Categories: IncestTeen

It’s nothing you won’t see when you’re older: Part 4 hot Sex Stories – Y2-Stories

Faith and I find a place to play. Donna shows her true colours and Stacy shows me everything.

Notes for info
i) This story will be posted in but will probably be copied by other sites without consent. Shame on them!

ii) The story is set in England in the 1980’s. As I like to use the language of the period, overseas readers should be aware that any references to “fannies” are talking about pussies and not arses.

Here we go then.

Part 4
Faith and I sat beside each other, awkwardly, in near silence on the backseat of her mum’s car as she drove us to the school disco. There was a little bit of small talk, but neither of us really has our mind on conversation, we were too busy fantasizing about the carnal delights that we hoped to enjoy once we were left us to our own devices.

Once again my girlfriend had gone to a great deal of effort to look her very best.
Purely for my benefit, of course.

I think her mum had helped her get ready, because she had proper make-up this time, her hair was perfect and she smelt like a rose garden.
Her short, light, red dress looked like it was brand new and her white shoes were low enough to dance in but high enough to enhance her figure.

I had white shoes too. Then sky blue trousers with a narrow white belt. A matching blue shirt with a button down collar and a woven white tie.
I have never been a slave to fashion, but I was feeling quite trendy that evening.

Our old familiar school hall has been transformed into a discoteque for a few hours by simply drawing the curtains, turning off the lights and allowing “Tony’s Mobile Disco” to plug in his turntables and lighting kit. It wasn’t very sophisticated but it was the most exciting venue the eager young dancers had ever seen.
It was nice and dark too and it should have been easy for Faith and I to find a small corner for a badly needed snog. However, things weren’t that simple.

We had to dance with Faith’s friends first.
Apparently she wanted to show me off. I was two years older than they were and it seems that I was something of a catch (or a novelty, at least). A few of her pals, demanded to danced we me – Wendy was particularly keen…
One of the young lads watching the group, misread the situation and asked Faith for a dance. She looked so proud when she told him that the she was there with her boyfriend.
I had never been so popular with “the ladies” and I don’t think I have been since.

I wasn’t unanimously popular though. My little sister, Donna was there too, but she seemed to be avoiding me and my date. It was unlike her, but she was a year below Faith, so maybe she just didn’t feel comfortable in her company.

After a little while Faith decided that we had spent enough time impressing her friends and responded to my hints that we ought get some time alone.
We set off to seek out of those small dark corners that I told you about, but our teachers had all been teenagers once too (apparently) and they were on patrol!

There were adult eyes all over the hall. They were discreetly standing sentry around the perimeter of the dancefloor, quietly conducting surveillance in the corridor and manning an observation point on the stage, behind Tony and his “wheels of steel.”

I thought there might be a “blind spot” though. The grown ups were all looking into the dancefloor in front of the stage. But nobody was looking behind it.

I knew the stage wasn’t wide enough to reach the sides of the hall. There was a curtain on either side, straddling the gap and creating a “backstage” area.
That was my target.

We danced close to the curtain waiting for the moment Tony would use his most high tech lighting effect – a strobe light.
It flashed on and off rapidly. We thought it was amazing – it made everybody look as though they were moving slowly and robotically. More importantly, it was very disorienting, you could easily lose sight of somebody.
It was our best hope.

We waited and waited, but when Tony hit the strobe, I pulled my girlfriend smartly, behind the curtain.
We were backstage and we were alone at last. But I knew where we might find even more privacy.
Faith had the same idea and lead the way, running through the corridor into the girls’ dressing room.
We smuggled ourselves in and I quickly blocked the door with a chair – just in case, but there was little doubt that we had escaped to our own private hideaway and were free to enjoy secret, intimate pleasures.

We stood and stared at eachother. Exhilarated with the thrill of our escape, excited by the risk of being discovered and full of anticipation of the fun we might have together.
We burst out laughing!

There was no need for words.
Not even time for kissing.
We wanted each other.
I reached behind Faith’s back and unzipped her, pausing only to whisper, “Let’s see if you remembered to keep your promise.”
I slipped the dress over her shoulders, dropping it to the ground.
She had kept her promise.
She stood before me, looking a little coy, in her soft cream underwear. Her bra doing what it made to do and pushing up her breasts so they looked as though they might tumble over the top.

She bit her lip, “My turn,” she told me before pulling at my necktie and attempting to unbutton my shirt for the first time.
I helped her and shrugged it off.
I knew I wasn’t a “beefcake” but I enjoyed sports and I wasn’t a wimp either.
She put her hands on my bare chest and explored it experimentally.

I pawed her chest too.
Acting with more confidence.
Thumbing her tits, through her bra.
It put a hand behind her and fumbled the catch.
“Is it okay?” I asked.
“I suppose so, if you want.” was the shy reply.
I certainly did “want” and the catch was eased free in a jiffy.
I moved my hands to her shoulders and gently stroked the bra straps down to her elbows.
Gravity did the rest and exposed her beautiful boobs, giving me my first glimpse of them in all their naked glory.

“What do you think?” She glanced down at them, then up at me, through her eyelashes, “Are they okay?”

I couldn’t believe my girlfriend’s question.

“Of course they are. You’re beautiful They’re much better than okay.” I told her.

“Oh good. I know boys like their size, but that isn’t everything is it?”

She was right of course. They weren’t just big. They were high and pert with a narrow cleavage and small, tight, circular nipples emerging from her olive skin.
I turned her to face one of the dressing room’s many mirrors. I stood behind her fondling as we beheld our topless reflections. I told her how much I loved them. But, come to think of it, I had now seen three pairs of tits in my young life and I’d loved them all!

We kissed and caressed energetically like the young lovers we had become.Touching and stroking with boundless enthusiasm but limited skill.
However, there was something else I just had to do.
Stacy has taught me how to do it and Donna had helped me practice whenever we had the chance.
I had to suck her tits.

Just like my sisters’, Faith’s boobs filled my mouth perfectly, seeming to swell and seal themselves against my lips as I devoured them.
I knew what to expect of course, but my girlfriend didn’t. She gasped and moaned as she experienced new sensations of female delight for the first time.
She told me she loved it.
I’m sure she we was glad she’d finally let me get her bra off.

We had played for a while when Faith plucked up the courage to squeeze my bottom.
That was new. I wasn’t sure, whether I liked it, but it was my cue to grab hers.
The well rounded buttocks felt wonderful through the thin silky fabric of her panties.
I fingered the waistband to try my luck but was told, “I want to keep those on please.”
I abided by her request but thought I’d allow a hand to stray around to her front and edge towards her fanny.
Just to see if she’d let me.
She did nothing to halt my voyage of discovery, but she did whisper, “You won’t touch me under my knickers will you?”

I promised not to and kissed her as I slid my fingertips over her sex. She pulled me close, my trousered cock pressing her belly as traced her hidden virgin slit.
I had no more than a vague idea of what it might look like, but it felt forbidden.
A secret pathway to future pleasures – moist with a mysterious little bump at the top, but disappearing down between her legs into a snug little haven.

She sighed and giggled at my intimate examination. “Oooo, no one’s ever done that before.”
I was proud that she’d let me and I knew I wanted to do it again…

We didn’t return to the dancefloor until the last song of the evening. There was going to be a balloon drop and we were confident that the distraction of 100 coloured balloons falling from the rafters would give us all the cover we needed to sneak back into the hall without being seen.

I walked my girlfriend home. Hopping in and out of the shadows, like secret agents. Hand in hand when other people were around, but helping ourselves to handfuls of more interesting body parts whenever we thought we could get away with it.
We kissed at the end of Faith’s driveway and I watched her safely to her door, longing for the day we could be so together again.

I floated home. My head full of the evening’s adventures and dreams of more evening’s to come.

Everybody was in bed when I stepped through our front door. Well everyone except my big sister, Stacy.

“Are you okay,” she asked, “We were getting worried about you. Donna said you and Faith left early.”

“Yes, fine thanks. We erm, didn’t actually leave early. We just found a quiet space, away from the crowd, if you know what I mean. I’ve just walked her home.
I’m surprised Donna noticed though. She seemed to be avoiding us all night. I didn’t think she likes Faith very much.”

Donna laughed, “Bloody hell. You boys can be so thick sometimes. Don’t you see it. She’s jealous!”

“Jealous? Jealous of what?”

“Jealous of Faith of course. She got a crush on you, hasn’t she? She wants to be your girlfriend herself. Why do you think she’s always volunteering to help you practice?”

“Oh… er yeah. I suppose that makes sense….”

“Well, I wouldn’t worry about it too much. She’s a pretty girl. I’m sure she’ll soon find a boyfriend of her own.
She said a boy called Sean kept dancing with her tonight.
Anyway, how did you get on with Faith, in that “quiet space” you found?”

“Good, thanks.”

“Good?” Is that all I get after everything I’ve done for you? Come on boy. I want details!”

“Er, well. I did everything you taught me and it all went well.”

“You got her bra off then?”

“Yeah,” I nodded nonchalantly, “One handed like you showed me.” I mimed the action with my fingers.

“Good man! Did she have nice tits?”

“Oh yeah. Not as good as yours, of course, but very nice. And before you ask, “yes” I did suck them for her and she loved it.”

“Very generous of you,” she joked, “Anything else…. Go on, don’t be shy.”

“Well… I did touch her… down there – just over her knickers though.”

“Oh! That was quick work. Sounds like it might not be long before she lets you get them off too.
Lucky boy.”

“Hope so, but I’ve, er… been thinking about that. When I touched her, it didn’t feel like I thought it would. It wasn’t like those pictures in the biology books at school. I wondered if maybe you could…”

“Are you going to ask me to show you my fanny? I don’t think I…”

“Oh go on please. It’s sure it’s nothing I won’t see when I’m older.”

That made her chuckle. I’d taken the phrase she used to tease me with and turned it around to use against her.
“Okay then,” she sighed, accepting my point, “just this once.”

“Okay, thanks.” I stepped towards her.

“Oh no, not now.” She stopped me, “Time of month,” she explained with a whisper.
There was no arguing with that!
“Maybe next week” she offered, ” if we can get some time alone. I didn’t want Donna watching us again.”


I had to wait a bit longer than a week, but eventually we had a convenient Sunday afternoon when mum and dad were down the pub and Donna was round at a friend’s house.

Stacy remembered her promise, “Do you still want to get my knickers off then?” she asked.

“Oh yeah. Please.” I doubt she was surprised at my reply.

“Ok go up to your room. I’ll join you in a few minutes.”

The “few minutes” felt like hours, but true to her word she came to join me. I noticed that she had changed out of her tight jeans while I had been waiting and now wore a loose skirt instead. She was also carrying her tape deck, which seemed rather superfluous.

I stood up to meet her. “Do you want me to take off your clothes like last time?” I asked awkwardly. I was never sure how to begin these encounters.

“No thanks.
I know I said I like it when the boy undresses me, but I also know that most boys like to watch, so l thought I’d give you a show.”

She sat me down on my bed, turned on her tape deck to play her chosen tune and started to dance.
Oh my God, she was going to do a striptease!

I was beside myself.
I was embarrassed to look but I couldn’t take my eyes off her gyrating body.
She was oozing sex, unveiling herself in the most seductive way she knew and she was going to let me see everything.
Absolutely everything.
Wasn’t she?

The tee shirt was first to go.
Stacy, crossed her arms and grasped the hem, pulling it up up and away. Pushing out her chest as she raised it above her head and cast it asunder. Her boobs looked bigger than ever as they strained against her saucy black bra. I couldn’t wait for her to get them out and display them for my viewing pleasure.

I would have to wait though, because she turned her back and began to rotate her hips, making her skirt swing freely. She pulled it up one leg, tantalising me with a glimpse of thigh. A glimpse that wouldn’t usually be a turn on but which was now laden with sexual promise.

It wasn’t long before her hands went to the single button and the six inch zip securing the skirt about her waist.
She took a moment to look over each shoulder, teasing me and making me wait, before she smoothly undid the fastenings and sent the skirt to the floor.

Her knickers were black and matched her bra. It was obvious that she liked matching sets – so did I!

There was much dancing, teasing, flaunting and titillating before Stacy turned her back to me once more and flicked her bra clasp open.
She turned back to look me in the eye, covering her tits with her hands and holding the loose bra cups in place.
Without breaking eye contact she rubbed her palms around her breasts, apeing the act that I was yearning to perform.
Then she revealed herself, drawing her hands up behind her head and displaying her ample bosom, cavorting before me for a moment before laying on top of my mattress – face down and boobs hidden from view.
The music clicked off, bang on cue.
The show was over, but what a show!

My sister propped herself up on elbows, “Looks like you enjoyed that,” she smiled, nodding at the bulge in my trousers.

“Very much, thanks.”

“Good. I’ve never done it for a boy before. Not with music anyway.
You’ll have to get my knickers off by yourself though.”

She looked like a mermaid, lying full length with her legs together. I savored the moment. Stroking her the curve of her bare back from the nape of her neck right down to start of her panties.
I left them on for now. Sliding one hand over each buttock, gliding over the silken fabric, tracing circles over her shapely globes.

The moment had arrived.
I looped my fingertips over thin elastic of the waistband and pulled the flimsy fabric down to reveal her buttocks.
It resisted for me briefly, as though the gusset was lightly glued between her legs, before it surrendered to my will.
Descending beyond her thighs, knees, calves and ankles, feet and, finally even her toes.
I stripped away my sister’s last vestige of clothing and left her naked -completely naked, on my bed. Ready to submit to my inspection and show me what a woman truly looked like.

I started with her arse.
I loved her tits, but her bum was almost as good and much bigger too.
I started to circle the cheek once more , squeezing and caressing the now naked flesh.
Stacy sighed, ” I always said you were a bum man. You like that don’t you?. You can smack it if you like.”

“What? Why?”

“You might like it, I know some boys do and some girls like having it done? I bet Donna will when she’s older?”

“Maybe.” I’d never even considered it before. “She always giggles when I touch her there.
Do you like it?”

“I don’t know, I’ve never let anyone else try.”

“I wouldn’t want to hurt you?”

“You can start gently and build up. We can stop if we don’t like it.”

“Okay, if you want.”

I started hesitantly, afraid I might harm her.
“You can hit me harder then that.” she told me. “It’s called a spanking, not a patting.”

So I increased the pressure, enjoying the “slap” of flesh on flesh, noticing the skin turning pink and feeling a new manly power over the girl beneath me. Submitting herself to me, allowing me to abuse her and trusting me not to go too far.

I instinctively paused and stroked the warmed buttocks. Groping and pinching, taking possession of her body.

“Oh yes, that’s nice.” she encouraged.
“Do it again.”

I was delighted to oblige, covering her with another volley of well aimed slaps and squeezes before rubbing her once more.

Stacy was panting. Happy and satisfied.

“Did you like that?” I asked. “I mean really?”

“Oh yeah. Just put your hand between my legs, if you want proof.”

I did want proof, so l slipped my hand underneath and found her fanny for the first time. It was warm, wet, slippery.
“Is it always like that?” I didn’t know any better.

“No, it gets wet when a girl gets turned on. Just like a boy’s cock gets hard.”

“So it’s… is it getting ready for sex then?”

“Yes but we won’t be doing that. I’m your sister.”

“Well,” I chose my words carefully. There was something we had never discussed before. “Technically, I think I’m only your step brother.”

She mused for a moment, mulling it over. “Er no… No” she shook her head, “No we still can’t do that.”
“I will let you see my fanny though, just for educational purposes, of course.”

She rolled onto her back and spread her legs to show me her all.
The first fanny I’d ever seen.
A long moist cleft with secret folds of pink flesh surrounded by the thick black triangle of a 1980’s bush.

“Oh my god. Oh. I’m sorry. I need to go to the loo!”
The stripping, the spanking and sight of my sister’s full frontal exposure was more than I could bear.

“No you don’t.”

Stacy held me back. She, knew what she was doing and removed my trousers and pants with ease. She had got my throbbing cock out in a trice.

“Not bad, Dan. Your girlfriends won’t have any complaints with that.” she assured me.

She grabbed my staff and wanked it with amazing expertise.
She spat on her palm and rubbed the shaft, working her slippery hand over the head and sliding it back down.
Finding the perfect rhythm, she drove me rapidly towards my climax. Sensing when she was about to hit the vinegar stroke she positioned herself to take the full force of my spunky fountain on her bare tits.

It felt incredible. So much better than my solo ejaculations. I didn’t know what to say except, “I didn’t know girls did that.”

She dipped a finger into the pool of cum, “Mmm, salty,” she smiled, “We do a lot more than that, little brother. I’ll show you when you’re older.”

“I’ll be 15 in two weeks.” I hoped that would be old enough.


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