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Is her daughter watching me? Part 6 Sex Stories for free – Y2 Stories

Is she watching me or am I watching her… she needs to control her lust

What a weekend last weekend was. I’ve been thinking about it all week. How I saw Turbo, the dog, licking the young sweet pussy of my girlfriends daughter Sammie while she was asleep, how she came in the bathroom and watched me masturbate in the shower and how I woke up the following morning with her straddling my cock and fucking me.
These thoughts kept me horny all week. Needless to say Jo felt the full benefit of this several times and I’m absolutely certain I heard Sammie out in the hall, watching and listening on more than one occasion. She is turning in to one lustful young lady, she even asked her mum if Turbo could stay in her room at night because she was having bad dreams and he made her feel safe. I know what he made her feel and it wasn’t safe. I didn’t know for certain because I was up for work all week, but now it’s the weekend and I’m aiming to find out what she’s doing with Turbo in her room. Surely she isn’t making him repeat what happened last weekend, or is she?
Saturday morning comes and Jo’s alarm sounds yet again, she’s up for work and after the morning ‘tradition’ she leaves, closing the front door behind her. I wait for a while until I hear movement from down the hall. I get up and quietly make my way towards Sammies bedroom door. It’s slightly ajar and I hear moans. Holy shit I’m right….I push the door a little so I can peek in and then I see it… Sammie is laid with her arse at the foot of the bed with her feet firmly planted on the floor, she has Turbos head between her legs, licking her pussy while she writhes around in ecstasy… “Good boy… oh that feels so good… come on boy, make me cum” she says.
I’m stunned, it’s one thing for Turbo to sneak in and lick her while she sleeps but for her to purposely bring him in her room to repeat it is just depraved.
“Oh yes boy, mmmm that feels soooo good” she is definitely doing this consciously and willingly. I watch her as she approaches her orgasm and my cock raises in my boxers, seeing her engage in this act on purpose is even hotter than seeing her doing it in her sleep. She wants this, she wants Turbos tongue on her pussy. It’s so hot to see and without realising I’m stroking my cock in appreciation. “Oh fuck yeh, lick me…. oh my god I’m gonna cum daddy, please lick me aaahhhh….mmmmm….aaahhhh oh my god I’m cumming, I’m cumming urghhhh ohhhh my gaaaawd daaaaddddiiiie”
It’s obvious to me now that Sammie has a crush on her stepdad, she imagining that it’s me licking her.

I suddenly have a plan….. I burst through the door and say “What the fuck are doing Sammie??” just as she is in the middle of her orgasm, she can’t pretend at that moment “Oh my god, oh god sorry… ahhhh fuck, sorry…..mmmm god…. sorry daddy ooooohhhh fuck…..”
“JESUS Sammie….TURBO!!! OUT… GET OUT BOY” I shout the dog out and to my surprise he jumps and runs out, maybe he knows its wrong after all, “What the hell Sammie, what are you doing?…cover yourself up will you, for God’s sake”
Sammie catches her breath and apologises for carrying out this disgusting act with the dog.
“I’m going to have to tell your mum about this Sammie, you’ve left me with no choice ” I say.
“No, no, please don’t, I’ll do anything, don’t tell mum….please” Sammie pleads…
“Well I’m not Sue what you can do to change my mind, it seems you can’t be trusted, you’re insatiable and your lust is out of control ” I say “After everything you’ve done to me and now the dog? Jesus Christ Sammie”
“Please don’t tell…. I’ll give you a blowjob” she says
“Holy fuck Sammie… this is exactly what I’m on about, you need to be restrained, you are not supposed to behave like this” I say as I walk from he room and make my way to go downstairs. Sammie comes after me, following me downstairs pleading with me all the way.
“Please daddy, stop, please don’t tell” she begs
“I need to go out to clear my mind and think” I say
“OK, OK,… I’ll just wait here til you get back” sammie says
“No, I can’t trust you, I need to make sure you don’t do anything else while I’m gone” I respond
“OK retrain me then like you said, lock me in my room” she comes up with the idea all by herself “just til you get back, i’ll behave, just don’t tell mum”
“Right, OK, you’re right…. but there’s no lock on your door I’ll have to tie you up”
I go get some rope from the garage and start to look for somewhere to tie Sammie to.
Sammie is in the living room on the settee waiting, ” Right, get on the coffee table ” I say to her
“Well, we don’t have many options here, just lay on your stomach on the coffee table and I’ll do the rest” I order her
“OK but this mean you won’t tell mum?”
“We will see” I say as I tie her arms and legs to each leg on the coffee table then tie the excess rope around her waist and under the coffee tables few times so she can’t lift her body.
“Right, I’m off upstairs to put some proper clothes on then I’ll be off for a walk to calm down” I say.
Sammie is a real sight, just laid there in her t-shirt nightie tied to the coffee table…. sexy.
I go get changed and come back down “I’ll be back in 20-30mins” I say and I pretend to leave the house. ‘Accidently’ leaving Turbo just roaming around. I hide behind the kitchen door, peering in to the living room, The coffee table is at a diagonal angle with Sammie’s left leg being the closest corner to me, meaning she can’t see me from her position. Turbo is sniffing around and he soon ends up in the living room sniffing around Sammie. “Go away Turbo….you’ve got me in enough trouble” Sammie says a she struggles against her restraints to see what he’s upto. I can see perfectly from my position that he’s sniffing up her legs and making his way to her backside. “Jesus, you stupid dog, get away” she shouts. Turbos nose reaches her pussy and arse and he sniffs her through the material of her nightie, he’s visibly excited by the smell and he roots his nose around to get under the the nightie and lifts it over her arse. “OK you daft dog, you can lick me again, no-one will know and it’s not my fault this time…..mmmmm that’s it boy” she moans as he licks at her between her legs, he licks from her clit to her arsehole over and over making her moan as she cums on her doggies tongue. The juice from her orgasm drives him wild and from this angle I can see his dog dick peeking out of his sheath, he licks her even faster as he tries to get all her tasty juices…”Oh my god, mmmmm, turbo aahhhhh, i can’t breathe oooohhhh gawd, turbo uuuùrrrggg mmmm slow down….”, Turbo fails to understand her pleas “I’m ahhhhhhh cummming mmmmm again ahhhhh please stop…..ooohhhhh god please….mmmmm turbo stop”. Just then he stops, “Oh, he listened to her” I think to myself, but then he hops up on her back and starts humping. Startled by this Sammie panics…” NO, BAD DOG… GET DOWN” She shouts at Turbo, ” Fucking hell Turbo get off me you fucking clownnnnnnn oooohhhh hell nooooo”
He penetrates her with his entire length in one thrust then he just goes for it, fucking like there’s no tomorrow, his animal instincts taking over.
“Oooowwww fuck that hurts Turbo… please get ooofffhhh, oohhh, ohhh, ohhh God….mmmmm mother fucker that’s oooohhhh so gooooood…don’t stop boy mmmm that’s it, fuck my pussy boy….”
Holy fuck she’s enjoying it, just like I thought she would.
” Oh god boy…. mmmmm… your dog cock is so big mmmmm that’s it, give it to me”
She’s loving it and he’s loving it and I’m loving what I’m watching, my cock is rock solid again.
“Ooh, ooh ooh, what is that boy? Oh ouch…stop boy, what is that” Sammie says, in her ecstatic excitement she’s suddenly experiencing pain.
I look closer and see his knot swelling, oh shit.
I think to myself ” is that going to fit?” But just then he juts himself forward with one massive thrust.
Turbo has successfully funked her to orgasm, but he doesn’t know or understand this, he just keeps on fucking her. Another 30-40seconds pass and she seems calm slightly as her orgasm subsides. Then he stops, he thrusts forward and holds himself in there. Suddenly Sammie can feel hot liquid filling her vagina, it’s hot and there’s a lot of it, “Oh god he’s cumming in me, ahh, ahhh ahhhhh, can I get pregnant? Ahhh aahhh oh god I’m cumming again Jesus, aahhhhhh” Sammie cums one last time as Turbo unloads his spunk into her. They stay tied for a few minutes and I sneak to the back door, I open and close it quite loudly and walk in….”OK I’ve been thinking….” I start but Sammie interrupts.
“ITS NOT MY FAULT, ITS NOT MY FAULT….HE JUST GOT ON ME, I DIDNT WANT TO, PLEASE HELP ME” Sammie shouts through to me as I walk through the kitchen and in to the living room.
“Holy fuck, what have we got here? ” I say as I sit on the couch in front of Sammie.
“He did this, I couldn’t stop him and now he’s stuck in me I think ” She sounds almost panicked
“Well, I’ve been thinking, and I’m going to take you up on your offer and then I’ll promise not to tell your mum about earlier or this” I say to her
“What offer?” Sammie asks
I kneel on the floor and pull down my jeans, my cock springs free, I’m not wearing underwear. My cock is right in front of her face.
“You said you’d give me a blowjob for my silence, remember?” I say
“Right now!!?? The dog is inside me and I’m tied to the table, really??”
I stuff my cock in her mouth and start knowing back and forth, “Yes, now….. while you are full of dog cock and dog cum” I fuck her mouth while holding her head in perfect position to allow me to enter her throat. It doesn’t take me long and I pull my cock out so just the tip is in her mouth and tell her to swallow my load. The cum shoots up my length and fulls her mouth, she struggles but manages to swallow every last drop. I pull my jeans up and Turbo pulls his softening cock from Sammies pussy. “Ahh, oww” Sammie says as he frees himself.

“Now let that be a lesson” I say as I loosen her ropes.


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