I started work in a old people’s home aged 16 part 2 Sex Story for free – Y2Stories.Com

I worked in a old people’s home and one of the residents took advantage of me

I was thinking about what he meant about touching me I didn’t really want a 80 year old man touching my private parts so I didn’t bring it back up I continued wanking him and letting him cum on my tits ,that turned me on my panties were getting wetter every time then one day he asked me to lift up my skirt as I wanked him,I refused to do it till he offered me £ 30 ,I didn’t have any nice underwear on just plain black panties not even skimpy one’s but I did as he asked and as soon as I lifted it I felt his cock go harder his eyes lit up as he stared at my very plain black panties.

I was now sitting skirt up top off wanking him but all I thought of was the money and also could feel my pussy juices building up as I got him ready to cum,he didn’t ask but I let his cock shoot it’s cum over my panties more for me than him I had never had cum between my legs before and his face watching was amazing but I still didn’t realise he was grooming me for more, this went on for a few weeks .

The money I was getting I was buying nice clothes with and a new phone it was great and then one Friday night I was working the night shift my first and when it was time for him to be changed for bed I did the usual strip him off and he wanted a wank so I took off my tunic, bra and lifted my skirt up and he rolled to his draw and opened it and pulled out £100 and said go totally naked and it’s yours as he said it his cock was solid,I stuttered I can’t show you my pussy and he replied £100 and I’ve seen everything else I was thinking that’s 2 days wages and I just said yes and took off my skirt and panties and my shoes and socks I was naked he lay back on the bed and patted next to him lay here as you do it he said I did and I could feel myself burning as he handed me the money and I reached for his cock ,he had never touched me before and all off a sudden he turned and his hands went between my legs feeling my pussy George i said no please dont no touching remember but he ignored me and i tried pushing him away buy he was big as i said earlier and his fingers pushed into my pussy , i must admit it felt good as he fingered me I had let go off his cock as his fingers probed me and he said Tanya is that good, no George i said no touching as i just lay back as his fingers did there work on my pussy i hadn’t felt this way before my eyes were closed as i climaxed and cum i was shaking and i felt a weight on me NO GEORGE I SAID NO GEORGE as i felt his finger come out of me and he was pushing his cock in NO NO please i was saying but he pushed and my lips opened and he entered me it felt as if he was splitting me as i felt his whole cock in me and he pulled back and then thrust in and out .

I started to cry as I realised I had just lost my virginity to a 80 year old man I just lay there crying as he thrust in and out I was having orgasm after orgasm I couldn’t stop them,then it happened he went faster and I felt his warm sperm squirt into me I felt 6 lots and he rolled over onto his back and said you earned your £100 for that as I felt his cum leak out of me ,I cried and he said you can’t tell anyone as you’ve been taking money of me for a month now but don’t worry I will pay you every time and I know you like the money so will want more , I sorted myself out getting ready and wiped away my tears and went about my other duties , i realised that he had groomed me into doing things for money I should of known better but I had never had much money .

I went on my rounds and had got over what had happend and it was time to check on George and as I went in her was asleep thank god and I went and checked on the rest on the rooms I had then I went sit in the lounge for a while I was thinking of what had happend and I could feel my pussy getting wet I had enjoyed it more than I thought and as I sat I moved my hand between my legs and had a play with my pussy was I a slut for doing it or was I just naive all I know is I’m not a virgin anymore and I realised that he had cum in me and I wasn’t on the pill ,I was playing with my pussy when I heard another member of staff come up I stopped and he came in it was a lad who had started the same time as me he was a few years older than me and we got talking and he asked if I was liking it I told him it was ok and is getting better he told me the same and asked if I had a boyfriend i told him no and he said he didn’t have a girl friend and we chatted till it was time to go check again and he asked if he could drive me home when we finish, i told him i would think about it.

On the rounds when I got to George’s it was the time to get him ready ,I wasn’t going to have sex with him again this morning no matter what he said ,when I went in his room he was sitting in his chair watching TV wearing only his robe and when he saw me he opened it and said morning wood ,I had no idea what he was on about but he explained men wake up with a hard on and need to wank and he wanted me to do it and he asked me and also said how I felt after last night I was bright red as he asked I didnt answer but I did give him a wank and it didn’t take long for him to cum ,which I had to clean up and he said tonight the same as last night and smiled as I started getting him ready I could feel him groping my tits as I dressed him he was a horny old man and I was his toy but for the money I didn’t mind I would save it up and as I thought of that I was getting wet and hot.

When George stood up he was over 6ft and big build if he tried anything again I would never be able to stop him ..but all I really thought of was his big cock how it felt inside me , after I got him ready it was time for me to finish and as I walked out the lad asked if I wanted a lift I thought why not as it was a long bus journey so I got in his car and he started driving and nothing happened between us but he made me laugh and he asked if I wanted a lift into work for tonights shift I told him ok.

When I was home I went to have a sleep and lay in bed naked and was playing with my pussy and tits saying to myself George do it again put your massive cock in me and it didn’t take long before I was having a orgasm from my fingers and I fell asleep ,when I woke up I sorted out my work clothes and decided that I would wear a nice matching bra and panties white with clouds on and I got ready and waited for the lad to pick me up ,his name was john ,he turned up a bit early and I let him in my mother was out at work and we sat chatting for a while and I noticed him looking at me staring at my tits through my tunic and looking at my legs , I just blurted out you like what your seeing ,I don’t even know why I said that as he said back to me very much but would rather see what’s under neath that tunic and I laughed and said maybe one day as we got up to go to work .

At 8 it was time to get them ready for bed so I left George till last as I knew what was going to happen ,working my way around the men I noticed all their cocks and I had never noticed before but George’s was definitely the biggest and it was time for his room so I entered and he was sitting dressed and she said are you ready again as he pointed to the money on the drawers ,I nodded and blushed as he stood up and said do I need to make you or are you ready ,I stammered I’m ready as I started to undress him as usual he was hard and I put my hand around his cock my fingers didn’t touch as I started to wank him he lay back on the bed as I lay next to him he started to unbutton my tunic, it opened to reveal my matching bra and panties beautiful he said just for me i hope as he asked me to lean forward so he could take off my bra as I lent forward my face was nearly touching his cock and I felt his hand on the back of my head pushing my head down, he said suck my cock as he pushed my lips touched it,I stopped wanking i hadn’t done this before what did I do as he pushed a bit more and i opened my mouth, his cock tip was pusging against my lips ,it went in suck me as you wank me i tried but his cock was so big filling my mouth and he was bucking into me i was gagging as i felt it pop into my throat he said yes thats it baby girl as i chocked as he pushed his cock down my throat i was struggling to breathe as he pulled out, the slaver was dripping out my mouth i had never had a cock in my mouth before it felt as if my mouth was streched as he told me time to put it in your small pussy.

Part 3 to follow he introduces Jimmy to me without asking


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