Seeing my Daughters friends wild sides 8 Sex Story for free – Y2-Stories

PIcking Mercedes up from the club for a memorable night with mother and 11 year old daughter

At the designated time, I was parked outside of the club. The door opened and a muscular bouncer held the door open for Mercedes. She walked out in a tight little red dress that looked so hot against her black skin. her straightened hair flowing over her shoulders, her high heels making her legs look even more amazing. She opened my back door to place her large duffle bag on the seat and then got in the front

“How was the rest of your night?” I asked as she leaned over and kissed me

“It was good, made $750”

“Wow, in one night?”

“What can I say, the guys love me” She grinned “Thanks for the ride, my car is in the shop”

“It’s not a problem, cant leave a lady in distress”

“Especially with what will happen when you get the lady home” She said as I drove “Just so you know, I am okay with her fucking you, and I know she wants to get pregnant”

“You do?”

“Yeah, I was fucking grown men when I was her age and got pregnant with her when i was 13, so if she wants the same, I am supportive. Only I wont kick her out like my parents did to me.”

Mercedes gave me the shortened story of getting kicked out of the house pregnant at 13, having to live and sleep with a man in exchange for rent. Basically making money from a teen using her body, she didnt seem bothered by any of it. As we pulled into her driveway, my hard on started to grow in anticipation of what was about to happen. I was a gentleman and carried her bag for her. When we got to the door, she turned to me and put her arms around me. Our lips met and we shared a long slow french kiss.

She opened the door and we entered the spotless, quiet living room, her furnishings, TV, decor, all screamed money. The outside of the house showed no hint of what it was like inside. She took thye duffle bag from me and left the room, i wasnt sure whether to sit or stand, then Ebony appeared, wearing the same length of little red dress as her mom, her hair was also straightened and flowing over her shoulders

“Hey there” She said “Im glad mom brought you home” She walked to me and we embraced, sharing a short french kiss before her mom returned

“Good, I didnt have to come get you” Mercedes took her daughters hands in hers, I watched her oull Ebony in and kiss her, at first a few lip kisses, then I saw their lips part and they started to french kiss. I had never seen mother and daughter kiss, and especially not like this. This must have been a common greeting between them. I saw Ebony slide her hands down to her moms ass, Mercedes moved her hands to Ebonys breasts outside of her dress. Ebony took one hand off of her daughters breast and held it out, motioning for me to join them.

I walked toward them, Mercedes took my hand and pulled me to them. They broke their kiss and I started to kiss Mercedes again, one of my arms around each of the ladies. Her kiss was fast and wild, then our lips parted and Ebony put her hand on my cheek, turning my face to hers, I leaned toward her and we started to kiss, her french kiss was the opposite of her moms, slow and romantic. I felt Mercedes face move close to ours and we started a three way french kiss, I had neer experienced a kiss just this amazing on a new level.

“Lets take this party to mommas room” Mercedes said in a soft and seductive way.

I held both lady’s hands and they led me down the hall. As they walked, they swayed their hips, i watched their perfect asses in the tight fabric of their dresses. Opening the door to the large master bedroom, Mercedes had a king size bed that was perfectly made, Ebony let go of my hand and walked to the bed, taking off decorative pillows as she looked back at us. Mercedes pulled me into a kiss, when our lips parted, I saw that the comforter had been pulled down to the foot of the bed. Ebony walked to me and pulled me into a slow french kiss as Mercedes walked to a stereo in the corner and turned on music, slow, romantic R&B music. Ebony broke from the kiss and led me to the bed. I sat down on the edge of it and watched Ebony walk slowly to her mom, swaying her his to the music.

My cock was pushing against my jeans, aching to escape as I watched mother and daughter slow dance and kiss, their hands exploring each others body’s outside of their dresses. They were basiaclly making out standing up, putting on the hottest show that i had ever seen, when the second song began, their dancing together grew more sexy, Mercedes reached down, gripping the bottom of Ebonys dress, she pulled it up and off of her daughter. Ebony only wore a red thong underneath. Her breasts looked so amazing. Mercedes kissed her daughter again, her hands exploring Ebonys lighter complexion. Ebony moved her hands over her moms perfect ass and gripped the dress, pulling it up and off of her mom. Mercedes wore the same color thong as her daughter, her dark skin tone and perfect breasts made my cock twitch in my jeans. Mother and daughter started kissing again, their hands exploring each others breasts. Mercedes broke from the kiss and moved her lips to Ebonys breasts. Ebonys head was back, her mouth dropped open as she hugged her moms head. Mercedes kissed her daughters liops again and I watched Ebony kiss and suck on her moms breasts.

The lady’s turned their attention to me, boith walking to me side by side at the same pace. They stopped in front of me and danced slowly for me, my eyes moved from one of them to the other. Ebony stepped forward first and started to unbutton my shirt as she leaned in and kissed me, my hands moved to her 11 year old breasts. While kissing, I felt Mercedes start to undo my jeans, I raised up to allow her to pull them and my underwear down. Ebony broke from the kiss, i saw Mercedes already on her knees, Ebony lowered to her knees by her mom. The lady’s started to kiss again, each had a hand on my shaft, slowly stroking it, something they had obviously done together a few times.

When their kiss broke, Ebony moved her face to my cock first, starting to kiss it and lick up and down the side, Mercedes moved her face to the other side of my cock and started to kiss and lick the other side. they met at the tip and started to lick the head of my cock at the same time, their tongues touching at times. Mercedes moved her head back and let Ebony be the first to take me in her mouth, Ebony was so fucking good at this, her head bobbing up and down the shaft, after a couple of moments she backed off and Mercedes took over. The lady’s alternated frequently, I watched and moaned happily.

They finally stood and i watched as they pushed their thongs down their legs and stepped out of them, only their high heels remained. they moved onto the bed on either side of me and the three of us moved to the head of the bed. Mother on one side of me, daughter on the other. we alternated kissing and my hands slid down, one hand on Mercedes pussy, the other on Ebonys, my fingers began rubbing them, both lady’s moaned approvingly. I rose from my laying position and turned to face them, they moved close togetther side by side, turning their faces to each other and resumed kissing as i took my time exploring each of their perfect sets of breasts, 12 year old daughter and 20 something year old mom. I moved my lips down and alternated between kissing each of their flat bellys, then slid down and was at pussy level of each of them.

I started with Mercedes pussy, licking it slowly, hearig her moans rise in volume, my tongue playing with her clit, Mercedes had an arm stretched to her daughter, fingering Ebonys pussy, Ebony lowered her hand to join her moms hand. As I licked, I watched mother and daughter rub Ebonys pussy while they kissed. I licked Mercedes faster, slid two fingers into her, as i started to finger fuck her, I moved my other hand to Ebonys pussy and slid two fingers into her. Ebony broke from the kiss and moaned happily. her free hand reached over to her moms pussy, rubbing hers as i continued licking. I shifted across to Ebonys pussy and started to eat her out as i finger fucked Mercedes faster, Mercedes was bucking her hips, her cries of passion louder than Ebonys, I licked and finger fucked Ebony faster as well. Mercedes screamed that she was cumming, her cum and juices flowing over my fingers and hand. Ebony cried out “Me too” and her juices coated my other hand.

Mercedes moved up the bed to sitting, leaned against the headboard, Ebony scrambled to her hands and knees in front of me, I knew what she wanted and moved close to her ass, one hand on her hips, one on my cock

“Get that big white cock in my pussy” Ebony looked back

“Fuck my daughter baby, make her pregnant, own that pussy” Mercedes said as she rubbed her pussy

I pushed against Ebony and as my cock slid into her wet pussy, she let out a loud moan of “Fuck yes, fuck yes”, both hands on her hips now, I poushed fully into her 11 year old pussy. Ebony moved her lips to her moms pussy and started to eat her out as i started to fuck her gradually faster. Mercedes continued rubbing her pussy as Ebony ate her out, her eyes on me fucking her daughter.

All of our moans reached loud levels, a trio of pleasure, Ebonys tongue brought her mom to another orgasm, my cock brought Ebony to an orgasm, I was fighting my building orgasm, fucking Ebony with all i had. teh feeling grew stronger in my balls, thrusts became uneven, Ebony looked back at me, knowing what was about to happen “Come on baby, make a baby in me, make a baby in me”. Her eyes looked so sexy as she said it. I groaned “Fuck yes, cumming” Just before my balls tightened and released a huge load into Ebonys pussy. I stayed in for couple of minutes, then pulled out and moved to a pillow.

The lady’s weren’t done, Ebony moved to her back and Mercedes moved over her daughter, Ebony lifted a leg straight up as Mercedes scissored her daughter, positioning their pussy’s together. Mercedes held her daughters ankle and started to grind her hips, humping her daughters pussy. Ebony had her eyes closed moaning happily as her mom humped her. Mercedes hips moved faster and faster, their scissoring brought each of them to yet another orgasm. When it subsided, Mercedes moved across my body and laid beside me, Ebony on the other side of me, i took turns kissing each of them.

“What time do you have to pick up Kelly?” Mercedes asked as we smiled at each other

“1:00” I replied

“Good, you’re staying here with us tonight” She said “Im gonna go lock up” She stood and left the room naked.

That gave me and Ebony the chance to cuddle and kiss until Mercedes returned. I fell asleep naked and happy between the perfect naked mother and daughter team, a night that I would never forget


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