My G/F Groomed Me Sex Story 2024 – Y2Stories

I had only dated my Girlfriend for 5 months when she told me she needed my help to enlighten her 2 daughters sexually. At first I flatly refused.

I met my G/F online at a dating site. We did the chatroom thing for 3 months since she seemed so afraid and was hiding from her abusive X. She explained she had to be so careful because her X had threatened to kill her and her daughters. Her girls were 10 and 12 at the time. G/F Wendy was 45 and I was almost 55 back then (1996).
After months of small talk, we decided to meet and see how it worked out, dating. I’m a sucker for dark auburn hair and a great smile. Turned out that She was even more impressed than she had expected too. We had to arrange longer visits since we lived too far apart even for frequent weekends. Soon we helped her move closer for better convenience in all things. Her kids seemed to be nuts about me and we all got along especially well together. Our relationship moved very quickly to become exceptionally heated and passionate. Wendy announced that she never felt so comfortable with anyone before and wanted to make this a lifelong arrangement. Her daughters felt the same and we investigated moving them in with me. A huge brick wall deterrent for us was having them move from the USA over the border. Their finances and medical and education were all going to make it impossible. We had to continue spending time together however we could manage. We spent time camping and visiting whenever possible. Eventually, Wendy brought her girls with her nearly every visit. She wanted to discuss having my help to give the girls some guidelines about sex ed. Ah! That’s Your department, I told her. She planned to continue their normal home conditions allowing us to all be nude regularly as they always had done at their home. We can all make it a normal and natural thing if you agree. I suggested we just start slowly by inviting the daughters to join us in the hot tub sometimes and we all share weekends together as a family. From there we allow them to be as they wish in our house but always wear clothes outdoors at my house & You set the rules at Your place. We agreed. With that settled, we invited her two daughters to join us, nude in the hot tub in the evenings just before bedtime. The hot tub was a new experience for them. Everyone loved it. We all slept so well after 15 minutes in the hot bubbles. We all climbed out of the tub and relaxed on the king-sized bed to cool off and relax. Wendy always wanted to move things along with more affection and foreplay. Even as I resisted, she got her way. I figured her daughters might be embarrassed, but instead, they were more curious and wanted to know why Mom was so giggly and naughty. Wendy wanted to allow them to see us playing and making love. No other guy was ever trusted like she trusted me.
I made it very clear to Wendy, that I didn’t ever want her to allow a situation to develop where I was alone with her girls. I wanted No chance of ever being accused of anything improper with her kids.
A few months later the girls began asking questions about us sleeping together and why was Mom always so giggly and happy whenever visiting with me. They told me they had never seen their Mom so happy and excited. Whatever we were doing, we should keep it going! With that statement, Wendy jumped in a asked the girls if they would like to see why she was so happy and excited. They blurted out their approval and wanted to know more. I was shocked and afraid this was crossing the line. Wendy insisted that the only way they’ll learn is by witnessing the real thing & who is better qualified to teach than real loving parents?! Wendy explained to her daughters, that they would be invited to watch and learn from us, what real loving adults do together to bond and love each other. They were going to learn what real loving couples share, instead of always being afraid for your safety and your life, like we were living previously.
The next evening as we shared the hot tub with the girls, Wendy was so turned on and excited just having everyone together nude in the hot tub. She was all over me and groping me, it was me feeling embarrassed. The girls seemed curious, but not any embarrassment. I loved having Wendy’s big breasts in my face. She was straddling my lap and sitting on my raging boner as quickly as she could. Her rocking on my lap was making waves and her breasts were flopping. The girls were now telling their Mom, to go Mom! You rock! That’s so rude! Give it to him! Then Wendy turned around and sat down on my cock again and spread wide to show off her situation. Even with the bubbles and waves, the underwater lighting showed everything. The girls hugged each other and stared at us. “That’s wild, you two! That looks so Hot! I held Wendy still and told her she was going to make me shoot in the water. I held her tightly feeling her contractions gripping my boner. It was past 15 minutes in the hot water, so time to exit the tub. We all climbed out and dried off with towels and jumped onto the kingsized bed. Wendy had to continue with her urgent desires gripping my cock and keeping on tugging me back to full erection. The girls were both staring and watching. Wendy again straddled my aching pole and sat down taking every inch of me, rocking back and forth. I cupped her big breasts and held her ass, thrusting into her as she rocked on me. We were all breathing more heavily with sexual excitement. Again I had to tell Wendy, she was about to make me explode inside her. That was her cue to dismount and take my erection in hand. she showed the girls how hard and juicy My erection was from her own juices. She told her girls she was going to finish me off with her mouth. Wendy sat on my chest and took my balls in one hand and was stroking my shaft and sucking my cock with her head bobbing up and down. She only stopped long enough to tell her girls that this is what men love most of all., then went back to sucking and stroking me until I started spurting my cum from her expert loving attention. My ejaculation was more intense than usual with the girls watching. Wendy held my erection in full view to the daughters as I shot about 5 squirts of semen into midair. Then her mouth was on me again to suck the last few draining drops of cum. The girls expressed their eewwas & yucks, but Wendy told them it tasted really wonderful, and no one else ever made her feel so horny in her entire life. We collapsed together on the bed and continued our petting and horny fingering and kissing. The girls had a few questions we explained away and they wanted to see us do more sexy stuff, they said.

I will continue with more of our story if there’s any interest.


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