Pool party at courtney’s causes 2 white suburban wives to be taken by the mexican drug cartel Sex Stories Cool – Y2Stories.Com

Courtney’s husband makes deal with Mexican drug cartel and Courtney and Britney are the deal .

It’s Saturday morning and it’s the last weekend in July and it is going to be very hot today , just as I was about to get up , the phone rang and it was Courtney . She invited me to come over to her house because she’s having a small pool party and barbeque with a few close friends , including her husbands Mexican boss . Who’s a very handsome and very rugged hunk , he looks like that Mexican actor Danny Trejo .

I told Courtney that I’ll be over soon and does she need anything , she asked me to pick up some extra rum , Kahlua and Tequila for our anticipated wild pool party , and before she hung up she told me to wear my black spandex two piece French bikini , “I most certainly will”! I said to her with a giggle .

I took a shower . Then I kind of wiggled into my bottom part of my bikini, and I put the top piece on , as I looked in the mirror at myself . I noticed my bikini did not cover that much of me , my 34 DD tits with my cleavage is just screaming out to anyone to fondle and fuck my tits, and my tightly fit bikini bottoms just barely cover my bare pussy, as my ass cheeks are in plain view , and as I walked and swayed my hips, my ass cheeks jiggle . Perfect I said to myself , I want to tease Courtney’s husband , who’s also a hunk and his boss . Just before I left my house , I slipped into my 5 inch stiletto’s to complete my appropriated pool party attire as I smiled .

I just arrived at Courtney’s house and the sounds of my heels clicking on her floor got the attention of her husband, as I walked into the kitchen . He couldn’t keep his eyes off me, as my tits are ready to explode out of the top of my bikini , I gave him a hug and he wrapped his arms around me, giving me a big body hug as I felt his hands slowly move down onto my exposed ass cheeks , I also felt his dick get hard against my barely covered pussy. I can feel my pussy get stirred up and getting a little wet .I said ,”Eric darlin”! “don’t you be fresh now”! I giggled .

As Courtney saw me in the kitchen with her husband . He quickly let go of me . Courtney rushes over to me and we hug each other , then she takes a step back saying , “Whoa girl”!! “that bikini is really going to make a lot of cocks get happy and grow today”!!

As we both laughed , I said , “Even your husbands”!! Courtny laughed and said , “Britney honey”! he’s totally devoted to me”!! she chuckled as we are preparing some bagels for us .

“Well Courtney your husband may be devoted to you but his cock seems to have other ideas”! As I giggled out loud .

“Oh what do you mean by that my little adorable sex kitten”! she said to me as she chuckled .

“Well just before you came into the kitchen , he was giving me a hug and his cock got very hard against my unprotected pussy”!! I laughed out .

“Oh WAIT”!! “TO I GET A HOLD OF HIM TONIGHT AFTER THE PARTY”!! Courtney laughed out .

After that everything was done and Courtney’s husband is out at the pool checking the pump and filter,
I took Courtney up to her bedroom and told her that I have a surprise for her .I gave her a two piece
bikini that I bought her when I was in France last month , also I got her a few French brassieres and
a few pairs of expensive Cevin fashioned nylon stockings to . Since Eric loves staring at my legs with the back seam starting at my bottom heel and goes straight up and disappearing into my skirt or dress !

She gave me another hug . Then she put on the bikini , it was white and I gave her matching color 5 inch stiletto’s . We stood side by side looking in her mirror as we both have basically the same tit size of 34 DD , and I said as we are admiring our full figure’s , “We’re bitching bitches”!!!

Courtney said , “Bitching bitches ! “I like that name for us Britney”! We’re the bitching bitches”!!

We went out to the pool and as Courtney and me walked over to the lounge chairs, the click clacking sound of our high heels that are making on the concrete walk way caused Courtney’s husband to stop playing around with the pool filter, and stared at the two of us. I’m wearing my white framed sunglasses , so I turned to him and blew him a kiss as Courtney did the same, while we just giggled as we sat down to work on our tans .

I said to Courtney , “I think he’s got a hard on for you sweetie”!!!

Courtney laughed out loud and said , “Oh you’re totally mistaken my beautiful sex kitten”!! “He has a huge hard on for the both of us”!!!

I laughed out loud, then I reminded her if she took her pill today , she was shocked that I said that , then she asked me if I took my pill ? I laughed and said, “Oh I forgot sweetie”! She said she didn’t take
the pill because she wants to have a baby with Eric and now she’s fertile !
Cortney’s husband’s boss just arrived . Eric brought him over to us, and introduced him to us, we said hello. then Eric brought him over to the outside table that has a tall umbrella opened up and both of them sat down with some business papers, discussing the profit outlook of their company . Some other guys and another young woman came over and they went into the pool .

Eric’s boss Santiago, asked Courtney where the bathroom is, and Courtney said that she’ll show him .
She got up and as he followed her , I could see him staring at her sexy wiggling ass while he’s following her into the house .

It’s been at least 30 minutes since I’ve seen Courtney, so I got up and walked over to Eric wiggling my ass as my 5 inch heels are making that come and fuck me sound, as a few of the guys that are in the pool stopped talking to one another and they stared at my ass and tits, like over sexed dogs. one or two of the guys whistled at me as I stopped and turned to them and raised up my sunglasses and winked at them , then blew each guy a kiss and they yelled out ,”Hey baby shake that ass for us”!! “OOH YEAH BRITNEY”!! “SHOW THAT SEXY ASS AND BIG TITS OF YOURS TO US GUYS”!!!!!!

I just kept walking to the house looking for Courtney, when Eric , Courtney’s husband asked me to help him with something in the house, so I said , “Sure”!!

Eric brought me into a spare bedroom off the kitchen and without any warning, he put his arms around me and gave me one of the most passionate French kisses that I ever gotten, as I instinctively started hitting him with my hands and arms to release me as the only sound coming from my mouth was ,

“MMMmmmph”!!! “MMMMmmph”!!

After he stopped kissing me , I yelled out at him , “WHAT THE FUCK ERIC”!! “YOUR MARRIED TO MY BEST FRIEND”!!

Eric then said , “Fuck Britney”! “you’ve been nothing but a tease to me ever since I married Courtney”!!!

I don’t know what happened to me at that moment, but I unzipped his shorts and took out his nice sized cock and got on my knees with my 5 inch heels still on and went all the way down on his cock, as he sat back on the bed holding my head trying not to moan to loudly, while my head and mouth is bobbing up and down on his cock pretty fast .I’m making those wet slurpy gurgling sounds and as I pull his cock out of my mouth , I have long stringy saliva and his leaking precum coming out of my mouth and it’s all over his big cock and my face and hair, and I’m thinking as I go back sucking his cock that I’m now sucking Courtney’s own personal cock and what would she do to me if she ever found out that I’m sucking her husband Eric’s cock off .

I was about to go back down on his cock when he told me that he wants to fuck me , I told him it wouldn’t be a good idea of him fucking me since Courtney is basically like a sister to me and just by sucking his cock off puts the two of us in danger if Courtney found out , she would divorce Eric and get his house with alimony and his stock options that he has invested into his company . Courtney
probably will disown me as her friend and it will totally devastate her and me too .

But Eric made me so horny that I didn’t care and submitted to him . So I asked him what position he wants me in , he told me to get into the center of the bed and then he took control of me .

I’m in the center of the bed and he puts his head between my legs and moves my bikini to the side exposing my very tight and wet pink pussy. He starts licking and tongue fucking my bare pussy, that’s driving me wild as I’m moaning and my body is bucking from his intense tongue fucking .

Eric puts both of his hands underneath my upper thighs and hip area and pulls my body and pussy up against his mouth very tightly, and as I am starting to cum, he just kept sucking out all my whitish pussy cum and juices , at that moment I squeezed my thighs against his head like a vice and then I grabbed the back of his head and pulled his face almost into my pussy as I squealed , “OOHH”!! “OHH”!! “OHH GOD”! “I’M CUMMING ERIC”!! “OHH FUCK YES”!!

I released my thighs and as Eric moved up and French kissed me with all my pussy, thick whitish , pussy cum, all over his face . I licked and sucked all my cum off his face as we are still engaged into our long French kiss .

I put my soft hand on his already hard cock and started stroking it back and fourth , it got really big in my hand so I looked up with my seductive brown eyes into Eric’s and said ,”Fuck my pink tight pussy”!!

Well ! he wasted no time, Eric kneeled in front of me and he placed his wide, white cockhead between my tight, wet, pussy lips and slowly pushed his cockhead in me as I can feel my pussy lips starting to separate and stretch . He said , “Oh fuck Britney you’re so fucking tight”!! “Are you sure you’re not a virgin”?

I yelped out , “N….no I’m not a virgin”!!! It’s just been quite awhile since having a big black cock in me”!!

“But please Eric”! “go real easy until my pussy gets use to your huge cock width”? “Please”!!

“Sure Britney”!! “Anything for you”!!

As his cock slowly slips into my pussy and disappeared into my womb , both of my arms are tightly wrapped around him , I squeezed my eyes shut as I bit down on his shoulder as he’s starting to fuck me hard . The feeling of my tight pussy has Eric so excited that he took each of my legs and placed each one all the way back near each corner of the bed board , trapping me into this position .”OH FUCK”! “I HAVEN’T BEEN STRETCHED OUT LIKE THIS SINCE DANCING SCHOOL”!! I squealed out .

He’s now thrust fucking the hell out of me in this position . I’m squealing out , “OHH MY GOD”! “OHH MY GOD”!! “OHH FUCK ME”!! “FUCK ME ERIC”!! “OH MY GOD”! “I’M CUMMING ERIC”!! “OH FUCK BABY” “I’M CUMMING ALL OVER YOUR COCK”!! “OH FUCK”!! “Y…YES”!!!!

My pussy just clamped onto Eric’s cock like a vice and constricted around it , at the same time he grunted out my name ,”B…BRITNEY”! “OHH FUCK”! “HERE COMES MY BREEDING LOAD”!!! “OH FUCK”! “YOUR PUSSY IS SO FUCKING TIGHT”!!!! “OH F…FUCK”!! “YEAH”!!!!!!!

While he’s banging and pounding the hell out of me , I hear the bed board banging hard against the bedroom wall behind me, as I looked to my upper right side and upper left side, I can see my stiletto heel tips banging and rubbing against the wall , causing damage to the wallpaper .

He came hard in my pussy, filling my womb up with his seed , he just collapsed on top of me , and I rubbed his head while he kissed and sucked my tits . I could still feel his cock pulsating in me shooting off the last of his spunk as we just laid there and hugged .

Eric finally got off me while his cum leaked out of me , he gave me some wet wipes that I used to clean up all my and his cum . We left the room and he started to go back out to the pool , I yelled out to him , “Oh Eric honey”! “I’m not on the pill anymore so you’ll have a lot of explaining to do with Courtney”!!!!

He looked back at me with a very scared look as I laughed and blew him a kiss .

I have been looking around for Courtney , I checked out at the pool area, and asked the guests if they saw her and one lady said that she saw her go into the house about an hour ago . I thanked her and went back in to the house , as I walked by Eric and the guys with my sexy sounding come and fuck me heels , I waved to them as they started whistling at me again .

I’m in the living room and suddenly I hear some type of noise coming from upstairs, so I head upstairs and came up to the short hall way. when I distinctly hear some type of muffled moaning sounds ,so I quietly went down the hall way and the sounds are coming from Courtney and Eric’s bedroom .

As I opened the door slowly , and to my shock. I saw Eric’s Mexican boss Santiago with no shirt on or pants , just briefs . His back is all tattooed up with all types of Mexican cartel insignia .

Courtney was on her tummy with a pillow underneath her tummy , causing her ass to be raised up , as Santiago is on top of her with one arm around her neck , pulling her head back as he tells her into her ear that she’s now Cartel property . his thick Mexican cock is buried deep into her pussy , she was in the unescapable prone bone position .

I stood and watched this Mexican drug kingpin pump and thrust his cock deep between Courtney’s bikini and straight into her fertile pussy, and with every thrust he’s giving her she’s making high pitched whimpering sounds, that are causing my pussy to start getting wet .

Santiago pulls out of Courtney, and as he gets up. He slaps her ass pretty hard as she yelped “OHHH”!!
and pulls her by her long hair down to the foot of the bed and makes her get on all fours .

“Please Mr. Santiago”! “Please no more fucking me”! “I’m a married woman”!! “It’s very possible that you just may have impregnated me”!!

I’m really shocked what I just saw and heard , it seems Courtney’s husband Eric is completely owned and controlled by the Mexican drug cartel, and his business is involved in money laundering, and now Courtney is nothing but white ,wife, suburban fuck meat for the head boss, and Eric had no choice but to bring him into his house until the money laundering operation gets established .

Santiago tells Courtney to be quiet as he positions his cock at her pussy from behind and suddenly
as I was trying to get a better view of Santiago’s cock getting ready to penetrate Courtney’s pussy ,
the heel part of my stiletto got caught somehow on the threshold at the bedroom and I stumbled into the bedroom .

Santiago quickly turns around and as he jumps up and grabs me , I screamed out ,”OH PLEASE”!! “I’M SORRY”! “PLEASE LET ME AND COURTNEY GO”!! “WE WON’T TELL NO ONE PLEASE”!!

Courtney with tears in her eyes turns around to see what just happened and cries out to me ! “BRITNEY PLEASE HELP ME”! “PLEASE MAKE HIM STOP RAPING ME”! “PLEASE”!!!! “HE’S PLANNING TO KIDNAP ME TONIGHT AFTER THE PARTY AND TAKE ME TO MEXICO”!!!!

Santiago has me by one of my ponytails and pulls me over next to Courtney , he’s checking me out and says ,

“What a delight for me”! “I have two beautiful bikini wearing white suburban house wives all for my sexual pleasure”!! he said with a sinister Mexican accent .

He picks me up and places me on top of Courtney and tells the both of us not to move , as we’re crying not knowing what he’s going to do to us . He slides my bikini to the side and puts his rough weathered fingers into my wet sperm filled pussy and fingerbangs me , making me moan and yelp out ,”OHHH”! “OH”!! As he’s standing directly between Courtney’s and my legs .

He then pulls his fingers out and he was about to put his fingers into his mouth to taste me ,but he stopped , he noticed white sperm globs on his fingers , he asked me if I just got fucked before coming up here ?

I told him yes ! I did get fucked ! He asked ,”Who was it”?

I really didn’t want to answer him, because I am laying on top of Courtney and she will know that I just fucked her husband .

I didn’t answer him , I just looked ahead silent . Then without any warning he gave me at least 15 very hard open hand slaps on the cheeks of my ass while I screamed out in pain, “OOWW”! ARGH”! “OWWH”! “AARRRGH”! “P…P…PLEASE S…S…STOP I..IT HURTS”! “AARGHH”! “I’M SORRY”! “I’M SORRY”! “I’LL TELL YOU WHO I FUCKED JUST STOP”! “YOU’RE HURTING”! “ME PLEASE SIR”!

When he stopped slapping my ass . I turned my head around and saw my ass cheeks are purple and red in color as I whimpered in tears . Then I said , “Eric fucked me”!!

I put my arms around Courtney as I laid on top of her and said , “I’m so sorry Courtney but he grabbed me and took me in the spare bedroom and I told him no , but he was persistent and we ended up fucking”! “please forgive me Courtney”?

“It’s okay Britney”!! “I know he’s been after you ever since I met him”!

Santiago laughed as he put his thick mexican cockhead between my wet pussy lips and pushed it up and down against them, then he slowly pushed it all the way in me, as my eyes went almost in back of my head from the width of his cock .

He said something in Spanish, as he’s now fucking and pounding my pussy so hard, that I could no longer surpress my screams . I just squealed out , “OHH MY GOD”!! “OHH MY GOD”!! “MY GOD”!!


As he’s fucking the living daylights out of me, he reaches up and grabs both of my ponytails and pulls my head all the way back, giving me the roughest pounding fuck that I ever got ,as he yells out in broken English , “I’M BREAKING AND TRAINING MY MARE TO HEED AND HEEL TO MY SEXUAL NEEDS”!! “YEAH I’M FUCKING THIS TIGHT WHITE PUSSY”!!

As I’m moaning and squealing and my big tits are swaying and jiggling all over the place, I hear this hard slapping sound and I happen to look up in the full length mirror, and I can see his low hanging weathered ball sack slapping against my very sore red and purplish colored ass cheeks .


As I’m panting and cumming, my pussy clamped down tight on his thick brown dick like a vise, and constricted very tight around it. Causing Santiago to yell and grunt in spanish, that I had no idea what he was saying , I felt his dick twitch and then I felt his hot streams of baby making hot sauce shooting huge loads into my womb, as he held my ponytails and gave me a few more hard thrusts
as I collapsed on top of Courtney as I just started to kiss the back of her neck and ear .

Santiago completely pulls out of me, while all his mexican seed leaks out of my very swollen pussy and drips onto Courtney’s ass .

He said it’s Courtney’s turn now , she pleaded with him not to fuck her, but he really couldn’t hear her because he has me on top of her, and her mouth is muffled in the mattress .

He takes his slimy cock, that has my pussy cum and both of Santiago’s sperm and whatever is left of Eric’s sperm and shoves it deep into Courtney’s pussy, and just like he did to me , he banged and pounded her white pussy so hard. That I can feel her and the bed slamming and banging against the wall very loud as poor Courtney squealed and yelped out , “OH GOD NO”!! “OHHH GOD NO”!! “PLEASE STOP”!! “I’M MARRIED”! “PLEASE SANTIAGO”!! “I DON’T WANT A BABY”!! “I’M FERTILE FOR MY HUSBAND”! “PLEASE”!!!

I was able to slide both of my hands and arms underneath Courtney, and I held our bodies close together as I hugged her and had my hands on her big tits , squeezing and twisting her erect nipples as Santiago is pounding and fucking her brains out , as my pussy is still leaking cum !!

Santiago finally blows his load into Courtney’s pussy for the second time, as he just collapsed onto the both of us , he kissed and licked the back of my neck . That was so fucking gross, and he also kissed and licked Courtney’s neck as she tried to move herself away from him .

He got up and got dressed. Then he took out his phone and called someone, but he was talking in Spanish and I couldn’t understand what he was saying .

He told me and Courtney that he drugged her husband Eric, and he will be passed out for at least two days, and that Courtney and me are going to be sold into the sex trafficking market after him and the rest of the high up captains of the Mexican cartel have their way with me and Courtney .Because white American suburban house wives are highly wanted, and after the Mexicans are finished with us , they are going to sell us to the Saudi Arabians to be bred and made into wives for the most wealthiest and richest Arabs.

Courtney and I couldn’t believe what he just said , I quickly tried to run out of the room, but he restrained me while two mexican guys came into the bedroom . he told them to get me and Courtney ready for transport.

They tied my hands behind my back and tied my legs also , then they put a very tight fitting ball gag around my head and mouth , now I can’t scream or talk , just , “MMmmphhm”! sounds from my mouth.

Courtney was also tied up and ball gagged . Then each mexican guy picked us up and put us over their shoulder and walked out of the house in the dark summer night, as both of us made our last futile attempt to escape. by kicking and bucking our bound legs up and down as we both shook our heads back and fourth no, and making , “MMmmphh”! sounds from both of our mouth’s .

Both of the mexican cartel guys, gave each me and Courtney two very hard slaps on our tushies as both of us yelped out through the ball gag , “MMmmph OOoomph”!!!!!!!

We were both placed inside of a van and taken to a private airport, where we both were put into the Mexican drug cartels private jet and flown deep into Mexico to the cartels well fortified compound for a life of being a sex slave .



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