In search of Sophie 3 Sex Story for free 2024 – Y2Stories

Sophie Yildiz is a young girl navigating adolescence and school when she attracts the attention of a dangerous pervert (PART 3)


Chapter 17
As he entered his own abode, things got a lot more real for Edward Pembroke. His knees were shaking as he brought the van to a stop inside his garage. He closed the doors, hoping that nobody would have noticed it pull in.
He went to the wooden box in the back and opened it. He could hear and see the black sack rise and fall with the breath of the girl inside and heard her whimpering. She could wait, he thought. He went into his house, and by habit went straight to his mother, who was sleeping on her chair. “Hello mother” he said, “let’s get you sorted.” He took his mother to the toilet and helped change her clothes and wipe her. It was not pleasant, but he knew he would have to do this for another, different human being very soon.
He winced as he looked at himself in the mirror. Long scratch marks marked his face that might stay there for days. He was so glad he was off school for summer. He had some makeup as part of his disguise portfolio, and after tentatively applying some concealer he realised he could hide it adequately. As long as he did not mix with people he knew well, it was likely no one would notice. And Pembroke had no close friends.
For Sophie, the sound of the driver leaving the vehicle and the van engine’s silence was ominous —she knew this could be the end of the line. The quiet pressed down on her, amplifying the pain that throbbed through her legs, arms, torso, and face. Each breath felt harder than the last, the gag in her mouth stifling the air she needed. Panic gripped her chest, making it even worse. Blindfolded and alone, she strained to hear any sound, but there was nothing.
The emptiness around her felt like a trap closing in. In the darkness, she fumbled with trembling fingers, desperately searching for anything she could use to get out of her bounds.
Pembroke opened up the van door. The wooden box looked like a coffin, which it may well have become for Sophie. He looked first for the detritus around the van. He scooped up the remaining zip ties, the bag containing her clothes, and the pieces of her laptop. He had checked the make, like most laptops it did not have an automatic tracking ability.
He looked at the time. It was a little before 1 O’clock. With luck, the school would not have contacted her mother and no one would yet have raised the alarm she was missing. So much had happened for him and young Sophie, and it was only lunchtime.
Pembroke took a dolly from his garage, and pulled the wooden box out of the van, propped it upright, and wheeled it out of the garage towards his house.
The sudden creak of van doors opening sent a jolt through Sophie’s body. The sounds of shuffling movement grew from outside the box. Then, without warning, the box lurched backward, and her head smacked into the top as it shifted. The force of the movement made her ears ring, and the sudden jolt of pain heightened her fear.
Before she could brace herself, the box tilted vertically, a sickening motion that made her stomach lurch. It felt precarious, as if it could tip over at any moment, sending her crashing to the ground. She felt her container moving over unsteady ground as if it were now on wheels, but still she could not see a thing nor was there any voice outside, a grim reminder that whatever was happening next was out of her control.
Pembroke wheeled the box towards his back door and carefully pulled it up over the step and in through his door. He could feel Sophie inside moving from side to side, nearly causing it to fall over which would injure her even more. He held it steady and continued wheeling it through his home. His mother remained impassively staring from her chair as the wooden box passed in front of her.
Transporting the box down the steps to the basement would be too much. He locked his back door to stop any unwelcome visitors, and prepared himself for the next bit. He opened up the box, and looked at the writhing, mewing girl only partly visible under the sack wrapped around her. She had long since stopped making loud noises and only the loud gasping of her breath echoed around his hallway. The smell however was repulsive.
Carrying a fair young captured maiden to her new abode had been a nice fantasy but he was always prepared for the reality that Sophie would not be in the best shape after being brutally kidnapped. He picked her up in his arms. Sophie flinched at the human touch as she was lifted in mid air. Her head was covered and she still could not see anything other than the sense of bright light and heavy breathing from whomever was holding her. Feeling helpless she went limp, as Pembroke carried her carefully down the stairs, down through the two open and inviting doors, to his basement; her new home.
The basement/dungeon was still a work in progress. The cell in the corner was complete, but his workplace was still cluttered and sealed off with a large shower-type curtain around it in the opposite corner facing the cell. There were two showers, one in the cell, and one from the wall just outside it. Pembroke carefully set Sophie down underneath the latter. He did not release her other than unzipping the bag. Her head was still hooded but her body was exposed. Pembroke could see her top still clothed in her blouse and bra. Her hands still tied behind her back. Her legs were bare other than her blue panties. He turned on the shower. It was ice cold, there would be time for comfort later.
He reached down to her hip, and impulsively gripped the panties with both hands and pulled with all his strength like he was the incredible hulk. Growling, he managed to tear them apart and then rip them off her. He then pointed the shower at her bare crotch, cleaning the filth away as it circled the drain and rinsed her torn panties. Methodically he power hosed her buttocks and bare crack and pussy before peeling her away from the shower area and turning off the shower.
Sophie had felt her fear spike when the sack came off her body as she felt her bare legs exposed. She bit down in terror on her gag as she felt rough hands yank at her panties to the animalistic growling of her captor, and the tearing sound as they came off seemed to reverberate in whatever room she was in. Now naked from the waist down, she hyperventilated, thinking now it would happen; now she would be raped. Bracing herself for that, she was not prepared for the ice cold stream of water that hit her skin and her eyes popped out of her head in the darkness as her body felt like it was attacked by a thousand icy knives.
Pembroke still did not speak. The hooded girl was still anonymous to him and this was not a particularly pleasant task. He did not want this to be his introduction. Instead, he picked a towel and rubbed rubbed around her crotch and between her legs. Her red pubic hair indicated she had not shaved for the meeting with Stanley. He made a note to punish her for this.
The wet torn panties were thrown in a rubbish bin. He went to some drawers and took out a clean, fresh pair of white panties, with slight purple lining and bow at the front. He sniffed them, they had no scent of course, at least not yet. He went back to the gargling figure prone on the ground, and with a knife, cut off her ankle ties.
Sophie felt her ankles become free, but she was too tired and sore to do much with her legs. They were cramped and bruised and she put up little resistance as she felt the stranger put on a pair of panties through her feet and pulled them up over her crotch. She squeezed her thighs together, to feel the cotton between her legs and she felt a little safer.
Pembroke disappeared upstairs. In the silence, Sophie remained on the ground. She could move her legs, but could barely sit up. She could not see, for all she knew he was still there. What should she even try to do?
She heard steps approaching. Pembroke had brought down her things including the rest of her school uniform, and some medicine.
He saw her body jump and her spine distend in agony as he swabbed her bloody knees with antisceptic. He peeled her socks off and checked her feet were OK. It was as his hands moved north of her knees around her crotch and over her pelvis to assess her abdomen that his libido awoke. He could barely believe he was touching the object of his desire, he glided his hand along her smooth slim thighs and along the ridges of her hips and traced a finger along her concave belly very lightly, as if it were a dream and if he touched her too strongly he would wake up.
She tried to kick him away, and he quickly moved one leg over her thighs which immediately blocked all movement. He spotted bruising over her stomach, he hoped he had not injured her badly internally. He had punched her pretty hard and her slim tiny waist looked so delicate compared to the punching bag he had been used to. He poked his finger into her belly button and imagined with enough force he could burrow his way through her. Her rippling tummy muscles were like a little storm of tight flesh reacting to his touch.
He snapped out of it and checked his watch. He was not out of the woods yet. He ran his hands over her back and her breasts to check for wounds. Her elbows were bloody as were her hands and they were swabbed too. Her neck was red from where he had throttled and might be heavily bruised tomorrow. Her face was still hooded.
He quickly grabbed her skirt, pulled it up over her hips and fastened it. He pulled her to her feet and marched her into the cell. He sat her down on her cell bench and paused to fix his hair in a last minute bid to make himself look reasonably presentable.
Her hood was ripped off, and blinding light flooded Sophie’s senses. Her eyes stung from the sudden burst of brightness, everything blurred from the disorienting hours spent in darkness. She squinted, tears welling up as her vision struggled to adjust. Slowly, shapes came into focus. The first thing she saw was the hulking silhouette looming over her.
The man seemed to be a towering brute, dressed in black from head to toe. His belly bulged beneath his shirt, while his shoulders were broad like a builder’s. His arms, looked to Sophie to be as thick as tree trunks, ending in massive hands, each finger a blunt instrument of menace. He glared down at her, nostrils flaring with each heavy breath. His mouth was twisted into a twisted grin, lips peeled back to reveal yellowing teeth. His eyes were hungry, filled with a predatory gleam.
A chill ran down Sophie’s spine as his gaze bore into her. He exuded a raw, primal aggression, as if he could snap her in two without breaking a sweat. The air around him seemed to grow colder, and each second under his glare felt like an eternity. She could not say anything through her gag.
“Welcome, Sophie. Welcome to your new home.”
Sophie’s face was a mess of tears, sweat, and snot, her matted red hair sticking to her cheeks and forehead. The chaotic strands framed her face, but it was those eyes—those wide, electric blue unblinking eyes staring at him—that held his attention. They seemed like twin beacons of raw emotion. The sheer terror radiating from them was palpable. It wasn’t just fear—it was a desperate, primal dread. The way her pupils dilated and trembled, the way her lips quivered around her prominent red ball gag with each sob, made Pembroke almost step back in fright himself.
He pulled out the swab again, dabbing her face and applying antiseptic to the cuts on her cheek and lip. The sharp sting smarted her, but the touch was almost gentle compared to what had come before. Sophie felt a fleeting sense of relief—until she saw him pull out the knife. Her breath caught in her throat as the blade flashed under the light, gleaming with a cold menace. His eyes followed her chest as it heaved, watching each panicked rise and fall. She tried to kick, but he pinned her down with his massive hand, the pressure crushing any hope of escape. She felt the steel against her back, the cold edge of the knife tracing a line down her spine.
Her heart pounded in her ears as he cut through the ties around her wrists. Each second seemed to stretch into an eternity, the sound of the knife sawing through the bindings almost drowned out by the thudding of her own pulse.
The bindings snapped, and she felt her arms fall free, but the relief was fleeting. The knife was still in his hand, and his expression was anything but friendly. He held her down, the threat of violence hanging in the air like a dark cloud.

He stepped back, still holding the knife. “Now, Sophie,” he said, his voice dripping with icy calm, “you can unbutton your gag at the back of your head yourself.”
Sophie hesitated, her heart hammering. She slowly reached back, her fingers trembling as they searched for the clasp. The knife was still in his hand, his gaze unyielding, as if daring her to make a wrong move.
She found the button and fumbled with it, her fingers slippery from sweat. It was like the clasp was mocking her, refusing to yield to her desperate efforts. Finally, the gag came loose, and she pulled it away, letting it fall to the floor with a thud. Her mouth was dry and felt like it was on fire. She coughed and spluttered, the air feeling foreign after hours of being held open by the gag’s relentless pressure.
She gulped in air, her throat sore and raw. As her jaw slowly adjusted to the new-found freedom, she glanced at him, she was now completely untied and back in her school uniform, less her socks and shoes, tie and blazer. Her knees were drawn together as if to preserve modesty and the unspoken sexual violence that seemed to be in the air.
The man backed out of the cell, drawing the door across and locking it with a heavy clang. Sophie took a moment to scan her surroundings. She was confined in a cell made of some transparent material, like Plexiglas or thick glass, measuring about ten feet by ten feet. The cell was tucked into a corner of a large basement, with two of its walls being the existing brick walls of the basement.
Through the clear walls, Sophie could see into the larger basement area. It was expansive, a vast space with a high ceiling and mostly empty. However, one corner was obscured by curtains, where various tools were scattered on the floor. The hidden section added a sense of unease; who knew what might be lurking there?
Sophie’s gaze flicked back to the locked door. There were no obvious handles or mechanisms from her side—just the smooth, seamless transparency of the Plexiglas or glass, making escape seem impossible. She then looked back to the man on the other side.
He seemed a little more ordinary now, a weathered face of a about sixty, with a double chin and blotchy skin. He looked at her just as so many men did, but now she was at the complete mercy of this ugly great beast.
“Who are you? What are you doing with me?” Sophie squeaked, her voice trembling with fear.
“I’m Stanley, who did you think I was?” His tone was almost cheerful, laced with a twisted glee. “Don’t you recognize my voice?” He leaned in, his voice shifting to the mocking impersonation. “You weren’t going to meet me, were you? Eh? So I made sure you did. I kidnapped you, and now you’re here. No one can save you.”
Sophie shuddered as his words sank in. “No, please, let me go,” she pleaded, her voice barely more than a whisper. “I just want to go home. People will be looking for me. They’ll find me, and you’ll get in trouble. If you let me go, I won’t tell anyone, okay?”
Pembroke chuckled. “Really? Why should I let you go? Convince me. If you can make a good case, maybe I’ll consider it. But if I don’t believe you, well, then you’re staying right here. So, what’s it gonna be? How would anyone even find you down here?”
Sophie felt a surge of panic. What could she say to convince him? Her mind raced, her thoughts a jumbled mess. She needed to think of something, anything, that might sway him.
She took a deep breath, trying to steady herself. “If you don’t let me go, eventually someone will find out. You’ll be hunted.” She thought of her notes. “I have told people I’m meeting you.”
“Who? Who did you tell?” Pembroke queried her. He tried to hide his genuine concern. “I told… I told my mum…” Sophie’s voice almost went to a cry “I told people on the train, I told people… I…”
“How? You had no phone. I was watching you, you didn’t have your laptop out.” Pembroke grew a little nervous. He had not expected her to bring her laptop.
“Yes I … I …” Sophie was a terrible liar and Pembroke sensed it. “People will know… they will look online…” her voice trailed off. She started to sob and realised there was a very good chance nobody knew where she was and even if they did, this man might kill her anyway. “Please… please let me go… I don’t want to die… I want to go back home.”
Tears streamed down her cheeks. Her sobs came in heaving waves, each one making her shoulders shake and her chest tighten, her cries growing louder as she let the pain and fear overwhelm her. Her breath hitched with every desperate inhale. Pembroke looked at her, he was not used to this god like power over another human. He had feared he would be weak, but instead, her tears turned him on. He was confident his plan had gone well.
“Why did you bring your laptop?” he asked sharply. “WHY?”

Sophie paused her crying, she did not want the man to come back into the cell. “My mum, my mum told me to bring it for school, I didn’t want to bring it…”
Pembroke tried to process this. “So you have not used it?” “No, mister I swear I didn’t use it!” She was not very good at this, he thought. She should be persuading him that she had alerted people but instead was doing the opposite. “What did you say to people, tell me what you told them.”
“I told them, nothing. I did everything you asked. I just want to go home, please, if you must, do something, but please, let me go afterward.”
Pembroke felt satisfied. He needed to be off.
“All right, listen. For now, you are my captive but consider this your trial. You will remain here for a few hours until I get back. Then we will discuss the future. Do you have anything you need to say to me for now?”
“You… you will leave me here?” she asked “I will return soon. For now, just relax and use the toilet if you need to, the water comes out of that fountain. Are you hungry?” Sophie shook her head.
Pembroke smiled, and left the basement. He locked the doors behind him leaving the lights on. He went upstairs to shower and change.
Meanwhile, Sophie took a further look at the basement through the transparent walls. Facing her on the opposite wall, was a full length painting of a naked girl in nothing but blue knickers. Sophie looked closer, standing up and pressing against the glass. She swallowed hard, it was a portrait of her, it was a copy of a photo she had been sent by Stanley. She looked again at the black curtains covering the other corner of the basement, and sat back down on the bench, drawing her knees up to her chin. She took some comfort she was still clothed in school uniform but wished with all her heart she was back in class right now.
Pembroke took the train to London, in new clothes, dark glasses, cap and jacket and concealer covering his facial injuries. As he got to Liverpool Street Station, he walked casually towards the locker area. It was now nearly 4pm. School would be out, and perhaps Sophie would be missing. The station was busy with people and there was no reason for anyone to suspect a man like Pembroke casually making his way to the lockers, opening one, pocketing the padlock, taking out the phone, and fake camera, and swiping it down for fingerprints. He looked at the phone and saw a mass of notifications come up. A pity, he thought, but he could not take this with him for fear of it tracking him and so he turned it off.
He walked out of the station, across the street, and dumped the phone and fake camera in a public bin inside a McDonalds bag. He then popped into a pub, he needed a pint.
The Friday afternoon was starting to get busy with young office workers. He noted the pretty young barmaids who barely looked at him, and the office girls in their short skirts sipping cocktails. Sophie’s frantic stare flashed into his mind, that was the only serious look he would ever get from girls. As he listened to high pitched giggle of young women in their shirts and pencil skirts and pretty trim figures, he thought of how many times he had longed for their contact, their sympathy, their touch. But now, he had his own perfect little slave, who would be making up for all these stuck-up pretty little bitches, he smugly thought, as he finished his pint.
As he left, he took a longing glance back at the pretty young barmaid, with nose piercing, blue dyed hair, gorgeous slavic features, who looked about eighteen. She wore a vest top with pierced belly button on display above tight low slung jeans displaying a bit of thong. He almost dared her to make eye contact, to say something to him, or screw up her nose at him. He wanted her to know, that while she might find him repulsive or invisible, if he really wanted to have her, she too would end up naked and locked up in his basement and there would be nothing that could stop it once he put his mind to it.
With a new found sense of power, he got on his way to get the train out of London and back to Sophie.
Chapter 18

In East London, the hot summer sun beat down as a group of schoolgirls poured out of their school, filling the streets with their lively chatter in their short skits and bare legs. They were buzzing with excitement about Dilan’s party, which was happening the next day, and their laughter echoed with the promise of a fun-filled evening. “I wonder if Sophie is coming, anyone hear from her today?” it was Thalia, who had texted her but had received no response. None of the girls could say or care, they were too preoccupied with the chat of parties, boys and music to fill the summer.
Teresa Yildiz hurried home after her shift. She had passed a group of school girls with Sophie’s uniform on the way, and was not surprised that she had not come home yet. She supposed she was still soaking up the summer sun in the park. She smiled to herself, she was happy that her withdrawn and shy young daughter was finally coming out of her shell. She had seemed happier over the last few weeks but had seemed very worried this past week about something.
Teresa, though had something else on her mind. She had a tinder with Brad, an American investment banker. Teresa stripped off and checked herself in the mirror. She was forty two years old, still with a slim waist but with crows eyes, and thinning lips. Her strawberry blonde hair and green eyes had once bewitched young men but the years of minimum wage work, raising two young girls by herself, and a bottle of wine nearly every week had taken their toll.
Still, she smiled as she rubbed her fingers over her waxed pussy, she still had it and could attract handsome young men like Brad, who seemed to be loaded with money. This would be their third date, and she hopped in the shower before trying on her prettiest black lingerie and stockings, hoping it would not be too hot, then her little black dress. She hurried out, and held her breath as she heard another gaggle of young girls. She did not want Sophie to see her like this, she knew she was a little prudish and would not approve!
Edward Pembroke was on the train back to Willowbridge, his local station in Norfolk. He was buzzing from the alcohol and the success of his venture so far. The train was full of commuters going home for the weekend and he allowed himself to perve over some of the office girls.
On his walk home, he watched the girls cavort and stroll around in their skimpy shorts and skirts and tops. He stopped and bought an ice cream and allowed himself to luxuriate in further fantasies. One girl with dark hair was walking with her friends in tight short denim shorts which showcased her butt cheeks, and her nipples protruded out of her tight red vest top. If he wanted, he could have her. He smiled to himself – ‘yes, just follow her, find out something about her, I just need one clue, and if it takes one, two or three months, that little bitch can join Sophie in my dungeon.’
Eventually, he moved on. A sense of apprehension grew as he got home. He kissed his mother on the forehead, and went to his laptop beside her on the sofa. He clicked into his secure personal server, and was able to view the closed circuit camera footage of his dungeon.
He smiled in triumph as he watched poor Sophie, in her school uniform of blouse and skirt, but now barefoot, sitting on her bench in the cell. She was playing with her hair, one leg drawn up in a semi lotus position. He switched cameras, and was gratified with a view up her skirt to see the white triangle of her panties.
Chapter 19

“Sophie, you might know me as Stanley, and for now, that’s what you can call me until we decide what’s next for you. I won’t leave you in limbo forever, don’t worry.” Pembroke flashed a sympathetic smile, the same smile he’d used in front of his dimmer students when they gave him a hopeful but very wrong answer.
“Now, I know you’re a good girl, so you understand that in class, you don’t speak without permission, and you answer when asked. So, I’m going to repeat the question: Have you used the shower in your cell to clean yourself?”
Sophie hesitated, her voice barely above a whisper. “No, I didn’t. I don’t need to. But I’m hurt. I need a doctor. Please, can I get out of here? Please don’t… don’t hurt me. I just want to go home.” Her voice was cracking, and she was fighting back tears at Pembroke’s unnervingly cheerful yet authoritarian demeanor.
Pembroke’s smile widened slightly, but it didn’t reach his eyes. “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves, Sophie. We’ll address your needs soon enough. But for now, I just need you to answer my question. Have you used the shower? It’s important to stay clean, especially when you’re injured.”
Sophie’s mood then changed, she changed from a frightened captive to surly schoolgirl. She pulled down her skirt, hugged her shoulders, and looked down at the ground beside her, tightening her crossed legs together. “I don’t need a shower. I need you to let me go.” She did not meet his eye, but there was a touch of anger in her voice. He knew from experience from his pupils he had to nip this in the bud.
“LISTEN, GIRL!” Pembroke shouted as he shot to his feet. Sophie jolted, her eyes going wide with shock and terror. Her legs snapped open, and she quickly planted both feet firmly on the ground to steady herself. Her hands clenched into tight fists, which she held close to her chest, as if bracing for a blow. The sudden shift in Pembroke’s mood caught her off guard, as she stared up at him like a deer in headlights, unsure of what he might do next.
Pembroke enjoyed her discomfort, and he relaxed his face to a smile. She really was a meek, timid little girl who could be threatened and bullied. Her splayed legs now revealed her white panties up her skirt. As he sat down, his eyes fixated on them.
“It’s a little unladylike to reveal yourself like that Sophie” he chuckled. She instinctively shot her arms down, pulled her skirt forward up her thighs, and brought her knees together, flustered. “Haha, I much prefer those cute white knickers I put on you, to those boring blue shorts you wore. Why did you wear those, by the way? I told you to wear something sexy. You weren’t… disobeying me were you?”
“No… no… sorry.” Sophie could barely get the words out. She felt naked in front of this man, she could only hope he would not rape her, or hurt her. She had no weapons to use on him, she was completely at his mercy.
“Anyway, I think this is the third or fourth time I have asked you this. Have you taken a shower? If you don’t answer this time, I may have to discipline you, and I don’t want to do that, I have been very tolerant to you so far. So please answer the question.”
“No” was Sopie’s soft response.
“Well don’t worry, I’ll make sure your wounds are cleaned up when I lock you back in your cell. Let’s take care of those nasty cuts and bruises.” Pembroke briefly disappeared behind the curtained area and emerged with a wad of cotton wool and a bottle of antiseptic. “Stay put and don’t make a fuss. I won’t make you undress, but I do need you to sit still. Be a good girl, won’t you?”
Sophie sat rigidly, her heart hammering in her chest as Pembroke dabbed the foul-smelling antiseptic on her scabbed, scraped, and bleeding knees, elbows, and arms, and finally, her bruised and cut face. The stinging pain was nothing compared to the revulsion she felt as he leaned in, his sour breath hot on her skin. His eyes bored into hers, dark and hollow, filled with a perverse sense of control.
“Look at me,” he whispered as his face loomed close to hers. He pressed the cotton against a cut on her forehead, grinding it into her skin. The antiseptic burned, but Sophie didn’t flinch. She locked eyes with him, trying to suppress the rising bile in her throat as she caught the stench of cheap alcohol on his breath. It made her stomach turn. All she could think about was escape, not just from this filthy room, but from her own body, as if her mind could flee to a place where his leering presence couldn’t follow.
Each swab felt like a deliberate act of cruelty, a taunting punishment. Sophie bit her lip to keep from crying out, her nails digging into the armrest of the chair. She forced herself to maintain eye contact, even as her skin crawled with fear and loathing, for fear of this anger. She felt so exposed and could not see his other hand, and dreaded to think where it might go at any second as she tried to squeeze her thighs as close together as she could.
“Alright, now that you’re all cleaned up, we can get started,” he said with a smile, his voice dripping with false cheerfulness. “Wouldn’t want you getting infected, would we? And I can’t stand dirty girls, it is one thing I will not tolerate in the future.” He flashed her a grin as if they shared a private joke, but there was a hint of malice in his eyes. “Today was a special day, though so I can make an exception. We both got a little messy during our romp in the bushes, didn’t we?” He giggled, pointing at the scratch marks that crisscrossed his face.
“Don’t worry,” he said, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper, “I won’t hold it against you. We both know who came out on top, don’t we? After all, I brought you here safe and sound, didn’t I?” His eyes sparkled with sinister glee as he spoke.
Sophie winced at his sickening attempt at playfulness, remembering all too well the violent struggle that had led to her capture. The way he talked about it, you’d think it was just a bit of harmless fun. She tried to keep her expression neutral, as he continued to gloat about his so-called victory. She sat with her back straight, both hands on her knees as they stayed together. “Ah, not letting me have any more glimpses up your skirt, I see? Haha, I must say I admire your optimism!”
Sophie’s impassive expression began to falter at that last line, she tried to believe there was a way out of the inevitable.
Pembroke went back to his laptop and the room went back to silence as he tapped away looking at his screen. He snapped back to attention and looked at her for several seconds, then broke into an enthusiastic smile.
“Miss Sophie Yildiz,” he said with a hint of mock formality, “I won’t bother with full introductions. Perhaps I never will. You don’t really need to know who I am, do you? What matters is that you’re here, and that’s not by chance. I’ve been watching you for quite some time. Months, actually. I chose you, if you will. So don’t feel too bad. It’s who you are that drew me to you. Both physically and mentally. The rest, well, let’s just call it good luck on my part, and, I suppose, a bit of bad luck on yours.”
Sophie listened, transfixed.
“As you might have guessed, there’s been a lot of planning involved in your, uh, abduction. But I don’t see myself as a kidnapper,” he continued, his eyes narrowing with a hint of amusement. “I prefer to think of myself as a collector of beautiful things. And you, my dear, are a very rare find.”
His words sent a shiver down Sophie’s spine. The way he spoke about her as if she were an object, a trophy, made her skin crawl.
“If I liked cats,” he went on, “I’d collect a cute, fluffy kitten. I wouldn’t get a tiger. If I wanted a plant, I’d choose a delicate flower, not a cactus. And you, Sophie, you’re the perfect addition to my collection. I spent a great deal of time learning about you, not just to plan your… arrival, but to ensure you’d fit in just right down here with me.”
His eyes glistened with a perverse satisfaction, and Sophie could feel the walls of the room closing in on her. He wasn’t just a kidnapper—he was a predator who had meticulously chosen his prey.
“To demonstrate, I want you to look at this screen right here—if I can get this thing to work, haha.” Pembroke gave a mocking chuckle as he fumbled with his laptop. The large screen suddenly flickered to life. It was about four feet high and eight feet wide, looming over the space like a menacing monolith. It was mounted on the side of the wall, forcing Sophie to turn her head to the right to see it.
“What is this?” she thought, a cold shiver running down her spine. The screen displayed what looked like a typical computer desktop, with a few generic icons and folders. But Sophie had a sinking feeling that something sinister was about to unfold. Pembroke’s behavior was unpredictable, and the screen seemed to promise a glimpse into something much darker than a simple computer interface.
“I’ve always been a computer guy,” Pembroke said, his voice tinged with a strange mix of pride and disdain. “It’s made me a lot of money over the years, but you girls never seem interested in this sort of thing, do you? Well, Sophie, I think you’re about to get quite the education, though it might be a bit too late for you, haha.”
“But you know,” he continued, puffing his chest out a bit, “I’m pretty advanced at this. I’m an expert in my field.” He sounded almost like a child bragging about a new toy, except his eyes were gleaming with something far more disturbing. “So don’t feel too bad if you can’t keep up. A young girl like you wouldn’t understand, but that’s okay. I guess this lesson might be more for the other ladies out there. Just remember—never underestimate nerds like me, haha!” He was thinking of the bored schoolgirls who ignored his enthusiastic explanations about binary code and computer science, while he had just wanted was to have them smile at him for once.
His words dripped with arrogance, but beneath the boasting, Sophie could sense the menace in his voice. He seemed to relish the idea of lording his supposed expertise over her, like it gave him some twisted justification for what he’d done.
“This might interest you!” On the screen, to Sophie’s surprise, a school hockey match, recorded as if on a phone, was playing. She quickly realized it was an amateur game, and then realized with a shock it was her school playing. And then she saw herself! It was her, her hair tied back in pigtails, in her black and white hockey outfit, carrying her stick. The camera seemed to focus entirely on her. Sophie watched aghast as it followed her around, and heard the sounds of the match as other parents cheered their children. There was a sudden close-up of her, perfectly framed, standing on the wing, holding her stick in one hand, and calling out to her teammate for a pass. The screen paused on the image. Sophie slowly turned to see Pembroke grinning wickedly at her, with the widest smile she had seen from him so far.
“Please, what are you doing?”
“Now, Sophie, don’t interrupt. I am going to show you more things. And of course, I think you know that I have much more intimate footage of you, haha. Don’t worry, we’ll get to those… eventually.”
He pressed some buttons and the screen changed to another part of the match. It was still focused on Sophie, and it showed he being bundled over by another girl on the wing, taking a tumble, and falling very close to whoever the cameraman was. The screen froze, and Sophie swallowed as she saw the huge screen showing her on the ground, legs akimbo, her face clenched in pain, and giving an unrestricted view up her skirt. Suddenly a red pen mark appeared on screen drawing a circle around her crotch, and she looked over at Pembroke, who was drawing it on his mousepad. This was so odd, he was so odd. She just wanted him to get to whatever he was going to do now, she thought.
“I have always been, what you might call, a pervert” he sighed.”You young girls, you don’t know what you do to men like me. It’s not just you Sophie, it’s all those other girls out there, you must know when you wear these skimpy clothes, you just… well, you are asking to be raped! My school pupils, my word! I see up their skirts all the time, without even wanting to!” Pembroke’s off-tangent rant perplexed Sophie, so he was a teacher? None of this was making her feel any better…
“They sit there, and I have to pretend I think of them like a child, to teach stuff to, and all I want to do is just bury my face between their legs!” Pembroke was getting more agitated as if he was speaking to himself. Sophie was the first person he had ever opened up to like this, and there was a good reason why a kidnap victim entirely at his mercy was the best choice. She was disgusted and grossed out. She tried to remain calm, maybe there was still a way out, but she had to remember to give him a way out too, so she stayed quiet.
“Anyway,” he calmed down and smiled. “It does give me great pleasure sometimes. I like filming girls you see, I have a lot more videos like this, not just of you, but other girls for years. I hope you don’t feel jealous haha.”
Sophie had no desire to speak or say anything anymore.
“Well on the day I recorded this, I am not sure you remember, but I got even more than some photos and videos. Do you remember your bag went missing?”
Sophie had remembered, she guessed what was coming next. She was feeling sick now, and concentrated on not throwing up rather than show any emotion.
Pembroke played another video, this time of Sophie in jeans and a T-shirt, walking around a mall with her two friends from earlier that day. Sophie watched, wondering why she hadn’t noticed someone filming her. Meanwhile, Pembroke disappeared behind the curtains again and returned with an envelope in hand. The sights and sounds of the busy mall on screen, along with the faint chatter of her friends—who seemed to be about fifteen meters from the camera—felt strangely out of place given her current predicament. It was almost enough to make her forget, if only for a moment, the grim reality of her captivity.
Pembroke turned down the volume as the video continued playing. Out of the envelope, he pulled out a pair of black sports underwear and held them up in triumph, like a small child impressing his mother. “Look, remember the close-up of your knickers while you were on the ground! I bet you never thought you would see them again, haha.” Sophie’s eyes grew wide as saucers, not just at the sight of her lost sorts knickers, but at Pembroke as he held them to his face, and loudly inhaled through the material. “Hmmmm, they still have your scent on them. I’ve been keeping them sealed up. I did not want to lose your smell, but now you are here I don’t need to worry about that anymore.” His eyes lowered to her waist and Sophie drew her knees tighter together and blushed. “Hahah, but of course you were wearing more than just those black knickers weren’t you!” With a flourish he brought out a pair of grey panties. “You had these on underneath!” He smiled at her like he had just announced he had won the lottery. He put them to his face and inhaled, and suddenly his face contorted obscenely and he opened his mouth and licked at the insides of the panties. “Hmmmmm” he hummed, completely unembarrassed by his revolting behaviour in front of a young girl.
Sophie’s face turned from pink to beetroot red. Her mouth dropped open in shock. This man was insane—what could she do? He was stronger than her, and he seemed completely unrestrained, like a wild, weird animal released from the confines of normal society. How could she have been so careless? She knew what was coming next—he would tell her about his interaction with her on the bus. She should have called the police right then and there, but now it was too late.
“I’m sure you remember me from the bus, Sophie,” he said with a smile that made her skin crawl. “I don’t usually have the courage to stare at girls the way I did with you, but you seemed so shy and quiet that I just felt so free around you. You just looked away and blushed, just like you’re doing now. It’s cute!”
Sophie tried to recall the encounter on the bus. It was true—men often stared at her, and she usually just bowed her head and scurried away. But the fact that she hadn’t stood up to him had brought her to this terrible moment.
“It was a test,” Pembroke continued, his voice casual yet sinister. “If you had told me to fuck off, or tried to stare me down, or even answered back when I spoke to you, well, ironically, you might not be here today. Some other girl would have taken your place eventually, but not you.” He watched Sophie’s lips tremble. “Don’t feel bad, Sophie. It’s just who you are. You needed someone to look after you, and it turned out to be me. If it hadn’t been me, maybe it would’ve been some abusive boyfriend, but one way or another, someone would have gotten to you.”
His words were like a punch to the gut. “There’s nothing you could have done,” he added, his tone almost comforting. “You can’t change who you are. You’re shy, timid, a good little girl who just needs a bit of discipline and to be told what to do, whether she likes it or not. Isn’t that right?”
Sophie did not answer, tears were starting to stream down her face.
“I have so much on you Sophie. Honestly, I know you better than your own mother! It would take weeks to go through it, though I think time might be one thing you will have a lot of! Anyway, Let’s move on to happier times.”
Pembroke changed the screen, and it now showed Sophie in summer clothes at the park with her friends. A different video played, showing Sophie and her friends hanging out by a lido. “I enjoyed this,” he said with a grin. “Of course, I had to be inconspicuous at the time, so I couldn’t really enjoy myself too much. But watching it back later gave me great pleasure.”
The footage continued; the screams, laughs and chat of the girls amid the sunshine again contrasted with the sinister atmosphere in the dungeon. “Such pretty lithe bodies” said Pembroke sadly. “Your friends are all gorgeous, God, look at that girl in pink, such a toned stomach! and great tits for her age as well! But of course… ah there you are, you really are a stunner you could be a model! Nice outfit, it really suits your figure.”
Sophie wasn’t sure if Pembroke’s commentary was for her benefit or just his internal monologue spilling out. He advanced the footage, now showing her with her friends from a distance. The camera zoomed in on her smiling face, capturing her open-mouthed laughter. It felt surreal, seeing herself so carefree in the video, recalling how happy she had been that day, as if it were a lifetime ago.
“Nice. Such a sweet young creature you are. I hope I see that smile again sometime! It won’t all be pain and misery down here I hope!” he laughed. “Now, by now you know that I have a penchant for young girl’s undies. I have collected so many over the years! So I am a skilled thief, you must have wondered how I did it! Well, here was my trophy!”
Pembroke again pulled out a pair of purple panties from the envelope. “Tada!” He chortled at himself. Sophie remained impassive, her mouth turned downwards. Was this what all men were like when they could do what they wanted?
“These taste so sweet! Hmmmm” He repeated the lewd gesture of licking the panties, this time, though, he looked at her as he did so. Sophie tried her hardest not to vomit.
“I’m very interested in what you taste like, Sophie. You see I have tasted you, second hand, after the exertion of a sporting match, and after a lovely summer day with your friends when you were happiest.” He paused and again his eyes went to her knees, still guarding her crotch, this time his lips were glistening with saliva. “After all the stress of today, I wonder what those white panties are going to taste like when I get them off you.” His eyes flashed back up to meet hers, and she suddenly wretched.
She bent forwards, and some sick came out onto the floor. “Now, now, that is to be expected. Stay in your seat.” Pembroke was also moved back to reality. Of course, this girl found him disgusting. They all did! He would have to control her with violence if necessary. He took a cloth and some water and cleaned up the floor. He grabbed her head and wiped her mouth down. He then brought her some water.
“Drink up. Get your composure back, and stay with me, OK?”
Sophie’s hands trembled as she took a sip, some water spilling onto her skirt and mixing with the tears now freely flowing down her cheeks. She wiped her nose and tried to steady her breathing.
“That’s it,” he said, watching her carefully. “Trust me, crying won’t do any good down here. It’s not something I particularly enjoy.”
He allowed Sophie a few moments. She gazed at him again, her stolen underwear strewn around his desk now. He seemed fully at ease with himself despite the horror he induced in Sophie.
“Now at this point, I think you should ask me something. I am sure you have question for me, and are probably thinking you won’t like the answers! The girls in my class hardly ever ask questions, though in this case you must be bursting with curiosity.”
Sophie wondered what to say. His affable face had switched back from the clownish animalism of when he was sucking on her panties. She barely got the words out. “Are you… are going to rape me?”
“Perhaps, yes I think so.” said Pembroke as if mulling it over in is head. “But maybe not as well, maybe I’ll even let you go!”
Sophie was confused, this must be some trick. “How.. I was going to meet you, why did you attack me, how did you know where I was?”
Pembroke smiled and flexed his fingers. “It’s a long story. To be honest, just meeting you and having sex with you was never really my plan A. I was always intending to kidnap you. But getting you to that spot on the road? At that time? Making sure you weren’t followed? That took a lot of planning and a lot of money! That phone I have you…” he trailed off and grabbed it from behind the curtain to show it off to her. “I built that myself! You couldn’t contact anyone yourself and I knew exactly where you were the whole time! I could listen in on everything! Honestly, I should work for MI6 like James Bond!”
“Why did you choose me? There are millons of girls like me. And I’m only fourteen, I’m too young, please I never… I don’t deserve this…”
“Well Sophie, I think we have gone through this, but a lot of it was just luck. You answered the wrong online messages I am afraid, and fate just kept me tagging along. I hadn’t even built anything when I first found you, honest! This basement was normal, why I couldn’t have had friends down here then, if I had any friends haha.”
“But I’m only fourteen” wailed Sophie.
“And? You’re hot, and you have many years ahead of you he winked at her.
“You must have money, you must have friends outside, why couldn’t you meet someone else, why do you have to… to ruin my life…”
Pembroke sighed. “The truth is, Sophie, I’m a bit odd. I’ve never had many friends. And as for girls? Pah! Forget it! I’ve never had a girlfriend, and I’m fifty-five.” He looked at Sophie with a sad expression, as if seeking sympathy. “And you haven’t had a boyfriend, so we make a great match.” He slapped his thigh and chuckled. Sophie desperately wondered how to appeal to this madman. Surely, there must be a human in there somewhere.
“Are you… are you Luke?” Sophie didn’t want to ask, but she had to know. Just thinking about it broke her heart, but as soon as the words left her mouth, she knew the answer. The realization was crushing. Could this monstrous, ugly old man really be the same person?
“Yes,” Pembroke replied, smiling sympathetically. “I’m sorry. I’ve been doing this to girls for years. I know what to say online, but the only hard part was finding photos to keep up the pretense. Please don’t feel too bad—you got a lot out of him, I think. I really enjoyed chatting with you and getting to know you myself.”
Pembroke seemed genuine now. Sophie would have thrown up again if she hadn’t just done so.
“Will you let me go? My mum will be looking for me. She will be so worried, she loves me…”
Sophie had no other path, she had to beg. “Please, you must have a mother, do you”
Pembroke sighed again. He did not like doing this. “Yes, my mother is the only woman who ever loved me or even thought of me as a human. I know about your mum, Sophie. She is a good woman, not the best mum in the world to be honest, and I think it is her fault you are down here. Well… sometimes bad things happen to good people.” He was more sombre now. “I don’t take delight in doing this” he paused, thinking that actually he had. In fact, he loved imagining the terror and fear and helplessness of the girls he had exposed with his blackmail and revenge porn. The sex with his victims had been now where as good as the expensive escorts, it was their disgust and unwillingness which had turned him on. He was a bad person, he thought, but so were others.
“It’s a cruel world. Not everyone gets a happy ending. Your mother will have to deal with your absence. She won’t get over it, no, but her life will go on as yours will. It will just be… different, for both of you. You could die in a plane crash, some drunk driver could drive over your mother and kill her, its just the laws of the universe, they are not fair.”
“No.. please…” Sophie was now praying with her hands together. “I can do anything you want…”
“We will come to that, as I said, your fate is not decided, not finally, there is still a chance you can walk out of here!”
Sophie sat back down, confused. She could not think of anything more she wanted to know from him that would make her feel anything but worse.
“Am I your only prisoner, am I allowed anywhere else?”
“For now, no. This place is not finished yet, there will be further additions. More than just your cell, that’s for sure.”
Sophie went quiet. What on earth was there for her to do?
“You have had so many chances already, Sophie” Pembroke rebuked her. I did not willingly give you those chances, they were just there and I took advantage of your mistakes. Other girls slipped through my grasp, but I didn’t get caught. You see, nature works as intended, you are the one that has not got away.”
Sophie felt angry for the first time. “You spied on me, you threatened me, and I’m just a child! You feel proud of yourself for this? It’s only because most people don’t behave like freaks like you. How can you blame me!”
Pembroke calmed himself. He anticipated a bit of anger. “Yes, I am a freak, but there are a lot more like me out there. You think I am the only old man that wants to fuck you, Sophie?” He leaned forward over the table, and Sophie pulled back her head, taken aback.
“Yes, it’s not all your fault, but then who cares? Is it my fault I am ugly? That I can’t talk to girls? I didn’t cry about it. I knew you would reject me, that is why I spent hours and hours and a lot of my hard-earned money working to get you here!”
He looked at Sophie as if she was one of his pupils and relished the opportunity to finally, effectively lecture them without sounding like an angry creepy old man.
“Your father, if you even know who that is, did nothing for you. Your mum is useless, your sister fucked off to Australia leaving you alone. You should blame them if you’re blaming me. Why did you chat to people online rather than out in the world?
He went back to his laptop, his brow furrowed, and suddenly another video came on screen. It was Sophie, performing a monologue in a skimpy vest top, and thin pajama panties, one of her knees pulled up to her chin and showing her crotch off obscenely.
“Not many men could do what I did, I was able to record you like this, I have so many hours of footage like this. ” He then laughed again. “And of course, those naked photos and that video! You were so foolish to trust anyone!”
Pembroke triumphantly stabbed is finger on a button and the screen changed again. This time, Sophie was naked on screen, both hands on her buttocks, pulling them apart, her face appearing over her shoulder, grinning inanely just next to her glistening genitalia for all the world to see.
Sophie looked away and shut her eyes. She was right, she was an idiot.
“You could have ignored me when I sent you the nudes, Sophie. The worst that would have happened was that you ended up like that girl Anna at your school. I bet that right now, you would give everything in the universe to switch places with her right now.”
His taunting tone made Sophie now cover her face in her hands, she bent over and started sobbing again.
“You could have gone to the police, you could have told your mum. Did you tell anyone?” Sophie… DID YOU TELL ANYONE?”
Pembroke’s harsh tone woke Sophie up. She raised her head from her hands, her face now redder than he hair, her eyes molten with tears, and simply shook her head as a babble of sobs escaped her mouth.
“I thought not. I was relying on it. Again, don’t blame yourself, it happened, it’s over. I have done this before with girls, most of them don’t tell anyone until I spread their images online. It must be very hard, especially at your age, I am sorry for shouting.”
Pembroke waited in the silence. He wondered at what point Sophie would run out of tears.
Sophie finally composed herself. She could not meet Pembroke’s eyes and stared at her knees. She could only hope that someone else would help her.
“Will you… will you send those things out… like you said you would if I didn’t have sex with you?” Sophie tried to look calm as she met his eye. Inwardly, she realized that his sending the images out might be something that would help her. A clue, to someone out there. She no longer cared who saw them, she wanted out of here. She wanted to go home.
“Maybe, maybe not. I don’t always send them out. It wouldn’t be much fun if I exposed all my girls, I enjoy letting them squirm.” He smirked and then checked himself. He had admitted a lot to Sophie but was unsure whether he should opely reveal his sadism. This seemed to be another level of depravity.
“I’m sorry Sophie, I am not crazy and I don’t really like hurting people, but I have an itch. For years it was just exposing girls, I enjoyed seeing their lives ruined by sending nude photos to their friends. It didn’t seem real, but then I blackmailed some girls into having sex in exchange for not exposing them. That was wrong but I enjoyed it, but I do have honour, I didn’t expose even though I could.”
None of this made Sohie feel better. “Have you kidnapped anyone before?”
“Not like this, no. I have tried but the last girl was a little more. cautious than you were!”
“If all you want is sex, then just please get it over with.”
“Well, I have had a lot of sex with a lot of women. Prostitutes, you see” he smiled, with a little embarrassment. It’s… well I have to confess, I enjoy frightening girls I…”
He stopped. He was shocked at himself, but what he was saying out loud now was the truth. He had just needed someone to open up to.
“I’m not sure if it is just who I am, or if it is just that girls were always mean to me. But the truth is… I want more than just sex, Sophie, I want a companion, and.. yes a little, well some things that might find weird, but maybe you will get used to.”
He could not take back ‘frightened’ but he would have to admit, he wanted more than just vanilla sex.
Sophie took a deep breath. “Will you kill me?”
“No… no of course not. ” Pembroke was almost apologetic but then qualified it. “Unless I have to, unless you make me have no other option.”
Sophie closed her eyes. She felt relatively relieved.
There was a further silence. Pembroke thought he should move on.
“Now, remember I said there was a chance you could walk out of here?”
Sophie did not want to get excited and worked to try and slow her own heart down. “Yes” she said neutrally.
“Well, if I let you go tomorrow morning, then there is a chance you go home, no harm done and we carry on with our lives. Eh?”
Sophie just looked at him. She wanted to scream at him. He was taunting her, surely.
“What I am going to do is leave you here tonight, with a set of questions you must answer for me tomorrow morning. Depending on your answers, I will decide t on your future. You will have all night to sleep and think about them.”
Sophie wondered, so she would have all night? She tried to steady herself. She must think rationally.
“The first question is, if I let you go, how could I possibly know you will not go straight to the police and tell them about me, bearing in mind you will have already been missing for over a day.”
Sophie grimaced. She could not think how to answer this.
“You don’t have to memorise by the way, I have these written out on a sheet of paper, which I have … oh yes… here.”
Pembroke went back behind the curtains and brought out a sheet of paper and put it on his desk beside the collection of panties.
“Second. I have never had a girlfriend and I want a companion who is young and beautiful. I am fifty five and if I don’t have a slave like you, then I will be lonely for the rest of my life with no companionship. Why then, should I let you go?”
A cold wave went through Sophie. These questions were no answerable.
“Three. You are, as you say, fourteen, and I like you a lot. I have a weakness for teenage flesh, and even if you were to like me, in the outside world, such relationships are forbidden. How could I indulge in my secret, illicit passion without recourse to taking a young girl and keeping her here, hidden, from the outside world. Must I satisfy myself with images on a computer screen? Must I forgoe cute little things like you?” He looked at her, and wondered. He really would like to know the answer to this question as he had long asked it of himself.
“Four. I have spent a lot, A LOT of time and money chasing you, researching you, investigating you, and kidnapping you. I have taken a lot of risk. I could be in prison for the rest of my life. I have already failed in previous attempts. Why, now that I have been finally successful, should I throw all that away?”
Sophie’s teeth were chattering. This was a game to him. She tried to stay calm. She told herself that something would come up, before tomorrow morning.
“Five. It may be that I let you go and get a replacement girl down here. That would be a huge pain. Can you suggest anyone, would you be able to help in any way, that would make up for me letting you go, wasting my efforts, and having to live with the threat of you turning me in? And would such a girl be anywhere near as lovely as you are?”
Pembroke cleared his throat before the next one.
“Six, the final one. I like certain sexual acts that free women have never wanted to provide no matter how much money I pay them. In addition to young girls, this is another thing that I find money cannot easily buy, but now that you are here, they are now very easy for me to attain. How would I make up for that if I were to let you go?”
Pembroke looked straight at her, and put the paper down.
“Would you like me to expand on that last one?” Pembroke asked sickly.
Sophie was shaking slightly, and he took it to mean she was nodding.
“Let me show you. Sorry I know you are a virgin but I am sure you have watched porn.”
Pembroke typed and clicked a little more, and a new video appeared on screen. This was not footage of Sophie. It was a professional porn production. Pembroke fast forwarded it to his ‘favorite’ part.
Sophie’s mouth fell as she watched the screen. An old man, fat, wrinkly, with white hair was naked and lying on a sofa with his legs spread. Between his legs, was a beautiful young woman in lingerie, furiously sucking on his cock.
Sophie had watched mostly women before and avoided watching direct penetration or anything ‘nasty.’ So she was disgusted when she saw a close up of the woman gorging herself on the old man’s cock, then moved her mouth down to his balls, lathering her with her tongue. She looked happy, though her huge range of tattoos probably spoke more candidly of her mental health. She then moved further south and ran her tongue over the man’s asshole, and tried to prod her tongue into it. “Yes bitch, lick my ass, you nasty whore!” came the voice from the screen.
He fast forwarded it again, this time, the man was in the shower, and he was holding his cock out over the woman’s face as she crouched down below him. The camera zoomed in and a stream of piss came from his cock directly into her mouth. She gargled and swallowed. “Fuck yeah, you cunt, swallow it!” Again the woman looked fully willing and enjoying the taste of it, licking her lips as she swallowed it.
Sophie could almost hear her bones knocking against each other she was shivering so much. She felt faint and thought she might collapse, suddenly, her stomach threw up again, and she heaved forward. The vomit came out in less quantity than before, just beside her.
Pembroke turned off the screen. “Yes, quite. I think some training will be required for you, but it will be a gradual process, don’t worry.” He had not expected the young girl to have any other type of reaction to such sights.
He brought out another cloth and plastic glass of water. He gently dabbed her mouth and urged her to drink.
“So, you have a lot to think about tonight as you can see. Well, I am going to leave you shortly for the night. It’s summer so the sun is still in the sky, but of course down here it will be quite disorientating for you.”
Pembroke put away the glass and cloth, and then clicked his fingers.
“Of course, there is one more thing. Now, regardless of whether you are a free girl tomorrow, there will have to be an explanation for your absence tonight”
Sophie’s head was spinning. What was he on about now?”
“Now, do you remember the photos and that video, those saucy things you took when you were a little tipsy and which have brought you here?” he smirked at her. Sophie stared back vacantly.
“Of course, we have been through a few of these tonight. Well, I think we should send a few of them out now! That way, people will understand why you decided to clear off! Maybe even explain why you are so beaten up!” he laughed. Pembroke played the game, but he of course had no intention of letting Sophie go.
Sophie would have been mortified at this twenty four hours ago. Now, she didn’t care. She just wanted to be left alone. She was suddenly exhausted.
“You will choose. Come on Sophie!”
A collage of the images appeared on screen. Sophie half heartedly played the game.
“Can you send.. the ones where I am wearing knickers, please” she sighed at how pathetic she sounded.
“Yes, good thinking!” he grinned. He picked the three out himself and highlighted them. He had, of course, a very special system set up for this. He would not just send them out. He would upload them to a porn site, then a special fake online profile, soon to disappear, would send them to a collection of Sophie’s friends by messenger. He had three contacts this way, including Sophie’s nemesis, Emma.
“OK, I am sending them now. Gosh Sophie, just think of all the stress of the last week, what you were prepared to do to stop this happening, and now you are telling me to do this!” Pembroke’s maniacal laugh inhibited Sophie from protesting. She knew it was no use and just stared sadly down at her hands.
“Done!” He smiled, Sophie tried to console herself, maybe this was a way in which he would get caught. She could not help but sigh at the thought that all her efforts to keep these nudes offline had not only been in vain, they had led her to a far worse fate.
“Now, this is the most I have spoken to someone in years. It has been quite something to get these things off my chest! You are a good psychiatrist Sophie!” Pembroke laughed, and gathered his things including his laptop and her knickers. “Hmmm… maybe soon those white knickers that are between your legs will be joining my collection” he giggled.
Sophie did not know what to do.
“Come on, get up. Let me escort you back to your cell.”
Sophie got up and walked towards the cell. Pembroke handed her the paper and followed her watching her slim back, her white blouse drenched in sweat and sticking to her back. He remembered a thousand instances of him following women and schoolgirls from behind, their pretty bottoms swaying in front of him, and his longing to touch them. As he showed her in, he gave in to temptation and quickly patted her on the backside before slamming the cell door shut.
The touch sent a cold shock through Sophie. As she watched him depart through the doors with his things and the lights dimmed, she realized what predicament she was in.
Pembroke came upstairs and was delighted to see the sun was still just about in the sky. He felt brilliant. Just talking to Sophie and admitting who he was had felt great. He quickly checked twitter and the news, still nothing about a missing girl! He had barely touched Sophie other than to assault her on the roadside during the kidnapping, but that little pat on the bottom, that was something else! That was worth a thousand blowjobs from escorts. He had been so physically close to so many girls but had known that, if he had done what he had just done, just touched them, ever so lightly on that part of their body, he would lose his job and even go to prison. But now, he had just done it, and he could do so much more!
He checked the monitor and saw Sophie curled up in a ball in the cell, the sheet on the floor beside her. How long could a girl cry for? He hoped she would get better in time. Did he feel bad? Yes, but how many happy people were happy because they had broken someone’s heart or ruined someone else?
Pembroke went to bed and fell asleep, it had been a long day, and his sleep was full of happy dreams.
At the same time, Emma was in her bedroom. She had not had a good day but nothing as bad as Sophie’s. That evening, she had finally gathered the courage to ask out Stephen, a cute boy a year older than her, who she had fancied for weeks. Stephen had laughed and rejected her, and she had heard, by rumour that he had called her ‘too fat.’
She was in her bedroom and checked herself out in the mirror. She was a little chubby round the sides and promised she would try and lose it this summer. She thought of that skinny bitch Sophie Yildiz, and wished she could have a figure like that.
She checked her messages, and saw a lot of spam she was about to delete, when she noticed the name “Sophie Yildiz” as if by telepathy cropping up as she thought of her. She looked at the message, it was from some Nigerian random, and she would have deleted it, but thought she would take a risk and click on the link.
What she saw, blew her away. It was Sophie, in nothing but a thong! And there was more, others in different knickers but nothing else. She saw her snow white breasts and gasped. It really was her! It didn’t look fake! She pulled her own top down, and pulled her own breasts out to compare with Sophie. ‘At least that is something I have that she doesn’t’ she smirked.
Fuck me, she thought, so someone was sending around nudes of Sophie? This was like with that girl, Anna Gao!
Emma thought for a few minutes. She smiled evilly to herself. She downloaded the images, and googled for the best place to post them. She found a revenge porn site which featured girls, exposed with their names and addresses, and posted the pictures.
She kept refreshing the page, hoping for Sophie to appear! She could not send them to friends herself, that was way too risky!
Emma could hardly sleep. At am, she got up and checked the site again. Now Sophie was up! Her nudes were there for all to see! Emma almost squealed in delight. She felt so happy and giggled as a few disgusting comments cropped up already from Americans who were still up.
Emma passed off to sleep. Like with Pembroke, Sophie’s situation brought her a contented deep sleep, as she looked forward to tomorrow.
In another part of London, Teresa Yildiz had enjoyed a dinner and cocktails with her tinder date, Brad. It must have cost a fortune but he had paid for it all. He was handsome, in his mid thirties, and, unbeknown to Teresa, was flying out of London tomorrow evening back to New York. He really wanted to fuck this MILF before he left, though.
Teresa had been a bit concerned that Sophie had not responded to her texts. But Brad was insistent they stay out, and she did not want to seem like her daughter would affect her love life. She really liked this Brad and the alcohol helped her imagine a future with him.
They went to a club, and began kissing on the dancefloor. ‘Sophie will be disappointed in me again’ she sighed but she allowed herself to hope that one day soon she could introduce Brad to her. They might get on maybe he could give her some advice on how to get the kind of high paying job he obviously had.
They went back to Brad’s pad, hired out by his company. Teresa stripped off to her lingerie, determined to give Brad a night he would never forget and want to see her again. Brad loved her sexy body, and they made love for hours. He regretted that he probably would never see her again, but that was a corporate life for you. One day he would settle down, but it sure as hell would not be with a single mother of two in her forties, no matter how good she was in bed.
“God you make me so fucking horny” Teresa huskily sighed into Brad’s ears. “Let me do something else for you…”
Brad lay back, and watched as Teresa lifted his legs, and licked his balls, then moved her tongue to his asshole, while keeping her eyes sexily on his.
“Oh my God!” screamed Brad. “You really are something, Teresa!”
Teresa smiled, her tongue out and licking round his asshole. This boy really turned her on!
Teresa would never have guessed that the act of analingus she was currently performing on Brad was also weighing heavily on the mind of her fourteen year old daughter. Sophie thought back to the videos and the disgusting vision of Pembroke, naked. If she had seen that in her bedroom, it would have traumatised her. Now, knowing she might have to do it soon, it rendered her dumb. She was hungry again, she had thrown up all the food she had eaten. Her face felt painful not just from the cuts and bruises but from the non stop tears.
She wondered where her mum was right now, what she was doing, and hoped she was trying to save her. ‘Please, mummy, anyone, please save me’ she mumbled out loud as she tried to sleep on her bench.


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