I met Andrew and Samantha. At the time I was just 11. Andrew was 21 and Samantha, his girlfriend, was 16. I had been walking home from school when I ran into them and I don’t know what it was, but something just drew me to them and I couldn’t help but say hello.

From there, they immediately took a liking to me and I guess I sort of developed a crush on them. They were exciting, amazing, and just everything I wanted to be. They were living a free life. No adults to tell them what to do, no rules to follow. Just wandering the world living life as they wanted.

Andrew had apparently inherited some money form his parents so he didn’t need a job, and Samantha had ran away from home to be with Andrew so the two had been doing whatever they felt like since.

The idea of that type of life amazed me and learning about my situation, they were quick to offer me to come with them. To runaway from slave life, as they called it, and experience true freedom.

It was a scary prospect, but seeing the beauty of them and the kindness in their eyes, I accepted. That day my walk home was not to my parents’ house, but to my new home, an apartment Andrew and Samantha lived in across town.

From that day on, Andrew and Samantha opened my eyes to a whole new world of life. The let me do all the things my parents never let me enjoy. I got to stay up late, I got to try fast food, I got to watch TV, and I got to dress however I wanted.

And then they began to show me knew thing I could never have imagined. They showed me the pleasure of kissing. Not just in kissing a boy, but also kissing a girl. They showed me how good it felt to be touched in those areas adults say never to let people touch. Oh how amazing that feeling was to have Andrew’s and Samantha’s fingers groping me and touching my holes.

And then they taught me about sex!

Oh how amazing the feeling of sex is!

I was scared of course. Doubting everything that led me up to that moment. Even when they started, the pain I felt as Andrew’s cock entered me. It hurt so much, but Samantha was by my side, holding my hand and whispering words of courage, and then the pain began to turn to pleasure and that pleasure became an addiction.

They showed me so many ways to have sex. Different positions a boy can fuck a girl, the ways two girls can fuck each other, oral sex, and even anal sex. I remember one day, the day they first introduced me to alcohol, Andrew had me giving him a blowjob while Samantha had a strap on and was fucking my pussy. Suddenly in the middle of it she began pouring lube on my ass before thrusting into my butthole. I was so wasted that I didn’t even register the pain until the next day. We also had sex in so many places. In the shower, in the kitchen, outside, in the pool. It was so much fun. And the toys Samantha would find always made things more interesting.

So all in all, my life with Andrew and Samantha has been amazing!

But recently I don’t know. The fun and excitement just isn’t there anymore and lately they don’t want to go out and do anything exciting like we used to. All they want to do is have sex and drink. And sex is fun and all I guess, but it just doesn’t feel the same. In fact sometimes it isn’t fun. I know that as their girlfriend I’m supposed to make them happy, but it can just be hard, but I don’t want to make them unhappy.

I know that as boyfriend and girlfriends we should be willing to please one another whenever the other wants it, but it can be exhausting. Like this morning, I was so sore from the previous night’s sex, but then they wanted me to join them in having sex again! My mouth was so sore from eating out Samantha and Andrew was very rough when he fucked me that morning. I still have red marks and bruises from it.

And that’s another thing, they’ve gotten so much rougher with me. And I’ve brought it up, but they just told me I’ll get used to it. I trust them, but I wish I could get used to it faster. The only thing that helps is when I drink, but then I feel so icky later. I don’t know. Some times… it just feels like I’m not really there. Like they’re just using me. They’ll tie me up, fuck me, have me eat them out and the things they want to do get weirder and weirder like the one time Andrew and Samantha wanted me to give them a ‘tongue bath’ that was nasty. But I knew it would make them happy so I did it.

But they still treat me well and try new things to make me happy. Like one time they wanted to roleplay with me being a princess, and they pampered me all throughout the day. That was fun… up until Andrew pretended to be a barbarian and he fucked me ass painfully hard…

I don’t know what to do. I’ve tried bringing it up to them before, but they’ll just get angry and say that I’m a terrible girlfriend for not wanting to make them happy, and they say if I don’t want to be their girlfriend anymore than I’ll have to leave. I don’t want to leave. I can only imagine what terrible things my parents will do if I go home. They’ve told me about people who are like my parents and what they do to their kids that do what I’ve done.

I feel lost and need advice. But I can’t write much now, Samantha’s calling me to the bedroom. She bought some new toy she calls a sibean? Sybian? And she wants to see me use it while I take some sort of ‘happy pills’ as Andrew called it. If you have any advice I’d appreciate it and I’ll give an update maybe if anything changes.


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