Categories: AbuseGroupRapeTeen

Max the Bully hot Sex Stories – Y2Stories.Com

He is almost at the door and he says “she’s ready for you now boys” my heart starts beating fast as I realised we wasn’t alone.

It’s the first day back from the summer holidays. I turned 15 during the holidays,I had the best birthday ever. My auntie from Australia came to visit and she gave me a full make over. ” Oh Mary look how beautiful and slim you are, your starting to look like a… a Kardashian….well a natural one of course” I blushed my auntie Jessie was like my best friends she knows all my secrets and problems at school.
“Now remember what we spoke about if Max is giving you a hard time you know what to do”. Max is a bit from school, he is a total bully, when I first came to this school he started showing me that he liked me. We was around 12 and I wasn’t into boys at that age, puberty started kicking in and I had rejected him. Clearly he didn’t take it well. Ever since then he has been a pain in the ass, from hurting me to doing disgusting pranks on me. And I knew this year won’t be any different.
Aunt Jessie is the coolest, she’s never been married but has had many relationships. During her 3 weeks here we bonded she taught me about the art of seduction and even told me about sex. I knew what sex was but like she taught me how to make a guy feel good and how to behave. She even had a big veiny black dildo, where she taught me on how to drive a guy crazy with a blowjob. I was shy at first but I soon mastered it. Well according to her I was doing a good job.She was the coolest.
I walked to my class room, and I noticed everyone looked different and had changed. Puberty really does work it’s magic. Almost all the boys had stretched in height. I go into the class room and I check the seating planner. My new seating partner was Max! Which meant I sit next to him every day of the week, and all my work and projects to be done with him. I wasn’t scared of him or anything, I wasn’t shy person either, I had many friends and everyone knew max had a thing for me that’s why he did the stuff he did.
I spot my best friend “hey Jennifer!!!! Omg it’s been so long you looked so tanned!” She turns around and examines me. ” Omg wow you look so sexy what the hell happened to you!”, I did look good, I grew up a bra size to a D and my tits were more plump and volumed. I barely ate so my waist was small as hell. ” Oh I see your sitting next to Max, good luck with that ay, I’m sitting next to my Tracy she smells but she’s smart so I’ll copy all her work” we laugh and catch up for a bit untill Mr.Churcville came in.
We all had to take out seats. My table was right at the back which I was ok with usually they put the half blind people at the front. The classroom door swings open and low and behold Max walks in, wow he has gotten big I think he has been working out. He was already 6ft tall but now more muscles, and the t-shirt he worse was doing him justice. Jennifer turns her head to me and mouth O-M-G.
“ohhhh Mr max it’s lovely to have you here… Your late! So detention for you and Miss Mary… Now class your allocated with people I believe you need a lot of making up to do, now if you miss behave or break my class rules, both you and your partner will get detention, so congratulations to the both of you! Now sit” my jaw opened if disbelief, I’m going to be having detention all week at this rate being partnered up with Max.
Max catches me eyeing him up. My mouth almost dribbled. He wasn’t the same max as the one I saw before summer it couldn’t have been. I see him smirk as he catches me looking. I look away. He sits next to me and my body just stiffens. I’m sitting so close to the table that my stomach was getting squished between my chair and table, I wasn’t able to move. Max on the other hand is leaning back on his chair and had a view of the back of me. He was making me feel uncomfortable.
I had to not let him win this year, my aunties words telling me I think this Max boy really likes you, so this is how you control him. I turn my head and I whisper “thanks for that, now I have to spend an hour extra on my very first day” he comes closer to my face, our lips were almost touching and whispers back “well get used to it”.
I think he has matured or something because usually he wouldn’t be this calm around me. Or maybe because it’s harder to throw gum into someone’s hair that’s sitting right next to you. Something was different about him. I was very curious.
The end of the day came and still this boy hadn’t attempted to do anything. I make my way to the detention hall and he was the only one there. We had a system where we log ourselves in and we place our phones in a automatic logged lockers and you have to wait a certain amount of time to log back out and get your phone back. So it’s like the school was holding you phone hostage till you did your time.
I go in the hall and he is siting on a table i sit on a chair Infront of him. No one else was there it was just us two and out of nowhere I was hearing moaning sounds.i look around maybe it was coming from outside and I look on the corner of my eye and max was masterbating and watching porn!
” Max are you serious. You have to do that right now? Is it that needed” he looks up at me and chuckles, “why not no one is here it’s not like I’m going to get detention for it… I’m already here”. I turn around and I listen to the moans of the girl and I hear the moisturiser being massages onto his cock. I start getting wet, I was picturing his size and his cock going inside of me. I can’t believe I was thinking like this about my Bully, the guy that has tormented me since I was 12.
I hear his chair being dragged back… I wonder what he is going to do. I hear him walk to my direction, he comes and stands Infront of me with his cock in his hand. I’m looking at my hands which were on the table. I slowly look up and I see the biggest cock I have ever fucking seen. I see precum dripping from his tip. He had big hands and it was barely fitting in his hand. It was long so fucking long like 11inches. He is looking down at me and I’m looking at this face. My pussy is so wet and my chest my heart was beating fast. I was horny and scared at the same time. I look at him and his sex face was on and his arms was shiny from sweat. His head goes back and he squirts all his cum on my face my hair my chest and on the table. I didn’t move or nothing, I couldn’t move. I just sat there and let him do that to me. He puts his cock back into his trousers and goes and sits back down like nothing happened. We sit like that for 40 minutes untill I heard my locker open. I quickly get up and rush to the closest toilet. Locked myself in and I started crying. I looked at my reflection and I had cum everywhere. My make up was even smudged because of it. I grabbed a tissue and just whipped off as much as I could. He threw so much cum on me it was even on my lap.
I ran out and headed home. I couldn’t believe he did that…. Or did I let him do it. I could have easily moved or fought back. I got into the shower and I had the image of his huge cock. I started touching myself at the thought of it. I wanted it in my mouth in between my breasts. I was a virgin and I even wanted it me. I had to snap out of it, I was suppose to be getting my pay back, if aunt knew what he did she would say I’m letting him win. As of tomorrow, I will be getting him back.
I woke up and put on my school uniform. I wore a white lace bra and opened the buttons of my top that when I bent down you can see my cleavage. And mine were big.
Our first lesson was design & art. Of course Max came late so another detention was handed to us both. I try and not look at him as he walks in. We had a project to do which was to create a poster to hang the designs around the school. He walks towards me and I “accidentally” drop my pen. I know cringe and typical thing to do but I wanted him to see my breasts. No one was looking and he paused Infront of me and I look up and see him looking down. “Max can I help you, do you want to take a picture it will last longer” I say sarcasticly I said it a bit loud on purpose so the people around us heard. I think that embarrassed him a little. Which I didn’t care after what he did to me yesterday I did not care. He bends down to my ear as he is sitting and takes a sniff, ” I see you have showered, I guess you didn’t like the make over I gave you” I clench my jaw.
I really wanted to tease him, I felt like grabbing his cock but we had student on our right side. I beging to pull my skirt up so high that my inner thighs and thighs were all exposed. Max always sat back on his chair and I knew he was looking at me. My legs were so tanned and smooth, not one mark on them. I had creamed them at home so they were extra soft. I see him touch his cock on top of his trousers. I start crossing my legs where my right lights and buttt was showing,I see his left hand on top of my chair next to me. I flip my hair and bring it all to one side, my neck and half my face was look at him. His cheeks had gotten ready, his mouth was half open, I knew he had a hard on. He looks at me and I look at him and I started making sex faces like I have seen on porn. I kept biting my lip as well. His hand moved closed to my thigh and I started moving my hips up and down very gently. I kept giggling as saw him grab on to his cock eve tighter. Fuck I can see it, it’s so fucking big, I see the outline of his tip form a wetness patch. I grab his hand and I slowly bring it closer to my inner thigh, it was so warm there. His face was in shock, he looked like those poor people that when you give them money they are so grateful. I kept biting my lip I know it was sending him out of this world. Next thing I know he stands up and marches out of the class room. I was just laughing. I knew what I had done. God I was so happy.
Towards the end of the day we get called to stay after class by Mr Chruchville. ” Look max second day In a row you come pluss you storm out of my classroom without asking me for the pass, clearly you haven’t learnt a lesson yesterday so not only will the both of you do you time, but I have asked the janitor to take the evening off and after the football team has finished practice you both will clean the locker rooms. And I want everything spotless”
Like seriously can the school even allow that that’s slavery. Im cleaning a smelly dirty place for free! I was so frustrated. I look at Max and he just smiled. “Are you happy now Max, two days in a row. thank you so much”
I meet up with Jennifer and I tell her what my punishment is. She starts laughing, and joking around saying I’m the new school janitor. She was being childish and this is why I don’t tell her everything. I was so annoyed. I got to the detention hall and I see there was more people there. So unfortunately for Max there was too many people for him to try his little tricks. I do my detention and I notice that no one that was in detention is going to do their other part and clean the locker rooms. I ask one of them if they were assigned a cleaning punishment. They said no they only got detention no other punishment. My heart was beating because I look back and I couldn’t see max anywhere, where was he? Did he leave and expect me to do the cleaning. But he couldn’t have left because our phones were still in the locker.
I make my way to the changing locker room and I see the cleaning supplies that were left out. I look at the list and there was a couple of stuff to clean out, I was starting to believe the janitor didn’t do anything all day because it smelt so bad.
Max is still no where to be seen so I start cleaning out the dirty towels and picking up the rubbish. I do almost everything that was on the list in an hour. I was sweating and very angry. Ohhhh the minute I see him I will kill him.
My next and last job was to clean the showers. I literally shampood everything and scrubbed the floors and cleaned out the drains. My hair was in a messy bun and I start getting lost into the Rihanna song Umbrella. No one was around so I was singing loud and giving my best performance.
I hear laughter, and then they clap ” well done bravoooo” all of a sudden half the lights in the locker room switched off. I see someone walking towards me I couldn’t tell who it was “Mr Churchville?” I said. The person didn’t reply I just heard their footsteps get closer and then they fade. All of a sudden one of the showers turned on and steam was pouring out of that area. And from that steam steps out my very good friend Max. And he walks and stands Infront of me “Ohhhh I’m going to kill you, where the hell have you been I have done everything all on my own, you wait till I tell Mr…..” All of a sudden he grabs my hair with one hand and slamms me on the shower wall. My body stiffens from the pain, my head hit the wall pretty hard. Max then turns the cold water on and it falls all onto of my body. He was standing Infront of me I couldn’t move again, the water was so cold I started to shiver. He turns it off after a while.
“Or what what will you do.. who will you tell?” My whole body is soaking now, grabs me and pulls me out the shower and drags me to a massage table that was on the other side of the room. I looked to the door and he had locked it shut from the inside. Oh god why didn’t I think of that. He throws me onto the floor and tells me to get undressed. He is leaning against the massage bed and just watches me. He was so strong his force was stronger than I thought.
“No Max I won’t, let me go, foreal now let’s stop playing these games it’s going to far” he pulls on my arm towards his body and he begins to pull my top open causing all the buttons to pop out. My breasts were on display, there were so big and giggling every time I moved. ” Well if you don’t do it then I will” He grabs my skirt and pulls that down as well. I’m in my thongs now trying to cover up. He walks behind me and gently unhooks my bra. My breast just drop, I don’t try and hide them I see where this was going. And to be honest I have been horny every since we was in detention. He leaves my thongs on. He slowly walks around me smelling me as he walks, examining me like he has been waiting for this moment for a long time. I bite my lip. “You really need to stop biting your lip I can’t control myself when you do that” he steps Infront of my face and starts kissing and sucking on my neck. I started to moan. I didn’t mean to but it was just coming out. He starts grabbing on my breast they was barely fitting in his hands. My nipples hard and my pussy is reacting to his mouth. He looks up and me and then kisses me with such power, I kissed him back and he lifts me up with his big arms. I wrap my legs around his and he lowers me onto the massage table. Our tongues are just swimming in each others mouths, I think we kissed like that for 6 minutes. It was so intense. He starts working his way back down to my neck, my breasts my stomach, my thighs, and feet. He didnt leave one place untouched he was being so gentle and giving me so much attention. He looks up at my pussy and starts to remove my underwear using his teeth. God where had he learnt this, did he has sex all summer I was getting jelous that he did this to someone else.
My pussy was shaven and smooth. You can see how wet it was. Max is just looking at it I’m loving his facial reactions to seeing my body. I didn’t know he wanted me this bad. He starts liking my pussy, I giggled because it tickled. He held my thighs down. God he knew where to touch and control a woman. Max continues to licks and now suck me. The sucking was making my eyes roll. He opened up my pussy and examined me, he smiled and said “Well done mary I would have been mad if you was touched” he takes a big slurp at my pussy and comes back up to kiss me on my mouth. ” Look baby look how sweet you pussy tastes”oh I loved how he was calling me baby. My clit was so swollen everytime I touched it it was sending me shivers.
Max beings to get undressed, he takes his top and trousers of so fast without taking an eye off my body. He comes back with a kiss. I felt his cock hit my leg, I reached down and help it in my hands. “Omg max this is so big I don’t think it will… I mean like look at it it’s impossible to put it in me” my aunties dildo looked like the junior version of his. I kiss his chest and touch on his muscles, I bend down and I’m face to face with his cock. I slowly perform some of the tricks auntie showd me, he kept moaning. This was the first cock I have ever held and placed into my mouth. I start to lick and suck on his to tip. ” Mmmmm max do you like how Im sucking on your cock…. Do you wish to have me like this everyday…. Mmmmm” I knew he liked the dirty talk and sex noises. He starts to grab my head and fuck my mouth rough and fast, his cock was hitting my voice box, his cock was big enough to cause damage to my throat. Out of no where he tells me to bend over on the massage table and he grabs on both my but cheeks and opens them up with his hands. I felt tension on my butt and pussy. He puts his cock on my entrance and without warning rams his cock inside of me. I scream so loud, I started to cry. He was going to rough I tried to push him off. I can’t see what ls going on down there as he is doggying me. My pussy was uncontrollably tightening around his cock. “Ahhhh Mary yessss… Keep doing that…. Ahhh I want you to tighten your pussy untill I finish.” He starts thrusting me harder and rougher, I feel him fuck me so deep inside I felt my stomach go in and out on every thrust. It has stopped hurting at this point and began to feel much nicer. I started moaning more. I kept thinking why did I ever hate Max if this is all he wanted I could have given it to him. I think I like him now, I think I will let him be my boyfriend, he was being so gentle and nice with me.
Maxs pace beging to pick up, he picks up one of my legs so he gets deeper access, I feel his cock stiffen more. “Ahhhh baby I’m going to come, tighten your pussy…. Yeshhhhhhh fuck thats so tight” he grabs my hair pulls my head back and releases himself inside of me. I felt his cock vibrate inside of me and his cum definitely got me pregnant. Omg I forgot all about that we didn’t use protection. He pulls his cock out of me I turn around and look down and he had blood on his cock, I look down my pussy was so red and sore. I touch it and it was so sensitive. Max jumps in the shower washed himself and begins to dress up. He didn’t look at me once. “Ummm hello max are you not going to help me out.. hello” he is almost dressed, and ready to leave, my clothes were soaked on the floor somewhere. His personality changed and he wasnt reply to anything I was asking him.
He is almost at the door and he says “she’s ready for you now boys” my heart starts beating fast as I realised we wasn’t alone. Out came around 6 other boys who were all in the year above, and who happened to be in the football team. They all had their Dick’s out, stoking their cocks in my direction.
I start to look around for an escape. The room was so steamy. I tried to head for max but the boys managed to stop me. I was screaming at this point, trying to save myself. They were all touching on my breast ass and pussy. I wasn’t liking it any more. All boys took their turns first fucked my mouth then the first boy put his cock in my ass. The pain was awful, worse than loosing my virginity. At one point I had one guy in my ass another guy in my pussy. My mouth never got a rest I was constantly mouth fucked. The first guy came he left early so I had five guys raping me now. One after the other they were done. I felt like shit like pure shit. I kept thinking he got me in detention, made me clean up the dirty room that I was going to be raped in. I hated him and mark my words I will get my revenge. They boys had left like it was a normal thing they did. They didn’t even acknowledge me once to see if I was okay. They just walked out laughing and talking.
I went to the dirty laundry and I found some pair of clothes. I couldn’t go home in wet clothes I was already late as I was I didn’t want my parents to find out what’s happened. I cried the whole journey home. My voice had gone completely,I went pale yellow. I lied to my parent and told them I was running laps around the school garden.
I was sick I felt sick I felt disgusting. How could he do this to me. I cried all night long. I lied and didn’t go school for the whole week. I told them I was sick. I went to get an morning after pill because I wasn’t planning on having any of their bastard kids.
The whole week at home I thought long an hard on how to get him back. One part of me wanted to leave the school forever but why would I do that why run away it won’t do me any good.

If you would like me to continue let me know


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